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Learning Module for Prelim Coverage

RELED 211 – Church Teachings (Encyclicals)

Rel. Ed. Instructor

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces the brief history of the Catholic Social Teachings.
It will highlight the four important Encyclicals; Rerum Novarum on Social Justice, Pacem in
Terris on Peace, Mater et Magistra on Christianity and Social Progress, Laudato Si on Care for
our Common Home. This course will consider Catholic Social Teaching’s relation to
contemporary world. Throughout the course the learners will be noting several operative
principles and themes, among them being the common good, human rights, solidarity, peace,
economic development, work, subsidiarity, and the preferential option for the poor. It pursues
to lead the learners to distinguish the works of charity from the works of social justice and
apply it to their day to day living. This course will imbibe the students to have a grasp for the
Church Teaching by seeing, discerning and doing their share in the building of God’s Kingdom in
their midst as partakers in Christ mission to the poor and marginalized.

Course Outline
• Expectation-Setting
At the end of the course, the student will be • Classroom Rules
able to: A. Orientation of the Course
1. Identify and being oriented about the B. Brief History of the Catholic Social
course activity and topics throughout Teachings
the semester C. An Overview of the Catholic Social
2. Appreciate and become familiar about Teachings
the integral connection of the Catholic D. 7 Major Themes of Catholic Social
Social Teachings to Christian Life. Teachings
3. Agree the 7 major themes of CST that E. Key Principles of Catholic Social
relates to our contemporary society Teachings
4. Outlined the highlights and significance Vatican II Documents
of the Second Vatican Council  Lumen Gentium
documents.  Dei Verbum
 Sacrosantum Concilium
 Gaudium et spes
 Inter Mirifica
 Unitatis Redintegratio
 Nostra Aetate
 Christus Dominus
 Apostolicam Actuositatem
 Orientataliun Ecclesiarium
 Presbyterorum Ordinis
 Optatam Totius
 Perfectae Caritatis
PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION  Gravissimum Educationis

1. Critic and infer some hot topics Episcopal Documents

mentioned in the documents that has  Rerum Novarum
not been applied in the Church.  Quadragesimo Anno
2. Apply in their day to day living the  Mater et Magistra
essential issue that has been raise; like  Pacem in Terris
protecting human dignity, valuing  Dignitatis Humanae
equity, common good, solidarity,  Populorum Progressio
peace.,  Octogesima Adveniens
3. Classify the following documents  Laborem Exercens
according to historical period.  Sollicitudo Rei Socialis
4. Identify the purpose of writing the
 Centisimus Annus
documents, the context and the
 Evangelium Vitae
historical background and who
 Caritas in Veritate
produces the encyclical.
5. Highlight the essential topic which
relates to social justice and peace.
6. Outlined the significant points of the
Documents; message, purpose,
context, etc.
7. Appreciate and actualize the Pope Francis Encyclical and Apostolic
Challenges of the Apostolic Exhortation Exhortations
of Pope Francis to their domestic  Lumen Fidei
Church.  Evangelii Gaudium
8. Participate in the corporal works of  Laudato Si
mercy and proclaim joyfully the  Misericordia et Misera
Gospel.  Amoris Laetetia
PRE-FINAL EXAMINATION  Gaudete et Exsultate

9. Highlight the important message of Pope Francis Exultation for young people
Pope Exhortation to the Young people  Christus Vivit
of today.
10. Identify the challenges of being young
and ever young.
11. Assess and discuss the impact of the
three important matters affecting
young people.
12. Appreciate the “roots” which founded
with faith that makes them young
people stems from Christ, ever young.
13. Participate in the Youth Ministry, to
evangelize and to be evangelized.
Discover their “call” the beauty of vocation
calling everyone to holiness.

MODULE 1 (Week 1)

Introduction: This module will set as the learning guide to express their expectation to the Course. Due
Date: to be email or deliver on or before August 24, 2020

I. Topic: Expectation-Setting / Module Rules

II. Objectives: Outline the general information and visualize the activities for the entire semester.

III. Activities to engage students:

Drawing out your expectation of the Course
1. What do you expect to happen after the Course Subject Rel. Ed. 211? (State at least three

2. Formulate five pressing questions you want to be answered in this course.


3. Make a suggestion to help your learning process more effective. (at least three)

Deepening: Adopted from Ms. Janus Agustero – Naparan Syllabus on Peace Education
Students of this course are expected to:
1. The students shall follow the deportment imposed by the school as this may help them
live the culture of being SCCians;
2. Equip oneself with relevant, updated and current news and information;
3. Possess extensive knowledge on Word Processing as a means to process tasks and
4. Participate actively in all of the discussions and exchange of ideas to earn points for this
course using English language as a means of communication;
5. Comply diligently the modular requirements assigned, deliver or email on time;
6. Assert one’s own point of view during the discussion or may initiate discussion/topics
relevant to the course without prejudice, bigotry, biases and discrimination and
consider individual differences;
7. Monitor their emails/personal messages/group chats/google classroom streams for
announcements, assignments and comments. Hence, Hence, if the student can access in
data or internet connection students are encourage to register in group;
8. Observe proper citations when utilizing published or unpublished works to avoid
violations of Intellectual Property Rights;
9. Share insights to improve Rubrics for each Requirement;
10. Submit required tasks in a neat and presentable manner; and,
11. Prepare, accomplish, submit, present and perform all assigned tasks and course works
required in order to pass this course.

 Experience (content)
Question: From your Basic Education (Elementary, Junior High School & Senior High
School) recall a significant learning that mold you spiritually? Identify teaching
strategies that helps you grow spiritually.

 Action (Application)
Question: As a student, what attributes you must possess to attain the objectives of this
course. Write at least five attributes. Explain and elaborate.
IV. Assessment and Reflection
Questions for Reflection:
1. After answering the questions above, create a consensus statement to help you learn from
this new mode of learning experience. How will you handle the challenges of this pandemic?
How productive you will become despite the minimal interaction with your teachers and

V. Feedback
(The teacher will conduct a teleconference through mobile phone for the feed backing after the
student have complied the requirements of this module)

MODULE 2 (Week 1-2)

Date: to be email or deliver on or before August 31, 2020
Introduction: This module guides you to grasp the History of the Catholic Social Teachings, its overview,
themes and principles.
Due date: to be email/deliver on or before September 7, 2020
I. Topics : Brief History of the Catholic Social Teachings
An Overview of the Catholic Social Teachings
7 Major Themes of Catholic Social Teachings
Key Principles of Catholic Social Teachings
II. Objectives:
 Appreciate and become familiar about the integral connection of the Catholic Social
Teachings to Christian Life.
 Agree the 7 major themes of CST that relates to our contemporary society
III. Activities to engage students:
 Experience (Content)
Directions: Read the Materials on the History of Catholic Social Teachings. You may also watch
this link:
Summarized your learning following the guide questions below.

Course Subject: Reled 211 Topic: History of Catholic Date:

Social Teachings
1. What is meant by Catholic Social Teachings? How about encyclicals?
2. Why the Church get caught up in political and economic issues that others should be
dealing with instead of doing the one thing the Church is supposed to do, serve the
spiritual dimension of life?

3. Why have social justice and human rights so important in the Catholic Social Teachings?

4. Outline important points that you have learned from the history of Catholic Social

Note: Please use another sheet for your answer.

 Action/Application
Description: A simple method which helps us to stop, stand back from a situation and reflect on it
before we jump in and take action. This process helps us to develop critical
judgment about situations, events and structures. Often the three stages overlap
and intermingle. Retrieved: ( )
Seeing our contemporary experience, please do the SEE-JUDGE-ACT Process.
1. What is happening?
2. Who are the people involved?
3. Who gains from this situation? Who loses?
4. What is the situation doing to people?
5. Why is it happening? Why does it continue?

1. How do you feel about this situation?
2. Have you ever behaved or acted like anyone in the situation? If so, what
happened? Why? How did you and/or those involved feel?
3. What do you think should be happening?
4. What does your faith say about it?

1. What can we do to bridge the gap between what is happening (the reality)
and what should be happening (the ideal/what our faith says)?
2. What action are we going to take?
3. Who can we involve in our action?

IV. Assessment and Reflection

Reflective Journal Exercises (
Direction: Make a Reflection paper from the two preceding activities given (Historical Noting
and See-Judge-Act Process). Were there an intense feelings and realizations after doing the
Activity. How does the Catholic Social Teaching integrate in the following issues of the present?
(please compose your reflection not less than 200 words)

Reflection Paper

Note: Please use another sheet for your answer.

V. Feedback
How was the flow of this learning module? Have you experience difficulty in doing the given
VI. Synthesis
VII. Additional Resources
MODULE 3(Week 3-4)
Introduction: This module will guide you to outline the importance of the Second Vatican Council
Documents. It will lead you to browse and research the important documents related to
peace and justice.
Due date: to be email/deliver on or before September 7, 2020
I. Topic : Vatican II Documents
Episcopal Documents
II. Objectives:
 Outlined the highlights and significance of the Second Vatican Council documents.
 Critic and infer some hot topics mentioned in the documents that has not been applied
in the Church.
 Apply in their day to day living the essential issue that has been raise; like protecting
human dignity, valuing equity, common good, solidarity, peace.,
 Classify the following documents according to historical period.
 Identify the purpose of writing the documents, the context and the historical
background and who produces the encyclical.
 Highlight the essential topic which relates to social justice and peace.

III. Activities to engage students:

 Experience (Content)
Research the following: (30 points)
1.What are the Second Vatican Council Documents? Identify the following documents. Outlined
the significant points of the Documents; message, purpose, context, etc..(It consists 14

Note: Please use another sheet for your answer.

Deepening: (Please open this link! This file is to it cannot be posted here )
Retrieved from:

 Action/Application
Creating a Consensus learning (80 points)
1. There are 14 documents in Vatican II. Choose only 5 documents from Second Vatican Council
then summarized the documents using the framework of See-Judge-Act Process.
Read it and describe what you see in the document; the situation and the setting. After
reading, make a judgment; how do you feel while reading the document? do you agree or
disagree? present you side according to your belief. Once you are done seeing and judging
the document, what action are you going to take? What evoked you to do such action?

Vatican II Documents






IV. Assessment and Reflection

1. From your observation and deep reflection while reading the documents, how did the Church
Take part the plea of the following documents in our context?
2. Can you identify actions of the Church that basically rooted from these documents?

V. Feedback
How helpful are the learning module to you in understanding the Vatican II Documents and
Episcopal Documents? Tell you experience while doing the task being asked to you in this
learning module.

VI. Additional Resources

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