Badge and Gradebook Guide

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Badges and Gradebook in EDMODO

Using the Gradebook

Keep your students’ Progress up to date and organized with Edmodo’s Gradebook!
Your students' grades are automatically entered when you grade Quizzes and
Assignments from your groups.  To get started and have students' names appear in your
Gradebook, you must first create an Assignment or Quiz.

Add New Grading Periods to Grade Book (Teacher)

If you would like a fresh start to an existing Group's Progress Book, you can create
a new Grading Period, which will add a blank sheet for your students' new grades. You
have the option to edit, transfer, or add new grades to the previous grading period.
To create a new Grading Period in your Grade Book, follow the directions below:
1. Navigate to the Grade Book where you would like to add a new Grading Period.
2. Click on the "New Grading Period" button   in the Grading Period section.

Your new Grading Period will appear as an empty Progress Book. Any
previous Grading Periods will be available in the Grading Period section above your
list of student names.
Badges and Gradebook in EDMODO
Access Your Progress Page (Teacher)
To access your Progress Page, follow the directions below:
1. Go to the “Classes” icon   in the top toolbar.
2. In the Sub Headings Section, Select "Progress".
3. In the upper left corner of the page, select the class you would like to view.
4. Click to view Grades or Badges.
5. Click on an individual student name to view more details about that student's

Gradebook Formatting Errors (Teacher)

If you have formatting errors in your Gradebook, such as skipped or duplicate

lines, blank columns, or grades in the wrong place, your browser's magnification settings
are probably not set to 100%.
To fix this, please set your browser's magnification settings to 100% by following the
steps on this page:
Badges and Gradebook in EDMODO
Add Assignments and Grades (Teacher)
While any Assignment or Quiz you post to your Group can be automatically
added to the Gradebook, we know not all assignments will be posted using Edmodo.
To add grades for Assignments or Quizzes not posted through Edmodo, do the following:
1. Select the “Add Grade” button at the top right corner of the Grade Book.

2. Provide the title of the Assignment and the total number of points possible for
that Assignment.
3. Click "Create."

4. A new grade column will be added - it will be blank since the results don't come
from Edmodo. You can add grades manually by clicking on the blank grade area
for the student and typing in the grade. 

Note: Assignment and Quiz grades for individual Students will not automatically
appear in the Gradebook. Assignments and Quizzes sent to individual Students must be
added manually.
Badges and Gradebook in EDMODO
Edit Grades (Teacher)

Once a student’s Assignment has been graded, the grade will automatically
populate in the Progress Book if you have chosen to include the Assignment there. To
edit the grade directly from the Progress Book:
1. Go to the "Class" icon   in the top toolbar.
2. In the drop down panel, select "Progress."
3. Place your cursor on the grade in the column where you want to change the
grade. You can also view the Assignment associated with the grade, by
selecting the “View Work” link. (You must click on the grade first in order to
see the link.)
4. Click the grade and enter any changes. Changes are automatically saved. 

Export Grades (Teacher)

To upload Edmodo grades to an external grading program, you can export your
grades into a CSV file to be uploaded to your grading program:
1. Click the “Export” button at the top right corner of the Progress Book page.
2. It will be downloaded as a CSV file.
Note: The spreadsheet will download to your computer. You can open it in any
application that opens CSV files, typically Excel or a spreadsheet program. You can then
upload this into the Gradebook program of your choice.
Badges and Gradebook in EDMODO
Create, Manage, and Share Badges
Create a Badge (Teacher)
You can create your own personalized Badges to award to your students.
1. Go to the “Class”   icon on the top toolbar.
2. Click on the  "Progress" button.
3. Click on the "Badges” button.
4. Click the "Add Badges" icon.

5. Provide a Badge Title for the Badge and a description, then click the "Upload
Image" to provide an image for the Badge.
6. Your image should be 114 x 114 pixels or it will be automatically resized to
fit into this standard Badge size.
7. Click the "Add Badge" button.

Note: Although you may still see some animated GIF Badges, this is no longer a
supported file type. Badges can no longer be edited. Since Badges can no longer be edited,
if you intend to share the Badge, you must check the box to share the Badge with
other teachers when you create the Badge. You will not be able to go back later to
share it.
Badges and Gradebook in EDMODO
Access Other Teachers' Badges (Teacher)
Why reinvent the wheel? As long as Teachers have shared their Badges with other
Teachers, you can access other Teachers' Badges and add them to your own Badge
collection. To access other Teacher's Badges, simply follow these steps:
1. Go to the Teacher's Profile. Find their profile by typing the Teacher's name into
the Search Bar, or clicking on their name on a Post.

2. Scroll down and find the "(Teacher's Name) Collections" Panel.

3. Click "Shared Badges".

4. Scroll down and find the badge you want to use. Click on "Show more" to load
more badges at a time.
5. Click "Add to My Student Badges" to the right of the Badge you want to use.

Note: Once you have added another Teacher's Badge to your Badges, you
can award the Badge to individual Students OR award the Badge to multiple Students
at once. 
Badges and Gradebook in EDMODO
Delete a Badge (Teacher)
If you create a Badge and then decide you no longer need it, you can easily delete
the Badge. 
1. Go to your profile.

2. Scroll down and find the "(Your Name) Collections" Panel.

3. Click "Shared Badges."
4. Scroll down and click on the badge you want to delete. Click on "Show more" to
load more badges at a time.
5. Click "Details" below the Badge’s name.

6. Click on the "Delete this Badge" button above the Badge's icon.

7. "Delete" to confirm you want to delete your Badge.

8. Your Badge will be removed from your Badges area.

Note: If you delete a Badge from your My Badges area that you did not create (i.e. a
Badge that another teacher created and shared), you are not deleting it from Edmodo or
from that teacher's Badges area. It will only be deleted from your My Badges area.  
Award Badges
Badges and Gradebook in EDMODO
Overview Trying to find ways to recognize your students and keep track of positive
behavior? You can easily provide recognition to individual students for their
achievements. Badges are simple to award, and teachers have the option to choose pre-
made designs or create their own. Try even incorporating Badges with your current class
reward system; talk about motivation (and organization)! Note: Teachers can only award
Badges to Students at this time. They cannot be awarded to other Teachers. Some
Edmodo Badges are awarded to teachers automatically like 1st Edmodo teacher at your

Award a Badge (Teacher)

Once you select the “Award Badge” button, you will have the option to create a
Badge, choose from Badges you have created in the past, or choose from Edmodo created
Badges. You can award a Badge to an individual from the student's profile, but you
can award a Badge to multiple students at once from the Progress page.
To award a Badge from a Student’s Profile:
1. Visit the Profile of the student you’d like to award the Badge to and select
the “Award Badge” button at the top of his or her Profile page.

2. Select a Badge: "My Student Badges" are Badges you have created, or choose
an Edmodo created Badge to award.
3. Hover over the Badges to see the name of each Badge.
4. Click on the Badge you want to award.
5. Click the "Award Badge" button.

6. You'll see the new Badge in the student's Profile under Badges.
Badges and Gradebook in EDMODO

Note: You can link to a student’s Profile straight from the Progress page by clicking
on the student’s name. You can also type the student’s name into the search field.

Award a Badge to Multiple Students at Once (Teacher)

If you have a Badge that you would like to award to multiple students at once in
the same group, you can easily do this by following these steps:
1. Go to the “Classes” icon   in the top toolbar.
2. In the Sub Headings Section, Select "Progress".
3. In the upper left corner of the page, select the class.
4. Click "Add Badge."
5. Select your Badge and click "Add badge to this Group."

6. Check off the students whom you would like to receive this badge.
Badges and Gradebook in EDMODO
Award a Badge from a "Members" Page (Teacher)
You can also award a Badge to a student when you are on the the Class or Group's
“Members” page:  
1. Select the Group or Class name from the "My Classes" panel on the left side.
2. Click the “Members” tab located in the left panel.
3. On the Members page, click the student's name you wish to award a Badge to.

4. On the top right area of their Profile, click the "Award Badge" button.

5. Click on the Badge to award.
6. Click the "Award Badge" button

Revoke a Badge (Teacher)

Sometimes you will need to revoke a Badge.

1. Visit the Profile of the student who was awarded the Badge.
2. Click the Badge you want to revoke, or click the "Show more" button to open
up the Badge panel if you don't see the specific Badge immediately.
3. Click the “Revoke” option at the right side.
4. The Badge will be removed from the student's Profile.
5. Repeat for any other Badges that need to be revoked.
Note: You can only revoke a Badge if you awarded that Badge. You cannot revoke
Badges other teachers have awarded. 
Badges and Gradebook in EDMODO
View your Grades and Badges (Students)
View Your Grades (Student)
Once your teacher has graded your Assignments and Quizzes, you'll want to go to
the Progress area to see your results. You can access your grades by doing the following:
1. Go to the “Classes” icon   in the top toolbar.
2. In the Sub Headings Section, Select "Progress".
What you will see:
 Your total points in the Group out of all possible points.
 A list of all Assignments and Quizzes and your grade for each. For Assignments
and Quizzes that were handed in on Edmodo, you can click the item's name to
see the overview. 
 The badges you've been awarded in your Group. 

Note: The grades reflected in this list are reflective of the your teacher's entries to
the Progress Page.   
Badges and Gradebook in EDMODO
View Your Badges (Student)
You can view the Badges you have earned from your Profile and your Progress
section. To view your Badges from your Profile, follow the directions below:
1. Click on your profile icon at the top right.
2. Select “Profile” from the drop down list.
3. The Badge section will show the total Badges awarded.
4. If you have earned many Badges, click the "Show more" link to the right and all
Badges awarded by your teachers will appear.
5. You can now see the details of the Badges earned including the awarding teacher.

You can also see the Group Badges you have earned from your Progress section by
following the steps below: 
1. Click on the “Classes” icon   on the top toolbar of your student account.
2. Click on the “Progress” tab in the dropdown toolbar.
3. Select the class from which you would like to view classes from.
4. Click on the "Badges" link in the center right area.
5. Any Badges awarded to you in this Group will appear here.

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