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BIO 122 WFW_Second Semester2020-2021_12March2021  lipid bilayer

[mosaic structure] because embedded into this liquid my by layer are many or several
protein components which can add us channels, the scepters, transporters, etc,
Integrative science: physiological process life processes are highly regulated events
 regulates the traffic flow of substances across the biological
because this enzyme catalyzed biochemical reactions can be regulated in terms of their
production of the product
[fluid] because these structures have the ability of lateral movement.
 integral proteins: membrane bound structures that span the entire
width of this lipid bilayer
1. denature the structural integrity of the enzyme itself so the affinity between the
natural substrate and this competitor compound substance will actually modulate the  peripheral proteins: only one part of this membrane or protein is
rate of the reaction exposed either to the extracellular component or to the intracellular
2. introduction of this competing substrate or reactor may either be on the same binding component.
site itself the same site where the natural substrate binds to the enzyme or it may be in a
space in a different location or binding site on the same enzyme [proof/demonstration that these membrane bound structures are proteins]
allosteric modulation: metabolic feedback modulation, which may inhibit or enhance Freeze fracture experiment :
the rate of the reaction  enzymes will denature the proteins
 mostly protein in nature
What specific structure of the animal cell will allow this enzyme catalyzed biochemical
reactions to occur or to happen unimpeded? cholesterol - tends to insert itself into the hydrophobic phase of the lipid by which
! enzyme catalyzed biochemical reaction should be in an almost perfectly constant state increases the mechanical rigidity of the of the plasmalemma
biological membranes/ plasmalemma  main cause for the hardening of the arteries (arterial sclerosis)
 serves us serves to maintain the stability of the so called internal
environment Factor that influences the degree of fluidity of the membrane:
 the biological membrane is not a static structure, it exists in a highly  influenced mainly by the composition of amphipathic compounds
dynamic state. (width and length of fatty acid tails)
 Described by Singer and Nicholson from the University of California:  saturation or the level of unsaturation of this lipid tails
fluid mosaic model (1972) Saturated fatty acids: each carbon atom in that fatty acid makes a single covalent bond
with either another neighboring carbon or a hydrogen atom
Amphipathic compound: will not easily dissociate into its ionic components  form a very neat layer of tails neatly stacked up together
 tail is hydrophobic and will tend to cluster or to gather together Unsaturated: double bond introduces a bend or a kink that makes the membrane more
avoiding water as much as possible fluid
 hydrophilic head of this empty fatty compounds will tend to attract
water so easily
 saturated fatty acids have a high melting point and are solid Consider both concentration of solute and also the charges that these dissolved solids
at room temperature  Demonstration: two chambers here filled with water and separated by a semi
 unsaturated fatty acids are liquid at room temperature permeable membrane
 Introduction of a salt: redistribute themselves until eventually they are equal
 biological membrane that shields fluctuations in the cytosolic concentrations of potassium and chloride ions in the compartments
compartment from fluctuations of the extracellular compartment Modification: addition of a negatively charged ion species that cannot cross this semi
premium hoops cannot cross this semi permeable membrane
Cytosolic compartment - mainly made up of water
!There should be an equal number of negative charges on one side compared to the
How do substances cross the biological membrane? number of positive charges on the opposite side okay
 by establishing a concentration gradient across the membrane as soon as the state of equilibrium is there, water will move from an area of lower
1. Diffusion- very, very slow process osmolarity
- eventually equal amounts and the compound across the volume
- no barrier that will impede the free flow of these substances from one area to another Under resting conditions, the state of dynamic state equilibrium:
 Diffusion equation: is the rate of diffusion of a substance is slow in - Sodium ion [much higher in the extracellular]
the absence of a barrier. - Chloride ions [higher in the extracellular]
 3 variables to consider to estimate rate of diffusion: - Potassium [higher in the intracellular]
- diffusion coefficient of that solid: each substance has its own - Calcium [higher in the intracellular]
unique inherent property (size, charges) Origin of ionic species: metabolic production waste products and a series of metabolic
- cross sectional area of diffusion reactions will create a lot of these substances that will dissociate into the ion
- concentration gradient of that substance
Osmosis: special form of diffusion with a membrane and this usually refers to liquid Electro chemical gradients are maintained by passive and active processes
substances  Important for maintaining a stable volume of the cell
- also a very slow and passive process scape 1. isosmotic conditions or isotonic conditions: the cell will maintain its optimum
- water simply flows from a hypotonic chamber to a volume
hypertonic chamber 2. hypertonic solution: cell will shrink
 if we assume that the solid particles dissolve in this hypertonic solution has no
small depression- water pressure that is sufficient enough to stop the further flow of ability to cross the plasma lemma of the immerse cells  cell death
water from an area of higher concentration of water to an area of lower concentration of  if let's say the solid dissolve in this hypertonic solution has this ability to go
water across the biological membrane  gradually recover its volume okay until such
time that it will attain this state of equilibrium
Concentration gradient: Don Gibbs equilibrium
1. Passive transport process: slow process driven by the electrochemical concentration Example: sodium pump: 3 sodium ions out, 2 potassium ions into the cell Okay,
gradient remember
 For amphipathic compounds: the ease to dissociate from - ATP donates one of its high energy phosphate side group
water: that will lead to a change in the structural conformation
o oil and water partition coefficient :estimation of its - Dephosphorylation: release of ions
so called lipophilicity - important because it is this accurate transport mechanism process that is responsible
for maintaining the electrochemical concentration gradients of many ionic species
 higher the oil water partition coefficient the easier for
amphipathic compounds to cross the biological
membrane by passive diffusion okay. Ouabain- inhibitor od the sodium pump

2. Facilitated diffusion- no need for an external source of energy Establishment and the maintenance of that electrochemical gradient across the
- carrier mediated transport: utilizes membrane bound proteins acting as channels biological membrane serves as a source of energy serves that will allow the transport of
Types of facilitated diffusion: substances
1. uniporter channel - transporting only a single substance across the membrane
2. symporter channel - carry two different substances in the same direction Maintenance and establishment of that chemical electrochemical gradient can create
3. antiporter channel - are able to carry to at least two different substances at the same ATP (in the mitochondria)
time in different directions (coupled or linked transport) - mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell because of its ability to produce ATP
- double membrane organelle. So there is an outer membrane enclosing an inner
All exhibit saturation kinetics: membrane:
 Free energy that is responsible for transporting a substance across the membrane o inner membrane has this folded appearance
via a carrier mediated transport process via this membrane bound channels, is o intermembrane gap/space
not only influenced by the electrochemical concentration gradient of the o fluid-filled matrix :aerobic and anaerobic respiration takes place)
substance, but also by the density of these membrane bound channels.
ATP production via coupling mechanism: Chemiosmotic coupling mechanism.
Glucose: Passive diffusion - involves two distinct two distinct processes:
 given an area of a membrane, there's only finite quantities of this membrane 1. establishment of a concentration gradient
bound channels 2. conversion electrochemical concentration gradient to produce energy itself
 Michaelisen-meten constant, K, in the form of ATP

3. active transport: flows against a concentration; there has to be provision of energy Matrix: A lot of respiratory chain process occur; a lot of proton is produced
from elsewhere(ATP) Inner Membrane with membrane bound proton transporters
- protons are carried out and end up accumulating or building
up in concentration in the intermembrane gap and cannot
come back in
- protons use ATP synthase for entry

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