Exercise and Calcium Supplementation Effects On.6

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Exercise and Calcium Supplementation:

Effects on Calcium Homeostasis in

Department of Foods and Nutrition, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

MARTIN, B. R., S. DAVIS, W. W. CAMPBELL, and C. M. WEAVER. Exercise and Calcium Supplementation: Effects on Calcium
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Homeostasis in Sportswomen. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 39, No. 9, pp. 1481–1486, 2007. Purpose: Exercise-induced sweat calcium
losses have been reported as substantial in male athletes. The first aim of the study was to quantify the increase in 24-h total dermal
calcium losses and the net changes in calcium retention in active sportswomen after a 1-h strenuous exercise session. A second aim was
to determine the effectiveness of calcium supplementation to offset any calcium loss. Methods: Twenty-six premenopausal
sportswomen completed three 8-d intervention phases in a randomized-order, crossover design. The three phases were placebo + no
exercise (control), placebo + exercise, and 400 mg of calcium as calcium carbonate (TUMS Ultra) twice daily + exercise. The
supervised exercise was 1 hIdj1 cycling at 65–70% of heart rate reserve. A controlled diet of approximately 450 mgIdj1 of calcium and
24-h pooled urine and fecal collections allowed determination of calcium balance on days 5–8 of each phase. Twenty-four-hour dermal
collections were made at the end of each phase using a whole-body washdown procedure. Results: Exercise increased (P G 0.05)
dermal calcium losses (means T SD, 92 T 49 vs 79 T 31 mgIdj1 in the nonexercise intervention period), which was no longer significant
(P = 0.14) when calcium supplementation was provided (83 T 49 mgIdj1). Higher (P G 0.01) urinary calcium excretion during calcium
supplementation is suggestive of higher net calcium absorption. Exercise did not affect urinary calcium excretion indicating lack of
compensation for dermal losses. Net calcium retention was positive only during the exercise + calcium supplementation intervention
period. Conclusions: Calcium supplementation can correct for negative calcium balance attributable to low calcium dietary intake and
additional dermal losses from exercise. Key Words: CALCIUM BALANCE, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, WOMEN, TOTAL-BODY

ence between whole-body 47Ca retention and 47Ca excretion

et deposition of calcium into bone requires that
calcium intake is greater than obligatory calcium as an average of 63 mgIdj1 (6).
losses, which can occur in urine, feces, and the A few studies in men have reported much higher calcium
whole-body dermis. Women are at risk for calcium losses during periods of vigorous physical activity. Sweat
insufficiency, mainly because of inadequate intake (11). samples collected during practice from cotton T-shirts of
Although serum calcium concentration is tightly regulated basketball players during 3 d of two practices per day lasting
through a vitamin D and parathyroid hormone–mediated two or more hours averaged a calcium loss of 247 mg, which
homeostatic regulatory system, this mechanism is unable to was sufficient to translate to a skeletal loss of calcium (12).
fully compensate for low calcium intakes or high calcium In 42 males undergoing fire-fighting training, sweat calcium
losses. Obligatory losses of calcium in urine and endoge- loss averaged 107 mg per session (18). These studies in
nous excretion are substantial (9 200 mgIdj1). Sweat men undergoing strenuous activity do not predict calcium
calcium loss in adults has been estimated from the differ- losses that might occur in women participating in strenuous
exercise programs. These studies also did not measure total
calcium balance and looked only at dermal losses from a
Address for correspondence: Wayne W. Campbell, Ph.D., Associate small proportion of the total skin surface.
Professor, Department of Foods and Nutrition, Purdue University, 700
W. State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2059; E-mail: campbeww@
Several studies have included measurements of calcium
purdue.edu. losses during exercise under short-term, controlled con-
Submitted for publication January 2007. ditions or have measured 24-h calcium losses without
Accepted for publication April 2007. studying the effects of exercise on calcium losses. Arm
0195-9131/07/3909-1481/0 bags were used to measure sweat calcium losses of men in
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISEÒ environmental chambers of various temperatures for 7.5 h
Copyright Ó 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine that included 100 minIdj1 of exercise (9). Sweat calcium
DOI: 10.1249/mss.0b013e318074ccc7 losses averaged 8.1 mgIhj1 at 21-C. In a second experiment,


Copyright @ 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
three men participating in moderate exercise for 30 min at standard deviation of 37.5 mgIdj1, a sample size of 21 was
23.9-C lost an average of 3 mgIhj1 calcium in sweat (9). determined to have 9 90% power to detect a difference of 15
Whole-body dermal calcium losses during 40 min of intense mgIdj1 between two treatments. For calcium retention,

exercise in 16 young men ranged from 18 to 31 mg (8). We assuming a within-treatment standard deviation of 104
have previously reported whole-body 24-h dermal calcium mgIdj1 (22) and a between-treatment standard deviation of
losses of 103 T 22 mgIdj1 (~4.3 mgIhj1) in six young 506 mg, a sample size of 21 had 85% power to detect a
women not participating in an exercise intervention (19). 50-mgIdj1 difference between two treatments.
The lower calcium losses in this study compared with the Protocol. For at least 2 wk before the beginning of the
studies involving exercise could be an exercise effect on intervention, subjects consumed one Geritol Complete daily
dermal calcium loss, overestimates from partial body containing 148 mg of Ca and 400 IU of vitamin D; they
measurements compared with whole-body measurements, continued this throughout the complete study. Subjects
or a gender difference in dermal calcium loss. participated in three 8-d intervention phases in a
The aims of the present study were to assess the effects of randomized-order, crossover design. The three intervention
moderate-intensity exercise on dermal calcium losses dur- phases were 1) placebo/no exercise (control), 2) placebo/
ing abstinence from exercise versus strenuous exercise in exercise, and 3) calcium supplementation/exercise. Each
the context of overall daily calcium retention, and to phase was separated by a 7- to 30-d washout period. During
determine the role of calcium supplementation on calcium each intervention period, subjects consumed a controlled
homeostasis in premenopausal physically active sports- diet provided by the research staff. The diet consisted of a
women. We hypothesized that calcium supplementation 3-d cycle menu, which provided 2400–2500 kcal, 60–65 g
could correct exercise-induced calcium losses. of protein, 25–30% kcal as fat, 400 g of carbohydrate, and
450–500 mg of calcium (including Geritol calcium). Our
targeted daily calcium intake was 600 mgIdj1, but the
METHODS software program`s analysis of diet estimated the calcium
Subjects. Healthy, premenopausal women (N = 26, content to be about 150 mg higher than was found when the
20–40 yr) who had regular menstrual cycles (21–35 d) food was analyzed. Uneaten food was returned for
were recruited through flyers posted at local exercising determination of actual calcium intake.
facilities. Aerobically trained women were included as Calcium supplementation was provided as calcium
assessed during screening who participated in more than carbonate (TUMS Ultra); each tablet contained 400 mg of
three exercise sessions per week and who had maximal O2 elemental calcium and two tablets were taken daily with
uptake capacities (V̇O2peak) of 9 36.7 mLIkgj1Iminj1. Each meals for a total daily supplementation of 800 mg of
woman`s V̇O 2peak was estimated using the YMCA elemental calcium. Calcium supplements and matching
multistage cycle ergometry protocol and a Monark placebos were provided by Glaxo Smith Kline Consumer
Ergomedic bike, Model 818E. Women were included with Health Care (Parsippany, NJ). Unused tablets were returned
a BMI between 18.5 and 29.9 kgImj2. General health was to assess compliance. During the supplemented phase of the
assessed by a clinical chemistry profile and a screening study, total calcium consumption was equal to approxi-
instrument. Exclusion criteria included pregnancy, lactation, mately 1250–1350 mgIdj1.
amenorrhea, unwillingness to stop dietary supplements, use The exercise intervention consisted of daily supervised 1-h
of medications affecting calcium metabolism, use of sessions of cycling in a temperature (67–69-F) and humidity
prescription products for osteoporosis, known intolerance (~30%)-controlled facility on a cycle ergometer at 65–70%
to study materials, history of renal or hepatic disease or of heart rate reserve. This level of exercise intensity was
eating disorders, or clinical laboratory values greater than or chosen as it is within the 55–90% range of V̇O2max
less than 10% of normal ranges. recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine
Weight in light clothing was measured with a calibrated to promote cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy adults, and
electronic scale and height, without shoes, was measured 1 h was chosen because it is the upper limit recommended
with a wall-mounted stadiometer. Prestudy dietary intake for cardiorespiratory health promotion (2). Intensity was
was determined by a 3-d diet record following instructions monitored by heart rate using a watch dial heart rate
given by study personnel. The study protocol was approved monitor (Heart Meter Impulse, Sports Beat, Inc.) at 5-min
by the Purdue University institutional review board, and all intervals for 15 min then at 10-min intervals for 45 min.
subjects provided written, informed consent. During the no-exercise phase, subjects participated in 1 h of
Sample size was determined by power calculations. Power supervised rest in the same facility. The remainder of the
calculations were made with a univariate, one-way repeated- 24-hIdj1 period was not supervised. Subjects recorded
measures ANOVA with constant correlation design with a hours and intensity of all daily exercise outside of the
significance of 0.95, three treatment periods, and an assump- monitored session. During the no-exercise phase, partici-
tion of correlation of 0.75 between periods for each end point. pants were instructed to eliminate all exercise. If they could
For dermal calcium loss, assuming a within-treatment stand- not comply with that guideline, they were to reduce both
ard deviation of 22.3 mgIdj1 (19) and a between-treatment time and intensity of exercise as much as possible.

1482 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine http://www.acsm-msse.org

Copyright @ 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 1. Subject characteristics (N = 26). Analysis. Duplicate composites of each cycle menu,
Mean T SD Min–Max urine, and stools were processed and analyzed for calcium
Age (yr) 25 T 5 20–40b by inductively coupled plasma spectrophotometry (Optical

Height (cm) 167 T 6 156–181b
Weight (kg) 62 T 8 51–86b
Emission Spectrometer, Optima 4300 DV, Perkin Elmer,
BMI (kgImj2) 22.1 T 2.2 19–27b Shelton, CT) as previously described (4). Uneaten food that
Habitual calcium intake (mgIdj1) 926 T 463 375–2523b was returned was weighed, and the calcium content was
V̇O2peak (mLIkgj1Iminj1) 43 T 6 37–58b
Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (ngImLj1) 46 T 22 14–112a,c calculated using Food Processor v. 7.4 (ESHA Research,
Serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (pgImLj1) 49.8 T 12.2 28–71a Salem, OR). Resulting milligrams of calcium not consumed
Serum parathyroid hormone (pgImLj1) 43.1 T 12.9 25–73a
Serum calcium 9.4 T 0.3 8.5–9.8a
were subtracted from known dietary calcium content.
Day 1 of first phase.
Calcium retention was determined through mass balance
Determined during screening procedure. as intake minus (dermal + fecal + creatinine adjusted
Excludes one person who used a tanning bed weekly with a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin urinary losses). Balance for each subject was calculated
D level of 233 ngImLj1 .
from 4 d of urine and fecal collections, but only 1 d of sweat
collection during each period. All serum biochemical assays
were conducted by a certified lab (Quest Diagnostics,
Twenty-four-hour urine and fecal collections were taken Clinical Trials, Van Nuys, CA).
throughout the intervention phase, which ended with rising Statistical analysis. The 95% confidence intervals
collections on day 9. The first 4 d were considered the were computed for the differences in dermal calcium loss
adjustment period, and the next 4 d were used to determine through sweat and calcium retention between each pair of
calcium balance. regimens. Least squares means and their variances were
On day 7 of each 8-d phase, 24-h whole-body dermal used to compute the confidence intervals. The means were
calcium losses were determined as previously described obtained from a general linear model that regressed critical
(19). After the supervised exercise or rest period on day 7, end-point variables on treatment, sequence, subject nested
subjects had a whole-body scrubdown to remove sweat, in sequence, study period, and carryover effect (SAS
dirt, and exfoliated skin. They dressed in pretreated cotton Institute, Inc., v. 9, Cary, NC).
pajamas and an external paper suiting, which covered the
whole body except the head and hands. After the supervised
exercise or rest period on day 8, which corresponded to
24 h in the cotton pajamas, the pajamas and rinses from a Subject characteristics are shown in Table 1. The average
second whole-body scrubdown were collected for extraction V̇O2peak represents the 75th percentile for women between
and determination of calcium losses. This procedure the ages of 20 and 29 yr (2). Habitual calcium intakes
includes sweat plus any dermal losses from exfoliated skin averaged almost 1000 mgIdj1.
during the 24-h period from the whole body minus hands Eighty-three women were screened for participation in
and head. this study. Thirty women met the screening criteria and
Fasting blood was drawn on days 1 and 7 for determi- began the first phase of the study. Subsequently, four
nation of serum calcium, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, 1, 25- subjects withdrew from the study because of lack of time to
hydroxyvitamin D, and parathyroid hormone. complete the protocol. Compliance with calcium supple-
Safety of the treatments was ensured by using both verbal mentation was 100% according to pill count. Compliance
and written query reports of adverse events. Nonpregnant with the supervised 1-hIdj1 exercise intervention was
status was verified at the beginning of each phase (Quick 100%. Although subjects were requested to avoid physical
Vue T One Step hCG Combo test, Pacific Biotech, Inc). activity during the no-exercise period, activity logs indi-
Resting blood pressure and heart rate were measured at the cated that there were no significant differences in reported
beginning of each exercise session. Subjects were not activity (in METS) among the three intervention periods
allowed to exercise if blood pressure was outside of outside the 1-hIdj1 supervised exercise or no-exercise
normally accepted values (90–140/50–90 mm Hg) after intervention. During days of sweat collection, subjects
three consecutive measures. remained mostly sedentary while wearing the sweat

TABLE 2. Effect of exercise and dietary calcium on calcium loss and retention in physically active, premenopausal women (N = 26).
Placebo/No Exercise (mgIdj1) Placebo/Exercise (mgIdj1) Calcium Supplements/Exercise (mgIdj1)
Calcium intake 464 T 39 477 T 43 1276 T 59
Calcium dermal loss 79 T 31 92 T 49* 83 T 49
Urinary calcium loss 92 T 48 84 T 39 108 T 53**
Fecal calcium loss 447 T 250 430 T 161 928 T 349***
Net calcium retention j139 T 234 j100 T 168 204 T 283***
Values are mean T SD.
* Significantly different from placebo/no exercise at P = 0.035; ** significantly different from placebo/exercise at P = 0.0013; *** significantly different from placebo/exercise at
P G 0.001.

EXERCISE AND CA IN PREMENOPAUSAL SPORTSWOMEN Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 1483

Copyright @ 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
collection suits, except during the 1 h of supervised exercise ature. The difference may be partly attributable to environ-
intervention. Diet intake compliance was adjusted by ment, because calcium losses in sweat increase with heat
analysis of collected uneaten food. Incomplete or missed (9,21). Calcium losses through sweat increased from 111

fecal or urine collections were reported, but were G 5% or mgIdj1 at 21-C to 201 mgIdj1 at 37.8-C, as estimated by
G 2.5%, respectively, of total collections. No significant arm-bag collections during 7.5-h periods that included 100
adverse events from the treatment were observed. min of exercise (9). Differences in estimates of exercise-
The effect of treatment on calcium losses and retention is induced dermal loss may also relate to the error associated
given in Table 2. Exercise had a modest effect on whole- with projections using surface-area extrapolations from
body 24-h dermal calcium loss. Urinary and fecal calcium regional sweat collections through arm bags or patches to
excretion increased with calcium supplementation, but there whole-body losses. For example, projections from arm and
was no effect of exercise on these losses. Net calcium leg patches overestimated whole-body calcium dermal
retention was negative on low-calcium diets, but it was losses by three- and fourfold from patches on the upper
quite positive during the period of calcium supplementation. back (19). When eight patches were used to provide a more
The increase in calcium retention with supplementation was representative sample of whole-body surface area, the error
304 T 225 mgIdj1. in projecting to whole-body dermal calcium losses reduced
There were no significant differences in serum PTH, to 1.6-fold.
25-hydroxyvitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, or cal- The effect of 1-h strenuous exercise on dermal calcium
cium concentrations among the three intervention periods or losses was too small to be reflected in the daily net calcium
change from day 1 to day 7 within each phase. retention, which is largely influenced by fecal excretion.
The variability in calcium retention is three to four times
DISCUSSION that of dermal loss, which greatly reduces power to observe
differences. Urinary calcium excretion was not affected by
This study demonstrated that healthy, exercising premen- exercise in our study, indicating lack of compensation for
opausal sportswomen who exercise strenuously for 1 hIdj1 dermal losses. Urinary calcium excretion is little affected by
have a small but significant increase in dermal calcium loss. exercise or heat (5,9).
The 13-mg additional dermal calcium loss with exercise Calcium supplementation improved calcium retention by
would require consumption of an additional 40 mgIdj1 of threefold. Although urinary and fecal calcium losses
calcium to make up for these dermal losses. The effect of increased with calcium supplementation, net calcium
this loss of calcium on bone is dependent on the calcium retention was dramatically improved. The effect of calcium
status of the woman. If her daily calcium intake is below the supplementation on dermal calcium loss cannot be deter-
total calcium loss, then she will be in negative calcium mined independently from exercise from our study design.
balance and calcium will be released from bone to maintain Calcium intake from the basal diet in the groups receiving
normal serum calcium levels. In this study, participants placebo was low, just under half of the adequate intake of
consumed prepared diets that contained about 450 mgIdj1 1000 mgIdj1 recommended for this age group by the
of calcium, and we found that even without partaking in the Institute of Medicine (11). This is below the mean of U.S.
exercise program, the women were in negative calcium intakes for women of similar age from the 1994 USDA CFS
balance. In contrast, supplementation with 800 mgIdj1 of II of 647 mgIdj1 (17) and by the 1999–2000 NHANES III
calcium ensured sufficient calcium so that the additional of 797 mgIdj1 (25). However, it is comparable with mean
loss in sweat resulting from the 1 h of exercise in addition intake of women in many populations (15) and for 25% of
to low calcium intakes did not put these women in negative U.S. women (17). The low level of calcium intake put the
calcium balance. women in our study in negative calcium balance. When
The modest dermal loss of calcium seen in our population total intake was approximately 1300 mgIdj1, the women
is very similar to the less than 20 mgIdj1 reported by Lentner were in positive calcium balance, even with 1 h of moderate
et al. (14), even though their population included post- exercise. The average usual calcium intake in this group of
menopausal women with osteoporosis who consumed about women was near the adequate intake, but the range was
900 mgIdj1 of calcium. Our data are similar to the findings broad; one fourth of the subjects consumed G 600 mgIdj1.
of Rianon et al. (20), who found that dermal calcium losses We have previously reported positive calcium balance in
were very similar for individuals when they were either at young women aged 18–31 yr of 73 T 107 mgIdj1 on
rest or exercising, with dermal losses of approximately 35 calcium intakes similar to those achieved with calcium
mgIdj1. The effect of exercise on dermal calcium loss in supplementation in the present study (22). Fecal calcium
our study was less than expected on the basis of the much losses were similar at 1061 T 142 mgIdj1, but urinary
greater losses (9 100 mg per session) reported in men calcium excretion was more than twice as high in that study
participating in rigorous exercise—that is, professional (204 T 73 mgIdj1). Dermal calcium losses were not
basketball practice and firefighting training (12,18). The measured. In that study, the subjects were not sportswomen.
losses were more in line with those reported in men Sportswomen may be better able to use calcium in the diet
participating in moderate exercise (8,9) at room temper- when it is adequate. Clinical and laboratory animal studies

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have shown that exercise is associated with higher bone measurement of dermal calcium and other parameters three
mass (16) and higher calcium absorption (13) and retention times/subject, once in each arm of the study), a carefully
(13,26) in rats. Calcium and vitamin D supplementation controlled intervention that included the provision of all

decreased stress fractures by 27% relative to a placebo meals during the intervention and analysis of calcium
control group in female military recruits during basic content, use of a matched placebo, and rigorous whole-
training (Lappe, personal communication, 2006). body 24-h dermal calcium collections. A limitation of this
In this study, if we assume that the sportswomen had study is the lack of no exercise + calcium supplementation
average total-body calcium levels of 1000 g (11), and if this group to clarify if calcium supplementation partially offset
relative decrement in calcium retention was sustained, it exercise-induced dermal calcium losses. Other limitations
would translate into a skeletal calcium difference between include that dermal calcium losses were only measured
the period of supplementation versus the loss seen when once during each period, and that subjects were free living,
they were on low calcium diets of 11.7% per year. It is so exercise, consumption of nonstudy food, and urine and
possible that this difference will not likely be sustained for fecal sample collections were not monitored when subjects
one year as it is expected that the low calcium intakes will were away from the research facility. However, partici-
result in increases in calcium absorption efficiency and pants did keep diaries, and recordings by participants of
decreased urinary losses (23). However, full adaptation is certain snacks provide some assurance of the accuracy of
unlikely, because calcium homeostasis does not efficiently our analyses.
adapt to low calcium intakes even during puberty when Although 1 h of strenuous exercise had modest effects
bone is rapidly growing (1). Calcium from supplements and on dermal calcium loss, achieving recommended dietary
calcium enriched milk have been shown to benefit bone in calcium intakes may be particularly important in physically
postmenopausal women who have usual calcium intakes of active women. The large benefit of calcium supplementa-
450–750 mgIdj1 (7,10), but not in premenopausal women tion on net calcium retention in premenopausal sports-
aged 23.1 T 2.7 yr (3). The authors argue that failure to see women observed in this study suggests that this practical
a benefit of calcium supplementation on bone in their study lifestyle habit can correct compromised calcium balance
of premenopausal women was likely attributable to the attributable to low calcium intakes and dermal losses from
increase in calcium intake in the placebo group to 824 T 213 exercise.
mg over the course of the study, use of a calcium
supplement with half the expected bioavailability, and lack This study was funded by a grant from Glaxo Smith Kline
of power due to attrition. Consumer Health Care, Parsippany, NJ. The authors acknowledge
the clinical expertise and support of Dr. Adrianne Bendich from
Strengths of our study include the use of a crossover GSK. The results of the present study do not constitute endorse-
design to reduce subject to subject variation (and thus, the ment of TUMS Ultra by the authors or ACSM.

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