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B U S I N E S S Article reprint
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This is a publication of The Gateway Regional Chamber of Commerce. Volume Fourteen, Number Three
Please visit our website at March 2011

Lance Brings Disarming Style to Powerful House Committee

o Work Toil to Make that Grade
By Christopher Reardon
Leonard Lance watched the Union “It was important for us to fulfill our “What is lacking is certainty on tax Bush tax cuts during the lame
County residents attending a recent pledge to the American
“Those people…that
little things are policy,”
helpfulhe said.
to a “Seven in 10Novo new Nordisk,duck with expansive facility in
town hall meeting grow restless and we would repeal the bill,” he said. jobs in this country will be created
working family,” she said. Princeton, is“Itranked
was not47th,
perfecthaving been
but it was far25th
increasingly confrontational with one by small business. Why are small
Lance said he intends to co-sponsor a last year. Aeropostal,
preferred toaraising
in this
another, raised his hand and quietly Respect for its employees has helped
businesses not hiring like we would
bill in the House that will call for the retailer witheconomic
corporate environment,”
headquarters he said.
asked for order and civility. earn Atlantic Health System hope theyinclusion
would?inI believe
the it’s a lack
question of the constitutionality of Wayne, came in at 94 in 2011 after not
coveted Fortune of certainty.”
magazine 2011 list of the At the town hall meeting Lance
He got what he wanted. the mandate that all citizens purchase making the list infielded
2010.questions on subjects
100 Best Places to Work, one of a handful deftly
health insurance currently being de- The federal deficit, the ability of the as disparate as local public safety
Lance, the sophomore congressional of companies
cided in U.S. circuit and districtwith
courtsan address in New
United States to compete in theTo pick the 100 Best Companies Fortune
and board of education budgets to
representative from the 7th District, Jersey to U.S.
make the prestigious listing. partners
to be fast-tracked to the Supreme global market and the impact of both with the Great Place to Work
immigration, Social Security – “I don’t
now brings that level approach and
Court, similar to a bill sponsored by on employment also concernInstitute Lance. to conduct the most extensive
think it is unimaginable to ask some-
dignified manner to the powerful Atlantic Health, which also operates
Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL). employee survey
one whoin corporate
is 23 to work America;
a year longer,”
House Energy and Commerce Overlook Hospital in Summit, “Jobs, jobs,is ranked
jobs. We are committed,
Committee, to which he was recently In the meantime,
54thabsent repeal
on the listLance
after lastasyear the president is, 343
I believe to companies participated
he said – and Medicare in this
– “This is
appointed. Lance, a Republican, sees opportunities for improving the lowering the unemployment year’s
rate,” survey.
more difficult than Social Security,”
81. Worldwide pharmaceutical company (Continued
he said. “If it were on page
easily done we 4)
joins Rep. Frank Pallone (D-6) as the law and taking other steps to bring he said, later adding, “The best
only two representatives from New true health care reform, such as in- way to lower the deficit is to have would have done it.”
Jersey serving on the committee. Lance stituting medical malpractice reform. stronger employment.” The range of topics and fervor of the
mpanies. The employees
ed Atlantic Health a great
of the
will serve on
to work
mittee and Commerce, Trade and
Hospital in Summit
Health Subcom-
Lance Brings Disarming Style to
He also favors allowing people to
in 2010. purchase health insurance across Lance also predicts greater compro-
mise within the current House of
crowd did not faze him.
“The framers brilliantly recognized
Consumer Protection Subcommittee. state lines.

full as
“This congressional district has more
“He’s beenand there three full years,”
Powerful House Committee
Lance shared his views on a variety of
Representatives than in the previous
session, with a greater reliance on
shetopics that will be addressed by committees and subcommittees, and
there has to be a consideration
of local concerns with national
pharmaceutical medical device other concerns, and I try to consider both,”
Care By Christopher Reardon
said. “The
jobs than anyfacility is magnificent.
other district in the Day careand Commerce and Congress
Energy predicts more compromise between Lance said. “In this district the local
pital, is considered
United essential
States,” Lance forsaid.
recently health care Leonard
in general in both Lance
a recent watchedCongress
interview the Union County
and the White House,Lance,
point- the sophomore
concerns almost congressional
always mirror the
where “We are the medicine
personnel. Regardlesschestofofthe weather andwe residents
the town hall meeting.attending a recent
ing to town hall of the so-called
the extension representative fromconcerns.”
national the 7th District, now
patients the world.”
have to be at work and they’re always meeting grow restless and increasingly
He favors decreasing the nation’s
brings that level approach and dignified
y. Focus open. Snow, ice,
It is a medicine chestithe
intends matter and confrontational
reliance on foreign oil by lifting thewith one another, raised manner to the powerful House Energy
there is that’s comforting
to protect. to know. I don’t have day his hand and quietly
moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of asked for order and and Commerce Committee, to which
hat can care issues with my son.” civility.
Mexico and through expanded reliance he was recently appointed. Lance, a
Lance sees the focus and character of Republican, joins Rep. Frank Pallone (D-6)
on nuclear power,He including streamlin-
got what he wanted.
theFetherman, who is married
Energy and Commerce Commit- and has as the only two representatives from New
ing the re-approval process for existing
ried two other young
tee changing sons,
under the also is thankful
plants and creative financing to foster
oler who leadership
for of the currentand
the professional Congress.
career guidance, (Continued on page 5)
construction of new projects.
y. While He supports repeal
mentoring of the Patient
and tuition assistance she
atients, Protection from
received and Affordable
Atlantic Care
HealthAct,while Lance
workingcalled for measures to help
or health care reform bill, because small and medium businesses, such as
things a on her master’s degree. Then there are the
he feels the law will not “bend the making permanent the research and
day care discount coupons for amusement parks
curve” of health care costs, which
development tax credit and repealing
Great Adventure and the
now account for 17 percent of the Turtle Back Zoo
the medical device tax, noting there
provided freeDomestic
nation’s Gross by the hospital.
Product. are 4,500 medical device jobs in the
While Lance recognizes it is unlikely 7th District. He also called for tax
the law will be reversed, he applauded policy reform to stimulate economic Leonard Lance is comfortable both at home with constituents and in the
Y the
R recent
E House
G vote I for O repeal.
N A Ldevelopment and employment. halls of Congress.

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