CJR B.inggris

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SUPPORTING LECTURER : Dra.Eva Betty Simanjuntak M.Pd



Thank to Almighty God who has given His bless to the writer for finishing the English paper
assignment entitled “Reading Games for Kids”. The writer also wish to express his deep and sincere
gratitude for those who have guided in completing this paper.

This English paper contains some example of English reading games that can help the kids to
improve their reading skill. The procedures in using reading games is provided in this paper. There
are five example of games. Those games also can be used as the guidance for those who want to
teach English reading through games.

Hopefully, this paper can help the readers to expand their knowledge about English reading.

Medan, Maret 2020



TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................ii
CAHPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................1
A. Background..............................................................................................................1
B. Problem Formulation...............................................................................................1
C. The Purpose of Writing...........................................................................................1
D. The Benefits of Writing...........................................................................................2
CHAPTER II SUMMARY OF JOURNAL CONTENTS..................................................3
A. Identity of Journal....................................................................................................3
B. Summary of Journal.................................................................................................3
CHAPTER III ANALYSIS OF JOURNAL.........................................................................6
A. The Strength of Journal...........................................................................................6
B. The Weakness of Journal.........................................................................................6
CHAPTER IV CLOSING......................................................................................................8
A. Conclusion...............................................................................................................8
B. Suggestion................................................................................................................8


A. Background
The development of science is minimal due to the low interest in reading at
this time. Criticism of the journal is one of the ways to increase the interest in reading
someone's interest in a subject. This critical journal review is a writing or review of a
person's work on a research. This journal was criticized because the title was
interesting and useful for many people. Because there are still many students who are
wrong in writing simple present tense sentences.
Criticizing a journal is not intended to drop or increase the value of a journal,
but rather to explain what a journal is. The strength or weakness of journal that will be
taken into consideration or a review of a journal to the reader. More clearly in
criticizing the journal, we can find out more concisely the contents of the journal,
among others the purpose of the study, the problems, the methods used, the research
steps, and the results and discussion of the research.

B. Problem Formulation
Based on the background written above, it can be concluded the problem
statement in this critical journal review, namely as follows:
1. What are the identities of this journal?
2. What are the summaries of this journal?
3. What are the strengths of this journal?
4. What are the weaknesses of this journal?

C. The Purpose of Writing

The purposes of writing in this journal are as follows:
1. To fulfill assignments in English courses.
2. To know the identities of this journal.
3. To know the summaries of this journal.
4. To know the strengths of this journal.
5. To know the weaknesses of this journal.

D. The Benefits of Writing
The benefits of writing CJR (critical journal review) are to help readers know
the overview and general assessment of this journal in a concise manner, so that
readers can choose which journals are appropriate to apply in learning. Then the
author can find out the mistakes of this journal so that later when writing does not
repeat the mistakes again and can take lessons from the criticism given by the

A. Identity of Journal

Title General Errors Performed by First Grade Students of Senior High

School in Writing Simple Present Tense Sentence
Author Maria J.A.Widayanti
Journal Journal of Education Research
Date of Journal June 2018
Download https://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/LIK/article/download/513/470
Volume 37 (1)
Pages 29-36
Reviewer Lisa Rahmadani Pohan
Date of 8th December 2018

B. Summary of Journal

Research 1. To know how students can understand and make the simple present
Purpose tense in positive, negative, and interrogative form both in singular
and plural subject at the written test.
2. To know what kinds of grammatical errors were used to be done by
students in creating the simple present tense sentences at the
interview test.
3. What kinds of general errors were used to be done by students.

The Problem 1. Through a written test, how far can the first grade students of SMA
Negeri 2 Semarang understand and make simple present tense
sentences in the form of positive, negative and interrogative
sentences, which are the subject of singular and plural sentences.
2. Through interviews, what kind of common mistakes are often made
by grade 1 students of Semarang State Senior High School 2 in
making positive, negative and interrogative sentences simple
present tense.
3. Included in what categories / types of errors are the sentences made
by the students.
The Subject of The subject of this research was the first grade students of 2 Senior
Research High School. The samples were taken randomly from each class (20%
from the total population). The research was located at 2 Senior High
School on Jalan Sendangguwo Baru No. 1, Semarang.

Data The techniques of collecting data were done by written and interview
Assessment test. The collecting data were done three times. At the first, students
were asked to answer the essay test, at the second, students were asked
to write down their daily activities in English Language. Then at the
third, students were asked to tell their daily activities orally. The test is
carried out to determine the extent of students' mastery of simple
present tense material and practice verbally. Also to find out the
mistakes made by
students related to the material.
The Method of The method used by the researcher is qualitative descriptive. The data
Research obtained were analyzed qualitatively collected in the form of words
rather than in the form of numbers. Descriptive approach is done to
find and explain the causes and types of errors based on the
grammatical classification of errors.

The Step of 1. At the first meeting, the researcher shared the question of try out to
Research students. The try out problem is divided into 3 parts. The first part
of the student completes the sentence by filling in the words that are
already available. The second part, students make simple present
tense sentences using words that are already available. In the third
part students translate 7 Indonesian sentences into English
sentences and then convert translation sentences into negative and
interogative sentences.
2. At the second meeting, the researcher explained the simple present
tense material.
3. At the third meeting, the researcher gave a data collection test. The
test problem is divided into 3 parts. The first part of the student
completes 10 sentences by filling in the words that are already
available. The second part of the student answers 5 questions and
makes it an interrogative sentence. In the third part students make a
short essay (75 - 100 words) about their daily activities from
morning to night, from Monday to Sunday. Students make essays
using simple
present tense sentences.
4. At the fourth meeting, the researcher conducted an interview test.

The Result of The results of the study at the first meeting were based on the
Research results of student answers. First, students do not understand the
placement of conformity between the subject and the predicate.
Students still answer according to the basic words. Students have not
changed the verb according to the subject. Secondly, students do not
understand the positive, negative, and interrogative sentence patterns of
simple present tense.
At the third meeting, from the three parts of the data collection
test, it was seen that there was an increase in student understanding in
making positive, negative, and interrogative sentences of simple
present tense. The results of the test were: at the try out test, only 12
of the 42 students (30%) answered using the simple present tense
sentence pattern correctly. But at the time of the data collection test 32
of the 42 students (65%) had answered using the simple present tense
sentence pattern correctly. Before explaining the material of simple
present tense sentence patterns, only 30% of students made the simple
present tense sentence pattern correctly. After being explained, 65% of
students make sentences using the simple present tense sentence
pattern correctly. Therefore it can be said that there has been 35%
increase in the understanding of simple present tense sentence patterns
among students.
At the fourth meeting, through interview tests students have
been able to answer the questions posed by using simple present tense
sentences correctly. At the interview test, students were used to do
overgeneralization and incomplete application of rules as their

The Strength of 1. The title is very good and interesting to research, because there are
Journal still many senior high school students who are wrong in writing
simple present tense sentences. Through this research students
become aware of where their mistakes and can improve it. This is
evident from the results of the research that the students' answers
were more correct after the researcher explained the simple present
tense material than when they’re try out
2. Abstracts in this journal are specific and clear, which includes
research purpose, research method, research result, and conclusion.
3. The theoretical foundation that has been stated is sufficient and in
accordance with the issues discussed. Then the author included
many expert opinions.
4. The research method used is good because of the method researcher
can find common mistakes students use simple present tense. As
well as researchers know how to overcome these problems.
5. In the results section and discussion, the authors include several
samples of incorrect answers and correct answers, thus making the
reader better understand how the correct use of simple present
6. This journal many examples of simple present tense are simple, so
that the readers are easy to understand.
7. Bibliography or references that are owned by the journal quite a lot
so that it seems to contain more, in other words the journal looks
more reliable and strong because of the many references listed.
The Weakness 1. There isn’t ISSN as the journal identification number. This is
of Journal important for eliminating doubts because there are many journals in
the same title.
2. Abstracts are only displayed in English language, which will make
the reader a little confused, so there will be a misunderstanding of
meaning because not all readers can speak English language. The
author should include two languages, there are Indonesian and
3. Data collection techniques in abstract and methods are different. In
the method section it is stated that written data collection techniques
are carried out with multiple choise and essays while in abstract
only essays. Then in the results section and the discussion there is
also no explanation of written data collection techniques with
multiple choise.
4. The subjects used were less in this study because only first grade
students of SMA 2 Semarang students. It is better if the sample
taken is not just one school but some senior high schools so that the
title "General errors performed by first grade students of senior
high school in writing simple present tense sentense" will be more
appropriate. Then the sample is not explained how many boys and
girls in this research.
5. The language used in this journal is difficult to understand and too
wordy, so it makes the reader bored reading it.
6. There is writing an ordinal number that is incorrect or not in
accordance with the correct Indonesian spelling on page 33 of the
fourth paragraph, that is the word ‘ke dua’ should be correct the
word ‘kedua’ is not separated.
7. In the results section and discussion, the authors repeat the method
used and explain the research steps in this section. It is
recommended that the research steps be explained in the research
method section.
8. The second meeting was not explained in the results section and
discussed how the researcher explained the simple present tense
material and what learning media to use. This should be explained
because it is very useful for the reader.
9. Writing the simple present tense formula is too tight so it is difficult
to understand. It is better to write a formula specifically by creating
a table so that it is easier to understand by the reader. Then it would
be good if the simple present tense formula is placed in the
introduction instead of the results and discussion section.

A. Conclusion
I think this journal is good and worth to reading because the title is interesting to
study. As now there are still many students who are wrong in writing simple present tense
sentences. This is evident from the results of research in this journal. This journal also
have several strength, among others the title is very good and interesting, specific and
clear abstracts, quite a lot of theoretical foundations and according to the problems
discussed, the research methods are good, the results and discussion include several
samples of incorrect answers and correct answers, many examples of simple present
tense, and bibliography was quite a lot, reliable, and strong. Meanwhile, this journal also
have several weakness, among others there isn’t ISSN, the abstract is only displayed in
English language, data collection techniques in abstract and methods are different, the
subjects used in this study are lacking, the language used is difficult to understand and
too wordy, writing the wrong ordinal number, the research method is repeated again in
the results section and discussion, it’s not explained how the researcher explained the
simple present tense material and what learning media to use when doing research, and
writing the simple present tense formula is too tight so it is difficult to understand.

B. Suggestion
My suggestion for researcher is that in the future it will not only do research in
one school but several schools. As the title of this journal is too broad the subject is first
grade senior high school students, but only one senior high school is discussed. So this
research is not accurate because just one school cannot provide a general description of
all senior high schools. Then suggestions for readers to understand this simple present
tense are not just theories or formulas but practices or their application are also carried
out in everyday life when using English conversation.

Widayanti, Maria J.A. Kesalahan Umum yang Dilakukan Siswa SMA Kelas 1 pada Penulisan
Kalimat Simple Present Tense. Journal of Education Research. 37 (1): 29-36.
Maria J.A.Widayanti
Jurusan Bahasa Inggris FBS, UNNES, e-mail: marie_wied@yahoo.com

The research was a descriptive qualitative research. The research process was
started by doing an observation among students in applying the basic concept of
simple present tense in their daily activities. Before analyzing the research, the
researchers did some observations, try out test, collecting data, and interview among
students. The researchers found out that more than 80% students could not understand
the basic concepts of simple present tense well. They often did some grammatical
errors. Its topic was chosen based on the researchers’ experience as the English
teachers. The researchers often found students’ grammatical errors especially in simple
present tense. The aim of the research was formulated as: (1). To know how students
can understand and make the simple present tense in positive, negative, and
interrogative form both in singular and plural subject at the written test, (2). To know
what kinds of grammatical errors were used to be done by students in creating the
simple present tense sentences at the interview test, (3). What kinds of general errors
were used to be done by students. The research was located at 2 Senior High School
on Jalan Sendangguwo Baru no 1, Semarang. The subject of this research was the first
grade students of 2 Senior High School. The samples were taken randomly from each
class (20% from the total population). The techniques of collecting data were done by
written and interview test. The collecting data were done three times. At the first,
students were asked to answer the essay test, at the second, students were asked to
write down their daily activities in English Language. Then at the third, students were
asked to tell their daily activities orally. The results of the test were: at the try out test,
there were only 12 of 42 students (30%) who could do and write the simple present
tense sentences correctly. On the collecting data test, there were 32 of 42 students
(65%) who could do and write the simple present tense sentences correctly. It could be
said that there was an improvement to understand the basic concept of simple present
tense among students (35%). While at the interview test, students were used to do
overgeneralization and incomplete application of rules as their common mistakes.

Kata kunci: simple present tense, overgeneralization, incomplete application of rules

PENDAHULUAN (www.asian-efl-journal.com/pta_January_0
Pembelajaran bahasa asing adalah 6_pk.php) menambahkan bahwa
suatu kegiatan yang sulit, karena setiap pembelajaran bahasa asing merupakan
bahasa memiliki sistem yang berbeda-beda, sebuah proses yang kompleks karena
yang berbeda dari sistem bahasa asli (native pembelajar cenderung terpengaruh bahasa
language) para pembelajar. Perbedaan asli (native language). Dia menambahkan
dalam sistem berbahasa dapat menyebabkan pemahaman yang baik pada pengaruh
masalah ataupun hambatan bagi para bahasa pertama (L1) dalam pengajaran
pembelajar, khususnya pembelajar pemula. bahasa asing akan membantu siswa
Professor Li-Ling Chen dalam jurnal The memahami kesulitan yang dihadapi pada
Effect of L1 and CAI on Grammar pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.
Learning: An Error Analysis of Taiwanese Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris bagi
Beginning EFL Learners' English Essays siswa Indonesia merupakan sebuah proses


yang kompleks. Dalam bahasa Indonesia siswa kelas 1 SMA Negeri 2 Semarang
tulisan (ortoghrapic writing) sama dengan dalam membuat kalimat positif, negatif
pengucapannya (pronunciation). Namun dan interogatif simple present tense?
hal ini berbeda dengan bahasa Inggris, 3) Termasuk dalam kategori/jenis
antara tulisan dengan pengucapannya kesalahan apakah kalimat yang dibuat
tidaklah sama. Contoh lain, kalimat-kalimat oleh para siswa tersebut?
dalam bahasa Indonesia hanya memiliki Menurut Sattayatham and Honsa, Jr
“time signals” yang ditunjukkan oleh dalam jurnal Medical Students’ Most
keterangan waktu. Bila keterangan waktu Frequent Errors at Mahidol University,
tidak ditulis, para pembaca/pendengar dari Thailan (www.asianefljournal.com/March
kalimat tersebut tidak dapat mengetahui _08_as&sh.php) menyebutkan bahwa
waktu terjadinya peristiwa atau kegiatan dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal istilah
yang dinyatakan dalam kalimat tersebut. “errors” (kesalahan yang berulang-ulang)
Misalnya: Sari pergi ke Bandung. Dari dan “mistakes” (kesalahan biasa yang
kalimat tersebut kita tidak mengetahui terjadi sekali waktu). Sattayatham dan
kapan subjek kalimat (Sari) pergi ke Honsa menambahkan, errors diartikan
Bandung. Mengapa? Karena bahasa sebagai kesalahan berulang-ulang yang
Indonesia tidak memiliki “tenses” atau pola dibuat oleh orang yang belum sepenuhnya
waktu terjadinya suatu kegiatan atau memahami sistem bahasa secara
peristiwa yang ditunjukkan bentuk kata institusional, sedangkan mistakes merujuk
kerjanya. Berbeda bila kita cantumkan pada suatu kesalahan yang terjadi sekali-
keterangan waktunya: Sari pergi ke sekali karena lupa sesaat, salah pengucapan,
Bandung minggu lalu. Bahasa Inggris dan biasanya penutur dapat memperbaiki
memiliki “time signals” sekaligus memiliki kesalahan tersebut sendiri.
“tenses” yang ditunjukkan dengan Sattayatham dan Honsa, Jr.
perubahan kata kerjanya dalam kalimat menambahkan bahwa sumber-sumber
sekarang (present tense) maupun dalam kesalahan dalam mempelajari suatu bahasa
kalimat lampau (past tense). Salah satu dapat pula terjadi karena intervensi sistem
jenis “tenses” dalam bahasa Inggris yaitu dari bahasa asli pembelajar (native
simple present tense. Kalimat ini cukup language) dan karakteristik umum (general
sederhana, sekaligus sebagai dasar dari characteristics) dari pola pembelajaran
kalimat-kalimat bahasa Inggris yang lain. bahasa (www.asianefl-journal.com/March
Meski kalimat simple present tense ini _08_as&sh.php).
relatif sederhana dan mudah, masih banyak Kesalahan yang disebabkan intervensi
siswa yang belum mampu membuat kalimat dari bahasa asli pembelajar disebut
ini secara benar. kesalahan intrabahasa (intralanguage
Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, errors), sedangkan kesalahan yang
dapat diidentifikasi beberapa permasalahan disebabkan oleh karakteristik umum dari
sebagai berikut. pola pembelajaran bahasa disebut kesalahan
1) Melalui tes tertulis, seberapa jauh siswa interbahasa (interlanguage errors).
kelas 1 SMA Negeri 2 Semarang dapat Berkaitan dengan kesalahan intrabahasa,
memahami dan membuat kalimat Richards mengklasifikasikannya menjadi
simple present tense dalam bentuk overgeneralization, ignorance of rules
kalimat positif, negatif dan interogatif, restriction incomplet application of
, e
yang subyek kalimatnya berbentuk rules, dan false concept hypothesized.
tunggal dan jamak? Overgeneralizatio didefinisikan
2) Melalui wawancara, kesalahan umum sebagai suatu penggunaan strategi pola tata
macam apakah yang sering dibuat oleh bahasa yang telah tersedia untuk digunakan
Maria J.A.Widayanti, Kesalahan Umum yang Dilakukan Siswa 31

dalam situasi yang baru. Kesalahan ini terjadi karena kegagalan dalam memahami
terjadi bilamana pola tata bahasa yang konsep tersebut. Misalnya:
menyimpang (deviant structure dijadikan “One it was happened” seharusnya
sebagai dasar dalam dalam menyusun “One day it
semua kalimat dalam bahasa target (bahasa Dalam bahasa Indonesia kata kerja
asing yang diucapkan/dipelajari). kalimat pasif biasanya didahului awalan
Ignorance of rules restrictions adalah “ter atau di”. Dengan analogi tersebut, kata
termasuk kesalahan intrabahasa yang “terjadi” dalam Bahasa Indonesia
berkaitan dengan analogi. Dalam hal ini diterjemahkan pasif ke dalam bahasa
kesamaan parsial suatu pola kalimat Inggris, yakni dengan memakai kata kerja
terdahulu dijadikan dasar dalam menyusun bentuk ketiga atau “past participle”
kalimat berikutnya dengan tiada sesudah “to be”. Padahal kata “terjadi”
menghiraukan adanya batasan-batasan dalam bahasa Inggris memiliki makna aktif,
Aturan ketatabahasaan ataupun bukannya pasif.
pengecualian suatu pola kalimat tertentu Macam-macam Kesesuaian (Agree-
yang mungkin terjadi dalam kalimat yang ment):
akan disusun karena analogi keliru dari pola 1) Kesesuaian Hubungan personal
kalimat sebelumnya. (agreement of person). Contoh: Agung
Kesalahan intrabahasa ini mungkin is my brother. He is a wise man
terjadi ketika seorang pembelajar merespon 2) Kesesuaian hubungan pola waktu dan
secara mendadak dari suatu kalimat perubahan kata kerja dalam kalimat
pertanyaan yang ditujukan kepadanya. (agreement of tense). Contoh: Toni goes
Misalnya: to Bandung every
What does she shout him? What does 3) Kesesuaian jenis kelamin (agreement of
he have to do? gender). Contoh: Rina is my sister. She
Pertanyaan di atas mungkin dijawab is beautiful.
secara mendadak sebagai berikut: 4) Kesesuaian jumlah (agreement of
She shout him to hurry. He have to number). Contoh: He has a car
write the address. 5) Kesesuaian hubungan antara subyek
Kalimat respon di atas tidak tepat dan predikat kata kerja. Contoh: The
karena tiada kesesuaian antara subjek books are on the table.
dengan predikatnya. Seharusnya kalimat Fungsi atau kegunaan kalimat simple
pertanyaan di atas dijawab seperti sebagai present tense yaitu:
berikut: “She tells him to hurry”. Dalam 1) menyatakan suatu peristiwa/kejadian
kalimat tersebut predikatnya kurang akhiran yang terjadi pada saat sekarang (realita).
“s”. Begitu pula dengan kalimat respon 2) menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau aktifitas
yang kedua seharusnya: “He has to write yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang
the address”. Predikat yang sesuai dengan (repeated actions atau habitual actions).
“he” dalam kalimat positif adalah “has to” 3) menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang
bukannya “have to”. merupakan kebenaran umum (general
Kategori terakhir dari kesalahan truth), yaitu suatu peristiwa yang
intrabahasa ini acapkali disebut kesalahan dianggap benar oleh sebagian
semantik, yang mungkin terjadi karena besar/semua orang.
pemahaman yang keliru di dalam bahasa 4) menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang
target. Atau dengan kata lain terjadi karena terjadwal (scheduled actions).
kegagalan dalam pemahaman konsep atau
hipotesa dari konsep tersebut sehingga METODE
ketidaksesuaian subyek dan predikatnya Lokasi penelitian dilaksanakan di

SMA Negeri 2 Semarang, Jalan Pada bagian ketiga siswa menerjemahkan 7

Sendangguwo Baru No. 1 Semarang. kalimat bahasa Indonesia menjadi kalimat
Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas 1 SMA bahasa Inggris dan kemudian mengubah
Negeri kalimat-kalimat terjemahan menjadi
2 Semarang. Sample penelitian diambil kalimat negative dan interogative. Berikut
secara acak (random sampling) dari tiap- ini adalah kalimat jawaban siswa yang
tiap kelas (20% dari belum benar:
jumlah siswa/populasi). Teknik Bagian 1:
pengumpulan data dalam penelitian Jawaban salah: Every morning Nana wake
menggunakan tes tertulis dan tes lisan. Pada up at five o’clock, when her alarm ring.
tes tertulis, peneliti menggunakan instrumen Jawaban benar: Every morning Nana wakes
tes tertulis yang berupa soal-soal bahasa up at five o’clock, when her alarm rings.
Inggris tentang kalimat simple present Jawaban salah: She go to school with
tense. Soal tes tertulis dalam bentuk pilihan her brother.
ganda (multiple choice) dan isian (essay). Jawaban benar: She goes to school with her
Dalam soal essay, siswa diminta brother.
menterjemahkan kalimat-kalimat simple
Pada contoh jawaban di atas, siswa
present tense yang masih ditulis dalam belum memahami penempatan kesesuaian
bahasa Indonesia ke dalam bahasa Inggris. antara subjek dan predikat (kata kerja).
Penilaian soal tes hanya berkisar pada Siswa masih menjawab sesuai kata dasar.
kesesuaian subyek kalimat dengan predikat Siswa belum mengubah kata kerja sesuai
/ kata kerjanya. Pada tes lisan, siswa dengan subjeknya.
(responden) diminta membuat kalimat Bagian 2:
sederhana simple present tense. Tes Soal: Anwar …. (not / drink) coffee very
dilakukan guna mengetahui sampai sejauh often.
mana penguasaan siswa terhadap materi Jawaban salah: Anwar not drink coffee very
simple present tense serta prakteknya secara often.
lisan. Juga guna mengetahui kesalahan- Jawaban benar: Anwar does not drink coffee
kesalahan yang dibuat oleh siswa berkaitan very often.
dengan materi tersebut. Teknik analisis data Soal: What time …. the banks / close) in
menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Data Indonesia?
yang didapat dianalisis secara kualitatif Jawaban salah: What time does the banks
yang dikumpulkan dalam bentuk kata-kata close in Indonesia?
daripada dalam bentuk angka. Pendekatan Jawaban benar: What time do the banks
deskriptif dilakukan untuk mencari dan close in Indonesia?
menjelaskan penyebab dan jenis kesalahan- Soal: Where …. (Nyoman / come) from? He
kesalahan tersebut berdasarkan klasifikasi is Balinese.
kesalahan gramatikal (grammatical Jawaban salah: Where is Nyoman come
classification of errors). from? He is Balinese.
Jawaban benar: Where does Nyoman come
HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN from? He is Balinese.
Pada pertemuan pertama, peneliti Dari jawaban di atas, siswa belum
membagikan soal try out kepada siswa. Soal memahami pola kalimat positif, negative,
try out dibagi menjadi 3 bagian. Bagian dan interogatif simple present tense. Pola
pertama siswa melengkapi kalimat dengan kalimat positif simple present tense adalah:
mengisi kata-kata yang sudah tersedia. S + V 1 (s/es) + ………atau S + to be (am,
Bagian kedua, siswa membuat kalimat is, are) + ………misalnya pada kalimat:
simple present tense dengan menggunakan It take me an hour to get to work.
kata yang sudah tersedia.
Maria J.A.Widayanti, Kesalahan Umum yang Dilakukan Siswa 33

yang benar adalah: It takes me an hour to Jawaban salah: Two butterfly fly on the
get to work. Jawaban yang benar sesuai garden. They want for honey.
dengan pola kalimat positif simple present
tense. Jawaban benar: Two butterflies fly at the
flower garden. They look for honey.
Pola kalimat negative simple present Kemudian jawaban-jawaban itu diubah
tense adalah: S + do / does NOT + V1 + …. menjadi kalimat negative dan interogatif.
atau S + to be (am, is, are) NOT + …. Jawaban salah negatif: Sinta isn’t nice
contoh soal di atas adalah: Anwar …. (not / dentist. She never smile for every her
drink) coffee very often. Jawaban yang salah patient.
dari siswa adalah: Anwar not drink coffee Jawaban benar: Sinta isn’t a kind dentist.
very often. Seharusnya jawaban yang benar She does not smile to each her patient.
adalah: Anwar does not drink coffee very Jawaban salah interogatif: Does Sinta nice
often. Sedangkan pola kalimat interogatif dentist? Does she always smile for every
simple present tense adalah: Do her patient?
/ does + S + V1 + ….? atau To be (am, is, Jawaban benar: Is Sinta a kind dentist?
are) + S + ….? Contoh soal di atas adalah: Does she always smile to each her patient?
What time …. (the banks / close) in Jawaban salah negatif: Two butterfly does
Indonesia? Dan Where …. (Nyoman / not fly on the garden. They don’t want for
come) from? He is Balinese. Jawaban salah honey.
dari siswa adalah: What time does the banks Jawaban benar: Two butterflies do not fly at
close in Indonesia? Dan Where is Nyoman the flower garden. They do not look for
come from? He is Balinese. Jawaban yang honey.
benar seharusnya adalah: What time do the
Jawaban salah interogatif: Does two
banks close in Indonesia? Dan Where does butterfly fly on the garden? Do they want
Nyoman come from? He is Balinese. Dari for honey?
jawaban-jawaban yang diberikan siswa
Jawaban benar : Do two butterflies fly at the
terlihat bahwa siswa belum memahami pola flower garden? Do they look for honey?
kalimat positif, negative, dan interogatif
Dari jawaban-jawaban di atas, terlihat
simple present tense. Siswa masih
siswa masih belum memahami pola kalimat
mengalami kesulitan menempatkan pola
positif, negative, dan interogatif. Mereka
kalimat tersebut sesuai antara subjek dan belum memahami kesesuaian antara Subjek
predikat. dan kata kerja.
Pada bagian 3, siswa diminta
Pada pertemuan ke dua, peneliti
menerjemahkan kalimat bahasa Indonesia
menjelaskan materi simple present tense.
menjadi kalimat bahasa Inggris yang benar,
Pada pertemuan ketiga, peneliti
kemudian siswa mengubah kalimat
memberikan test pengumpulan data. Pada
terjemahan itu ke dalam kalimat negative
saat mengerjakan test ini, siswa sudah
dan interogatif. Berikut adalah contoh
memahami pola kalimat positif, negative,
jawaban siswa:
dan interogatif. Berikut adalah hasil analisis
Soal 1: Sinta seorang dokter gigi yang test pengumpulan data.
ramah. Dia selalu tersenyum kepada setiap
pasiennya Soal test dibagi menjadi 3 bagian.
Bagian pertama siswa melengkapi 10
Jawaban salah: Sinta is nice dentist. She kalimat dengan mengisi kata-kata yang
always smile for every her patient. Jawaban sudah tersedia. Bagian ke dua siswa
benar: Sinta is a kind dentist. She always menjawab 5 pertanyaan dan membuatnya
smiles to each her patients.
menjadi kalimat interogatif. Pada bagian
Soal 2: Dua ekor kupu-kupu terbang di ketiga siswa membuat karangan singkat (75
taman bunga. Mereka mencari madu. – 100 kata) tentang kegiatan mereka sehari-

hari dari pagi sampai malam, dari hari senin and go to school with my brother. I arrive at
sampai hari minggu. Siswa membuat 6.45 in the school and enter in my
karangan menggunakan pola kalimat simple
classroom. Usually I receive many
present tense. Berikut adalah hasil jawaban
homework from my teacher. Seldom, I
receive small test without given know
Bagian 1:
before it. Before coming to my home I go to
Soal : The earth …. around the sun.
mosque beside my school. I perform noon
Jawaban benar : The earth goes around the prayer. After that I come to my home with
sun. my brother. I arrive in the home at 14.30
Soal : The sun …. In the east. and I soon go to dining room to lunch with
Jawaban benar : The sun rises in the east. my family. Next I sleep in my room. After
Soal : Vegetarians…. meat. that I go to bathroom to bath and soon to
Jawaban benar : Vegetarians do not eat perform ashar prayer. Then I watch
meat. television with my sister. When maghrib
Dari jawaban yang dibuat siswa, time, I go to mosque to do perform maghrib
terlihat bahwa siswa sudah memahami pola and join Islam study until 19.30 and I
kalimat positif, negative simple present perform Isya prayer. I come to my home
tense. and study until
Bagian 2: 21.30. before going to bed, I watch TV with
Soal : Elly’s sister play badminton too. Ask my brother and my family until 22.00 and
Elly. soon go to my bed room.
Jawaban benar : Does your sister play Dari contoh tulisan yang dibuat siswa,
badminton, too? peneliti dapat melihat bahwa siswa sudah
Soal : You want to know what Elly’s brother memahami pola kalimat simple present tense.
does. Dari ketiga bagian test pengumpulan data,
Jawaban benar : What does your brother terlihat bahwa terjadi peningkatan
do? pemahaman siswa dalam membuat kalimat
Soal : You want to know how often Elly positif, negative, dan interogatif simple
goes to the cinema. present tense. Pada test try out, hanya 12 dari
Jawaban benar : How often do you go to the 42 siswa (30%) yang menjawab dengan
cinema? menggunakan pola kalimat simple present
Dari jawaban di atas, terlihat bahwa tense secara benar. Namun pada saat test
siswa sudah memahami pola kalimat pengumpulan data 32 dari 42 siswa (65%)
interogatif simple present tense. Siswa sudah menjawab menggunakan pola kalimat
sudah dapat membuat kalimat interogatif simple present tense secara benar. Sebelum
secara benar. dijelaskan materi pola kalimat simple preset
Bagian 3: Siswa diminta membuat tense, hanya 30% siswa yang membuat pola
sebuah tulisan singkat mengenai kegiatan kalimat simple present tense secara benar.
mereka sehari-hari. Berikut ini adalah hasil Setelah diberi penjelasan, 65% siswa
tulisan singkat siswa. membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan pola
I wake up at 4.30 every morning. kalimat simple present tense secara benar.
After that I go to bathroom and go to Oleh karena itu dapat dikatakan bahwa telah
mosque to do perform subuh prayer. Before terjadi peningkatan 35% pemahaman pola
come to my home, I hope in God. I always kalimat simple present tense di antara para
help my mother in the kitchen every siswa.
morning. Next I go to bathroom to bath. Pada pertemuan ke empat, peneliti
Then I breakfast in the dining room. I check mengadakan test wawancara. Melalui test
my book / schedule. I leave my home at wawancara, siswa sudah dapat menjawab
6.30 pertanyaan yang diajukan dengan
Maria J.A.Widayanti, Kesalahan Umum yang Dilakukan Siswa 35

menggunakan pola kalimat simple present Jawaban yang benar seharusnya: My father
tense secara benar. Berikut ini adalah hasil works as civil servant. My mother work sas
test wawancara: housewife. Pada kata work kurang huruf s.
T : What is your name? itulah yang disebut sebagai incomplete
J : My name is Glar. application of rules.
T : Where do you live? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan no 3,
J : I live at Kangguru 3 no 26, berdasarkan definisi Sattayatham and
Semarang. Honsa, Jr , kesalahan-kesalahan yang sering
T : How many brothers and sisters do dibuat para siswa termasuk dalam jenis
you have? kesalahan overgeneralization dan
J : I have two brother and one sister. incomplete application of rules. Maksud
T : Where do your parents work? dari overgeneralization adalah suatu
J : My father work as civil servant. penggunaan strategi pola tata bahasa yang
My mother work as housewife. telah tersedia untuk digunakan dalam
T : Please tell me about your daily situasi yang baru. Sedangkan maksud dari
activities. incomplete application of rules, kesalahan
J : I wake up 5 o’clock in the ini terjadi bilamana pola tata bahasa yang
morning. Then I go to bathroom and take a menyimpang (deviant structure) dijadikan
bath, I have breakfast. After that I check my sebagai dasar dalam menyusun semua
books and go to school with my brother. I kalimat dalam bahasa target (bahasa asing
arrive school at 6.45 then I enter my room. yang diucapkan). Sedangkan incomplete
I study until 1.30. I go home and I arrive at application of rules adalah kesalahan
1.45. I have lunch at dining room and then I intrabahasa yang mungkin terjadi ketika
take a rest until 4 o’clock. After that I take seorang pembelajar merespon secara
a bath and I play with my brother. Then I mendadak dari suatu kalimat pertanyaan
have dinner and I study until 21.30. After yang ditujukan kepadanya. Contoh dari
that I watch TV until 22.30 and then I go to incomplete application of rules adalah:
sleep in my bedroom. After she have breakfast, she check her
Kesalahan umum yang sering books, seharusnya After she has breakfast,
dilakukan siswa ketika menjawab she checks her books.
wawancara adalah incomplete application
of rules. Seperti yang dikatakan SIMPULAN DAN SARAN
Sattayatham and Honsa, Jr (www.asianefl- Simpulan
journal.com/March_08_as&sh.php), 1) Test tertulis dilakukan sebanyak dua
incomplete application of rules adalah kali yaitu pada saat try out dan
kesalahan intrabahasa yang mungkin terjadi pengumpulan data. Melalui tes tertulis
ketika seorang pembelajar merespon secara pada try out, hasil penelitian
mendadak dari suatu kalimat pertanyaan menunjukkan bahwa siswa belum
yang ditujukan kepadanya. Contoh dari memahami bagaimana membuat pola
incomplete application of rules adalah: how kalimat positif, negative, dan interogatif
many brothers and sister do you have? secara benar karena siswa belum diberi
Jawabannya: I have two brother and one penjelasan tentang materi simple
sister. Jawaban yang benar seharusnya I present tense. Hanya 12 dari 42 siswa
have two brothers and one sister. Pada kata (30%) yang dapat membuat pola
brother kurang huruf s. contoh lainnya kalimat secara benar. Sedangkan test
adalah: Where do your parents work? pengumpulan data diadakan setelah
Jawabannya adalah: My father work as civil siswa diberi penjelasan tentang materi
servant. My mother work as housewife. simple present tense. Pada hasil test ini,

32 dari 42 siswa (65%) dapat membuat Honsa, Jr: 2008. Journal of Medical
pola kalimat positif, negative, dan Students’ Most Frequent Errors at
interogatif secara benar. Oleh karena Mahidol University,
Thailand itu, telah terjadi peningkatan
sebesar (www.asianefljournal.com/March_08
35%. _as&sh.php).
2) Pada test wawancara, kesalahan umum Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 1999.
yang sering dilakukan siswa adalah Understanding and Using
English incomplete application of rules
Grammar (third edition). Jakarta: maksudnya adalah
kesalahan Binarupa Aksara.
intrabahasa yang mungkin terjadi ketika Chen, Li-Ling. 2006. Journal of The
Effect seorang pembelajar merespon secara of L1 and
CAI on Grammar mendadak dari suatu kalimat pertanyaan Learning: An
Error Analysis of yang ditujukan kepadanya. Taiwanese Beginning
EFL Learners'
3) Kesalahan-kesalahan yang sering dibuat English Essays (www.asian-efl-
para siswa termasuk dalam jenis journal.com/pta_January_06_pk.php).
kesalahan overgeneralization dan Hewings, Martin. 1999. Advanced
incomplete application of rules. Untuk Grammar in Use. England:
meminimalkan terjadinya kesalahan- Cambridge University Press.
kesalahan tersebut, siswa diberi teks Krohn, Robert. 1998. English Sentence
sederhana tentang tenses, kemudian Structure (third edition). Jakarta:
siswa diminta untuk membuat kalimat Binarupa Aksara
lain dengan mengubah subjek dan kata Norrish, John. 1983. Language Learners
kerjanya. and Their Errors. London: Macmillan
Saran Nurgiyantoro, Burhan.2000. Statistik
Sejalan dengan hasil penelitian yang Terapan untuk Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu
diperoleh, maka diberikan saran antara lain: Sosial. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada
Bagi guru SMA sebaiknya siswa diberi University Press.
penjelasan yang jelas mengenai tenses Handayani, Trisakti. 2002. Konsep dan
sehingga siswa dapat memahami secara Teknik Penelitian Gender. Malang:
benar aturan-aturan dalam tenses. Universitas Muhamadiyah Malang.
Sebaiknya guru juga dapat memberikan Rakhmat, Jalaludin. 2000. Metode
teks sederhana dan menarik mengenai Penelitian Komunikasi. Bandung:
tenses dan meminta siswa mengembangkan Remaja Rosda Karya.
teks tersebut dengan cara membuat kalimat Richard, Jack. C. 2001. Error Analysis.
lain yang sesuai dengan materi. England: Longman Group Ltd.
Bagi siswa hendaknya siswa Richard, Jack. C. 2002. Error Analysis
melakukan banyak latihan dan pemahaman Perspectives on Second Language
mengenai tenses secara benar. Siswa Acquisition. London: Longman Group
sebaiknya sering membaca, menulis dan Ltd.
berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris sehingga Sugiarto. 2003. Teknik Sampling. Jakarta:
siswa dapat lebih memahami aturan-aturan Gramedia.
dalam tata bahasa Inggris (khususnya Unaradjan, Delet. 2000. Pengantar Metode
tenses) dan mengaplikasikan dalam aktifitas Penelitian Ilmu Sosial. Jakarta: PT.
berkomunikasi sehari-hari. Grasindo.

Anchalee Sattayatham and Somchoen

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