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I would like to acknowledge my teachers
Nilima mam,Ashisi tripati sir,Oshima pinto
mam,Pawaskar sir and Pawar sir.
Last but not the least I would like to thank
Sujatha Rao who has given us an opportunity to
share our experience.
The report is all about the industrial visit
experience in three company i.e GKB optics,
Jaywan tyres and the Kingfisher company.
But apart from that it tell us about the various
visit in beaches,church etc.

The objective of Industrial visit was to know
about the management being practiced,how the
people in the company manage the operation and
how the resources are managed.To know about
the supply system and how the demand are
met.To know about whether the concepts ,which
are being thought in various business school,are
applied in the real sense or not.

Our industrial visit was from 22nd November

2010 to 26th November 2010. We boarded
Karwar express from panvel station at
11.45pm.We had our dinner and played some
games in train.We were very excited for the next
day.Our train reached at 8.00am in Madgaov
station.From there we went by bus to Hotel
Green park laun.we had our breakfast
overthere.Later on we went to Hotel Green
park.It was a beautiful hotel.As soon as we went
over there the accommodation group were busy
in collecting the keys of the room.We were
divided in a group of four people.we finally got
our key after 15minutes.
We were very tired after a long journey but the
journey was just started. At 1.30pm we were
told to be present near the bus. It was decided
that they will take us to site scene.
So after having our lunch we first went Anjuna
beach.We were only given 25min to move
around.There many shop around.I purchased two
pen stand from the shop.
The next beach was Baga beach.There also they
gaved us 15 min to move around.
Our next visit was to Aguada Fort.We reached
there at 5.30pm.The fort was closed. We got
some information that the fort was constructed
in 1612 to guard against the Dutch and the
Marathas. It was a reference point for the vessels
coming from Europe at that time. Fort Aguada
was the most prized and crucial fort of
Portuguese.It was nearly 7.30pm around we
were taken to the cruise.There was goan dance
which reflected the culture and tradition of
goa.We enjoyed the moment.Later on Pillai’s
college student was also welcome to the stage
for DJ.We enjoyed the moment a lot.Finally we
were taken to the Hotel.On 24th November 2010
we were told to be present at 9.00am.On that day
we went to GKB optics.Mr Amol guided us.
GKB Opticals Group is the largest Optical
company in the country in the Eye Care
business, manufacturing and dispensing of
Ophthalmic Lenses, through its wide network
across the country. GKB today has grown to the
biggest retail chain of outlets with strength of
large network of Lifestyle Retail Outlets.
Apart, GKB also has its own range of brands
which lays special emphasis on the looks and
styling. It makes an attempt to bring the
international styling and quality to the Indian
customers at an affordable price tag.
We were first taken to the production area.The
first was to generate the lense.PVX lenses are
used for this purpose.For manufacturing the
spherical lenses SCG machine is used.Diamond
cutters are used for cutting the lense.
Second step is smoothing .In smoothing process
diamond pellet’s are used .The diamond pellets
rotate at a high speed.
3rd Step is polishing.In this process selium oxide
is used.Later on the lens are taken to black
room.In this room Quality control process is
carried out.Thus the product delivered is of good
quality.But during the process defect may arise
due to machine,material.or the method which is
used.In the black room convex side is checked
properly.0.5% of breakage is acceptable.Thus
after this process we can say that semi finished
convex lense are ready.The convex side is
painted. After this process the lens are dried for
some time.
After painting and drying ,blocking process is
carried out.The apparatus used is known as
blockers.Lens are placed under the axis.Again
smoothing process is carried out.During the
process amri powder is used.Further it is
polished by using celium oxide.
The next step is melting process and lateron
deblocking process is carried out.After using
polyuthrin for the polishing process the lens are
kept in mary –go- round machine.The lens rotate
10 cycles/day.
The lens are further checked for scratches.The
lens are moved to the auto lens maker were
barcod are stick which give information.The
lense are further packed in plastic and later on
sent for final packaging.
We got many details in GKB optics.
After 2.00pm we went for sight scene.We first
went to shiv mandir.Than we went to The
Basilica of Bom Jesus or Basilica of Good Jesus.
The Jesuit church is India’s first minor basilica,
and is considered to be one of the best examples
of baroque architecture in India.After one hour
we went to mapusa market. Mapusa market was
first cited by a Dutch Chronicler in 1580, who
described it as The "Bazaar Grande". The town's
name evolved from the Konkani words "maap"
meaning 'volumes of measure' and "Sa" meaning
'to fill'. Mapusa's location at the center of
commercial activity as well as its proximity to a
religious site has caused the Mapusa market to
develop to its current size and scope..At night
we had DJ in the hotel.On 25th November 2010
we went to Jaywan tyres.
One of the employee of Jaywan Tyres guided
us.He told that the defected tyres are brought
over there and repaired and resold.The first stage
is to wash the defected tyres.The second stage is
to remove the defect.The paste is made by
burning wooden plank,plastic,and water.These
paste is added on the surface of the tyre.The tyre
and the paste is covered by thick plastic and
heated so that the paste can stick to the tyre and
this tyre are then solded for Rs 15000/-
Later on we moved to Kingfisher company.
Kingfisher beer is an Indian beer brewed by
United Breweries Group. With a market share of
over 36%, it is India's largest selling beer, with 1
out of every 3 bottles of beer sold in India being
a Kingfisher brand. It is currently available in 52
countries outside India. Kingfisher Beer is well
known worldwide as “The King of Good
One of the employee of kingfisher company
guided us.The process was described by him as
Malting is the first step. This involves soaking
the harvested grain in water and allowing
germination to begin. This, by a complicated
chemical process, creates sugar, a necessary
component to fermentation.
45% of moisture is developed.

The partly germinated grain is now kilned, or

heat dried, and it is called malt at this stage.

Milling is next - the malt is re-mixed with water

to complete the conversion of starches in the
grain to sugar, then the grain is milled to create
the proper consistency to the malt, now termed

The grist is subsequently mashed.i.e it is crused

with water at 45c. This involves re-mixing with
water and boiling it in a series of steps.At this
stage the temperature raises at 52C. Finally the
wort is separated from the grain residue by a
series of spinning and filtering steps.

Next the wort is transferred to a copper vat, hops

are added, and the mixture is boiled for a period
of time. After boiling, the wort is subjected to a
process by which a process by which the spent
hops and other residues are removed.

The wort is transferred to a fermenting vessel

and yeast is added. The wort should be about ten
percent sugars in solution at this point. The
fermentation process begins now, and the wort
will be transformed into beer by the yeast cells.

Once fermentation has completed, a secondary

fermentation is induced to rid the beer of
impurities and improve the flavor. This step, in
the ‘homebrew’ process, is completed in the
bottle to add carbonation to the beer. The
carbonation gives the beer a fresh flavor, and
helps the beer keep longer.

Maturation of the completed beer follows. The

beer is stored cold for a period of time, allowing
the flavor to mellow and certain chemical
processes to complete.
Once this is complete, commercial breweries
filter the beer and package it for sale. Draft beer
is placed in metal casks and sent out to market in
refrigerated trucks.
Bottled and canned beer are pasteurized after
bottling and sold.
We were very tired.At evening we went to
kalangad beach.On 26th at morning 10.00am we
went to kalangad beach and we had enjoyed the
rides such as banana boat,motar boat.We were
only given 30minutes to enjoy the rides.Than
when we reached the hotel we had only
15minutes to pack our bags and to move out.We
boarded Janshatadi Express at 3.15pm.We
reached at 10.15pm in panvel station.
1.Atleast one Pharma company or biotech
company should be selected for industrial
2.The visit should be already planned
3.It should be noted that the service provided by
the Hotel should not be below the zone of


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