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Overview & Purpose

The information needs of the various stakeholders should be analyzed to develop a methodical and
logical view of their information needs and sources to meet those needs. The analysis should
consider methods and technologies suited to the project that will provide the information needed.
Care should be taken to avoid wasting resources on unnecessary information or inappropriate

Stakeholder analysis provides a detailed view of all the likely communication needs of each key
constituent group that will be affected or benefited by the project. This analysis is essential to the
accurate development of the communications management plan.

Stakeholder Analysis Template

Document Information:

Category: Template
Pages (excluding cover): 1
Version: 1.0
Updated: July 2004
Stakeholder Analysis Template
Project Name Project Ref. No. Prepared By Date Prepared
Customer Business Unit / Dept. Contact Project Type (STD / ADV)

Specific Best Source of

Planned Method Timing
Project Stakeholder Information Information
of Delivery Considerations
Needs Needed
Project Manager                        

Customer #1                        

Customer #2                        

Customer #3                        



Project Team                        



Senior Executive                        

Other Internal                        


Other External                        


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