Features of Cloud Computing - 10 Major Characteristics of Cloud Computing

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Features of Cloud Computing – 10

Major Characteristics of Cloud

After studying Cloud Computing Architecture. Here, we come up with
Features of Cloud Computing. The characteristics of cloud computing state its
importance in the market.
So, let’s start exploring Features of Cloud Computing.

Introduction to Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is getting more and more popularity day by day. The reason
behind is the gradual growth of the companies which are in need of the place
to store their data. Therefore, companies are in competition to provide large
space to store data along with the various features and quality service. It has
been found that Cloud Computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous,
convenient, on-demand network access the computing resources. There are
many services and features of cloud computing.
Features of Cloud Computing
Following are the characteristics of Cloud Computing:

1. Resources Pooling
It means that the Cloud provider pulled the computing resources to provide
services to multiple customers with the help of a multi-tenant model. There
are different physical and virtual resources assigned and reassigned which
depends on the demand of the customer. The customer generally has no
control or information over the location of the provided resources but is able
to specify location at a higher level of abstraction
2. On-Demand Self-Service
It is one of the important and valuable features of Cloud Computing as the
user can continuously monitor the server uptime, capabilities, and allotted
network storage. With this feature, the user can also monitor the computing

3. Easy Maintenance
The servers are easily maintained and the downtime is very low and even in
some cases, there is no downtime. Cloud Computing comes up with an update
every time by gradually making it better. The updates are more compatible
with the devices and perform faster than older ones along with the bugs which
are fixed.

4. Large Network Access

The user can access the data of the cloud or upload the data to the cloud from
anywhere just with the help of a device and an internet connection. These
capabilities are available all over the network and accessed with the help of
5. Availability
The capabilities of the Cloud can be modified as per the use and can be
extended a lot. It analyzes the storage usage and allows the user to buy
extra Cloud storage if needed for a very small amount.
6. Automatic System
Cloud computing automatically analyzes the data needed and supports a
metering capability at some level of services. We can monitor, control, and
report the usage. It will provide transparency for the host as well as the

7. Economical
It is the one-time investment as the company (host) has to buy the storage and
a small part of it can be provided to the many companies which save the host
from monthly or yearly costs. Only the amount which is spent is on the basic
maintenance and a few more expenses which are very less.

8. Security
Cloud Security, is one of the best features of cloud computing. It creates a
snapshot of the data stored so that the data may not get lost even if one of the
servers gets damaged. The data is stored within the storage devices, which
cannot be hacked and utilized by any other person. The storage service is
quick and reliable.
9. Pay as you go
In cloud computing, the user has to pay only for the service or the space they
have utilized. There is no hidden or extra charge which is to be paid. The
service is economical and most of the time some space is allotted for free.

10. Measured Service

Cloud Computing resources used to monitor and the company uses it for
recording. This resource utilization is analyzed by supporting charge-per-use
capabilities. This means that the resource usages which can be either virtual
server instances that are running in the cloud are getting monitored measured
and reported by the service provider. The model pay as you go is variable
based on actual consumption of the manufacturing organization.

IT is the company who maintains the servers, maintains the crashing of the
server and takes care of it. The company also buys the software and the
licenses for the operation of their business. All these things maintain by the
monthly fee which they are expecting from the firms they are serving. They are
so much focused on providing quality service as if they fail to do so they will be
behind in the competition. This web-based platform can only access through
the internet.machine learning project spam detector

Cloud Computing has numerous amounts of benefits which are helping both
hosts as well as the customer. A host consists of various benefits too which
benefit the customers. There are myriads of security feature which is a positive
point along with it the access time is very low and one can easily upload and
download data quickly. The company nowadays is in great need of the data
storage facility and the Big Data companies provide them very easily.
The 5 Benefits & Role of Cloud Computing in
Digital Transformation
by Anurag | Apr 18, 2020 | Uncategorized
Technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, IoT etc. have given rise to
innovative ways of doing business thus leaving the old business practices ineffective. Enterprises who
have been functioning in their respective domains for years are now facing an urgent need to pivot
their traditional business process to suit the needs of the modern consumer. Digital
transformation is the way these organizations make this change. While Cloud is the support they rely
on to enable this transformation.
74% of Tech Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) believe that cloud computing will have the maximum
measurable impact on their business in 2017. (Source – Forbes)

Why is Cloud Computing Important for Digital

Cloud computing is the use of remote servers over a network. These servers can provide functionality
like storage, processing, security, analytics etcetera. For digital disruption to take place a company
needs to revolutionize its current business process and leverage technologies like the internet of
things (IoT), chatbots, augmented reality, machine learning, big data analytics etc. All these
technologies require heavy computing power, storage, and IT infrastructure. Cloud computing
provides these services based on a company’s individual requirements.
Cloud computing is expected to grow from $67B in 2015 to $162B in 2020 securing a compound
annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19%. (Source)
Read More: 9 Elements that Collectively Complete a Digital Transformation

5 Ways Cloud Computing is Helping in Digital

Cloud computing has been the enabler of digital transformation in following ways:
1. Flexibility:
To effectively execute a digital transformation strategy a company will need to pivot its business
process multiple times. Cloud computing saves an organization from the hassle of investing in
varying IT resources by providing required computing resources, infrastructure, and platforms on
the go. This allows a company to be agile and flexible.
2. Cost-effective:
Along with the flexibility to adjust requirements, the cloud offers a scalable service model where an
enterprise only pays for the resources used. Hence not only it saves the capital expenditure of buying
and managing IT infrastructure but also helps companies to effectively scale their resources based on
3. Security:
If your database is stored in-house then you constantly face the risk of losing critical information due
to data breaches, unexpected system shutdown, disasters, brute force attacks etc. In case of cloud
hosting, you can easily create multiple backups of your data. This is especially beneficial when
dealing with big data as the chances of system failures significantly increase in case of the big data
4. Rapid Prototyping:
For digital transformation to work, an enterprise needs to continuously innovate, test, implement
and repeat. Cloud can provide companies with a platform where they can easily build, test and
deploy applications without the need to setup complex infrastructure. Hence throughout the
transformation phase, a company can experiment with multiple applications on different platforms.
5. Better Collaboration:
Digital transformation requires a company to adapt to a culture of innovation and creativity and
leave the old hierarchical chain of commands. Cloud computing allows the files to be accessed from
any place and at any time. It is also possible to control the level of authority of user thus ensuring
optimal delegation. Overall it helps create an atmosphere of collaboration and teamwork in the
All these benefits suggest clearly that if you are planning for a digital transformation in your
enterprise then the cloud is a logical and optimal solution. If you are planning to move to the cloud
or are looking for an IT solution expert then we can be a partner of choice. With a vivid experience of
working on different technologies like cloud, mobile, web, etc. for over 10 years, we have built deep
expertise in these domains. Feel free to get in touch for a project discussion, consultation or POC.
Introduction to Example Of Cloud
Cloud computing is a technology that uses the internet for storing and
managing data on remote servers, and then access data via the internet. This
type of system allows users to work on the remote. Cloud computing
customers do not own the physical infrastructure; they rent the usage from a
third-party provider. Cloud Computing and the Essential characteristics of
cloud services are On-demand self- service, Broad network access, Resource
pooling, rapid elasticity. Cloud computing is so successful because of its
simplicity in its usage. They are a cost-effective solution for enterprises. The
various features are Optimal Server Utilization, On-demand cloud services
(satisfying client), Dynamic Scalability, Virtualization techniques. One such
example is Google cloud – It is a suite of public cloud services offered by
Google. All the application development run on Google hardware. They
include Google Compute Engine, App engine, google cloud storage, Google
container engine.
Types of Services:

1. SAAS (Software-as-a-Service)- Examples Microsoft Office Live,

2. PAAS (Platform-as-a-Service)- Examples Google App Engine
3. IAAS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) – Examples IBM cloudburst.

Why now cloud computing?

1. Economics of scale: The rapid growth of e-commerce and social
media has increased the demand for computational resources. In larger
data centers, it is easier to maximize the amount of work and reduce idle
server time.
2. Expertise: Companies built data centers for their internal cloud, they
could develop expertise and technology to build public data centers.
3. Open-Source Software: The Linux operating system has become a
major cloud computing enabler.

Deployment Models of Cloud Computing

1. Private Cloud: It functions for single organizations on a private
network and it is secure. Ex: Corporate IT department.
2. Public Cloud: It is owned by the cloud service provider. Ex: Gmail.
3. Hybrid cloud: It is the combination of both private and public
versions of the cloud. Ex: Proprietary technology.

Top Cloud Computing Providers

• Amazon EC2 & S3: Is a key web service that creates and manage virtual
machine with the operating system running inside them.EC2 is much
more complex than S3.
• Google App Engine: Is a pure PAAS service. It is represented by the web
or application server.
• Windows Azure
• Google App
• Panda Cloud
Examples of Cloud Computing
Now we are going to discuss the Examples of Cloud Computing which are
mention below :

1. Dropbox, Facebook, Gmail

Cloud can be used for storage of files. The advantage is an easy backup. They
automatically synchronize the files from the desktop. Dropbox allowing users
to access files and storage up to 1 terabyte of free storage. Social Networking
platform requires a powerful hosting to manage and store data in real-time.
Cloud-based communication provides click-to-call capabilities from social
networking sites, access to the Instant messaging system.

2. Banking, Financial Services

Consumers store financial information to cloud computing serviced providers.
They store tax records as online backup services.

3. Health Care
Using cloud computing, Medical professionals host information, analytics and
do diagnostics remotely. As healthcare also comes in the list of examples of
cloud computing it allows other doctors around the world to immediately
access this medical information for faster prescriptions and updates.
Application of cloud computing in health care includes telemedicine, public
and personal health care, E-health services and bioinformatics.

4. Education
This is useful in institutions of higher learning provide benefits to universities
and colleges so henceforth Education comes in the examples of cloud
computing. Google and Microsoft provide various services free of charge to
staff and students in different learning institutions. Several Educational
institutions in united states use them to improve efficiency, cut on costs.
Example- Google App Education (GAE). They allow the user to use their
personal workspace, teaching becomes more interactive.
5. Government
They deliver e-Governance services to citizens using cloud-based IT services.
They have the technology to handle large transactions, citizens can see fewer
congestion bottlenecks.

6. Big data Analytics

Big data analytics is another example of Cloud computing, As cloud computing
enables data scientist in analyzing their data patterns, insights, correlations,
predictions and help in good decision making. There are many open sources of
big tools like Hadoop, Cassandra.

7. Communication
Cloud allows network-based access to communication tools like emails and
calendars. Wats app is also a cloud-based infrastructure as it comes in
communication it is also one of the examples of cloud computing. All the
messages and information are stored in service providers hardware.

8. Business Process
Business email is cloud-based. ERP, document management and CRM are
based on a cloud service provider. SAAS has become an important method for
the enterprise. Examples include Salesforce, HubSpot. They make many
business processes more reliable because data can be copied at multiple
redundant sites on the cloud providers.

There are various applications of cloud computing in today’s world. Many
search engines and social networks, business is using the same concept. Using
google wave we can create a document and invite others to comment.
Examples Spice bird, Mikogo. Google is currently the forerunner of cloud
computing as it produces accurate and instant results for thousands of search
Advantages And Disadvantages of Cloud
As we have studied in the above section about the examples of cloud
computing so now we are going ahead with the advantages and disadvantages
of cloud computing

• Reduced cost: The billing model is paid as per usage. Initial expensive
and recurring expenses are much lower than traditional.
• Increased Storage: They have massive storage and maintenance of
large volumes of data.
• Flexibility
• They are scalable, as we can pay for the amount of storage required. And
are used in emergency back up plan.

• Performance on shared infrastructure can be inconsistent. Servers
maintained by cloud computing can fall to natural disasters and internal
• Privacy and security in the cloud are much more concerns.
• reliability, As well as privacy. Vendor lock and failure is also another
concern in cloud computing.
• Data Transfer costs: Outbound data transfer over the monthly basis is
charged as per GB Basis.
• Downtime: If the internet connection is down, Unable to access any of
the applications, server or data from the cloud.

The popularity of cloud computing is grooming day by day due to its
numerous benefits. The ability to avoid expensive software license costs is one
of the factors that enables companies to provide cloud services. They are
internet based Cloud resources are available over the network anytime and are
accessed through a standard mechanism that promotes use by different types
of platforms (e.g.: mobile phones, laptops, and PDAs). They also help in e-
learning by providing many services online for education. Cloud computing
allows focussing more on business, not on data centers.

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