The Meaning of Marketing ANSWERS in Class

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English 4


Fill in the blanks: LISTEN to Carol Hughes give a talk about what marketing is and

then fill in the blanks with the appropriated word. You need to write the EXACT word

in the text in order to have a complete point.

Hello, everyone. As you 1__ probably____ know, I’m Carol Hughes, and today I’m

going to be talking about the 2_principles_ of marketing. Marketing is too often

confused with selling. Selling is only the tip of the marketing iceberg. What is unseen is

the extensive market 3___ research____ and 4__ development______ of products, the

challenge of pricing them right, of opening up 5__ Distribution___, and of letting the

market know about the product. So, marketing is a far more complex 6___

Processes_____ than selling.

But what is marketing? According to marketing guru Philip Kotler, there are five key

processes in marketing. First, there’s 7___ opportunity__ 8_____ Identification___,

second is new 9_____ product____ 10 __ Customer attention development____; third,

there’s customer attraction; the fourth process is 11 __ Customer____ retention and 12 __

rentability_ _loyalty___ building; and last but not least, order fulfilment.

Now, you’re probably wondering, what’s the significance of all of this? Well, Kotler

would argue that a 13 ___company _____ that handles all of these processes well will

probably be 14 ___ Successful____. But a company that fails at any one of these

processes will not 15___ Survive_____. Let’s take a look at a couple of case studies…

Taken from Market Leader Advanced (Course Book), 3rd ed., p. 40, CD 1, track 1.31, designed by Isabel Vélez, adapted by Diana

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