Ucsp 4th Quarter Long Test

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It refers to Filipino-psycho medicine/ superstition usually diagnosed in

Read and understand each item carefully. Select and write the letter of the most children (or babies) associated with flatulence (‘kabag’) or sudden
correct answer. Encircle your answer. distressful crying.
A. Usog B. Buyag C. Bughat D. Kulam
1. The type of education where a student learns inside the classroom follows
a curriculum and is being graded on his or her performances. 13. The highest function of education is
a. Informal education c. Non-formal education A. Physiological B. Self-actualization C. Esteem D. Belongingness
b. Formal education d. Vocational
14. Sir Emmanuel teaches in ONHS. He does not only focus on the content
2. It is referred to as the exchange of goods and services that involves knowledge (theories and topics) he imparts to his students. He is always
buying and selling processes. It involves several elements of transactions. It strict and he wants his students to obey him because that is the right thing to
is about making money, capital, income and growth. do. He is preparing his students to what awaits for them outside the four
a. transfers c. market transaction corners of his classroom. In the concept of Understanding Culture, Society,
b. redistribution d. reciprocity and Politics, the main goal of Sir Emmanuel in teaching his students how to
“obey” is
3. It happens when resources from one individual or organization are given a. helping instill values, attitudes, and behaviors that align with those
to another with no expectation of return such examples are transfer of expected in a society.
financial aids, government subsidies, and social security. b. helping create a productive citizenry.
a. transfers c. redistribution c. preparing young people for the demands of work life and mitigates the risk
b. transaction market d. reciprocity of proverty.
d. equipping students with not only knowledge and confidence to make a
4. A type of reciprocity where the exchange tends to favour one party over difference in the transformation of society.
the other, as the value of goods for exchange is unequal.
a. negative reciprocity c. balanced reciprocity 15. A Filipino medical condition which believed to have rooted from their
b. reciprocity d. positive reciprocity animistic belief. The physical illness on someone who is afflicted by it is
believed to have come from the spirits who live in some especial places, or it
5. It enables a student to learn skills and knowledge through structured can be caused by someone who made a comment to the person afflicted.
learning experiences. Capacity-building initiatives are conducted through this A. Gayuma B. Buyag C. Bughat D. Kulam
type of education.
a. non-formal c. formal 16.
b. informal d. vocational II. MATCHING TYPE: Match Column A to Column B.
Column A Column B
6.Economic institution is an organization that deals with money or 16. State-Market Relations a. An organization of
__________________ workers who have come
a. banks, government organizations, and investment funds. together
b. that says people should repay, what another person has provided for to achieve common goals.
them. 17. Demand
c. managing the distribution of money, goods, and services in an economy. b. the power to influence
d. moving funds among two or more accounts held by the same or different people's behavior.
entitles. 18. Reciprocity
c. Buyer and seller interact with
7. In economics, redistribution is the theory, _________, and _________, of one another to exchange goods
lessening or reducing inequalities in income. for an amount of money.
a. policy, and practice. c. move, and transfer. 19. Control
b. exchange, and measure. d. social rule, and deal. d. People are obligated to repay
favors, gifts, or invitations in the
8. How Primary Education as a Human Right will help the Filipino people in future.
the Philippines? 20. Trade Unions
a. It provides for free education as compulsory elementary education and e. Consumer’s willingness and
secondary education. ability to consume a given good.
b. It provides all Filipino people to have a practice of their constitutional rights
to basic education. f. The amount of something that
c. It promotes as a tool of empowerment to profit both individual and society producers are willing to prove
in the Philippines. the market place.
d. It promotes to stop illiteracy for all the Filipino people in the Philippines.

9. Juan is 18 years old already. He stopped going to ONHS at the age of 15

years old under the Grade level of 9. Next school year, he wanted to go back
to school again. In order for Juan to be promoted easily, given the situation
of his age, what would be the possible examination in the DePed in the
Philippines that will easily promote Juan to Grade 12?
a. Informal Education c. Alternative Learning System (ALS)
b. Basic Literacy Programs d. Basic Education

10. The Right to Education in the Philippines is

A. education is a human right itself.
B. a tool of empowerment as an education vehicle for economic and social
development profiting both the Filipino individual and the Philippine Society.
C. a way to promote learning and life skills for young people and adults.
D. a means of realizing of other human rights.
a. C only c. D only
b. All of the above d. None of the above

11. It does not follow specified curriculum and may originate accidentally in
association with certain occasion, from changing practical requirements.
a. Primary Education c. Informal Education
b. Formal Education d. Alternative Learning Systes

12. A Filipino medical condition in which a recovering patient (especially

women who just gave girth) could suffer from another illness if she had too
much physical activity while not yet fully recovered from the illness (or after
giving birth). One of worst consequence for women after giving birth is going
insane known in the medical science as postpartum depression.
A. Buyag B. Gayuma C. Bughat D. Kulam

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