Baitang 7 CPE 101: Worksheet

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Unit 1

The Professional Teachers are Socially Responsible


CPE 101

R --- Philippine Normal University ---
a A.Y. 2020 - 2021
Unit 1
The Professional Teachers are Socially Responsible


“Teachers… are the most responsible and important member of

society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth.”
- Helen Caldicott
Module 1 presents meaningful discussions that will make you
realize the significant role that teachers play in society. It allows us to
critically reflect the demands it will extract from you for much is
expected of you as future elementary teacher. The module covers the
following lessons:
Lesson 1: Socially Responsible Teachers: Rich with
Philosophical Heritage
Lesson 2: Socially Responsible Teachers: Active Members of
Social Institutions
Lesson 3: Socially Responsible Teachers: Moral and Ethical
Each lesson will have its corresponding learning outcomes.
Assessments are carried out through various activities. Continue to
learn, unlearn, and relearn, future elementary educators!
Unit 1
The Professional Teachers are Socially Responsible

Lesson 1
Socially Responsible Teachers: Rich with
Philosophical Heritage


1. Formulate a personal educational philosophy that would

guide teachers in their exercise of the teaching

Duration: 2 hours
Unit 1
The Professional Teachers are Socially Responsible


Inventory of Philosophies of Education

Direction: Read the following statements and views about schools and teaching. Decide
how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement. Use the scale below and write your
responses on the blank before each statement:

5- Strongly Agree; 4- Agree; 3- Neither Agree nor Disagree; 2-Disagree; 1- Strongly Disagree

___1. A school curriculum includes the essentials that the students should know.
___2. A school curriculum deals with time-tested ideas.
___3. Field trips, internships, and practicum connect classroom theories to the real world.
___4. Schools should develop among the students the ability to solve social problems.
___5. The student should decide what he wants to learn and when to learn it.
___6. Students could be promoted to the higher level only when they have mastered the
key materials.
___7. Schools should develop students’ ability to think, analyze, and reason out.
___8. Teachers must emphasize to the students the relation of their learning to real world.
___9. Schools should teach students how to recognize problems in society and work for the
solutions to alleviate them.
___10. Students who do not want to study should not be forced to do so.
___11. Teachers should require students to work hard and master academic lessons taught
to merit grades.
___12. Learning should be appreciated for its own sake. It is not about solving problems and
memorizing facts.
___13. The experiences and needs of the students should be considered in preparing the
___14. Schools should develop among the students respect for ethnic and racial groups.
___15. The purpose of school is to help students understand themselves and find their own
place in the world.
Unit 1
The Professional Teachers are Socially Responsible

Inventory of Philosophies of Education

Direction: Read the following statements and views about schools and teaching. Decide
how strongly you agree or disagree with the statement. Use the scale below and write your
responses on the blank before each statement:

5- Strongly Agree; 4- Agree; 3- Neither Agree nor Disagree; 2-Disagree; 1- Strongly Disagree

___16. To be able to compete in the global village, schools must raise standards for
academic requirements to produce competent graduates.
___17. Teachers must prescribe the use of Great Books because they contain insights
related to the issues at present.
___18. Schools should include opportunities for social interaction in the curriculum.
___19. Schools should develop political literacy among the students so they can use it to
improve the quality of life.
___20. The primary function of the school is to provide students options and choices to
decide for themselves.
___21. Schools must encourage students to memorize basic facts about people and events
that shaped history.
___22. The teacher’s main objective is to help students unlock the insights gained over
time, so they can learn from the great thinkers of the past.
___23. Students should be active participants in the learning process.
___24. Teaching means identifying a new list of Great Books relevant to the present times
which would prepare students to create better society than their ancestors.
___25. Teachers should assist the students in discovering themselves and developing their
own personal values, even when those values conflict with others values.

Interpreting your Response:

Now that you have responded to the items, write the number of your response to each
statement in the spaces below. Add the numbers in each column to determine your attitude
towards the educational philosophies. The highest possible score in any column is 25, and the
lowest is 5. Scores in the 20’s indicate strong agreement and scores below 10 indicate
disagreement with the tenets of a particular philosophy.
Unit 1
The Professional Teachers are Socially Responsible
Essentialism Perennialism Progressivism Social Existentialism
1. 5 2. 4 3. 4 4. 5 5. 3
6. 4 7. 5 8. 5 9. 4 10. 3
11. 5 12. 4 13. 4 14. 5 15. 5
16. 3 17. 4 18. 4 19. 4 20. 4
21. 4 22. 5 23. 5 24. 5 25. 5
Score: Score: Score: Score: Score:


A. Direction: Answer the guide question:

Compare your five scores. What is your highest? What is your lowest? To what
philosophy do you strongly adhere to?
When I compared my five scores, the result was I strongly adhere to the philosophy of Social
Reconstructionism and when I check my lowesr score it is of the Existentialism.

B. You may notice that your philosophical leaning, as identifies by your responses,
reflect your general outlook or philosophy. Know more about each of the educational
philosophies by doing a research on the following: (Graded oral recitation will be
conducted on 16 March 2021)
1. Essentialism -Is the educational philosophy of teaching basic skills. This philosophy
advocates training the mind. Essentialist educators focus on transmitting a series of
progressively difficult topics and promotion of students to the next level or grade.
Subjects are focused on the historical context of the material world and culture, and
move sequentially to give a solid understanding of the present day. This philosophy
stresses core knowledge in reading, writing, math, science, history, foreign language,
and technology. The tools include lecturing, memorization, repetition, practice, and
2. Perennialism- Is the educational philosophy that the importance of certain works
transcends time. Perennial works are those considered as important and applicable
today as they were when they were written, and are often referred to as great books.
Unit 1
The Professional Teachers are Socially Responsible
Perennialism is sometimes referred to as “culturally conservative,” because it does not
challenge gender stereotypes, incorporate multiculturalism, or expose and advocate
technology, as would be expected of contemporary literature.
3. Progressivism- Is based on the positive changes and problem-solving approach that
individuals with various educational credentials can provide their students. Progressivist
educators are outcome focused and don’t simply impart learned facts. Teachers are less
concerned with passing on the existing culture and strive to allow students to develop
an individual approach to tasks provided to them
4. Social Reconstructionism - Is an educational philosophy that views schools as tools to
solve social problems. Social reconstructionists reason that, because all leaders are the
product of schools, schools should provide a curriculum that fosters their development.
Reconstructionists not only aim to educate a generation of problem solvers, but also try
to identify and correct many noteworthy social problems that face our nation, with
diverse targets including racism, pollution, homelessness, poverty, and violence. Rather
than a philosophy of education, reconstructionism may be referred to as more of a
remedy for a society that seeks to build a more objective social order.
5. Existentialism- Promotes attentive personal consideration about personal character,
beliefs, and choices. The primary question existentialists ask is whether they want to
define who they are themselves, or whether they want society to define them. Although
freedom and individuality are highly valued American principles, existentialists argue
that there is an underlying message of conformity. Rather than the belief that the mind
needs to understand the universe, existentialists assume that the mind creates its
universe. Their beliefs incorporate the inevitability of death, as the afterlife cannot be
experienced personally with the current senses, focusing on the fact that the experience
we have of the world is temporary and should be appreciated as such.
6. Behaviorism- Behaviorism can also be thought of as a form of classroom
management. Behaviorists believe human beings are shaped entirely by their external
environment. If you alter a person's environment, you will alter his or her thoughts,
feelings, and behavior. The system is based on rewards and punishments. Behaviorists
believe that if teachers provide positive reinforcement, or rewards, whenever students
perform a desired behavior, they will learn to perform the behavior on their own
7. Constructivism - Constructivism is an important learning theory that educators use to
help their students learn. Constructivism is based on the idea that people actively
construct or make their own knowledge, and that reality is determined by your
experiences as a learner.
Unit 1
The Professional Teachers are Socially Responsible
C. Reflecting upon the different elements of these philosophies/theories, specify the
philosophies that appeal to you most and you might include in your own philosophy as
a future teacher (minimum of 150 words)

There are five main learning objectives. According to study, teachers should be able to
interpret and examine their students' viewpoints in philosophy such as progressivism,
social reconstructionism, existentialism, essentialism, and lastly perennialism.
Existentialism and Perennialism are the philosophies that will relate to me if I were to
become a professional educator.This would be the 2 philosophy because first of all
existentialism if I were a professor I would guide my students and teach them the
correct way of life and show them that they must comfortably live in their originality
and begin to appreciate and take some responsibility.

Secondly, the perennialism, students are focused on what is meant to lead students as
a teacher and allow them to begin the process of growing up and using it in the near

Learning the teacher should give them socially minded opportunities or threats and the
possibility of improving society.
Unit 1
The Professional Teachers are Socially Responsible

D. Draw a symbol for each of the 7 philosophies. Explain your symbol.

Philosophy Symbol Explanation

Based on my symbol it
emphasize that people should
learn the basic skills in order
to do well in this life. May it
be reading, studying,
Essentialism dancing, singing and etc this
are the basic skills we need
and learn. The aim of it is to
instill in our mind that though
it is the basic element but it
was the most essential.

Perennialism Perennialism symbolizes the

importance of history and
knowledge passed on for
generations after generations.
Knowledge and wisdom are
better taught if it was passed
from one person to other
person. Great achievements
of science and technology,
mathematics, war, and etc
are based on perennialism
where the consensus minds
made it possible.
Unit 1
The Professional Teachers are Socially Responsible
Progressivism Progressive symbolizes the
infinite progress of a human
being. From todler to
whoever he may be. People
evolve on a daily basis
depending on their
environment and their
knowledge and understanding
how the world works.
Progressive people are most
likely to become successful
ones for they tend to perceive
what the next steps to take
and most of them are

Social Social reconstructionism

Reconstructionism perceives that a discussion of
moral dilemma to understand
the implication of ones
actions. Unity beats
individualism, people must
take a dialogue with one
another no matter the gender
preference and identity, race,
culture and status to achieve
a cohesive environment
where people could learn and
understand each other.
Existentialism Base on my symbol
existentialism means the
word free will. The will to
choose whatever we want
and decided no matter what
the consequences may be.
The freedom to choose who
we want to be, the freedom
to choose which direction we
should go and what path
should we choose.
Unit 1
The Professional Teachers are Socially Responsible
Existentialism occurs so that
we can be who we wanted to
be and taking the risk of that
option we choose.
Behaviorism Behavioralism focuses on the
reward system. People tend
to do more because of the
reward. However, our mind is
a limited space and tends to
create a destruction and
creation in the society.
Because we want more of
what we have we tend to dig
deeper in our environment to
cope up of what we want and
needed. The other may suffer
or benefit for the reward

Constructionism Based on my symbol it

emphasize that reality exist in
our mind in order for us to
construct in our real world it
happens first in our mind. Our
perceptions of what things
could be and what things
could be done.
Unit 1
The Professional Teachers are Socially Responsible



(5) (3) (2)

Main idea Clearly presents a main There is a main idea Vague sense of a main idea,
idea and supports it supported throughout weakly supported
throughout the paper. most of the paper. throughout the paper.
Organization Well-planned and well- Good overall There is a sense of
thought out. Includes title, organization includes the organization, although
introduction, and statement main organizational some of the organizational
of main idea, transitions tools. tools are used weakly or
and conclusion. missing
Content Exceptionally well- Well-presented and Content is sound and solid;
presented and argued; argued; ideas are ideas are present but not
ideas are detailed, well- detailed, developed and particularly developed or
developed, supported with supported with evidence supported; some evidence,
specific evidence & facts, and details, mostly but usually of a generalized
as well as examples and specific. nature.
specific details.
Citation/Sources Sources are exceptionally Sources are well Sources support some
well-integrated and they integrated and support claims made in the paper,
support claims argued in the paper’s claims. There but might not be integrated
the paper very effectively. may be occasional well within the paper’s
Quotations and important errors. argument.
statements of authors are
used effectively.

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