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University of Technology, Jamaica

Faculty of Engineering and Computing

School of Engineering

Academic Year 2020/21

Semester: 1

Module: Community Service Programme

Title of Paper: Vision 2030 and Community Service

Date of Submission: December 18, 2020

Name: Amanda Senior

Id#: 2003804

Lecturer: Mr Courtney Palmer

Tutorial Day/Time: Friday 9am-11am

Name of Agency/ Project: Windward Road Community Mental Health

Agency Supervisor: Luraine Brown

REFLECTIVE 1-Vision 2030 and Community Service

a) What does community service/volunteerism mean to you?

b) Which 2 of the 4 goals of Vision 2030 do you think is most closely linked to

community service/volunteerism? Why?

c) Select 1 of the 2 goals discussed in (b) and suggests ways you can contribute

to achieving this goal through your community service.

a. Community Service/ Volunteerism

Personally, speaking community service is an act of volunteering to perform work for the

beneficial of the community and its members without any means of compensation, which

sometimes leads to means of gaining more knowledge or developing a skill.

b. GOAL 4: Jamaica has a healthy natural environment.

GOAL 1: Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their fullest potential.

GOAL 4 - From goal four the linkage of volunteerism can be portrayed if the promoting and

practicing of proper hygiene is conducted by, we the people. To make it persistent and

consistent we can put out posters, recycle bins in every community, public and private areas

etc to be influential in containing the right practice to have a clean surrounding. With the

assistance of volunteers and their means, there is no doubt Jamaica would not be healthy and


GOAL 1- From goal one the linkage to volunteerism ties in to say no individual should be

abstain from achieving their full potential because of limited resources. With the physical and
mental help, persistence, and grit one scam aim to gain their potential with the influence of

mentors and their caregivers which will provide the necessities guaranteed that will empower

them to go for what they want.

c. GOAL 1- I can achieve this goal by taking the time out every weekend to gather

meetings with volunteers in discussing ways in which individuals will be responsible

for their surroundings, to do clean ups and make posters and little street march in

influencing our neighbours to keep the environment clean by waving posters and sing

“Nuh Dutty Up Jamaica” song to draw their attention. This is because a clean area

keeps a healthy life going.

GOAL 2- I can orchestra a little homework centre on weekends to assist those with

less knowledge and to provide resources to those who need as long as I have it to

empower the youths and not just young adults as well that they have the potential to

go for the things they want. To also get a sponsor in which will assist with providing

some of these resources.

REFLECTIVE 2- Identifying your community service project objectives

a) Identify your agency and briefly discuss the history, goals, and objectives of the agency.

b) Bearing the Vision 2030 goal you selected in reflection 1 in mind, identify a set of

objectives you aim to fulfil in your assignment at your agency.

c) Discuss the specific steps you will take to accomplish those objectives.

a. The history, goals, and objectives of the agency that I am currently

doing my community service project at is as follows:

The Windward Road Mental Center was established to provide care for mentally ill

clients. The establishment of this centre came by. This led to an enquiry, the result of

which was the establishment of a mental centre for the custody and care of the

mentally ill. The goal of the organisation is to ensure adequate health care which will

contribute to the physical, social, and emotional well-being of our people through the

provision and monitoring of cost-effective, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative

services and in so doing, improve and maintain the health of the nation. The goals and

objectives of this organisation is to provide the best quality treatment, healthy

lifestyle, and rehabilitation in a secure, nurturing and stimulating environment

b. At this institution I aim to:

⮚ Meet my service-learning goal

⮚ To help in providing services and medication for the mentally ill

⮚ To generate a better teamwork to help with the timely completion of tasks

⮚ To positively influence patients that there will be a change if they take

their medication and do their regular clinic check-up and that their voices

are heard and are not limited from day-to-day necessities.

c. The specific steps I will take to accomplish those objectives are:

⮚ To develop ways in which I can communicate properly and easily to the

patients so that they can understand the important concept of mental health

⮚ Eliminate any suicidal thoughts by put on a little talk session where

different officers and I will give my review

⮚ To facilitate different methods so that they find joy and excitement in

learning to better themselves regardless of their flaws.


a. Identify some of the problems/ issues you experienced or witnessed during your


b. To what extent did problems you encountered/ witnessed in your placements reflect

problems prevalent in the wider Jamaican society?

c. What impact do you think these problems will have on our ability to achieve the

goals laid out in Vision 2030?

d. If the problem was something you encountered, what solution(s) did you employ to

address the problem? If the problem were something you witnessed, what possible

solutions would you suggest could be used to address the problem?

a) There are not many problems that I have encountered during my placement at the Agency.

Additionally, I only witnessed one problem during the placement when I just started working,

two nurses had a dispute due to lack of communication in front of me and it was not pleasant,

other than that everyone there is accommodating and friendly, so I blended in well.

b) One of the most problem Jamaican’s face over the past few years is the lack of ability to

communicate eloquently. Jamaicans have a habit to refrain from communicating effectively,

though it may seem like a trivial problem it causes a blight on the country on a whole.

Barriers between Jamaicans are broken down daily without them being aware of it as they do

so. As information passes down it may be interpreted in the wrong way causing confusion in

the line of work and people may be penalized for their action.
c) Lack of communication will mainly impact Goal 1 of Jamaica 2030 which states

Jamaicans are empowered to achieve their fullest potential. Communication is one of the

main building blocks to self-development and growth. Through better communication and

expression of oneself amongst peers one will be able to empower themselves better as they

would have reached their highest level of communication.

d) From witnessing this situation, I will notify them about what they did wrong and in what

way they can do it better both for a better environment and a better view of themselves.

Avoid conflicts when you can because nothing good comes from it, only harm and

embarrassment, Respect is a virtue.

a. Briefly summarize your impressions of your time spent in your agency. What do you think

was the best part of your service? What was the worst part?

b. Review the objectives you set for yourself and discuss to what extent were these

objectives achieved?

c. Discuss in what ways did the community in which you worked benefit from your project.

d. State whether the organization would benefit from having more CSP projects completed.

Suggest the kind of service which would assist the organization/ community in which you

worked, based on your experience there.

e. In what ways do you think could CSP 1001 be improved?

I have completed my 40 hours plus a total of 5 extra hours of community service. I enjoyed

doing work together with the staffs. Everyone there was accommodating, affable and had

great work ethics. The center play an active role with the Bellevue Hospital, but they are

understaffed. They always need extra help and community service workers would improve

their productivity hence the mental health center would benefit smoothly from having more

community service workers. The workers would ease some of the administrative duties so the

officers can focus on daily crisis. The objectives that I had set out over my period were only

semi successful as the second objective was not met to my standard and I felt that if the

works had tried harder a successful task would’ve been completed. However, the other two

worked fine and were exceptionally done. The community benefited tremendously from the

objectives and even the youngers members as well because a relationship was created

between them and the officers. Additionally, if the organization were to receive more CSP

projects, their work ethics would change along with a lot more. The company would benefit

in so many ways such as having an acceptable working environment, friendly and

accommodating. Finally, I believe CSP 1001 would improve by informing the students about

what activities they will be engaged in at the different agencies so they can pick what suits

them best. As well as have detailed reports on previous community service workers.

Communication also could improve along with explanation skills; incentives could also boost


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