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English is a Compulsary Subject

[ Jordi ]
Language is the mean of communication. Mostly groups of society
have their own languages. Some of them appear the top global
languages. Most people in the world hear about English, Arabic, and
Mandarin. One foreign language is encouraged in developing countries
is English because English is an international language and has
developed into a language of science and technology , English is also
used to write about science and technology.

[ Hafizh ]

In Indonesia, the English language has been taught in schools and

has been used as a compulsory subject for students and middle and
high school levels has become even extra lessons for primary school

[ Dendi ]

But even so, many students or people

who are learning English may find it
difficult and even frustrating in learning
English. This is understandable because
it can be very different Indonesian with
English language especially in terms of
grammar and pronunciation of English
words differently from the way of
writing the word.
[ Inter ]

However, there are many benefits gained from learning English since
the school year .
and there are many facts which stated that the English language is
required to be studied
[ Jordi ]
Firstly , Access to knowledge Abundant
English is the key to the world of science. In 1997, 95% of articles in
science citation index are written in English, though only about 50% of
them coming from English speaking countries. (source)

[ Hafizh ]
Secondly . News , we can watch international television networks
such as CNN International and NBC. They broadcast the news much
faster, and more professional than the national networks of smaller
ones. And we can watch it anywhere in the world.

[ Dendi ]
Thirdly , Extensive communication
due to learning English . Around 1.5
billion people in the world speak
English. As many as 1 billion more is
being learned. (source)
75% of letters and postal cards
world-written in English. (source)
Almost all international conferences
and competitions are conducted in
English. For example olympics.
[ Inter ]
If we can communicate in English, we can:
At the end of 2010 about 2 billion people (about one third of the world's
population) will speak English as their second language .

[ Jordi ]
So, at the development era and the beginning of the era of the World
Free Market so that the conversation by using English is essential.
Where Technology, Business and cultural development is always
evolving. English is the international language so that language
becomes language of instruction of the World. It would be ironic if our
nation can not be mingled with the nations of the world due to
backwardness would English.

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