Empirical Research? Definition, Types & Samples: A. Definitions

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Empirical Research?

Definition, Types & Samples

What Is Empirical Research Table of Contents
1. What is Empirical Research?
2. Types and Methodologies of Empirical Research
3. Qualitative Empirical Research Methods
4. Quantitative Empirical Research Methods
5. Steps for Conducting Empirical Research
6. Empirical Research Cycle
7. Advantages and Disadvantages of Empirical Research
8. Samples of Empirical Research
I. What is Empirical Research?
A. Definitions
Empirical research is defined as any study whose conclusions are exclusively derived from concrete,
verifiable evidence. The term empirical basically means that it is guided by scientific
experimentation and/or evidence. Likewise, a study is empirical when it uses real-world evidence in
investigating its assertions.
This research type is founded on the view that direct observation of phenomena is a proper way to
measure reality and generate truth about the world (Bhattacharya, 2008). And by its name, it is a
research approach that observes the rules of empiricism and uses quantitative and qualitative
methods for gathering evidence.

For instance, a study is being conducted to determine if working from home helps in reducing stress
from highly-demanding jobs. An experiment is conducted using two groups of employees, one
working at their homes, the other working at the office. Each group was observed. The outcomes
derived from this research will provide empirical evidence if working from home does help reduce
stress or not.

B. Origins
It was the ancient Greek medical practitioners who originated the term empirical (empeirikos which
means “experienced”) when they began to deviate from the long-observed dogmatic principles to
start depending on observed phenomena. Later on, empiricism pertained to a theory of knowledge in
philosophy, which follows the belief that knowledge comes from evidence and experience derived
particularly using the senses.
What ancient philosophers considered as empirical research pertained to the reliance on observable
data to design and test theories and reach conclusions. As such, empirical research is used to
produce knowledge that is based on experience. At present, the word “empirical” pertains to the
gathering of data using evidence that is derived through experience or observation or by using
calibrated scientific tools.

Most of today’s outstanding empirical research outputs are published in prestigious journals. These
scientific publications are considered high-impact journals because they publish research articles
that tend to be the most cited in their fields.
General Scientific Journals with Highest Impact Factors
Nature (since 1869)

Science (since 1880)


Science Advances (since 2015)


Nature Communications (since 2010)


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (since 1914)


Scientific Reports (since 2011)


Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Science A (since 1905, 1665 before split)

Proceedings of the Royal Society A (since 1905, 1800 before split)


PLOS ONE (since 2006)


Source: Clarivate Web of Science Journal Citations Report

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II. Types and Methodologies of Empirical Research

Empirical research is done using either qualitative or quantitative methods.

Qualitative research – Qualitative research methods are utilized for gathering non-numerical data. It
is used to determine the underlying reasons, views, or meanings from study participants or subjects.
Under the qualitative research design, empirical studies had evolved to test the conventional
concepts of evidence and truth while still observing the fundamental principles of recognizing the
subjects beings studied as empirical (Powner, 2015).
This method can be semi-structured or unstructured. Results from this research type are more
descriptive than predictive. It allows the researcher to draw a conclusion to support the hypothesis or
theory being examined.
Due to realities like time and resources, the sample size of qualitative research is typically small. It is
designed to offer in-depth information or more insight regarding the problem. Some of the most
popular forms of methods are interviews, experiments, and focus groups.

Quantitative research – Quantitative research methods are used for gathering information via
numerical data. This type is used to measure behavior, personal views, preferences, and other
variables. Quantitative studies are in a more structured format, while the variables used
are predetermined.
Data gathered from quantitative studies is analyzed to address the empirical questions. Some of the
commonly used quantitative methods are polls, surveys, and longitudinal or cohort studies.

There are situations when using a single research method is not enough to adequately answer the
questions being studied. In such cases, a combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods is

III. Qualitative Empirical Research Methods

Some research questions need to be gathered and analyzed qualitatively or quantitatively,
depending on the nature of the study. Here are the general types of qualitative research methods.

Observational Method
This involves observing and gathering data from study subjects. As a qualitative approach,
observation is quite personal and time-intensive. It is often used in ethnographic studies to obtain
empirical evidence.

The observational method is a part of the ethnographic research design, e.g., archival research,
survey, etc. However, while it is commonly used for qualitative purposes, observation is also utilized
for quantitative research, such as when observing measurable variables like weight, age, scale, etc.

One remarkable observational research was conducted by Abbott et al. (2016), a team of physicists
from the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory who examined the very
first direct observation of gravitational waves. According to Google Scholar’s (2019) Metrics ranking,
this study is among the most highly cited articles from the world’s most influential journals (Crew,

This method is exclusively qualitative and is one of the most widely used (Jamshed, 2014). Its
popularity is mainly due to its ability to allow researchers to obtain precise, relevant information if the
correct questions are asked.

This method is a form of a conversational approach, where in-depth data can be obtained.

Interviews are commonly used in the social sciences and humanities, such as for interviewing
resource persons.

Case Study
This method is used to identify extensive information through an in-depth analysis of existing cases.
It is typically used to obtain empirical evidence for investigating problems or business studies.

When conducting case studies, the researcher must carefully perform the analysis, ensuring the
variables and parameters in the current case are similar to the case being examined. From the
findings of a case study, conclusions can be deduced about the topic being investigated.

Case studies are commonly used in studying the experience of organizations, groups of persons,
geographic locations, etc.

Textual Analysis
This primarily involves the process of describing, interpreting, and understanding textual content. It
typically seeks to connect the text to a broader artistic, cultural, political, or social context
(Fairclough, 2003).

A relatively new research method, textual analysis is often used nowadays to elaborate on the
trends and patterns of media content, especially social media. Data obtained from this approach are
primarily used to determine customer buying habits and preferences for product development, and
designing marketing campaigns.

Focus Groups
A focus group is a thoroughly planned discussion guided by a moderator and conducted to derive
opinions on a designated topic. Essentially a group interview or collective conversation, this method
offers a notably meaningful approach to think through particular issues or concerns (Kamberelis &
Dimitriadis, 2011).

This research method is used when a researcher wants to know the answers to “how,” “what,” and
“why” questions. Nowadays, focus groups are among the most widely used methods by consumer
product producers for designing and/or improving products that people prefer.
Google Scholar's Most Highly Cited Articles from the
Most Influential Journals 2019
Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition (He et al., 2016)

Deep Learning (Lecun et al., 2015)


Going Deeper with Convolutions (Szegedy et al., 2015)


Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation (Long et al., 2015)


Prevalence of Childhood and Adult Obesity in the United States (Ogden et al., 2014)

Global, regional and national prevalence of overweight and obesity (Ng et al., 2014)

Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger (Abbott et al., 2016)

Source: Google Scholar (2019); Crew (2019).

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IV. Quantitative Empirical Research Methods

Quantitative methods primarily help researchers to better analyze the gathered evidence. Here are
the most common types of quantitative research techniques:

A research hypothesis is commonly tested using an experiment, which involves the creation of a
controlled environment where the variables are maneuvered. Aside from determining the cause and
effect, this method helps in knowing testing outcomes, such as when altering or removing variables.

Traditionally, experimental, laboratory-based research is used to advance knowledge in the physical

and life sciences, including psychology. In recent decades, more and more social scientists are also
adopting lab experiments (Falk & Heckman, 2009).

Survey research is designed to generate statistical data about a target audience (Fowler, 2014). Surveys can
involve large, medium, or small populations and can either be a one-time event or a continuing process
Governments across the world are among the heavy users of continuing surveys, such as for census of
populations or labor force surveys. This is a quantitative method that uses predetermined sets of closed
questions that are easy to answer, thus enabling the gathering and analysis of large data sets.
In the past, surveys used to be expensive and time-consuming. But with the advancement in technology, new
survey tools like social media and emails have made this research method easier and cheaper.
Causal-Comparative research
This method leverages the strength of comparison. It is primarily utilized to determine the cause and effect
relationship among variables (Schenker & Rumrill, 2004).
For instance, a causal-comparative study measured the productivity of employees in an organization that
allows remote work setup and compared that to the staff of another organization that does not offer work from
home arrangements.
Cross-sectional research
While the observation method considers study subjects at a given point in time, cross-sectional research
focuses on the similarity in all variables except the one being studied. 
This type does not allow for the determination of cause-effect relationships since subjects are now observed
continuously. A cross-sectional study is often followed by longitudinal research to determine the precise
causes. It is used mainly by pharmaceutical firms and retailers.
Longitudinal study
A longitudinal method of research is used for understanding the traits or behavior of a subject under
observation after repeatedly testing the subject over a certain period of time. Data collected using this method
can be qualitative or quantitative in nature. 
A commonly-used form of longitudinal research is the cohort study. For instance, in 1951, a cohort study
called the British Doctors Study (Doll et al., 2004) was initiated, which compared smokers and non-smokers in
the UK. The study continued through 2001. As early as 1956, the study gave undeniable proof of the direct
link between smoking and the incidence of lung cancer.
Correlational research
This method is used to determine the relationships and prevalence among variables (Curtis et al., 2016). It
commonly employs regression as the statistical treatment for predicting the study’s outcomes, which can only
be a negative, neutral, or positive correlation.
A classic example of this research is when studying if high education helps in obtaining better-paying jobs. If
outcomes indicate that higher education does allow individuals to have high-salaried jobs, then it follows that
people with less education tend to have lower-paying jobs.
V. Steps for Conducting Empirical Research
Since empirical research is based on observation and capturing experiences, it is important to plan
the steps to conduct the experiment and how to analyze it. This will enable the researcher to resolve
problems or obstacles, which can occur during the experiment.

Step #1: Establishing the research objective

In this initial step, the researcher must be clear about what he or she precisely wants to do in the
study. He or she should likewise frame the problem statement, plans of action, and determine any
potential issues with the available resources, schedule, etc. for the research.

Most importantly, the researcher must be able to ascertain whether the study will be more beneficial
than the cost it will incur.

Step #2: Reviewing relevant literature and supporting theories

The researcher must determine relevant theories or models to his or her research problem. If there
are any such theories or models, they must understand how it can help in supporting the study

Relevant literature must also be consulted. The researcher must be able to identify previous studies
that examined similar problems or subjects, as well as determine the issues encountered.

Step #3: Framing the hypothesis and measurement

The researcher must frame an initial hypothesis or educated guess that could be the likely outcome.
Variables must be established, along with the research context.
Units of measurements should also be defined, including the allowable margin of errors. The
researcher must determine if the selected measures will be accepted by other scholars.

Step #4: Defining the research design, methodology, and data collection techniques
Before proceeding with the study, the researcher must establish an appropriate approach for the
research. He or she must organize experiments to gather data that will allow him or her to frame the

The researcher should also decide whether he or she will use a nonexperimental or experimental
technique to perform the study. Likewise, the type of research design will depend on the type of
study being conducted.

Finally, the researcher must determine the parameters that will influence the validity of the research
design. Data gathering must be performed by selecting suitable samples based on the research
question. After gathering the empirical data, the analysis follows.

Step #5: Conducting data analysis and framing the results

Data analysis is done either quantitatively or qualitatively. Depending on the nature of the study, the
researcher must determine which method of data analysis is the appropriate one, or whether a
combination of the two is suitable.

The outcomes of this step determine if the hypothesis is supported or rejected. This is why data
analysis is considered as one of the most crucial steps in any research undertaking.

Step #6: Making conclusions

A report must be prepared in that it presents the findings and the entire research proceeding. If the
researcher intends to disseminate his or her findings to a wider audience, the report will be
converted into an article for publication.

Aside from including the typical parts from the introduction and literature view, up to the methods,
analysis, and conclusions, the researcher should also make recommendations for further research
on his or her topic.

Empirical researches with the largest number of study

subjects (so far)
Twitter users (Fake News Study, Vosoughi et al., 2018)

Adults (Autism study, Greenberg et al., 2018)


Danish children (Vaccines & Autism, Hviid et al., 2019)


British Adults (Sleep duration study, Dashti et al., 2019)


Sources: Various Researches (cited above)

Designed by
VI. Empirical Research Cycle
The empirical research cycle is composed of five phases, with each one considered as important as
the next phase (de Groot, 1969). This rigorous and systematic method can consistently capture the
process of framing hypotheses on how certain subjects behave or function and then testing them
versus empirical data. It is considered to typify the deductive approach to science.

These are the five phases of the empirical research cycle:

1. Observation
During this initial phase, an idea is triggered for presenting a hypothesis. It involves the use of
observation to gather empirical data. For example:
Consumers tend to consult first their smartphones before buying something in-store.
2. Induction
Inductive reasoning is then conducted to frame a general conclusion from the data gathered through
observation. For example:

As mentioned earlier, most consumers tend to consult first their smartphones before
buying something in-store.
A researcher may pose the question, “Does the tendency to use a smartphone indicate that today’s
consumers need to be informed before making purchasing decisions?” The researcher can assume
that is the case. Nonetheless, since it is still just a supposition, an experiment must be conducted to
support or reject this hypothesis.

The researcher decided to conduct an online survey to inquire about the buying habits of a certain
sample population of buyers at brick-and-mortar stores. This is to determine whether people always
look at their smartphones first before making a purchase.

3. Deduction
This phase enables the researcher to figure out a conclusion out of the experiment. This must be
based on rationality and logic in order to arrive at particular, unbiased outcomes. For example:

In the experiment, if a shopper consults first his or her smartphone before buying in-store,
then it can be concluded that the shopper needs information to help him or her make
informed buying decisions.
4. Testing
This phase involves the researcher going back to the empirical research steps to test the hypothesis.
There is now the need to analyze and validate the data using appropriate statistical methods.

If the researcher confirms that in-store shoppers do consult their smartphones for product
information before making a purchase, the researcher has found support for the hypothesis.
However, it should be noted that this is just support of the hypothesis, not proof of a reality.

5. Evaluation
This phase is often neglected by many but is actually a crucial step to help keep expanding
knowledge. During this stage, the researcher presents the gathered data, the supporting
contention/s, and conclusions.

The researcher likewise puts forth the limitations of the study and his hypothesis. In addition, the
researcher makes recommendations for further studies on the same topic with expanded variables.
VII. Advantages and Disadvantages of Empirical Research
Since the time of the ancient Greeks, empirical research had been providing the world with
numerous benefits. The following are a few of them:

o Empirical research is used to validate previous research findings and frameworks.

o It assumes a critical role in enhancing internal validity.
o The degree of control is high, which enables the researcher to manage numerous variables.
o It allows a researcher to comprehend the progressive changes that can occur, and thus
enables him to modify an approach when needed.
o Being based on facts and experience makes a research project more authentic and
Despite the many benefits it brings, empirical research is far from being perfect. The following are
some of its drawbacks:

o Being evidence-based, data collection is a common problem especially when the research
involves different sources and multiple methods.
o It can be time-consuming, especially for longitudinal research.
o Requesting permission to perform certain methods can be difficult, especially when a study
involves human subjects.
o Conducting research in multiple locations can be very expensive.
o The propensity of even seasoned researchers to incorrectly interpret the statistical
significance. For instance, Amrhein et al. (2019) made an analysis of 791 articles from five
journals and found that half incorrectly interpreted that non-significance indicates zero effect.
4951Correctly interpretedWrongly interpreted

Frequency to Commit Wrong Statistical Interpretations

Results of an analysis of 791 articles from 5 journals

Source: Amrhein et al. (2019)

VIII. Samples of Empirical Research
Here are some notable examples of empirical research:

Professional Research
o Research on Information Technology
o Research on Infectious Diseases
o Research on Occupational Health Psychology
o Research on Infection Control
o Research on Cancer
o Research on Mathematical Science
o Research on Environmental Science
o Research on Genetics
o Research on Climate Change
o Research on Economics
Student Research
o Thesis for B.S. in Computer Science & Engineering 
o Thesis for B.S. in Geography
o Thesis for B.S. in Architecture
o Thesis for Master of Science in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
o Thesis for Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence
o Thesis for Master of Science in Food Science and Nutrition
o Dissertation for Ph.D. in Marketing 
o Dissertation for Ph.D. in Social Work
o Dissertation for Ph.D. in Urban Planning
Since ancient times until today, empirical research remains one of the most useful tools in man’s
collective endeavor to unlock life’s mysteries. Using meaningful experience and observable
evidence, this type of research will continue helping validate myriad hypotheses, test theoretical
models, and advance various fields of specialization.

With new forms of deadly diseases and other problems continuing to plague man’s existence, finding
effective medical interventions and relevant solutions had never been more important. This is among
the reasons why empirical research had assumed a more prominent role in today’s society.

This article was able to discuss the different empirical research methods, the steps for conducting
empirical research, the empirical research cycle, and notable examples. All of these contribute to
support the larger societal cause to help understand how the world really works and make it a better
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Quantitative Data: Definition, Types,

Analysis and Examples
Content Index
1. Quantitative Data: Definition
2. Types of Quantitative Data with Examples
3. Quantitative Data: Collection Methods
4. Quantitative Data: Analysis Methods
1. Steps to conduct Quantitative Data Analysis
5. Quantitative Data Examples
6. Advantages of Quantitative Data
7. Disadvantages of Quantitative Data
8. Differences between Quantitative and Qualitative Data
Quantitative Data: Definition
Quantitative data is defined as the value of data in the form of counts or
numbers where each data-set has an unique numerical value associated with
it. This data is any quantifiable information that can be used for mathematical
calculations and statistical analysis, such that real-life decisions can be made
based on these mathematical derivations. Quantitative data is used to answer
questions such as “How many?”, “How often?”, “How much?”. This data can
be verified and can also be conveniently evaluated using mathematical

For example, there are quantities corresponding to various parameters, for

instance, “How much did that laptop cost?” is a question which will collect
quantitative data. There are values associated with most measuring
parameters such as pounds or kilograms for weight, dollars for cost etc.

Quantitative data makes measuring various parameters controllable due to

the ease of mathematical derivations they come with. Quantitative data is
usually collected for statistical analysis
using surveys, polls or questionnaires sent across to a specific section of a
population. The retrieved results can be established across a population.

Types of Quantitative Data with Examples

The most common types of quantitative data are as below:

 Counter: Count equated with entities. For example, the number of

people who download a particular application from the App Store.
 Measurement of physical objects: Calculating measurement of any
physical thing. For example, the HR executive carefully measures the size
of each cubicle assigned to the newly joined employees.
 Sensory calculation: Mechanism to naturally “sense” the measured
parameters to create a constant source of information. For example, a
digital camera converts electromagnetic information to a string of numerical
 Projection of data: Future projection of data can be done using
algorithms and other mathematical analysis tools. For example, a marketer
will predict an increase in the sales after launching a new product with
thorough analysis.
 Quantification of qualitative entities: Identify numbers to qualitative
information. For example, asking respondents of an online survey to share
the likelihood of recommendation on a scale of 0-10.  
Quantitative Data: Collection Methods
As quantitative data is in the form of numbers, mathematical and statistical
analysis of these numbers can lead to establishing some conclusive results.

There are two main Quantitative Data Collection Methods:

Surveys: Traditionally, surveys were conducted using paper-based methods

and have gradually evolved into online mediums. Closed-ended
questions form a major part of these surveys as they are more effective in
collecting quantitative data. The survey makes include answer options which
they think are the most appropriate for a particular question. Surveys are
integral in collecting feedback from an audience which is larger than the
conventional size. A critical factor about surveys is that the responses
collected should be such that they can be generalized to the entire population
without significant discrepancies. On the basis of the time involved in
completing surveys, they are classified into the following –

 Longitudinal Studies: A type of observational research in which the

market researcher conducts surveys from a specific time period to another,
i.e., over a considerable course of time, is called longitudinal survey. This
survey is often implemented for trend analysis or studies where the primary
objective is to collect and analyze a pattern in data.
 Cross-sectional Studies: A type of observational research in which the
market research conducts surveys at a particular time period across the
target sample is known as cross-sectional survey. This survey type
implements a questionnaire to understand a specific subject from the
sample at a definite time period.
Learn more: Cross-sectional vs Longitudinal Survey

To administer a survey to collect quantitative data, the below principles are to

be followed.

 Fundamental Levels of Measurement – Nominal, Ordinal, Interval

and Ratio Scales: There are four measurement scales which are
fundamental to creating a multiple-choice question in a survey in collecting
quantitative data. They are, nominal, ordinal, interval and
ratio measurement scales without the fundamentals of which, no multiple
choice questions can be created.
 Use of Different Question Types: To collect quantitative data, close-
ended questions have to be used in a survey. They can be a mix of
multiple question types including multiple-choice questions like semantic
differential scale questions, rating scale questions etc. that can help collect
data that can be analyzed and made sense of.
 Survey Distribution and Survey Data Collection: In the above, we
have seen the process of building a survey along with the survey design to
collect quantitative data. Survey distribution to collect data is the other
important aspect of the survey process. There are different ways of survey
distribution. Some of the most commonly used methods are:

 Email: Sending a survey via email is the most commonly used
and most effective methods of survey distribution.  You can use
the QuestionPro email management feature to send out and collect
survey responses.
 Buy respondents: Another effective way to distribute a survey
and collect quantitative data is to use a sample. Since the respondents
are knowledgeable and also are open to participating in research studies,
the responses are much higher.
 Embed survey in a website: Embedding a survey in a website
increases a high number of responses as the respondent is already in
close proximity to the brand when the survey pops up.
 Social distribution: Using social media to distribute the
survey aids in collecting higher number of responses from the people that
are aware of the brand.
 QR code: QuestionPro QR codes store the URL for the survey.
You can print/publish this code in magazines, on signs, business cards, or
on just about any object/medium.
 SMS survey: A quick and time effective way of conducting a
survey to collect a high number of responses is the SMS survey.
 QuestionPro app: The QuestionPro App allows to quickly
circulate surveys and the responses can be collected both online
and offline.
 API integration: You can use the API integration of the
QuestionPro platform for potential respondents to take your survey.
One-on-one Interviews: This quantitative data collection method was also
traditionally conducted face-to-face but has shifted to telephonic and online
platforms. Interviews offer a marketer the opportunity to gather extensive data
from the participants. Quantitative interviews are immensely structured and
play a key role in collecting information. There are three major sections of
these online interviews:
 Face-to-Face Interviews: An interviewer can prepare a list of
important interview questions in addition to the already asked survey
questions. This way, interviewees provide exhaustive details about the topic
under discussion. An interviewer can manage to bond with the interviewee
on a personal level which will help him/her to collect more details about the
topic due to which the responses also improve. Interviewers can also ask for
an explanation from the interviewees about unclear answers.

 Online/Telephonic Interviews: Telephone-based interviews are no
more a novelty but these quantitative interviews have also moved to online
mediums such as Skype or Zoom. Irrespective of the distance between the
interviewer and the interviewee and their corresponding time zones,
communication becomes one-click away with online interviews. In case of
telephone interviews, the interview is merely a phone call away.

 Computer Assisted Personal Interview: This is a one-on-one
interview technique where the interviewer enters all the collected data
directly into a laptop or any other similar device. The processing time is
reduced and also the interviewers don’t have to carry physical
questionnaires and merely enter the answers in the laptop.
All of the above quantitative data collection methods can be achieved by
using surveys, questionnaires and polls.

Learn about: Quantitative Research

Quantitative Data: Analysis Methods

Data collection forms a major part of the research process. This data however
has to be analyzed to make sense of. There are multiple methods of analyzing
quantitative data collected in surveys. They are:

 Cross-tabulation: Cross-tabulation is the most widely used quantitative

data analysis methods. It is a preferred method since it uses a basic tabular
form to draw inferences between different data-sets in the research study. It
contains data that is mutually exclusive or have some connection with each
 Trend analysis: Trend analysis is a statistical analysis method that
provides the ability to look at quantitative data that has been collected over
a long period of time. This data analysis method helps collect feedback
about data changes over time and if aims to understand the change in
variables considering one variable remains unchanged.
 MaxDiff analysis: The MaxDiff analysis is a quantitative data analysis
method that is used to gauge customer preferences for a purchase and
what parameters rank higher than the others in this process. In a simplistic
form, this method is also called the “best-worst” method. This method is
very similar to conjoint analysis but is much easier to implement and can be
interchangeably used.  
 Conjoint analysis: Like in the above method, conjoint analysis is a
similar quantitative data analysis method that analyzes parameters behind a
purchasing decision. This method possesses the ability to collect and
analyze advanced metrics which provide an in-depth insight into purchasing
decisions as well as the parameters that rank the most important.
 TURF analysis: TURF analysis or Total Unduplicated Reach and
Frequency Analysis, is a quantitative data analysis methodology that
assesses the total market reach of a product or service or a mix of both.
This method is used by organizations to understand the frequency and the
avenues at which their messaging reaches customers and prospective
customers which helps them tweak their go-to-market strategies.
 Gap analysis: Gap analysis uses a side-by-side matrix to depict
quantitative data that helps measure the difference between expected
performance and actual performance. This data analysis helps measure
gaps in performance and the things that are required to be done to bridge
this gap.
 SWOT analysis: SWOT analysis, is a quantitative data analysis
methods that assigns numerical values to indicate strength, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats of an organization or product or service which in
turn provides a holistic picture about competition. This method helps to
create effective business strategies.
 Text analysis: Text analysis is an advanced statistical method where
intelligent tools make sense of and quantify or fashion qualitative and open-
ended data into easily understandable data. This method is used when the
raw survey data is unstructured but has to be brought into a structure that
makes sense.
Learn More: MaxDiff Analysis vs Conjoint Analysis
Steps to conduct Quantitative Data Analysis
For Quantitative Data, raw information has to presented in meaningful manner
using analysis methods. Quantitative data should be analyzed in order to find
evidential data that would help in the research process.

 Relate measurement scales with variables: Associate measurement

scales such as Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio with the variables.This
step is important to arrange the data in proper order. Data can be entered
into an excel sheet to organize it in a specific format.
 Connect descriptive statistics with data: Link descriptive statistics to
encapsulate available data. It can be difficult to establish a pattern in the
raw data. Some widely used descriptive statistics are:
1. Mean- An average of values for a specific variable
2. Median- A midpoint of the value scale for a variable
3. Mode- For a variable, the most common value
4. Frequency- Number of times a particular value is observed
in the scale
5. Minimum and Maximum Values- Lowest and highest values
for a scale
6. Percentages- Format to express scores and set of values
for variables
 Decide a measurement scale: It is important to decide the
measurement scale to conclude a descriptive statistics for the variable. For
instance, a nominal variable score will never have a mean or median and so
the descriptive statistics will correspondingly vary. Descriptive statistics
suffice in situations where the results are not to be generalized to the
 Select appropriate tables to represent data and analyze collected
data: After deciding on a suitable measurement scale, researchers can use
a tabular format to represent data. This data can be analyzed using various
techniques such as Cross-tabulation or TURF.  
Quantitative Data Examples
Listed below are some examples of quantitative data that can help understand
exactly what this pertains:

 I updated my phone 6 times in a quarter.

 My teenager grew by 3 inches last year.
 83 people downloaded the latest mobile application.
 My aunt lost 18 pounds last year.
 150 respondents were of the opinion that the new product feature will
not be successful.
 There will be 30% increase in revenue with the inclusion of a new
 500 people attended the seminar.
 54% people prefer shopping online instead of going to the mall.
 She has 10 holidays in this year.
 Product X costs $1000.
As you can see in the above 10 examples, there is a numerical value
assigned to each parameter and this is known as, quantitative data.

Advantages of Quantitative Data

Some of advantages of quantitative data, are:

 Conduct in-depth research: Since quantitative data can be statistically

analyzed, it is highly likely that the research will be detailed.
 Minimum bias: There are instances in research, where personal bias is
involved which leads to incorrect results. Due to the numerical nature of
quantitative data, the personal bias is reduced to a great extent.
 Accurate results: As the results obtained are objective in nature, they
are extremely accurate.
Learn more: Margin of Error

Disadvantages of Quantitative Data

Some of disadvantages of quantitative data, are:

 Restricted information: Because quantitative data is not descriptive, it

becomes difficult for researchers to make decisions based solely on the
collected information.
 Depends on question types: Bias in results is dependent on the
question types included to collect quantitative data. The researcher’s
knowledge of questions and the objective of research are exceedingly
important while collecting quantitative data.
Differences between Quantitative and Qualitative Data
There are some stark differences between quantitative data and qualitative
data. They are:

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