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Introduction: What are evidence

based recommendations for “safe

Main Findings: Co-sleeping can be a safe
co-sleeping” within the first year of the and practical tool to improve the well being of
infant’s life? With approximately half of all mom and baby, if implemented properly, by
mothers in the U.S. practicing infant bed avoiding risks such as drug use, drinking,
sharing at some time, it is important, as a
public health measure, to emphasize the
Why Co-Sleeping Matters: using bulky bedding etc.
specific factors in bed sharing that make it
less risky and safer. According to Goldberg
and Keller (2007), “Mothers whose race is
Asian have the highest prevalence of sleeping An Evidence Based Look
Ball, H. L., Taylor, C. E., Thomas, V., & Douglas, P. S. (2020). Development and
with their infants, yet their infants have the evaluation of ’Sleep, Baby & You’—An approach to supporting parental
lowest SIDS and infant mortality rates.” well-being and responsive infant caregiving. PLoS ONE, 15(8), 1–16.

into the Benefits and Risks Goldberg, W. A., & Keller, M. A. (2007). Parent–infant co-sleeping: why the
Methods: Three articles were found interest and concern? Infant & Child Development, 16(4), 331–339.
using the Westminster College online library
database. They were all peer reviewed and
written within the last 15 years. Key search of Co-Sleeping Within the Matlock-Carr, N. L., & Ward, K. S. (2015). Helping Parents Make Informed
Decisions Regarding Bed-Sharing. International Journal of Childbirth Education,
30(1), 77–81
terms: Safe, Co-sleeping, & Bedsharing.

Discussion: The three articles discuss the First Year of Life.

benefits and risks associated with co-sleeping.
They mention that education is the key to
preventing risks.

Results: Pros: Easier to feed baby

during the night, mom and baby get better
sleep, and comfort of knowing baby is right
there. Cons: dangerous if one or both parents
are impaired, baby may get rolled on top of
cause suffocation, and risk of baby falling off
bed. According to our articles if Co-Sleeping By: Jane Horne, Jeff Houston, & Kaylee Carlsen
is practiced safely it can be beneficial.

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