Pre-Reading: (1) What Do You Think The Story Is About?

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(1) What do you think the story is about?


The Robinsons are on their way to Australia from Switzerland when they were
shipwrecked. The crew abandoned the ship and left them. Luckily, they manage to
save themselves by building a raft and rowed to the nearest island.
Mr and Mrs Robinson with their four children built a new life on the deserted island.
They saved some items and livestock from the ship to survive. Fritz, Ernest, Jack
and Franz together with their dogs Turk and Juno encountered some adventures
together. They also built a tree house. In the middle of the night, they were
threatened by a tiger and mysteriously loss their sheep.
The eldest son, Fritz built a canoe. He got a message tied to the leg of an albatross.
The message is from a girl, Jenny. She was stranded on the other part of the island.
Fritz went to save her and bring her back to his family’s tree house. As they arrived,
his family was gone. Fritz and Jenny entered a cave to find his family.
Juno was killed. It was a giant boa constrictor inside the cave. Fritz and Jenny saved
the other Robinsons by killing the monster. This resolved the mystery of the dead
tiger and the loss of their sheep.
One day, the family saw a ship near the shore. They send a signal to the ship, so the
captain came and meet them. He was paid by Jenny’s grandfather to find her.
Finally, the siblings went back to England. However, Mr and Mrs Robinson decided
to stay on the island.

While reading
(1) How many characters in the story?
(2) Name the characters in the story

PRE READING: (5 Minutes)
1. Look at the book’s cover. What was in the picture?
There was a boat and a family.
2. So, where are they?
At the sea.
3. Look at the water and the waves. What causes the big waves?
Big waves caused by storm.
4. Now look closely at their faces. Can you tell how they feel? Are they happy?
They were scared, panic, anxious.
5. Can you guess what the story is about?
It is about a family who came across a storm at the sea, their ship was smashed and stuck
on an empty island.

WHILE READING: (10 minutes)

1. Now, read the text and answer the questions below. (2 minutes)
2. Who want to answer question 1?
There are 7 persons in the story. The dogs are animal. They are pets, so they are not
considered as a character.
3. Have you wrote all the 7 characters? Who are they?
Mr Robinson, Mrs Robinson, Fritz, Ernest, Jack, Franz and Jenny.

GROUP WORK: (20-30 Minutes)

1. Listen to my instruction.
a) Now open the envelopes. Each of you take one piece of paper and follow the
b) Now, if you finished please write all your answers on the paper provided. Time
given is 10 minutes.
2. Teacher distribute handouts.
a) Now we are going to have a class tour or known as gallery walk. You may find
your answer from the other groups. However, if you think their answer is wrong,
please write the correct one. If you think the group make a good job, you can
comment as well.
CLOSING: (5 minutes)
1. Do you like the story? What would you do if you were stranded on a deserted island?
Try to survive by built a house, hunting and fishing, plant vegetables, find fresh water.

2. Please read the novel at home and tell me who is your favourite character. Write 3

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