Physical Education Lesson Plan

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Name: Austin Baugh-Oni


Date of Lesson: 3/30/21 Class Time: 12:10-12:59

School Name and Grade: Technology Use: (by students) none

Length of Lesson: 50 minutes Number of Students: 37

Equipment/Supplies: 4 Tchouks , 6 Tchoukballs,20 pennies Description of Facility: outside field

Central Focus: Tchoukball Instructional Strategies: student exploration, teacher feedback

Cognitive: Language functions:

1.TSWBAT develop a defensive strategy to implement into gameplay. Tchouk
2.TSWBAT describe where to place themselves around the forbidden zone to
rebound the ball on defense.

Psychomotor: Prior Academic Knowledge & Skill:

1.TSWBAT rebound a shot off the Tchouk at least 3 out of 5 times during 3 days of tchoukball gameplay and practice drills
2.TSWBAT demonstrate the defensive strategy they developed with their team
during gameplay.

Affective: Safety Considerations: (Physical & Emotional)

1.The students will use good sportsmanship while playing tchoukball 100% of the All equipment will be of proper size to prevent student injury. At all times,
time. student will have a positive attitude towards their teammates, encouraging
each other during gameplay and skill practice. Students will also be aware of
their own and others personal space. There will be cones on the field to
designate hazard areas where students should stay away from.
National Standards Addressed: GPS Assessed:
Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a PE7.1.d - Demonstrates control while using a variety of throwing motions in
variety of motor skills and movement patterns activities (e.g., angleball, horseshoes, spin casting, and ultimate frisbee).
Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, PE7.2.b - Identifies and predicts the results of open space concepts in team
principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance. sport activities by utilizing offensive and defensive tactics.
Standard 4: The physically educated student exhibits responsible personal and PE7.4.a - Demonstrates support of and cooperation with peers.
social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

INTRODUCTION TIME Objectives Assessment

(Instant/Motivational Activity; Warm-Up & Review; Set Induction)
2 to 4
Set Introduction: Good afternoon, I hope everyone is having a good day so far! Today we are going to continue
our Tchoukball unit with some gameplay, but I am going to apply a little challenge to you all. After watching the
gameplay last week, I like how we are really getting the hang of the game and the rules. I can tell you all are
really understanding the game because the speed of play is starting to speed up significantly. The one aspect I
noticed that we can use some improvement on is our defense. Last week we had some pretty high scouring
games. Which I know is fun but we also have to learn how to stop our opponents as well. So today when we
break off into our teams, I’m going to give you and your team some time to develop a defensive scheme. Your
team should talk about who is going to play what role and where we they be stationed. Everyone should have a
station today. For example, you have 2 or 3 players around each thouck and maybe 2 or 3 players being floaters
in the middle. This is just an example that you are welcome to use but do whatever you see fit for your team.

LESSON BODY TIME Objectives Assessment

(Specific and detailed plan to facilitate student learning and skill development)
Defensive strategy: 3-5 minutes C1, C2, Observing and
Before gameplay starts, I will take a poll to see if student would rather play coed game or bays games and girls providing
games. After the poll, I will develop teams based on the results. Once I have the teams, student will be sent to congruent
one of the four tchouks, to discuss their strategy with their team. I will give students 3-5 minutes to develop one.
I will check in with each team throughout the time to make sure they are on the right path.

Transition: Once all teams are ready, students will play the team on the opposite side of the field as them.
Game play:

● Teams have to complete 3 passes to 3 different players before they can take a shot at a tchouk. 30 minutes C1, C2, P1, P2 Observing and
● A point is awarded when the ball hits the rebounder and cannot be caught by the opposing team. providing
● if the opposing team catches the ball from off a rebound, they take possession of the ball. congruent
● Teams can shoot on either tchouk.
● 5 seconds to get rid of the ball.
● 3 steps allowed when a student has possession of the ball
● 3 shots at the same tchouk before play must switch sides.
● If the ball goes out of bounds from a shot, no point is awarded, and the opposing team takes position
where the ball went out.
● If the ball is dropped or goes out of bounds from a pass, the opposing team takes possession of the ball
from the nearest sideline.

Throwing-Opposite foot, shoulder to target, follow through
Catching- Diamonds; pinkies together, athletic stance
Opposite side of tchouk
Smart passes
Defend the line
3 and go

TIME Objectives Assessment

(Wrap Up, Review, Transition)
Can I please have one player from each team stand up and be a spokesperson for their team. 3-5 minutes
1. What was your teams defensive strategy?
2. Was your strategy effective? Why or why not?
3. Is there anything you would have done differently?

(explain how you will informally or formally assess each objective)

Informal: observation scanning for incorrect performance and add congruent feedback
1. During the lesson: Observe for incorrect performance and provide congruent feedback.
2. During closure: Ask questions and allow students to demonstrate skills that are related to the lesson objectives.


Differentiation Based on Student Characteristics

(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)

English Language Learners: For ELL I will work with them one on one to explain what we are doing. I also will pair them with a student who can speak both
languages fluently, to help translate for me.

Students below Grade Level: For students below grade level, I will pair them with a student/s who can help them during gameplay. I will also be watching the
students closely and proving congruent feedback for the student/s throughout game play.

Students above Grade Level: For students above grade level, I will pair them with students who maybe below grade level. To assist them throughout the game. I
also will look for them to help lead their team’s defensive strategy

Student Exceptionalities
(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)

Physical Conditions: I will modify the game accordingly to accommodate the students based on the disability. For students with injuries, I will ask them to help
me with the scores and collecting lose balls
Behavioral Conditions: I will continue to provide positive behavior reminders to the students to make sure the student is on task and behaving accordingly.



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