JYSK Annual Report 2016-17

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Scandinavian Sleeping & Living
A historic year for JYSK 5 China reports ready for Store Manager Trainee
programme 44
Results for the year 7
Ambition has fueled Yullia’s career 45
JYSK worldwide 8
Store Manager Trainees answer phones in Poland 46
Meet our new Country Manager in the UK 47
TO BE THE WORLD’S MOST Management takes over store in Sweden 48
WIDESPREAD AND PROFITABLE Colleagues climb the highest mountain 49
CHAIN OF STORES 11 Party with JYSK and Dänisches Bettenlager 50
JYSK reaches 2500 stores 12 GOJYSK.com connects colleagues 51
JYSK Franchise opens in… 14 Mobiles provide more time for customers 52
Exciting challenges await in Belgium 16 New system manages tasks on the mobile 53
“A feeling of being able to reach anything” 17 New mobile-friendly learning tool 54
Opening success in Belgium 18 Extended focus on health of employees 55
JYSK opens the first branch on Fuerteventura 19
Double store opening in Athens 20 CORPORATE SOCIAL
200 stores in Poland 22 RESPONSIBILITY
Next stop for Dänisches Bettenlager: South America 23 & SPONSORSHIPS 59
JYSK supports competition with focus
TO BE CUSTOMERS’ FIRST CHOICE 27 on sustainability 60
”We need to have the right mindset to move
“We always live by the Customer First strategy” 28 anything in the supply chain” 62
JYSK turns up the inspiration 29 JYSK Romania partners with Hope and Homes
Scandinavian summer night in Bucharest 30 for Children 63
Sleep survey revealed in Zagreb 32 Opening of JYSK park 64
JYSK showed off in Helsinki 33 Competition winners share prize with
vulnerable children 66
JYSK reaches record turnover on Black Friday 24
JYSK colleagues run for a good cause 67
New possibilities with Cyber Monday 35
JYSK prolongs Paralympic sponsorship 68
Online wheel of fortune is an international success 36
Great success with new delivery option 37


Best retail employer in Bosnia-Herzegovina 42
From Trainee to District Manager in record time 43
It is with great satisfaction that I can announce that JYSK We must also continue to focus on our online representa-
Group has once again had a record year with a turnover of tion to make sure that JYSK always fulfills customer needs,
24.974 billion DKK and an EBIT-result of 3.302 billion DKK. no matter how the customer prefers to shop. JYSK must
be present on all platforms and tell what JYSK has to offer.
Combined JYSK Nordic, Dänisches Bettenlager and JYSK Both in regard to products, services and our strong Scan-
Franchise have opened more than 100 new stores around dinavian values.
the world during the latest financial year. This includes the first
stores in five countries as JYSK Nordic opened the company’s
Beyond borders
first stores in Belgium, while JYSK Franchise established the
first stores in Belarus, Moldova, Georgia and Tajikistan. The target of 5,000 stores requires us to take the whole
world into consideration.
The continuous expansion through the years means that
JYSK reached a historic milestone during the financial year I was personally in Belgium in April to open the first JYSK
Lars Larsen Jan Bøgh by opening store number 2,500 across the 48 countries stores in the country, and I still enjoy seeing customers
Tradesman and Chairman President and CEO worldwide with JYSK stores. standing in line outside the stores to be the first to enter
of the Board. JYSK Nordic and take advantage of our great offers.
Founder and owner An achievement, which has taken big efforts by our dedi-
of JYSK Group cated employees throughout JYSK Group, and it is some- Now that the JYSK flag has been planted in almost all Euro-
thing, which we should all be proud of. pean countries, it is natural to increase our focus on other
continents. This includes South America, where the first
JYSK stores are set to open in Chile in 2019.
5,000 stores

The opening of new stores will continue to be a crucial part With continuous focus on satisfied employees, great
of JYSK’s strategy in the years to come, and we have already customer service and online shopping I have no doubt
set our eyes on reaching 5,000 stores worldwide. Some- that JYSK will continue the journey towards becoming
thing, which I am sure that JYSK will achieve. one of the world’s most widespread and profitable chains
of stores and that we will keep presenting record results
Mainly because our customers like JYSK. This is the case year on year.
for new countries, which JYSK has just entered, as well as
for countries where JYSK has had stores for years. During
2016/17 JYSK Nordic had an increase of 6.7 million custom-
ers compared to the previous financial year. This clearly in-
dicates that the potential is great and that we need to press
Ole N. Nielsen Åge Nielsen harder on the speeder contrary to pushing the brakes. Lars Larsen
Director Director
Dänisches Bettenlager Dänisches Bettenlager

4 5
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
Our financial year runs from September 1st 2016 to August 31st 2017.

The currency effects have been accounted for in the numbers below.

The figures cover JYSK Group, which comprises our more than 2,500 JYSK Nordic, JYSK
Franchise and Dänisches Bettenlager stores. Other investments and companies in Lars
Larsen Group, are not included.

Turnover 24.974 billion DKK
+ 7.44% 2015/16
23.244 billion DKK
EBIT 3.302 billion DKK
+ 5.26% 2015/16
3.137 billion DKK
Pre-Tax Profit 3.199 billion DKK
+ 8.80% 2015/16
2.940 billion DKK

6 7
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
JYSK Nordic

Denmark 103

Norway 91

Sweden 137

FINLAND Finland 74
Poland 210

Czech Republic 82
SWEDEN Hungary 76
ICELAND JYSK Nordic The Netherlands 89


Slovakia 41

United Kingdom 16

Slovenia 21


Croatia 42


Dänisches Bettenlager CZECH REPUBLIC




China 13

BELARUS Serbia 30

Ukraine 36 TA

POLAND Bulgaria 17




Franchise Romania 49


MONTE 144 stores

Greece 14



Dänischen Bettenlager
Germany 949
FRANCE Austria 85
CROATIA ROMANIA Total no. of stores Switzerland 52

BOSNIA 2,529 France 30

Italy 48
ITALY NEGRO Portugal 3


Faroe Islands 1

Canada 59

Latvia 10

Lithuania 11
MALTA 2,500 Stores

Estonia 10

Greenland 6

2,000 Stores Kosovo 7

Kazakhstan 1

Macedonia 1

Armenia 1

Indonesia 10

1,000 Stores Montenegro 2

Singapore 1

Albania 3

Vietnam 7

Malta 1

Georgia 2

Belarus 3

Tajikistan 2






































Moldova 1
Growth is at the heart and soul of JYSK Group, and the will JYSK Group is also in the process of making detailed plans
and ability to expand our business will always be one of of expanding much further away, as Dänisches Betten-
the main drivers in JYSK. lager has announced intentions of opening in Chile in
South America in 2019. JYSK Franchise is also looking at a
During the financial year 2016/17 JYSK took an important number of interesting markets outside Europe.
step by opening the first stores in Belgium.
When opening JYSK store number 2,500 worldwide, owner
This was important not only because JYSK has instantly of JYSK Group, Lars Larsen, announced his intentions of
become a huge success in Belgium, but also because the reaching 5,000 stores, so the course is still set for expansion.
opening in Belgium means that there are now very few
places left in Europe where the JYSK flag has not yet been
planted. An exception is Ireland, where JYSK Nordic will
open the first stores in April 2019.

10 11
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
2,500 STORES
In September 2017 JYSK began the celebration of achieve our vision of being a great Scandinavian offer for
2017 becomming the year when JYSK opened store everyone,” explains Lars Larsen.
number 2,500, thereby reaching yet another mile-
stone in the company’s history.
Great employees

Expansion has been the main driver for the sleeping and He underlines that the success of JYSK has only been pos-
living expert JYSK, since owner and founder Lars Larsen sible as the result of the great efforts by JYSK employees
opened the first JYSK store in Denmark in 1979. throughout the years.

In August 2017, JYSK opened store number 2,500 spread “Constant development and expansion requires skilled
over the 48 countries where JYSK operates today. And the and dedicated employees. I would therefore like to thank
journey is far from over. all of the employees who have contributed to making JYSK
the success that it is today,” says Lars Larsen.
“It has always been the goal to have JYSK stores all over the
world, so there is still a lot of work to do. But reaching 2,500
stores is of course something to celebrate, and the way to
do that is of course by having a lot of great offers for our
customers and a competition with great prizes,” says Lars
The dairy giant Arla served free,
Danish breakfast for the many
customers at the opening.
Celebrations across the world

Store number 2,500 was thus cele-

brated with an international cam-
paign focusing on the continued
expansion of JYSK as well as pro­
duct quality and JYSK values.

“Having 2,500 JYSK stores is not

only great for me. It also benefits
the customers, because JYSK has
a presence as the local expert in

“Constant development sleeping and living in a lot of cities.

This makes it possible for JYSK to

and expansion requires

skilled and dedicated
Lars Larsen, JYSK owner Lars Larsen with his wife Kristine
founder and owner of JYSK Group Brunsborg at the opening of the first JYSK store
in the city of Aarhus in Denmark in 1979. It still
operates there today.

12 13
JYSK GROUP 2016/17



On November 17th 2016 JYSK welcomed the Belarussian Country number 47 with JYSK stores became the Republic A new JYSK store is ready to provide the Georgian custom- The first JYSK store in the Republic of Tajikistan, a moun-
customers inside the first store in the country. of Moldova, when the first JYSK store opened on Decem- ers with great offers from JYSK. It opened the doors for the tainous country in Central Asia, opened the doors on
ber 22nd 2016. The store is located in the capital Chișinău, customers on October 1st 2016 in the capital, Tbilisi. December 17th 2016. The store has a sales area of 1,250
The new store is 2,600 square meters and placed in the and Franchise Director at JYSK, Frederik Kroun, expects square meters and is located in the capital, Dushanbe,
capital Minsk, which has approximately 1.8 million inhab- to have good conditions for JYSK in the country looking “Georgia is a great new addition to the family of franchise which has approximately 670,000 inhabitants.
itants. forward. countries in JYSK. Georgia has evolved a lot in the past years.
We believe that the Georgian customers are ready to take “There is nothing in Tajikistan, which resembles JYSK. This is
“JYSK has proven to be a success in the neighbouring Bal- “JYSK is already experiencing great success in the neigh- part in the great Scandinavian offers from JYSK, and we look the main reason why we believe, that there is a good mar-
tic states, where we have been present for 15 years. This bouring countries Romania and Ukraine, so we hope that forward to providing them with that,” says Frederik Kroun. ket for our stores in the country. Many customers attended
makes it natural for us to expand our franchise to include will also be the case for our franchise business in Moldova,” on the opening day, so that is promising for the future,”
Belarus, and we see a big potential for JYSK in the country,” says Frederik Kroun, who has made a deal with a local The franchisee is owned by the two local business partners says Frederik Kroun, Franchise Director at JYSK.
says Frederik Kroun, Franchise Director at JYSK. family business on the operation of JYSK in the country. who also owns the chain of stores called DANISH HOUSE.
At the end of the financial year JYSK has doubled the num- JYSK in Tajikistan is run by a local franchisee, who is already
The stores in Belarus will be operated by the JYSK Franchise ber of stores in the country to a total of two stores. a known retailer in the country. Since the opening in De-
organisation in the Baltic countries, and the plan is to contin- cember one additional store has opened in The Republic
ually open new stores in Belarus in the coming years. of Tajikistan.

JYSK now has a total of three stores in Belarus.

14 15
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
JYSK Nordic opened its two first stores in Belgium Likewise, the Dutch and the Belgium consumers are also Yannick Eelen is Store Manager in Schoten – one of means more time for the custom-
in April 2017, and there are certain challenges far from being identical. the two first stores JYSK opened in Belgium on April er,” says Yannick.
which are particular to the country. The division of 5th 2017.
Belgium means adaptation to a variety of cultures “You need to spend more time on the Belgian consumers
Takes customer service to
and languages. and win their trust before they are willing to buy some- Store Manager in Schoten, Yannick Eelen, began his JYSK
a higher level
thing. This is why we need to operate with great respect career in November 2016 with training in the Netherlands.
Yannick Eelen is happy
The first two JYSK stores in Belgium opened their doors for the culture. Naturally we will still base our work on JYSK The training offered Yannick new knowledge about JYSK. JYSK has a different approach to the to be one of the first Store
in the cities of Schoten and Genk on April 5th 2017. And it Values, but we need to adjust them according to how customer than what Yannick has Managers in Belgium.
is no coincidence that the first JYSK stores opened in the things are done in Belgium,” says Frank Christant. “From my previous jobs in the business, I have learned that previously experienced in his job as
northern part of the country close to the Dutch border. retail is all about focusing on the details – retail is detail. Store Manager in another retail chain.

After my training in the Netherlands, I must say that JYSK
It is actually the JYSK organisation in the Netherlands which takes the meaning of this to a whole new level. Every detail “At JYSK, it is not only about helping customers with a spe-
is running JYSK’s operations in a country with huge differ- is in place, and everything is written down. That of course cific request, but also about making them feel comfortable.
ences in terms of both culture and language, depending JYSK takes customer service to a
on where one happens to be. The country is divided into
JYSK stores is the goal to open higher level,” says Yannick.
three different regions with differ- in Belgium in the long term
ent languages. Up until April 5th, Yannick and his
He ensures that the Dutch organisation is ready for the team worked hard on getting the
“There is a saying between the challenge. store in Schoten ready.
Dutch and the Belgians that you
cannot find any other neighbour- “We have spent ten years on getting JYSK in the Nether- “It is a special feeling seeing every­­
ing countries in the world that are lands to the place where we are today, so we know what thing taking shape from the begin-
so different,” says Frank Christant, it takes. It will be a very different task in Belgium, how- ning – being involved in everything.
Country Manager for the Nether- ever. We must use all our experience and entrepreneurial It is a feeling of being able to reach
lands and Belgium. skills, but we are ready and have the resources needed to anything,” says Yannick.
achieve this,” says Frank Christant.
Respect for the culture
In the long term, the goal is to open around 50 JYSK stores
This is why JYSK has started by open- in Belgium.
According to Frank Christant, ing stores in the northern part of
Country Manager for JYSK in the country called Flanders, and once this is successful, the
the Netherlands and Belgium,
plan is to move further south towards the Frenchspeaking
the customers in the two
neighbouring countries are part. This will also require the production of two advertising
very different. papers, each in their own language.

Measured on sales, the

opening in Schoten takes
second place for store
openings in the financial
year 2016/17.

16 17
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
The opening of the first two
JYSK stores in Belgium in April
2017 has been a big success.
So big that a third, fourth and
fifth store has already opened. The first JYSK branch of Dänisches Bettenlager “It’s been an exciting start on Fuerteventura, the second
opened its doors to customers on the popular Canary Island that we enter. Our assortment, service,
A milestone was reached for JYSK, Canary Island on July 29 th 2017. flexibility and efficiency in logistics are greatly appreci-
when owner Lars Larsen could ated by our customers and we look forward to successful
open the first JYSK store in Belgium With the opening of the branch on the eastern island of business here,” says Ole N. Nielsen, Director at Dänisches
on April 5th in the town of Schoten the Canaries, Dänisches Bettenlager now has four stores Bettenlager.
near Antwerpen. On the same day, under the JYSK name on the archipelago.
another JYSK store opened in the The store offers 820 square metres of sales area spread
town of Genk. The newest store is located in the middle of the popu- over two floors. On the ground floor there are living and
lar shopping mall Las Rotondas in the capital, Puerto del garden furniture, gift and decoration articles, on the upper
Measured on sales, the opening Rosario. floor there is everything in sleeping such as beds, pillows,
of the first two stores in Belgium JYSK owner Lars Larsen opened the first JYSK store in Belgium on April 5th 2017. Making it country number 48 bed linen, mattresses etc.
reached top-5 for store openings on the JYSK world map. 20 percent of the population of Puerto del Rosario are
in the financial year 2016/17 for foreigners, and many of them from countries where JYSK has been represented on the Canary Islands since 2015,
JYSK Nordic. The opening in Schoten takes second place, says Torben, who has previously worked as a Store Man- Dänisches Bettenlager is already present, which gives a when Dänisches Bettenlager opened its first branch.
while the opening in Genk comes in as number five. ager in JYSK. head start for the store in Las Rotondas.

“We had set very high goals and had very high expec- At the end of the financial year 2016/17 JYSK has reached This was confirmed on the opening day, as the store was
tations for the opening in Belgium, but we had not an- five stores in Belgium. visited by more than 500 customers and sold for app.
ticipated that it would be so successful. On the first 28 25,000 EUR.
opening days both stores have been visited by more than “The success actually means the most to the planning
12,000 customers. That’s a lot of people,” says Torben of how many stores we put on the drawing board for
Nygaard Timmermann, Sales Manager for Belgium. the next financial year. If the success continues, we are
most likely to revise upwards compared to the original
According to the Sales Manager the successful entry to plan,” says Torben, who is now Sales Manager for JYSK
Belgium is very much due to the many colleagues from in Greece, while Alida Meijlink is new Sales Manager for
the Dutch and Belgian JYSK organisation, who have been Belgium.
working very hard.

The success continues

Even though the opening of the stores has been a success
in Belgium, the most positive thing, according to Torben • JYSK owner, Lars Larsen, opened the first store in the
Timmermann, is that the success seems to last. town of Schoten in the northern part of Belgium on
April 5th.

“The stores are still doing fantastic now that everyday life • The same day another JYSK store opened in the city The store team ready for the
has set in after the big opening ceremony. So we are work- of Genk 90 kilometres south-east of Schoten. opening on Fuerteventura
ing very hard to keep the pace and are taking an aggres- on July 29th 2017.
sive approach to the task of opening additional stores,” • On May 17th a third JYSK store opened in the city of

• Belgium was JYSK country number 48.

18 19
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
Good timing in spite of crisis
On August 31st 2017, the JYSK organisation in Greece the opening and they are now ranked as number one and
finished the financial year by opening two new stores two measured on turnover of the opening day in Greece,” The success has come even
in Athens. Since JYSK entered the country two years says Kostas, who participated in both openings. though Greece in many ways dif-
ago, a total number of 13 stores have opened. fer from the other countries, in
With the two new store openings, the total number of which JYSK Nordic was present,
The colleagues in the store in
The pace of new store openings in JYSK Greece has surely JYSK stores in Athens is now six along with a further seven when deciding that the coun- Pireos, Athens, ready for the
been high the last part of the financial year 2016/17. In only stores in Greece and an additional webshop. try, which is rich on islands, on opening on August 31st.
five months, an impressive eight new stores have opened the southern point of the Balkan
on the Greek market. Peninsula, should be country number 38 on JYSK’s world as the rent was cheaper for us. Now we have a well estab-
Specialists in great offers
map. lished base from which we can expand,” explains Kostas.
Latest, JYSK in Greece finished the current financial year The first JYSK store in Greece also opened its doors in the
with a double store opening in Athens on August 31st. capital city of Athens back in September 2015. Since then, Both culturally and in terms of climate the country was
40 stores in five years
According to Sales & Marketing Manager in Greece, Kostas JYSK has managed to get a good grasp of the Greek cus- special, however, most noticeably was the Greek economy
Dimopoulos, both store openings were successful. tomers. in crisis. Here, JYSK saw opportunities. The plan for expansion in Greece has been clear from man-
agement in JYSK Nordic from the beginning.
”The opening went very well for both stores. Actually, both ”The number of customers is steadily growing and we are
stores managed to break the Greek record on the day of becoming more and more known as JYSK expands and “Currently, we work by a five-year plan where the goal is
builds our brand in Greece. We to open 40 JYSK stores across the country. This means that
expect the very positive develop- we should continue to open eight-nine stores yearly, so
ment to continue in the future,” we still have a lot of work ahead of us. However, we look
says Kostas. forward to it,” says Kostas, who himself has worked in JYSK
since the first store opened in Greece.
According to the Sales & Market-
ing Manager, JYSK’s Scandinavian Looking forward, the plan is to open future stores in the
roots differ from the Greek market larger cities outside of Athens and in the long run, also to
in terms of design, even though the open on some of the holiday islands like Crete and Rhodes.
assortment of course is tailored to
The mayor of Rentis cuts the ribbon in Pireos together with District Manager
the country where garden furniture George Tsironis (left)
season lasts almost all year.
”The financial situation actually fit quite well with JYSK en-
”At JYSK we are specialists in giving tering the Greek market. In spite of the financial crisis, the
the customers great offers and that customers still need beds and furniture and JYSK offers val- • JYSK opened its first store in Greece in Athens on
of course attracts the Greek peo- ue for money, which is what everybody seeks,” says Kostas September 24th 2015.
ple. At the same time, they very and continues:
• JYSK now has a total number of 13 stores in Greece,
much appreciate our Scandinavian
including six in Athens and a webshop.
brand and design along with our ”At the same time, the economy will slowly grow stronger
local presence, which is another and when it does, we will already be established on the • In total, approximately 120 employees work at the
important factor for our success,” market. Actually, the financial situation was a small advan- headquarter and in JYSK stores.

says Kostas. tage for us when we started establishing the first stores
The pace of new store openings in JYSK Greece has been high the last part of the financial year 2016/17. In only five months, impressive eight new
stores have opened on the Greek market.

20 21
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
On October 14th 2016, JYSK opened store number 200 in
Poland in the town of Jarocin. Poland is thus the first coun-
“Almost 40 million people live in Poland, so there is room
for many more JYSK stores. Our 200th store is a milestone, DÄNISCHES BETTENLAGER:

try in the world to have 200 stores carrying the name of which our colleagues in Poland should be proud to have
JYSK on their store front. reached. But it is not the finish line, which is why we should
continue the hard work so we can reach store number
“It is something we are proud of, and which means a lot to 300,” says Jan Bøgh.
JYSK. Poland and the other Eastern and Central European
countries are the part of Europe where growth is the great- At the end of the financial year 2016/17 JYSK has 210 stores
est, and I am pleased that the attitude towards JYSK is gen- in Poland.
erally very positive. This also applies very much to Poland,” JYSK Group has stores all over Europe, which means “In general the Chileans are very interested in furnishing and
says CEO of JYSK Nordic, Jan Bøgh. that further expansion will happen in new markets. they spend a lot of money on housing, which is of course
Next stop for Dänisches Bettenlager is Chile. important for choosing Chile as home of the first stores in
There are thus no plans to put the brakes on expansion in South America,” explains Lennart Petersen.
Poland, despite the fact that there are already JYSK stores Having expanded from Germany to Austria, Switzerland,
all over the country. France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, the employees in Däni­ Chile has 18 million inhabitants 6.5 million of them living in
sches Bettenlager are familiar with the challenge of entering the large area of the capital, Santiago de Chile. With almost
a new market. 40 percent of the population living in this area, this is seen
as an ideal starting point for Dänisches Bettenlager’s future
This knowledge and expertise will be very beneficial, when expansion in South America.
Dänisches Bettenlager opens the company’s first stores in
Chile, which are set to welcome customers in 2019. This While Dänisches Bettenlager will use 2019 to begin the
was announced in January 2017. Management Assistant at companys expansion outside Europe, JYSK Nordic will
Dänisches Bettenlager Lennart Petersen, who is managing close one of the last gaps on the European map, as the
the project, sees a lot of interesting perspectives in Chile. first JYSK stores will open in Ireland in the spring of 2019.

”Our 200th store is a “Chile is a very stable and economically successful country.
milestone, which our Compared to the big neighbours, Chile is a relatively small,
but very manageable market, and after looking thoroughly
colleagues in Poland at the continent, we believe that Chile offers the best pros-
should be proud to have pects for success,” says Lennart Petersen.

reached. But it is not the Focus on Scandinavian furniture

finish line(...)” This is further underlined by the fact that Scandinavian
Jan Bøgh, furniture is well known among consumers in Chile, who
President and CEO of JYSK Nordic are generally very interested in home furnishing.

22 23
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
24 25
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
JYSK Group always puts the customer first no matter how We believe that by combining the benefits of online possi-
people want to do their shopping. bilities with a great store experience we can offer a unique
service to our customers, and this has been confirmed by
Through constant development of our business both in our customer surveys.
physical stores and online, we want to make it as swift and
easy as possible for our customers to benefit from our local Furthermore JYSK Nordic has won more than six million
presence and wide assortment. new customers during the financial year 2016/2017, which
we see as yet another confirmation of the strength of our
It has been said on several occasions that the end of physi- customer first approach.
cal stores are near, but in JYSK Group we believe differently.

26 27
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
The employees in Dänisches Bettenlager’s store in
Raisdorf, Germany, returned from the company’s
annual party in Hannover with the title of “Store of
“The first three months were decisive for us. Especially by
cross selling we have generated a great turnover. And with
the increase in sales came the motivation as well,” explains JYSK TURNS UP
the year” in the financial year 2016/17. Store Manager Nils Hundhausen.

The Store Manager Nils Hund­haus­­en

just recently took over the manage-
ment of the store from his predecessor.

“I was very well received here by all Following successful tests in three countries, JYSK “When products are simply on display on store shelves,
my colleagues, but I also had an ad- launched a new inspirational concept in seven coun- it can be difficult to see how they go together. With the
vantage as I was trained here for four tries on November 1st 2016 – the goal is to inspire and Nordic Mood concept, we are showing the coherence
months before I took over, so I knew attract new customers. across our assortment in stores and on social media. We
the team in the store well,” says Nils will quite literally make visible the Scandinavian design,
Hundhausen, who has only been A broad assortment with everything for the home does which is the common thread in our identity,” says Katrine
working for Dänisches Bettenlager not automatically offer customers inspiration for their in- Kruuse.
since April 2016. terior decorating.
By offering customers inspiration both in stores and on
And according to the team in the That is one of the reasons for JYSK launching a new inspi- social media, JYSK expects to kill two birds with one stone.
store, teamwork is one of the secrets rational concept in JYSK’s stores in Denmark, Sweden and
behind the success. The team consists The store team from Raisdorf on stage receiving their title as Store of the Year in Dänisches Bettenlager Poland. Based on the great results, the concept has now “We believe that by renewing our inspirational concept
of 15 employees including three ap- 2016/17 at the annual party in Hannover. been expanded to almost 750 stores in seven countries: continuously, we will attract existing customers to their
prentices. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Czech Repub- local store more often. And through social media, we ex-
Lots of regular customers
lic and Hungary. pect to reach new target groups who do not yet have
The store in Raisdorf has been there for more than 30 years, JYSK on their radar when it comes to interior decorating,”
166 years of experience
so the store and its employees are very well known to the The concept is called Nordic Mood and consists of select- says Katrine Kruuse.
One of the reasons for the good cooperation is the customers in the local area. And the team in the store al- ed products, which have been handpicked according to
amount of experience gathered in the store. Altogether ways puts the customer first. current trends, and which will be displayed together at From spring 2017 Rikke Blæsild has taken over the job as
the employees combined have a central location in stores and promoted in campaign Range & Design Manager at JYSK.
166 years of experience working “We always live by the Customer First strategy. Putting papers and on social media.
in retail. the customer first is what has made Dänisches Betten-
lager what it is today,” says Deputy Store Manager Martina “The concept makes it easy for customers to see how you
The senior of the store is Stefan Kutschke, who is known to everyone as “Tina”. can combine products from our permanent assortment
Ebert, who has worked at Dänis- to create a modern and Nordic mood in your home,” says
ches Bettenlager for 28 years, “The most important thing is to show presence in the store Katrine Kruuse, former Range & Design Manager at JYSK.
while Deputy Store Manager and be accessible to the customer at any time. Customer
Martina Kutschke has 17 years of first means finding a solution for every problem as far as
Collection renewed four times a year
experience. In 2011 she took third possible,“ explains Nils and continues:
place in the store of the year The selection of products will change four times a year, so
competition, but this year she “One does not become branch of the year, if one does not that the collection always reflects current trends within in-
made it all the way to the top. live by Customer First.” terior decorating.
Store Manager Nils Hundhausen has only been working at
Dänisches Bettenlager since April 2016, and is proud of his team
for winning the title as Store of the year.

28 29
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
SCANDINAVIAN the products. The Scandinavian theme was chosen because it is important
for us to be known as a Danish brand. Nordic design is very popular in Roma-
nia, so our origin is something that people need to know about,” says Alex

Bratu, Country Manager for JYSK in Romania and Bulgaria.

Inspiration in good company

The event took place on Friday May 5th after a day with lots of sun in Bu-

Social Media & Digital Coordinator for JYSK in Romania, Raluca Tamas, was
the driving force behind the event, and she was happy with the turnout.

“During the event, many guests told me they were surprised by how
Around 130 journalists, bloggers and other influ- This was the reason that Scandinavian summer nights was many products we have and how good everything looks. For example,
encers from the Romanian capital, Bucharest, spent the chosen theme, when JYSK in Romania invited jour- Ioana Ginghina, a Romanian actress, was very enthusiastic and tested
a relaxing Friday night in May 2017 celebrating the nalists, bloggers and other influencers to experience this almost every lounge set. Other guests stayed outside on the sun loung-
Scandinavian summer nights and experiencing the year’s lounge sets, garden sets, sun loungers, accessories ers for hours, even though at one point it started to get quite cold. But
new garden furniture from JYSK. and much more which had been made ready on the lawn they were enjoying themselves outside, which was very nice to see,”
of the Diplomatic Club in Bucharest. explains Raluca.
The summer nights in Scandinavia are something special.
Not only because they can seem endless as the sun will not “One of the objectives of this event was to initiate a dia- Raluca could take pride in a very successful event, and it was happy
set until midnight. But also because it is the time of year logue with journalists and bloggers, because we think it guests that left from around 8 o’clock in the evening, when it start-
when many Scandinavians move their life from indoors to helps us build a stronger brand. When bloggers and maga­ ed to be a bit chilly for the Romanian guests. Later it started to rain
outdoors to enjoy the sun. zines write about the brand, people have more trust in heavily making everything even more Scandinavian in the lovely city
of Bucharest.

However it could not wash away the impression of a great evening,

with a lot of influential people getting new knowledge about JYSK
and JYSK products.

30 31
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
SLEEP SURVEY Apart from showcasing JYSK products in an unusual set-
ting, the purpose of the event was to present findings from
a survey about sleep made with Croatian and Serbian re-


How to choose the right mattress

As for the sleep survey, the results showed that a majority
of people in both Croatia and Serbia perceive their sleep
quality as mediocre or even bad, which of course leaves MAIN FINDINGS FROM SERBIA
room for improvement.
• 13% of respondents evaluate their sleep quality as
bad or very bad, while 43% think that it is mediocre.
In order to give journalists an idea of how people can im-
prove their sleep, Category Manager at JYSK Ruben Faarup • Almost half of the respondents (46%) have experi-
JYSK West Balkan presented the results of a sleep survey along with advice Christensen gave an instructive presentation on the impor- enced waking up at night, 2-3 times a week or more.
on how to choose the right mattress at a press event in March 2017. tance of choosing the right mattress.
• One third of respondents sleep an average of 65
minutes in the afternoon.
“You spend around a third of your life in bed, so the right
mattress is crucial. My family and colleagues often ask • One third of respondents sleep on something other
me, ‘Which one is the best mattress?’ My answer is always than a mattress, for example on a pull-out couch.
19% sleep on a spring mattress, while 16% sleep on
that it depends entirely on the individual person’s needs.
a memory foam mattress.
Your weight, sleeping position and habits all play a role,
so it is important to consider those and get assistance • The findings from the survey will be used to further
from our trained staff in the JYSK stores before choosing,” improve the assortment in both Croatia and Serbia.

explained Ruben Faarup Christensen.


As the indoor assortment was entering the stores all over “The journalists and bloggers had a lot of good questions,
the world, JYSK in Finland took the opportunity to “show and several of them said that this event has really influenced
off” in front of about 30 journalists and bloggers, who vis- how they see JYSK and what they think about our products.
ited a JYSK event in Helsinki focusing on new and trendy This is very important, as a number of journalists from inte-
products in August 2017. rior design magazines and influen-
Journalists from both Croatia tial bloggers visited the event,” said
and Serbia attended JYSK’s Besides seeing JYSK’s new assort- Riikka Leskinen.
press event in Zagreb, where
In an apartment completely furnished and decorated with ment the journalists and bloggers
results of a sleep survey carried
out in the two countries was Scandinavian products from JYSK, journalists from both MAIN FINDINGS FROM CROATIA were told about current styles and It was the first time that JYSK Finland
revealed. Croatia and neighbouring Serbia were welcomed at JYSK’s • 39% of respondents rate their sleep quality as medi-
trends and in general about JYSK held this kind of event but accord-
press conference in Zagreb on a sunny day in March with um, while 15% consider it bad or very bad. and JYSK Finland. Afterwards they ing to Riikka Leskinen it will not be
clear blue skies. had the chance to touch and feel the last.
• 31% of respondents use a memory foam mattress. the products and of course take a
One third sleep with an anatomical pillow, 27% with
“This place is used for meetings and conferences all the lot of pictures.
a pillow with synthetic fibres, while 24% sleep with a
time, but for our event we wanted to do something dif- memory foam pillow.
ferent,” explained Zvjezdana Novak, Sales and Marketing Employees from all parts of the
Manager for JYSK West Balkan. • One in ten of the respondents have been sleeping on Finnish organisation were there to
the same mattress for more than 10 years.
guide them, and Sales & Marketing
“So we took some furniture and accessories from our assort- • The fetal position is the most popular sleeping posi- Manager Riikka Leskinen who made
ment and decorated three different rooms, including the tion (64%). the presentation of the new indoor
bedroom since this event is all about sleep.” assortment, was very satisfied.

32 33
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
On Black Friday 2016, JYSK set a new record and important that we are prepared in order to deliver for our
reached the highest turnover ever seen in JYSK. customers,” says Niels Veien.
Behind the impressive result are JYSK employees
who worked hard to prepare for the event. From head office special attention is given to the website in
order to secure optimal functionality during the extra pres-
Since Black Friday was introduced in JYSK in 2013, the event sure. The stores have prolonged opening hours and extra
has developed rapidly and interest from customers has in- staff will be in place to service the customers. The stores will
creased. be packed with extra products to avoid customers going to JYSK celebrated another American concept, Cyber Cyber Monday is still a small event compared to Black Friday,
stores in vain. Monday, for the first time in 2016. Cyber Monday but offers new possibilities in reaching customers online.
“Black Friday 2016 has by far been our most successful is the little brother to Black Friday and focuses on Customers showed great interest for Cyber Monday in 2016
sales day ever in JYSK. On a top ten list of best selling days online offers. as JYSK’s turnover grew with more than 300 percent com-
Busiest week for distribution centre
in JYSK, four of them are Black Friday days. Black Friday is pared to an average sales day.
the reason why November has the best index during the Also at the distribution centre in the city of Uldum in Den- “Our great offers are what makes us unique and we want
year,” says Niels Veien, Executive Vice President of Sales, mark, the preparations are made and several coordinating to offer that to as many customers as possible. Seeing the “In 2017, I expect that we can double the number of orders
Marketing and E-Business at JYSK Nordic. meetings up to the event are held to make sure that every- positive development of Black Friday, we found it natural on online only products on Cyber Monday compared to an
one is ready. to explore the opportunities in Cyber Monday as well,” says average sales period,” says Niels Veien.
Niels Veien, Executive Vice President of Sales, Marketing
“We will not compromise on customer “We prepare ourselves well for the Black Friday weekend. and E-Business at JYSK Nordic.
service just to sell a little more, not We call in extra staff from Thursday to Sunday – everyone
we can get,” says René Løbner, Team Leader in Uldum.
even on Black Friday. Therefore, it is
important that we are prepared in Extra items are ordered in stock and coordination with
the postal service is made to secure more frequent pick- JYSK NORDIC
order to deliver for our customers” ups from the distribution centre than usual. Black Friday
has grown to become the busiest week of the year for the
Niels Veien, distribution centre.
Executive Vice President Sales, Marketing and E-Business at JYSK Nordic
“We can really feel the pressure on Black Friday and in 2016,
In order to provide all customers with the great offers and we could see the effects of the Black Friday weekend up 177,000,000
easy shopping, JYSK has decided to extend the event to to two weeks after. We work together and are all focused visits to our JYSK websites
last from Thursday to Sunday. on reaching our goal and deliver what is necessary for our
customers,” says René Løbner.
Preparations on all fronts

As Black Friday is growing, so are the preparations up to Niels Veien, Executive Vice President Sales, Marketing and E-Business at JYSK Nordic.
the Black Friday weekend in JYSK. Employees on all fronts
Newsletter subscribers
work together to prepare for the event, both from head
office, in stores and at the distribution centres.

“We have high expectations for Black Friday and the event
provides a huge stream of customers to our stores and on-
line. We will not compromise on customer service just to 2,228,000
sell a little more, not even on Black Friday. Therefore, it is Facebook fans

34 35
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
A combination of easy access for players and a great With each daily spin, the players had a chance to win a gift
effort by SMDC’s secured JYSK 250,000 additional certificate and tickets for the main prize of a larger gift card
newsletter subscribers in just one month. for JYSK.

Sign-up for the newsletter online and click to spin. That

Greece breaks the scale
was the simple method of participating in JYSK’s online
wheel of fortune competition. The total amount of new subscribers, which reached
250,000 sign-ups, differed a lot from country to country. By offering customers the possibility to get online In August 41 percent of online orders in Holland were or-
During the month of April 2017, 13 JYSK countries participat- The numbers are naturally affected by JYSK’s overall mar- only articles delivered in the local JYSK store, online der online – pickup in store. The number for Finland was
ed in the campaign, which increased the number of news- ket share in any given country. sales have increased significantly. 59 percent, while Norway was even better with a share of
letter subscribers with 250,000 recipients. 62 percent.
“In Denmark, for example, the engagement was amazing Customers being able to choose between the whole as-
though the increase in new subscribers ‘only’ reached eight sortment but not having to pay for freight. That is what
Successful effort by SMDC’s
percent. That is, however, very high given that we already “order online – pick up in store” is all about, and since this
If you ask Marie Balleby, Digital Planner in E-Business at JYSK reach a big part of the Danish population. On the contrary, became possible for JYSK customers in Denmark, Norway,
Nordic, the explanation for the success is pretty simple: It Greece broke the scale with an increase in subscribers of an Sweden, Finland and Holland in the Spring of 2017, online
was easy for players to participate with a few clicks, and the amazing 56 percent, but we need to take into account that sales have increased significantly.
digital campaign was well-executed on the local level by this is one of our newer markets,” explains Marie.
the Social Media & Digital Coordinators (SMDC’s). “In JYSK we want to be close to our customers, and that
Although the success rate varies, Marie still thinks that it is is why we have many small stores instead of few but big
“It is simply not enough to create a fun and accessible com- always educational for the E-Business team to run the same ones. Of course this also means that we are not able to
petition with a here-and-now chance of winning, though digital activity across different countries. display all of our products or carry them in stock in every “We have seen a big increase in the overall online sales in
this is no doubt an absolute must to even get people’s at- store, but by implementing “order online – pick up in store”, the countries where the new concept has been taken into
tention. The hard work is “We now know that our customers really enjoy playing we have found a great way to combine small stores with use. In Finland alone our total online sales have increased
engaging with people on games with a here-and-now chance of winning, and we big opportunities,” explains Executive Vice President Sales, by 150 percent. Furthermore it is a possibility for us to at-
the many different digital are already testing new formats, so we can offer this type Marketing and E-Business at JYSK Nordic, Niels Veien. tract more customers to our physical stores, as customers
platforms and convincing of game to our customers again sometime in the future,” pick up their products in our store instead of having them

them that we can offer a says Marie. delivered at home,” says Niels Veien.
fun experience. Our SM-
DC’s have really worked
Customer expectations must be met
hard to get this message
is how much the total online
out, and their efforts defi- Despite the big success there are no plans to expand the
nitely paid off,” says Marie.
sales have increased in possibility to other JYSK Nordic markets right now. The rea-
Finland, since “order online – son is the rapid expansion of JYSK in Eastern and Central
pick up in store” was Europe, which puts a huge pressure on JYSK’s distribution
introduced centre in Radomsko in Poland. Therefore the expansion of
“order online – pick up in store” has been put on hold, until
By using “order online – pick up in store”, JYSK customers JYSK’s distribution centre currently under construction in
can choose between JYSK’s worldwide assortment and get Bozhuristhe in Bulgaria is taken into use.
4 TICKET the product delivered to a store of their choice no matter if

AReD for the main priz S

the product is normally sold in that store or not. “As soon as we are sure that we can live up to customer
C e dr expectations on all markets, we will of course offer this
IFTSK stor aw
option for customers in other countries as well,” says Niels
G a JY Popular at once
or 4 Veien.

The numbers clearly show that customers have responded


well to the new opportunities since it was implemented


in the different countries from February to May 2017.


Marie Balleby and her colleagues in E-Business at JYSK Nordic are already
e dr
for the main priz S

testing new formats for the future.


36 37
for the main

JYSK GROUP 2016/17

38 39
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
Satisfied employees are the best employees, and we want This is a very positive development and it increases the
to have the best. Throughout JYSK Group we strive to need to tell more about what it is like to work in JYSK to
develop our employees and give them opportunities to attract the best minds. Not only in our stores but in all
grow and find new challenges within the group. functions.

The competition for the best employees has increased Our employee surveys clearly show that our employees
significantly within later years as economy is growing and are happy to be part of JYSK, but we will continue to work
unemployment is falling in most of our markets. hard every day to make it even better in the future.

40 41
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
At age 25, Kasper Straunstrup is currently the He started as a trainee in 2011, and during his two-year
youngest District Manager in Denmark – and he education at JYSK Academy, he was awarded the title as
has accomplished this in just six years. Trainee of the Year in 2013. He finished his education the
same year and became Sales Leader in 2014 before taking

As newly appointed District Manager, Kasper Staunstrup the next step as Store Manager Trainee. In 2016, he was put
was on a tour in West Jutland in Denmark in March 2017, in charge of the JYSK store in the city of Aars.
to visit the ten stores he will be in charge of.
Valuable experience as Store
“I think my own experience as Manager

According to the citizens of Bosnia-Herzegovina, “We all live our JYSK values of being a good colleague, and
Store Manager gives me a very good Although Kasper only worked as
Store Manager for 14 months, he
JYSK is the most desirable employer in the retail act according to JYSK leadership, which means being a understanding of my colleagues’ is convinced that his experience
sector in 2017. good manager. This way, we all create the best possible
atmosphere and best team spirit together,” he says.
perspective. I know what kind is very valuable in his new job as
District Manager where he is now
Just two years ago, in 2015, JYSK was also awarded a prestig- of challenges you face as Store supporting ten Store Managers.
ious second place in the race for the title of Best Workplace
in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Drazen also believes that having fun at work is very impor-
tant, and he is happy that the positive working environment
Manager, and I expect to use this “I think my own experience as Store
extends to JYSK’s customers as well. in my new job” Manager gives me a very good
If you ask Drazen Eldic, Retail Manager in JYSK West Balkan, he understanding of my colleagues’ perspective. I know what
has no doubt why JYSK takes home the first place this year. Kasper Staunstrup, kind of challenges you face as Store Manager, and I expect
District Manager in JYSK Denmark to use this in my new job. On top of that, I also have some
great role models in my more senior District Manager col-
But he was not alone – a film crew from the regional leagues,” says Kasper.
TV station joined him. They were impressed by his fast-
track career and wanted to tell his inspiring story to their As District Manager, Kasper will
viewers. spend more time working on a
computer to keep track of the per-
“It was quite an unusual experience, but they were really formance. But he will still prioritise
nice and good at being ‘the fly on the wall’. I am also really store visits.
pleased with the TV clip because I think it reflects me very
well and showcases the great career opportunities at JYSK,” “I just love being in the stores and
says Kasper. seeing how things are going. It is
when you look people in the eyes
that you see how the situation re-
Surprising career opportunities at JYSK
ally is,” says Kasper.
Kasper began his career as a trainee at JYSK Academy af-
ter one of his acquaintances told him that if he wanted an Kasper Staunstrup began his career as trainee at JYSK
education with a lot of future opportunities, JYSK was the Academy in 2011. Now he is the youngest District
Manager in Denmark.
place for him.

Sanel Mehić, District “To be honest, I had not even considered JYSK for my career.
Manager, Ana Zlopaša, HR
Business Partner, and Dražen I had maybe visited a store four or five times to get some
Eldić, Retail Manager, all basic stuff. But once I learned more about the trainee edu-
from JYSK West Balkan, cation, I applied for a position and was fortunate enough to
received the award for the
title as Best Workplace in be accepted,” says Kasper.

42 43
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
In January 2017, JYSK’s very first Store Manager With the SMT programme, Will Chen expects to improve After just two years at JYSK, 24-year-old Yuliia Ketner “In order to succeed at JYSK, I think
Trainee programme in China was launched. both his leader and sales abilities. is the youngest Store Supporter ever in JYSK Ukraine. it is crucial to be willing to work
and develop. When I worked as a
Four candidates have been selected for China’s first Store “I can bring home the new knowledge to the store and Yuliia Ketner started working as Administrative Responsi- Store Manager, I always worked
Manager Trainee (SMT) programme, which prepares candi- share it with my colleagues, so that together we can improve ble at JYSK. Then she worked as Sales Leader and became hard to achieve maximum results
dates for becoming Store Manager. sales and create China’s most attractive JYSK store,” he says. Store Manager even before finishing the Store Manager in my daily work,” says Yuliia.
Trainee programme. Now she is taking on the job as Store
Besides China, a number of other JYSK countries offer SMT Supporter.
Get out of your comfort zone
• The SMT programme takes two months to complete
This may sound like the resume of someone with a long As a student Yuliia travelled to
and consists of four training modules. Between the career, but in reality, this is what two years in JYSK have the USA to work in a gift shop, far
modules, candidates receive practical training in meant for 24-year-old Yuliia Ketner. away from her familiar surround-
the store. ings in Ukraine, and she recom-
mends colleagues to take similar
• The purpose of the SMT programme is to secure
qualified candidates for when a store needs a new “You should not chances.

be afraid to step
Store Manager.
“You should not be afraid to step
out of your comfort zone and take
out of your comfort
After just two years at JYSK,
One of the candidates is Will Chen, Sales Leader from initiative, because I believe that the experiences this gives 24-year-old Yuliia Ketner is the
youngest Store Supporter ever
Yancheng. He has worked at JYSK since 2015 and now you are often the ones you learn and develop the most
zone and take
in JYSK Ukraine.
wants to become Store Manager. from,” says Yuliia.

“I would like to develop personally and pursue my goal

of a career at JYSK. I want to show my worth and get the
initiative(…)” And even though Yuliia has had success in her work in JYSK
up until now, her promotion to Store Supporter does not
opportunity for leading my team to become the best mean that she will wind down her ambitions.
Yuliia Ketner,
one,” he says. Store Supporter, JYSK Ukraine
“I consider myself very happy and lucky to be part of the
JYSK team. I am planning to get the position as District
But what does it take to be successful at JYSK and rise Manager within a year or two, and hopefully I will also get
through the ranks? Excellent work ethics combined with a chance to take the introduction programme for Retail
great ambition, according to Yuliia. Manager,” says Yuliia.

Sales Leader at JYSK in Yancheng, Will Chen, is one of the four employees
who have been chosen to participate in the new Store Manager Trainee
programme in JYSK China.

44 45
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
ANSWER PHONES IN POLAND With lots of retail experience and a great sense of
purpose, David Ashton is looking to create growth
for JYSK in the United Kingdom.
sponsibility for 38 stores. He was also District Manager in
the UK branch of Lidl.

As Country Manager in JYSK, David is in charge of 16 stores

When a recruiter rang David Ashton and suggested he including a webshop and around 150 employees.
apply for a job at JYSK, his first response was: “JYSK, what’s
that?” “The fact that we’ve got only 16 stores means we can focus
“After having spoken with a customer about mattresses on developing the business. Right now, JYSK doesn’t have a
A group of Polish Store Manager Trainees visited the Customer Ser- for around fifteen minutes, the customer ordered a GOLD presence or brand recognition in the UK. We need to distin-
vice Center in Radomsko to gain insight into the department’s work. mattress online, without having seen the mattress in the
store. This made me realise that the phone is still impor-
“I love face-to-face guish ourselves from competitors by actually getting peo-
ple to come to the stores and understand that we offer ex-
tant despite the internet,” he says. contact with our teams tremely good products at extremely fair prices,” says David.

During a three-day internship in March 2017, the Store Rafał Kaliński underlines his colleagues’ positive attitude as
and customers, and I
Manager Trainees took on the role as Customer Service one of the things that made the biggest impression on him. cannot wait to get myself Family acted as mystery shoppers

employees: They sat down behind desks, put on headsets,

answered calls, gave advice and made customers happy. “In spite of the many different tasks and constantly ringing
into stores to coach and One of the first things David did after landing his new job
was to ask his parents, who didn’t know JYSK either, to go
phones, our colleagues are very helpful and extremely pa- develop our existing team on a mystery shopping trip to their local store.
tient,” he says. into world beaters” Although they didn’t know what to expect, they left the
“In spite of the many different Benefits for everyone David Ashton, store with several products and spent £60 in the store,
which obviously pleased the
Country Manager, JYSK UK
tasks and constantly ringing The joy of new insights and experiences from the intern-
ship was returned by the Customer Service colleagues.
Country Manager.

phones, our colleagues are very “The barriers between the physical stores and Customer
However, David’s initial response quickly turned into
curiosity as he learned more about JYSK’s business in the
“The store experience means
everything, and the best ide-
helpful and extremely patient” Service Center disappear when our colleagues in stores
get a chance to experience our reality,” says Olga Flaszka,
United Kingdom and successes across Europe. as come from the sales busi-
ness and the people who are
Rafał Kaliński, Customer Service Team Leader Trainee. On February 1st 2017, David got a first-hand opportunity serving our customers every
Store Manager Trainee, JYSK Poland to answer the question of what JYSK is and should be in single day. My job is to create
Her colleagues, Customer Service Team Leader Olga Matyja the future, when he assumed his new position as Country a system where that informa-
and Customer Service Supporter Ewelina Gaik, agree that Manager for JYSK in the UK. tion can flow back and be
One of the interns was Adam Kowalski, and to him the intern- the visit from the stores has been a positive experience. used to strengthen our busi-
ship included several surprises. “This is an excellent opportunity for me to combine my re- ness,” says David.
“Our common workshops have helped us a lot in under- tail operations experience and success with strategic work.
“I did not know that our Customer Service Center supports standing the significance of the work we are doing,” says My role is to guide the business, stores and online, focused
all online sales in our company. When you get to experi- Olga Matyja. on growth. I love face-to-face contact with our teams and
ence our colleagues’ working spaces with three screens customers, and I cannot wait to get myself into stores to
on each desk and five different programmes to service While Ewelina explains: “We get the opportunity to learn coach and develop our existing team into world beaters,”
customers, you really appreciate the work they are doing,” in detail about our store colleagues’ work and ask them says David, who turned 29 in February and relocated back
says Adam. how they handle different situations. Apart from knowl- home to Manchester where he grew up.
edge sharing, we also have fun. It is a great chance to get
to know our colleagues.”
Phone still plays an important role Distinguish JYSK from competitors

Michał Janisz, another intern, was especially surprised by a Previously, David has been working as Area Manager and
particular situation. most recently Divisional Manager at Farmfoods with re-
On February 1st 2017, David Ashton assumed his new position as
Country Manager for JYSK Nordic in the UK.

46 47
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
The employees in the JYSK store in Länna, Sweden, “It is important for us to have satisfied employees in the As a team-building activity, colleagues in JYSK’s “This was my first year – and actually also first time ever – I
won a day off while the Swedish management team stores. JYSK wants to be an attractive place to work, which head office for the Czech Republic and Slovakia hiked up our highest mountain. It was a great challenge,
took over the store. is why we focused on the completion of the introduction climbed a mountain together. but I enjoyed it and am definitely planning on going next
programme by new colleagues, so we ensure they get a year as well! I liked that we went as a team and pushed
The JYSK store in Länna outside the Swedish capital of good start at JYSK, know all of our products, work by Cus- JYSK employees are always reaching for the top. That is lit- each other towards better performance,” says Kristýna.
Stockholm is an attractive place to work. So much so that tomer First and are motivated from the beginning,” says erally true for the colleagues in JYSK’s head office in Prague
the store took first prize in an “Attractive Place to Work” Lotta Lindborg. who run the business in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Once they reached the top of the mountain, Kristýna and
competition ahead of the other 136 Swedish JYSK stores. her colleagues made sure to document their achievement
In Länna, where Store Manager Ahmed “Rodi” Ibrahim is As part of ensuring better team spirit between colleagues, with photos, including a JYSK banner.
The ten JYSK store colleagues won a day off with lots of in charge of the store, completions of the introduction they have made it an annual event to climb the highest
common activities while the Swedish Country Manage- programme was at 100 percent and sickness absence low. mountain in the Czech Republic, which is called Śnieżka “We brought the JYSK banner because we are proud to be
ment Team took over the store. That was the reason he could enjoy a day off with his col- and reaches 1,603 metres into the sky. part of the JYSK family,” says Kristýna.
leagues, driving go-carts, bowling and eating nice food.
“We decided in the management team to make it into an
First-time mountain climber
event. It was good for all of us to get out into the store and
get some hands-on experience and see how the concepts One of the participants in this year’s adventure was Kristýna
and procedures work,” explains Lotta Lindborg, HR Manager Čižinská, Social Media & Digital Coordinator.
in JYSK Sweden.

Satisfied employees are important

The purpose of the competition was to put focus on great

working environment in the Swedish JYSK stores. The stores
were measured on short-term sickness absence and on how
many new colleagues had completed their introduction
programme to JYSK during the latest financial year.

The Swedish Country Management Team at JYSK Nordic got hands-on

experience when they took over the JYSK store in Länna for a day.

Store Manager Ahmed Colleagues from JYSK’s head

“Rodi” Ibrahim and his team office in Prague made it to the
won a day off with different top of the highest mountain
activities as a reward for a in the Czech Republic as a
great working environment. teambuilding experience.

48 49
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
AND DÄNISCHES JYSK’s international news site, available in 18 lan-
guages, is making it fast and easy for colleagues to
share inspiring stories across borders.
JYSK. But our colleagues in all countries have quickly adapt-
ed to the new format. Furthermore, we have experienced
great engagement with many colleagues sharing stories

from GOJYSK.com on Facebook, Instagram and other social
In December 2016, the last print issue of JYSK’s employee media, which means that the digital stories have a much
magazine GO JYSK was distributed to employees across
Since then, good stories from the world of JYSK have been
• 24,462 users have visited GOJYSK.com since the
published continuously on GOJYSK.com. launch in December 2016 until the end of the
Since the first JYSK store opened up its doors in countries, where it is not only Christmas parties which are financial year.
Denmark in 1979, staff parties have been held every held, but also JYSK Values parties, fancy dress parties, etc. “There is a big difference between receiving a print maga-
year. Here we take a look at what significance the In addition to being a way of thanking the employees, the zine in your mailbox and checking a website for news about • 2.02 pages was the average number each user visited.

annual event has for the company. parties serve as a way to strengthen team spirit and cama- • 13 minutes and 2 seconds was the average time each
raderie among staff. user spent on the site.
The year is 1979, and the JYSK party, which is the first of
its kind, takes place at St. Binderup Kro in North Jutland, “There is a good sense of unity and team spirit at JYSK and
Denmark. the social aspect is one of our greatest strengths, and the bigger reach than the print magazine. Everyone can access
parties help to strengthen this further. You can feel this the site and get a look behind the scenes in JYSK,” says
During the company’s first year, the employees have yourself at the parties, where the general atmosphere is Rune Jungberg Pedersen, Communications & CSR Director
worked hard at creating good results, and to thank them quite unique, and this, I believe, is something very special at JYSK Nordic.
for their efforts, the staff and their spouses are invited for a for JYSK,” says Jan Verhoek.
Christmas dinner by JYSK owner Lars Larsen.
Stories that matter
Party across borders

The content on GOJYSK.com is produced primarily by the
In the vast majority of countries the employees are invited Communications team, who are dependent on colleagues
to a party across stores, offices and distribution centres, from all over Europe and the rest of the world to get the
but some countries have gone one step further and gath- best scoops.
was the year the first ered employees together across national borders.
JYSK party was held “We are working hard every day to discover the most inspir-
“The party in JYSK West Balkan is held with employees ing and most engaging stories to publish on GOJYSK.com.
The party in 1979 thus became the start of a long tradi- from four different countries, namely Slovenia, Croatia, Thankfully, we have dedicated colleagues everywhere
tion, which today – 38 years later – is more widespread and Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia, and the fact that you can who let us know when they have a story to tell. That is
bigger than ever before across countries in both JYSK and meet up for a party regardless of where you come from is essential to us, because we depend on this help to tell
Dänisches Bettenlager. something we are very proud of. This is a really good ex- the stories that matter the most,” explains Martin Møller
ample of our JYSK Values and precisely what these parties Aamand, Communications & PR Consultant and daily ed-
“The parties are an occasion to thank and acknowledge are for,” says Jan Verhoek. itor of GOJYSK.com.
all our employees for their good efforts over the course of
the year - it’s a gift to the employees. As JYSK has grown, In October 2016 the theme of the party in Dänisches Betten- Since the launch, around 90 articles have been published
the parties have also grown considerably. Both in size, but lager was the celebration of store number 1,000 in Germany on GOJYSK.com, and more than 24,000 users have visited
also to many countries,” says Jan Verhoek, Executive Vice and Austria. Here more than 4,000 employees participated the site.
President HR at JYSK Nordic. in the party of the year.

Strengthens team spirit

Although the parties in Denmark started originally as

a Christmas event, today the theme often varies across

50 51
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
In all JYSK Nordic stores across 20 countries, smartphones will make it easier for employees to complete
tasks and provide more time for customers.

Yellow post-its, quick notes scribbled

on the hand, waiting time by the store
computer and a lot of extra steps back
and forth checking up on products in JYSK Nordic introduces a new Task Management Sys-
the stockroom. tem to simplify work in stores and compile essential WHERE WILL MYJYSK BE ROLLED OUT?
information in one place. • MYJYSK ran as a pilot project in Norway as of June
These are just some of the things that 2017.
should disappear from the everyday As the first country in JYSK Nordic, Norway moved to a new
• In 2017 and 2018, MYJYSK will be rolled out to the
work, when smartphones are rolled combined Task Management System and intranet in June
rest of the countries in JYSK Nordic as well as head
out as a working tool in all JYSK stores. 2017. The name of the new system is MYJYSK, and it replaced offices and distribution centers.
Norway was the first country to start the current intranet, JYSKnet.
using the phones in June 2017
”Our ambition with this new system is to eliminate the
Born on a smartphone
In JYSK the project goes by the name several different platforms on which you are receiving in-
of ”Mobility”. Basically it is about pro- formation about tasks, so that it becomes easier being an The expectation is that the pace of communication gen-
grams, which employees up until now employee at JYSK. The goal is that we have only one chan- erally will be faster in JYSK. The new system is born to be
For Simon Thomsen from the JYSK store in Skalborg, Denmark, the smartphone is very useful when he is
could only access by computer, being working in the stockroom. nel for communicating tasks, and that is MYJYSK,” says Rass
made into apps on a smartphone. Skov, Head of Retail Operation at JYSK Nordic.

”Mobility is a modernisation and digitalisation of work just made mobile-friendly,” says Keld Marott, who is re- The system is specially designed for the smartphones,
processes in stores. All of the tasks the employees use sponsible for developing the mobile solution in JYSK. which are rolled out to all stores, as a tool to manage the
pen and paper to solve today are now being moved to many different tasks in the JYSK stores.
the mobile. This way we make it easier for employees in
Skalborg saves steps
stores to complete their tasks
Provides great transparency
with fewer steps, minimise the In the JYSK store in the town of Skalborg in the northern
risk of making mistakes, save a part of Denmark, where the employees have tested the The system will not only to optimise the communication
lot of time and therefore mak- use of the new smartphones and some of the new apps, of tasks. MYJYSK should also give a greater overview of the
ing it possible to provide even they have been very happy with using the mobiles. many different tasks in the stores to the rest of the organ-
better service to our custom- isation. It will be possible to compare the amount of tasks
Keld Marott is Director ers,” says Keld Marott, Director ”My first reaction is that it is working very well. Now there from country to country to see if the workload is too big
of Store IT and Loss of Store IT & Loss Prevention at are more of us who can react quickly to tasks, and at the in the stores.
Prevention at JYSK Nordic The new task management
and responsible for the JYSK Nordic. same time we are saving a lot of steps and time in the used on a smartphone and therefore the employees in the system and intranet MYJYSK
Mobility project. store,” says Store Manager Janni Svendsen. “The implementation of MYJYSK should lead to more store will avoid spending time by the computer. is developed by the American
company Thinktime, as a
tasks being completed, so we will get even better-looking
Supplement to the stores mobile first system.
stores and more time to help the customers, because our In the long term the system is not only supposed to be
Keld Marott expects that the colleagues in the stores will MOBILITY IN JYSK information is readily available and we are sure that it will a tool to manage the tasks in the JYSK stores around the
experience a big recognisability, when they are using the reach every employee,” says Rass Skov. world, but also as an intranet for the entire company.
different apps. • All stores receive three smartphones (depending
on the size of the store). “In that way we collect all information to the employees
”The entire Mobility project is a supplement to the stores. • A total of 3,500 smartphones have been purchased. in the same system, which will be a big advantage,” says
We are not removing any tools, but building new ones Rune Jungberg Pedersen, Communications & CSR Director
from the systems we already know and use. It is the same • The smartphone is a Motorola with a 5-inch screen. at JYSK Nordic.
systems and buttons that need to be pressed. They are

52 53
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
JYSK employees can now complete e-learning from plan and complete the training,” says Ivana Dragić Topić, The health of the employees is key in Dänisches Bet- disability, Marie-Cathrin clarifies with the Integration Office
everywhere, at any time and on any device. Training Manager at JYSK Nordic. tenlager where a number of initiatives are taken in which option will be provided.
order to make sure employees stay healthy.
In JYSK Nordic all new colleagues are being professionally In this way Dänisches Bettenlager ensures that employees
First movers
introduced to the company. Part of this is training in the Part of being an attractive employer is taking care of the in most cases have a possibility to return to the company,
work processes in the JYSK stores, product knowledge and According to Ivana Dragić Topić, JYSK is one of the first health of the employees, and in Dänisches Bettenlager the even if they have suffered from serious illness.
knowledge about how to give first class customer service. companies in Europe to make mobile-friendly e-learning company’s health management program called BGM en-
available to their employees in a system that is responsive sures that the health of the employees is always top of mind. “In the dialogue with referring colleagues we experi-
This includes e-learning courses which all store employees and able to adapt to any PC, tablet or mobile device. It was fully implemented in the financial year 2016/17. enced that our reintegration programme also adds a good
have to pass within their first three months. Until June 2016 amount of trust and well-being among our employees,”
it was only possible to complete the training sessions on a This makes it easy for employees to do the training when- The program is based on prevention, occupational health says Marie-Cathrin Düwell.
computer, but now the HR department has introduced a ever it fits into their day. and safety and integration, and it is supervised and devel-
new system with great possibilities. oped by Marie-Cathrin Düwell and Laura Erichsen-Marxsen
“The keyword is flexibility and the from the HR department.
ability to do the trainings wherever
you want. The trainings are part of “We participate in the design of operational processes with
the working day, and employees the aim of preserving and promoting the health of our em-
will of course be paid for the time ployees. This also includes health-oriented behaviour,” says
they spend on e-learning no mat- Marie-Cathrin Düwell.
ter if it takes place in the store, at
home, when commuting or some- “But even if our focus is more on the preventive side, the
where completely different,” says support of our colleagues, who wish to continue to be
Ivana. committed to the company despite a health restriction, is
particularly important to us,” adds Laura Erichsen-Marxsen.

Support after illness

The second part of the project is If a disease leaves an employee unable to work fulltime, it is
to make the sessions more inter- important to take the necessary individual considerations.
active and intuitive with gaming
elements and interesting
quizzes. So all new employees “In such a situation, we find the various possibilities, for ex-
will learn by playing. ample, a gradual reintegration. Often this is not known to
the patients. The treating physician creates an individual
“From our employer satisfaction surveys, we can see that action plan, which contains several stress levels for work
our employees are very satisfied with our training pro- testing,” explains Marie-Cathrin Düwell.
grams. But they have also requested mobile solutions, and
this is a wish we have taken very seriously. Our mobile set- Only after becoming aware of the degree of a disability con- Marie-Cathrin Düwell (right)
up makes it much more flexible when and where to do crete help is possible. This includes, for example, checking and Laura Erichsen-Marxsen
from the HR department are
the training, so the employees do not depend on the store the workplace equipment and the spatial conditions. If it is
responsible for the new health
computer to be available and that makes it much easier to found that there is an impairment at the workplace due to management program in
Dänisches Bettenlager.

54 55
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
56 57
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
JYSK is a responsible company, and it is important for us to Besides working actively with CSR in our company and sup-
act as such throughout the organisation. ply chain, JYSK also supports sports as well as a number of
charitable organisations including Parasport in a number
This comprises our own employees as well as the working of countries, Save the Children Denmark, DanChurchSocial
conditions in companies acting as suppliers to JYSK and of and Danmarks Indsamling.
course our general impact on the world surrounding us.
During the financial year 2016/17 JYSK has taken a number
Through our membership of international organisations of new initiatives in Romania including a new cooperation
we ensure that independent auditors evaluate our suppli- with UNICEF and with the organisation Hope and Homes
ers and let us know if suppliers do not live up to the stand- for Children.
ards expected by JYSK Group.

58 59
JYSK GROUP 2016/17

Rikke Palmerston Christensen was the winner of FSC
Design Award 2017. In August 2017 she traveled to
Honduras to visit FSC-certified forests and prepare a
version of her winning design in collaboration with

a local workshop. Here are some of the photos from
her trip.

JYSK is a main sponsor of the FSC Design Award and “The winner of the FSC Design Award 2017 is Rikke Palmer-
joined the 11th annual competition on May 10th 2017. ston Christensen,” announced the host.

The air was full of anticipation as hopeful Danish design Rikke’s design is a wardrobe with space for everything
and architecture students were gathered for the FSC from a jacket and hat to gloves and umbrellas. The prize is
Design Award 2017 in Denmark’s capital, Copenhagen. 45 a trip to a FSC-certified forest in Honduras, where Rikke will
beautiful wooden designs were displayed in a large and prepare a version of her winning design in collaboration
bright lobby. with a local workshop. At the same time, she will be able to
experience the importance of using sustainable materials
The purpose of the competition is to encourage students with her own eyes.
to combine sustainability and aesthetic design in wood
through innovation and creativity.
And they have resolved this in a
wide variety of ways: Everything WHAT DOES FSC MEAN?
from building blocks and a first-aid
• FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council.
kit to functional desks and chairs in
FSC means that a tree is sourced from sustainable
all shades. forests, where no more wood is cut down than the
forest can reproduce.
JYSK has supported the FSC Design
• FSC is about environmental, social and economic
Award for a number of years to
help put a focus on sustainability
and spread the knowledge of the • FSC sets strict requirements for the use of pesticides
FSC brand. FSC stands for Forest and chemicals and ensures that the aquatic environ-
ment is protected.
Stewardship Council. In JYSK there
are many items made of FSC-labe- • FSC poses a number of social requirements that
led wood, including all wooden make local areas benefit from the income from the
garden furniture. forest.

• FSC ensures that native peoples and locals are

Wins a trip to Honduras guaranteed the right to use the forest.

The ten students who, according to the judges, had made • Parts of FSC forests are completely protected, and ar-
eas of endangered animals and plants are preserved.
the best bids to combine sustainability and design, were
called on stage when the winner was about to be an- • Forestry workers in FSC forests are ensured proper
nounced. conditions, including education, safety equipment
and fair pay.

Photos: FSC Denmark

60 61
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
JYSK Nordic has increased the internal focus on the competitive sense that most purchasers have,” says HOPE AND HOMES
responsible supply chain management, and today Katrine Møller Nielsen, who is Category Manager, Bed linen,
suppliers get a higher score in their BSCI audits Sheets & Bathroom at JYSK Nordic.
than previously.
Positive effect on suppliers
Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), a system for so-
cial compliance and improvements within the supply chain, After the meeting, Kathrine and the other purchasers receive
has been part of JYSK Nordic’s procurement practices since an overview that shows, which suppliers face challenges.
2006. In recent years, increased focus on internal anchoring Furniture and home accessories from JYSK for a total decent, safe and comfortable environment, a place that
has been on the agenda. “I reach out to those suppliers where there is room for im- amount of one million lei (app. 220,000 EUR) will be they can call home,” says Alex Bratu, Country Manager for
provements and ask for an action plan. A valid BSCI audit is used to furnish new homes for children. JYSK in Romania and Bulgaria.
Visibility is essential, says Executive Vice President Purchas- not enough. The suppliers also have to work with the result,
ing at JYSK Nordic, Peter Andsager, and explains: and we have to see an improvement from audit to audit,” Luiza and Liana are two Romanian girls who were aban-
says Kathrine. doned by their mother at birth, because she had no money
to raise them.
Since the increased focus on in-
ternal anchoring of BSCI, there has The years have passed since then, and their mother started
been a great positive development to have a better life, so she decided to look for her girls.
among the suppliers. In the finan-
cial year 2016/17 it has been decid- With the help of Hope and Homes for Children, a non-gov-
ed to increase focus even more on ernmental organisation (NGO) in Romania, the family has
improving BSCI results. now been reunited and the girls, who grew up in an or-
Category Manager at JYSK phanage, were helped to adapt to their new life and their
Nordic, Kathrine Møller Nielsen, is
happy about the internal focus
on BSCI as it helps to improve
the results of the suppliers.
Three-year partnership

“There is a flow through the entire BSCI system, and it has At the end of June 2017, JYSK Romania signed a contract
to start with us. We have to have the right mindset to move ABOUT BSCI for a three-year period with Hope and Homes for Children
something in the supply chain. Therefore, BSCI is an impor- and became a strategic partner of the NGO.
• Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is an
tant part of the purchasing process, and we all have to be
international supply chain management system
aware of that.” with more than 2,000 members.
Based on this contract, our company will offer furniture
and accessories for a total amount of one million lei
• As a member, JYSK Nordic joins a common Code of (app 220,000 EUR), which will be used to furnish all the so-
Results are presented Conduct, which consists of 11 principles for responsi- called Small Group Homes that the NGO will build in the
ble supply chain management.
Twice a year, everyone’s attention is drawn to BSCI at a next three years.
Dragos Bucurenci (left), Hope
large status meeting, where everyone with a relation to • The principles are based on international conventions and Homes for Children, and
JYSK’s suppliers participate. At the meeting, the results of and, among other things, prohibit child labour, forced “We are happy that by starting this partnership we are SIX NEW HOMES IN 2017 Alex Bratu, Country Manager
each purchaser are presented. In that way it becomes clear labour and corruption and set out requirements for able to improve the lives of the abandoned children that for JYSK in Romania and
safety and reasonable working hours. • Until the end of 2017, JYSK Romania will furnish six Bulgaria, shake hands on
how the suppliers for each purchaser’s specific product need a quiet, stable and comfortable place to grow up. the new partnership.
Small Group Homes where 72 children will move in.
group are performing according to the 11 BSCI principles. • The suppliers are audited by a third party and then Together with Hope and Homes for Children we are now
obtain a rating that reflects their performance in able to transform the homes that these children live in • The total number of children that will benefit from
“The internal focus is important, and the fact that the relation to the 11 principles. into places that feel like a real home. For a child to develop these Small Group Homes in the next 20 years is 350.

results are being presented has an effect – it appeals to and to grow into a happy person, they need to grow in a

62 63
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
On Monday July 31st 2017, a football celebration took
place in the home city of JYSK owner Lars Larsen,
Silkeborg in Denmark. The city’s new football sta-
dium was opened with a concert, speeches – and a
victory. JYSK owner Lars Larsen could
initiate the celebrations at the
stadium by welcoming the
Four years of waiting time was replaced with festivities many thousands of spectators
when the football stadium JYSK park was opened on Mon- at JYSK park – with “a great
offer for all football fans in
day July 31st in the home city of JYSK owner Lars Larsen, Silkeborg,” as he said.
Silkeborg in Denmark. Photo: Ulla Myrhøj.

As the name indicates, JYSK is the name sponsor of the

city’s new stadium, and according to Communications 10 million DKK (app. 1,300,000 EUR) in the project. Without Even though the JYSK owner was not born in the city,
Manager in Silkeborg IF, Niels Frydenlund, the new stadi- that money, we would not be where we are today, with he has found a home in Silkeborg, where he has lived for
um would not have been there today, if it had not been the best football stadium in Denmark. It kicked in the door more than 30 years. Therefore he is very pleased to be able
for the support from JYSK as well as Lars Larsen’s strong politically, and also engaged a wide range of other spon- to give something back to the city, among other things
attachment to the town. sors, so it has been crucial to the new stadium,” says Niels through the support of culture and sports in Silkeborg.
“Without JYSK, it would not have been possible. It was “On the other side of the stands lies JYSK arena, where
Lars Larsen who broke the ice when he invested the first the handball club Bjerringbro-Silkeborg plays their home
Lars Larsen on the pitch
The team Silkeborg IF won their first match on the new stadium JYSK park. matches, and I have been very excited about the neigh-
Photo: Ulla Myrhøj. JYSK owner Lars Larsen was also on the pitch when JYSK bour being finished in the form of JYSK park. I hope you
park was opened. Although it was not as part of the line- will all get many great experiences in the future at JYSK
up, Lars Larsen could initiate the celebrations at the sta- park,” said Lars Larsen.
Photo: Bo Nørgaard dium by welcoming the many thousands of spectators at
JYSK park – with “a great offer for all football fans in Silke-
Fantastic atmosphere
borg,” as he said.
Not only could the city celebrate that the new stadium was
finished, the team also won the match that night against
the rivals from the football club AGF from Aarhus, where
JYSK’s head office is located. All in all, Silkeborg IF was very
• Price: 130 million DKK (app. 17.5 million EUR). content with the event.

• Capacity: 10,000 spectators.

“If we had written a script for how we would like the open-
• Support: JYSK has supported the construction ing to go beforehand, we could not have done so better
of JYSK park with a total of 15 million DKK than the way it actually played out. We really showed that
(app. 2 million EUR). JYSK park can carry out a football match in a class of its
own and the atmosphere at the stadium was absolutely
amazing,” says Niels Frydenlund and continues:
“I am happy to be here today, and I am happy that I can
give something back to Silkeborg through JYSK park. A city “The fact that we also won a dramatic match like that of
which have given me so much,” said Lars Larsen in the be- course gave it all an extra boost and a really good atmos-
ginning of his speech. phere in the audience.”

64 65
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
VULNERABLE 311 kilometres were completed when 15 colleagues

from JYSK in Poland participated in an international
charity run in May 2017.

The Polish runners club KLUB BIEGACZY JYSK participated

in the charity race Wings for Life World Run in which the

participants run for those who cannot.

JYSK in Greece won an internal competition, and could help – even a little,” said Kostas Dimopoulos, Sales The race is international and takes place at the exact same
the employees chose to donate part of the prize to & Marketing Manager for JYSK in Greece. time around the world - whether day or night. 15,000 peo-
vulnerable children. ple around the world took part in the race.
Furniture for children’s garden
The Greek JYSK team was among the winners of a big, in- In Poland, the run started at 1 pm, and KLUB BIEGACZY
ternal Black Friday competition in November 2016. Greece Since November 2016, the Greek colleagues saved part JYSK was well represented. 15 JYSK colleagues participated

was one of the countries that achieved the biggest growth of their prize so that when spring arrived, they could give and ran a total of 311 kilometres.
on the international shopping day. “The smile of the child” a garden set, which the organisa-
tion has long been missing for their home for orphans.

“Every day we see sad stories on

With the garden furniture, the children can now enjoy the
TV about children living in poverty. sun in the garden, which has otherwise been empty.

We all agreed that it would be good

“Our garden set looks beautiful when you see it in our
if JYSK could help – even a little” nice environmental photos, but I have the feeling that it
looks even better in the small garden where it benefits

Kostas Dimopoulos, the children,” said Kostas.
Sales & Marketing Manager, JYSK Greece
Participants in the Wings for Life World Run from KLUB BIEGACZY JYSK.

But a group of vulnerable Greek children also benefitted
Store Manager ran 43.6
from the winning as the JYSK colleagues chose to donate District Manager in JYSK Poland
part of the prize to a Greek charity named “The smile of The race is different from other runs because it is not the Adrian Dróżdż, chairman of KLUB
the child”, which since 1996 has helped Greek children in runners chasing the finish line but the finish line chasing

difficult situations. the runners. Half an hour after the runners take off, a car
departs from the starting area. As the car catches up with
“Every day we see sad stories on TV about children living the runners, they are out of the race.
in poverty. We all agreed that it would be good if JYSK
Bartosz Kupa, Store Manager in Bielsk Podlaski, reached a
distance of 43.6 kilometres before the car reached him,
thus achieving an impressive 502nd position in the world.

66 67
JYSK GROUP 2016/17
JYSK PROLONGS We are experiencing a heartfelt en-
gagement,” says Niels Christiansen,
director at Parasport Denmark.

PARALYMPIC Common values behind


It was JYSK owner Lars Larsen’s
wife, Kristine, who got the idea of
the sponsorship in 1988 after the
Paralympic Games in Seoul, South
Korea, as the Danish para athletes JYSK owner Lars Larsen signs
needed a main sponsor. Since then the contract to extend the
main sponsorship of Parasport
the couple has followed closely Denmark together with director
One of Denmark’s longest lasting sports sponsorships continues over a new four-year period. when Denmark participated in the of Parasport Danmark
The sponsorship has a value of one million DKK annually (app. 135,000 EUR). Paralympic Games. Niels Christiansen (left) and
Michael Møllgaard Nielsen,
Paralympic Sports Director at
”JYSK and myself personally are Parasport Danmark (right).
Photo: Lars Møller Photo: Lars Møller proud to have been on the side-
lines to support the athletes and the Parasport to achieve is built on a common understanding that willpower and
great sporting results over the years. It is an amazing world, dedication leads the way to great results, success and pos-
which only few people experience – and one which I sibilities. The athletes’ drive is a great inspiration to us all,
would like to make even more visible. Therefore, I am very and JYSK is proud of the partnership with them,” says JYSK
happy to extend the great partnership. The sponsorship owner Lars Larsen.


JYSK expands its sponsorship for disabled athletes
in a new country after signing a three-year contract
with the Romanian National Paralympic Committee.

In Romania, JYSK became the main sponsor of the Paralym- President of the Romanian
Since 1989, JYSK and Parasport Denmark have been a very pic Committee in August 2017 and will offer financial sup- National Paralympic
Committee (NPC),Sally
strong team, and the sponsorship has helped develop the JYSK AND DISABLED ATHLETICS port for the training of Romanian Paralympic athletes who Wood-Lamont (left)
Parasport both on an elite and breadth level, and at the compete in fourteen sports. shakes hands with Country
same time helped profile the best Danish para athletes. • JYSK has sponsored the Danish Sports Organisation Manager Alex Bratu on the
for the Disabled since 1989. new three-year sponsorship
”Our company has supported disabled athletes for almost of the Romanian National
The new agreement extends the 28-year-old marriage • In 2002, JYSK also became the main sponsor of disa- 30 years. We wanted to continue this tradition that start- Paralympic Committee.
with four years so far, and will help strengthen the sporting bled athletics in Norway, followed by Sweden in 2004 ed in Denmark back in 1989 because we think that these
preparations towards the Paralympic Games in Pyeong- and Romania in 2017. athletes deserve to be admired for their will and strength. Athletics, wheelcair basketball, table tennis, archery, judo,
Chang 2018 and Tokyo 2020. • JYSK also sponsors disabled athletics in Finland, the
Despite all the impediments they had in life, they manage swimming and canoeing are among the Paralympic sports
Czech Republic and Slovakia, while JYSK Franchise to outdo themselves and accomplish great results. They that will benefit from the sponsorship.
“The support from JYSK is in my eyes beyond compare in sponsors organisations in Canada, Iceland and the are an example for all of us, and they deserve our support,”
the Danish world of sport. It is a sponsorship, that is about Faroe Islands. says Alex Bratu, Country Manager for JYSK Romania and
much more than just an annual transaction of money. Bulgaria.

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JYSK GROUP 2016/17
Editor in chief Printed by
Rune Jungberg Pedersen, Johnsen Graphic Solutions, Denmark
Communications & CSR Director, JYSK Nordic

Concept & Editor
140 / 300 gsm MultiOffset
Laura Sulbæk,
Communications & Sponsorship Consultant, JYSK Nordic
JYSK Group
Sødalsparken 18
DK – 8220 Brabrand, Denmark
Communications departments, TEL: +45 89 39 75 00
JYSK Nordic and Dänisches Bettenlager JYSK.com

Layout & Graphics

Rie Boesen,
Graphic Design Manager, JYSK Nordic
Jacob Haugaard Hansen,
Graphic Designer, JYSK Nordic

JYSK Nordic and Dänisches Bettenlager

2,500 copies

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JYSK GROUP 2016/17
JYSK GROUP 2016/17

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