Study Guide Ch. 4 The American Revolution Test

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British and Patriots Advantages & Disadvantages- Patriots were out manned, but
knew land better.
Loyalists- Americans loyal to the crown.
Patriots- Americans loyal to America
Guerilla Warfare- Fighting in tree’s and not face to face
Letters of Marque- Alliance with french
Battle of Bunker Hill- We gained confidence
Fort Ticonderoga- Got weapons
Ethan Allen
Benedict Arnold- Traitor, defected to the British.
Battle of Dorchester Heights- Won the city of boston.
Henry Knox- He was the financial advisor.
Enlightenment thinkers- They helped promote the idea of revolution and freedom.
Baron de Montesquieu- Helped train the American soldiers.
John Locke- Enlightenment thinker.
Thomas Hobbes- Another enlightment thinker.
Thomas Paine- He wrote Common Sense
Olive Branch Petition- A movement to make peace with England.
John Dickinson- He wrote the letters of the Farmer of Pennsylvania
James Otis- Early advocate for independence
Declaration of Independence- Declaring America to be its own country
Thomas Jefferson- Wrote the decloration
John Hancock- first to sign the decleration
Valley Forge- Where the army stayed in the winter and trained
The Crossing- Going across the deleware and fighting the battle of Trenton
Saratoga- Where the French were convinced to join
Yorktown- Where we ended the war
Treaty of Paris 1783- Offical ending of the war

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