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Name: JAY ANN C.


Chapter 1 ASEAN and English
(Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, and the Philippines:
Linguistic context and the role of English)
[Week 2-3]


If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

1. What language/dialect do you speak at home? Are you comfortable in using it?
At home we commonly used the Mother Tongue language which is Bicol (specifically
Bicol-Naga). When we are talking to other person who is not from Region V or cannot
understand Bicol, we used the National Language which is Filipino. English language is used
only for educational purposes such as reading and comprehending text, situation, stories and
others. I felt comfortable of how I used Bicol and Filipino Language because I know how to used
it in a sentence, what is the meaning of every word that I am saying and the communication will
go easily and comprehensible.

2. What do you think is the importance of using English as medium of instruction?

As a Filipino (or other Nationality), it is very hard to us to understand English. But, in the
four corners of the classroom, English serve as the main language. All materials and subjects like
Science, Math, T.L.E., MAPEH and English itself are accessible because it is written in language
that understands by all country. The educational system that includes curriculum, data bases and
information are also written and explained in English because we are also base our system not
just from our country but from the other international and developed countries. It is also
important because it increases the performance of students in class, as well as the amount of
exposure and the opportunities students have to communicate in it. Even though, the students are
demonstrated resistance and shyness due to lack of confidence and poor knowledge in English, at
the end of the day we can use this kind of challenge for the country’s economy and future

3. What is/are the possible problem/s when ENGLISH ONLY POLICY is strictly implemented
inside the school?
As a Filipino (or other Nationality that didn’t use English as national language), the
implementation of English Only Policy inside the school will face a big problem to the faculty
and staff, especially the students. We cannot hide the fact that there are students that struggles in
answering a simple Filipino question. So that, it will lessen the participation of the students in the
class since it is very hard for them to mend and join together the words and cannot express their
ideas and opinions. Second, as we promote the language preservation to our country, it will be a
threat to our Filipino language and Mother Tongue Language. We are committing treason against
our own country, and we are the weapon of these colonizers to kill our own Filipino heritage.
General instruction: The diagram below will show the differences and similarities of each
countries Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and the Philippines on Linguistic context and the role of
Enter the differences: Inside each circle place characteristics that are unique so that specific item
or idea, and are not true of any of the other topics.
Enter the similarities: If two or more subjects have a feature in common, place that feature in the
section in which all such shapes overlap.


Differences Differences

-aims for cultural -language education policies

-the main issue has been intra-
-remove English as a medium of Similarities
racial, especially between the
instruction in science and math Chinese themselves, with the major
struggle taking place between the
-the government proposes to -banded together for Chinese educated and the English-
increase significantly the amount of mutual support educated Chinese
time given to teaching English as a
subject in both primary and -have issues in the -English serve as a first language in
secondary schools. construction of language instruction and home language
- Malay remains as a language of -highly proficient in English
Malay identity and culture. -shares the same ethnic
-Islam is the native and major
religion -developed in New
- the main issue in the construction
of language policy has been the -controlled by the British
relationship between the races East India Company

share a British colonial

heritage and Malay as a
national language.

Differences Differences

-has extreme linguistic diversity with

-adopting the Malay policy Similarities eight major indigenous language groups
comprising more than one hundred
-they used English as the medium of
instruction for maths, science, geography,
history and technical subjects. Malay -related to Malays - the largest Malay nation on earth and
remains the medium of instruction for the largest Christian nation in Asia
Malay literature, Islamic knowledge, -implemented the Bilingual Policy
civics, arts, handicrafts, and physical -adopt English as a medium of
-used English as a medium of
education. instruction in 1901
-bilingual policy pedagogic and -the national language was
national reasons evolved as follows: Tagalog,
Pilipino and Filipino
-share a British colonial heritage and
Malay as a national language. -borrowed words from English
and Spanish.
-Muslim country
- introduced vernaculars as media
of instruction for non-Tagalog
speaking children

-Institutionalized Mother Tongue-

Based Multilingual Education that
validates the ‘superiority of the
use of the learner’s mother tongue
or first language in improving
learning outcomes

Post-Test (Formative Assessment)

Direction: Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the topic. As
much as possible, as you answer, use your own words and never ever copy paste answer from
the net or from the discussion. Each item has equivalent of five points.

1. Explain the role of English language in modernization, globalization and most

importantly in
In the world that entirely connected, we need a universal communication mean to
understand everything, and I think the English language says it all. In Globalization, English
language serves as a pioneer for advancement of career and a machine to mint money. The
business world itself, to become a successful it needs a variety of company for investment and
exchanging of products. Before the culture, tradition, customs, lifestyle, economy, science and
technology adopts from the other country, the English language plays it. In order for the students
know and learn the main course of subject, it also use the English language that guided by the
curriculum. It also provides training for proficiency to the students in becoming skilled workers
to give them the opportunities in the global job market.

2. Why it is the Malay nationalists oppose the policy of using the English language in the
classroom instruction especially in Science and Mathematics Subject?
In Malaysia, English-language Policy was implemented before to help graduates improve
their English and employability. However, the government has found that academic grades
in Science and Math have fallen since English was introduced. Students having low
English proficiency suffered the most because the first language were usually they used
and students’ English skills have declined, with employers citing this as a major
weakness among graduates.

3. What were the aims of Bilingual Policy implemented in Singapore?

In Singapore, the Bilingual Policy was implemented to be proficient in the English
Language and in their respective ethnic mother tongues. In line with the effort of nation building,
the policy also aims to promote better understanding amongst the ethnic groups. Since, the
English language is important in terms of international exchange matters, they have started to
pay more attention to the learning of the English language and focus less on the learning of their
own mother tongue. So that, this policy aims also to protect their national language while the
nation is open for the other countries.
QUIZ 3. For 100 points.
Discuss your idea briefly by giving your opinion on the importance of using the English
language as medium of instruction. And as a student what do you think were the challenges in
teaching this language to the young learners? How will you react to the notion that the
implementation of the use of English Language will hinders the aim of culture preservation?
Expand your answer by giving situation based on your own experiences.

There are things that we could not stand alone. That’s why, in order for us to become
successful, we are primarily ask for help form other country. The curriculum that we are taking
some was adopted from the developed countries. Since elementary, we are facing the science,
math and other elective subject written in English. English is used from the beginning of a course
as the main language in class, and the teacher adapts their methodology to support meaning, by
using a lot of visual information and non-verbal communication to support meaning. In this case,
our national language is not used as a form of instruction but in order for the students to
understand the meaning, the teachers translate it into the language that the students understand.
Therefore, English language as a medium of instruction has better accessibility of English
materials as well as the existence of better curricula. Also, proficiency in the language is also one
of the country’s strengths that have helped drive the economy internationally; it makes you find a
better job and career development opportunities, a positive influence on the wider community
and wider chances for communication.

It is truly said that our language is part of our culture. There is an organization that helps
to promote the Filipino language by using it in programs, activities, working place and in daily
communication to other people. In contrast, the modern and globalize society tell us that we
should not left behind with the use of our universal language. As a Filipino (or other Nationality
that didn’t use English as national language), English language inside the school will face a big
problem to the faculty and staff, especially the students. We cannot hide the fact that there are
students that struggles in answering a simple Filipino question. So that, it will lessen the
participation of the students in the class since it is very hard for them to mend and join together
the words and cannot express their ideas and opinions. The fact that our ancestors gave up their
lives to achieve freedom from tyrants opposes to the myriad advantages that the policy can offer.
The policy is actually opening doors for foreign colonizers. For the fact that we are promoting
the language of our colonizers, we are committing treason against our own country, and we are
the weapon of these colonizers to kill our own Filipino heritage.

One thing we could not deny is that English language is still the universal language.
English language is still the key to ameliorate our economic status, a great help to us connect to
the world, to instill the knowledge and skills for a better education of every Filipino students.
Aiming for culture preservation is not defined by the language we speak. Our daily lives as a
Filipino who used English Language as medium of instruction is an attachable only for the era of
globalization. Looking to a brighter side, we not only know a language by our national identity
but from the universal matter also. The love for our country (not forgetting our national
language) and the willingness to do for the development of our nation is a great thing for
practicing nationalism.

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