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Customer ID Quotation Ref.No : 054/QTN/APM/AM/VI-20

Company Name PT. Dharma Barokah Nusantara Date : 19-Jun-20
Street Address Komp Balikpapan Baru JB 22 Cust Ref.No :
Balikpapan Incoterms :
Delivery Place :
Phone / Fax
To Mr. Muhammad Nur Alamsyah Overal Lead Time : 4-7 Weeks ARO
Currency : IDR

Thank you for the opportunity to quote. We are pleased to quote as follows :
No Services ID Description Qty UoM Price Amount
1 Perizinan IUP OPK Pengangkutan dan Penjualan Batu 1 Lot 45.000.000 45.000.000
Lead Time Completion: 45 Days

2 Perizinan ET ET Batu Bara 1 Lot 30.000.000 30.000.000

Lead Time Completion: 14 Days

Sub Total Excld.Tax : 75.000.000

Discount (If any) : -
Tax (PPH 23) : 1.500.000
Total Price Incld.VAT: 76.500.000

Remarks :
-PRICE VALIDITY : 30 days from the date of this quote
-Terms of Payment : 30 days
-Down Payment : 40%, 60% balance after document completion received

Availablity documentation during delivery of material*** :


*** To be confirm during clarification and negotiation

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions related to our quote.
Email :

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Customer ID Quotation Ref.No : 054/QTN/APM/AM/VI-20
Company Name PT. Dharma Barokah Nusantara Date : 19-Jun-20
Street Address Komp Balikpapan Baru JB 22 Cust Ref.No :
Balikpapan Incoterms :
Delivery Place :
Phone / Fax
To Mr. Muhammad Nur Alamsyah Overal Lead Time : 4-7 Weeks ARO
Currency : IDR

We trust that you will find our quote satisfactory and look forward to working with you
Please contact us should you have any questions at all.

PT.APM Signature for approval and acknowledgement

Approved By

Arif Muzakki

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