What Is The Meaning of Life

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 What is the meaning of life?

 How is your life going up to this point?

 What do you think happens after life?

 What important life lessons have you learned?

  If tomorrow was your last day to live, what would you do?

Hi, my name is Fernando, I rather be called Tarin (that’s my last name), everyone knows me that

The meaning of life. I think life’s meaning it’s different to each person, what it means to me
doesn’t have to be the same for the person whom listening to this, neither the other person’s
meaning to me. Based on it, I talk my perspective.

I’m not certainly about a “meaning life”, I don’t think theres a formal definition, I mean, it could
sound dark, pessimist, but I would say that there’s no meaning life actually. I want to say, we
everyone are going to the same place. I know it’s a cliché, a very simple one but real to me. Telling
this, I think that people should just stop trying to fit or impress other ones. We should try to be
authentical ours. It’s definitely hard to find what we authentically are, but if we pretend to only do
things that others will approve, it will be harder.

How is my life going at this point.

Actually, I’m studying at 5th semester of Process Technology engineering, I’m 25, I live with my
family (mother, step father and 2 brothers). I have never lived with my biological father, but I
always have seen him, except when he was living at Canada. I have a girlfriend too, whom im
about to get 4 years as a couple. I work with my step father at house doing home office. I help him
with their clients documents at excel sheets and google drive folders. I would say I have a pretty
comfortable life.

What do you think happens after life?

I do have a esceptic idea, I’m atheist. I don’t think that something special happens after die, I think
that you just stop existing. Maybe like when fall asleep, but without dreaming.
What important lesson have you learned?

I learned that I have to be more empathic with people. We don’t know life experiences people
have lived that determined their personalities.

Another lesson could be that actions are what defines ourselves, not words. If I say I’m a good
person, that I’m smarter than others, doesn’t mean anything if I do bad things or not put my
knowledge in practice.

Time is maybe the most valuable thing, so don’t lose it.

What would I do if tomorrow were my last day.

I think I would visit to all my dear ones and tell them all things that im grateful with them, maybe I
would cook my favorite food, and I would go to my favorite places, listen to enjoy all of the best
things I have the fortune of live.

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