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Molecular Microbiology (2001) 39(5), 1166±1173

Aged mother cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae show

markers of oxidative stress and apoptosis
Peter Laun,1² Alena Pichova,2² Frank Madeo,3² Introduction
JoÈrg Fuchs,4 Adolf Ellinger,5 Sepp Kohlwein,6
Yeast mother cell-specific ageing has been intensively
Ian Dawes,7 Kai-Uwe FroÈhlich3 and Michael
researched and reviewed (Jazwinski, 1999; Johnson et al.,
1 1999; Guarente, 2000) in the last few years. This simple
Department of Genetics, University of Salzburg,
model system for cellular and, perhaps, organismic
Hellbrunnerstr. 34, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria.
2 ageing shows similarity to ageing in higher cells in terms
Institute of Microbiology, Czech Academy of Sciences,
of well-characterized morphological and physiological
Prague, Czech Republic.
3 changes. Old cells are much bigger than young cells
Department of Physiological Chemistry, University of
(Mortimer and Johnston, 1959; Egilmez et al., 1990;
TuÈbingen, Germany.
4 Nestelbacher et al., 1999), the cell cycle as well as protein
Department of Botany, University of Vienna, Austria.
5 synthesis is slowed down (Mortimer and Johnston, 1959;
Department of Histology and Embryology, Ordinariat II,
Motizuki and Tsurugi, 1992), and the cell surface has a
University of Vienna, Austria.
6 loose and wrinkled appearance (Pichova et al., 1997).
Department of Biochemistry, Technical University of
The median life span of most laboratory Saccharomyces
Graz, Austria.
7 cerevisiae strains is about 25±35 generations or about
School of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, UNSW,
3 days (Jazwinski, 1993). Given the short life span of
Sydney, Australia.
yeast cells and the ease of genetic analysis in yeast, it is
feasible to elucidate general mechanisms of ageing by
Summary studying the yeast ageing process.
In recent years, Sinclair and Guarente (1997) proposed
Recently, we and others have shown that genetic and
the hypothesis that DNA minicircles derived from chro-
environmental changes that increase the load of
mosomal rDNA but lacking centromeres accumulate in
yeast cells with reactive oxygen species (ROS) lead
mother cells and eventually prevent ordered replication
to a shortening of the life span of yeast mother cells.
and cell cycle progression by titrating out an essential
Deletions of yeast genes coding for the superoxide
DNA-binding factor, thus leading to senescence. These
dismutases or the catalases, as well as changes
minicircles have a strong tendency to accumulate in the
in atmospheric oxygen concentration, considerably
mother cell (Sinclair and Guarente, 1997; Heo et al.,
shortened the life span. The presence of the physio-
1999) because they cannot be segregated regularly on
logical antioxidant glutathione, on the other hand,
the mitotic spindle. However, so far, rDNA minicircles
increased the life span of yeast cells. Taken together,
have not been demonstrated in senescent cells of
these results pointed to a role for oxygen in the yeast
multicellular organisms. Many different hypotheses have
ageing process. Here, we show by staining with
been put forward to explain cellular and organismic
dihydrorhodamine that old yeast mother cells iso-
ageing (Finch, 1990) including, for example, that ageing
lated by elutriation, but not young cells, contain ROS
may be caused by the accumulation of somatic mutations
that are localized in the mitochondria. A relatively
in senescent cells. These theories are, of course, not
large proportion of the old mother cells shows
mutually exclusive. Moreover, almost certainly, several
phenotypic markers of yeast apoptosis, i.e. TUNEL
independent causes can contribute to the ageing process.
(TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labelling) and annexin
As we have argued previously, an accumulation of
V staining. Although it has been shown previously
mutations in genomic DNA can be ruled out as a cause
that apoptosis in yeast can be induced by a cdc48
of yeast ageing because of its mother cell specificity
allele, by expressing pro-apoptotic human cDNAs or
(Nestelbacher et al., 2000). On the other hand, it is quite
by stressing the cells with hydrogen peroxide, we are
possible that damaged cellular material other than DNA
now showing a physiological role for apoptosis in
could be decisive for yeast ageing provided that this
unstressed but aged wild-type yeast mother cells.
damaged material is inherited asymmetrically.
Cellular materials can be damaged by oxygen radicals
Accepted 11 December, 2000. *For correspondence. E-mail; Tel. (143) 662 8044 5787; Fax or oxidizing molecules originating from a `leaky' respira-
(143) 662 8044 144. ²These authors contributed equally to this work. tory chain when those radicals are no longer detoxified by

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Aged yeast mother cells undergo apoptosis 1167
the cell (Halliwell and Gutteridge, 1989). This `oxygen by elutriation centrifugation. The large cells obtained after
theory of ageing', first formulated by Harman (1962), has 1 day (about 10 generations) of growth in 100 ml of YPD
gained increased acceptance based on recent experi- were cultivated again for 1 day in 100 ml of YPD, and
mental results (Ames et al., 1993; Orr and Sohal, 1994; large cells were again isolated by elutriation. Fraction V
Sohal and Weindruch, 1996; Gems, 1999). In particular, it contained large undamaged cells, whereas fraction II
has been found that longevity genes of the nematode contained very uniform small cells. The total yield of large
Caenorhabditis elegans, whose biochemical functions cells was about 1.6  108 cells. These two fractions were
were previously unknown, are now shown to play a role characterized in detail.
in the detoxification of oxygen radicals (Gems, 1999; Fraction V cells were oval with a major axis diameter of
Taub et al., 1999). 10±15 mm, and fraction II cells were rounder with a
Recently, we and others have shown that genetic and diameter of about 5±7 mm, as determined by phase-
environmental changes that increase the burden of contrast microscopy. The median life span of fraction V
reactive oxygen species (ROS) on cells of the yeast S. cells was 4 ^ 3.5 generations, whereas the median life
cerevisiae lead to a shortening of the life span of mother span of fraction II cells was 18 ^ 3.8 generations, similar
cells. Deletions of yeast genes coding for the superoxide to the standard life span for this strain of 23 ^ 6
dismutases (Barker et al., 1999; Wawryn et al., 1999) or generations (Fig. 1). The small difference between the
the catalases, as well as changes in atmospheric oxygen life span of fraction II and the standard life span of the
partial pressure and the presence of the physiological strain is statistically significant. Note that about 70% of
antioxidant glutathione, all had the expected distinct the fraction II cells were virgins, and the rest showed one
effects on life span and indicated a role for oxygen in or two bud scars, which would account for the difference
the yeast ageing process (Nestelbacher et al., 2000). We in life span. About 35% of the large cells (fraction V)
therefore sought to show in a more direct way that old entered but did not complete a single cell division,
yeast mother cells accumulate oxidizing molecules and although they were not lysed or damaged as shown by
build up internal oxidative stress in the absence of any fluorescence microscopy (see below, Fig. 6) and thin-
external stress condition. section electron microscopy (data not shown). Some of
Here, we present biochemical evidence that old mother the cells in fraction V were actually young, as shown by
cells, but not virgin cells, contain strongly oxidizing the `tail' of long-lived cells in the life span analysis of
molecules originating from the mitochondria. On standard fraction V cells (Fig. 1). These cells are the few daughters
media, old cells suffer oxidative stress in the absence of that did not separate in the last cell cycle but were still
any external source of oxygen radicals. These cells show adhering to their mothers.
markers of apoptosis, including positive terminal deox- Figure 2 shows representative views of the fraction V
ynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP end labelling and fraction II cells after Calcofluor White staining. Some
(TUNEL) and annexin V tests and chromatin fragmen- of the fraction V cells showed a large number of bud scars
tation seen after 4 0 ,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydro- (Fig. 2A). Note that only half of each cell's surface can be
chloride (DAPI) staining. Apoptosis has been shown to
occur in certain yeast mutants and in wild-type cells when
they are oxidatively stressed (Madeo et al., 1997; 1999;
Frohlich and Madeo, 2000). The present work describes
yeast apoptosis in ageing wild-type cells. This is the first
report of a physiological role for apoptosis in yeast. Thus,
we present another strong parallel between yeast ageing
and the ageing processes of cultured human cells
that have recently been shown to undergo apoptosis
induced by oxidative stress (P. Jansen-DuÈrr, personal

Fig. 1. Life spans of elutriated wild-type yeast cell fractions of strain
Isolation of large yeast cells by elutriation allows JC482 were determined as described in Experimental procedures.
enrichment of very old cells The error bars indicate standard deviations from the median. Forty
randomly chosen cells from fraction V and fraction II were
The haploid wild-type yeast strain JC482 (Pichova et al., analysed. In fraction V, only one of 40 cells never budded. In
fraction II, six out of 40 cells never budded and were excluded from
1997) was grown and treated as described in Experi- the calculation. The standard life span of strain JC482 was
mental procedures for the isolation of large and small cells determined as described previously (Pichova et al., 1997).

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1168 P. Laun et al.
seen in the micrographs, so the real number of bud scars
is probably about twice as great as the number of bud
scars visible in Fig. 2A. However, it is also clear from
Fig. 2A that some of the large cells have only about 5±10
bud scars. We hypothesize that these are already
senescent, as the standard life span of the strain shows
that a certain fraction of mothers is senescent after every
cell generation. It is also obvious from Fig. 2A that some
of the old cells carry unseparated daughters, which
themselves have several bud scars. This is an indication
of cell cycle irregularities during the last cell divisions of a
mother cell, as can be seen by comparison with the
micrographs shown in our previous papers (Pichova et al.,
1997; Nestelbacher et al., 2000). The cells in fraction II
were mostly daughter cells showing a dark birth scar but
no bud scars, although fraction II also contained some
cells with one or two bud scars (Fig. 2B).

Old yeast mother cells contain ROS in the absence of

external oxidative stress

Figure 3 shows that strongly oxidizing molecules (ROS)

were detected by dihydrorhodamine 123 (DHR) staining in
the mitochondria of fraction V cells (Fig. 3A) but not in
fraction II cells (Fig. 3C). For comparison, the staining
with 2-[4-(dimethylamino)styryl]-1-methylpyridinium iodide
(DASPMI) indicates the location of mitochondria in these
cells (Fig. 3E and G). Double staining with DHR and
DASPMI was not possible for technical reasons. How-
ever, the morphology shown in Fig. 3 is clearly indicative
of a mitochondrial location for the strongly oxidizing
molecules. Mitochondria of young cells do not contain
measurable levels for strongly oxidizing molecules
(Fig. 3C and G). As these cells have been grown in
YPD under standard conditions and have never been
exposed to external oxidative stress apart from that found
in a normal aerobically grown cell, we must assume that
the strongly oxidizing molecules that are detected in
Fig. 3A arise internally, either through accumulation by a
Fig. 3. A. Fraction V cells were stained with DHR (5 mg ml21; stock
solution 2.5 mg ml21 in ethanol) and viewed and photographed
under a confocal laser-scanning fluorescence microscope after
10 min using the rhodamine filter set. The stained cells show
typical mitochondrial morphology.
B. The same sample in phase contrast.
C. Fraction II cells treated as above show only very weak staining.
D. The same sample as in (C) viewed in phase contrast.
E. Fraction V cells stained with the mitochondrial-specific dye,
DASPMI (25 mg ml21), and immediately viewed under a confocal
laser-scanning fluorescence microscope using the fluorescein filter
Fig. 2. A. Fraction V cells after staining with Calcofluor White M2R F. The same sample shown in phase contrast.
and viewing under a fluorescence microscope. The budding pattern G. Fraction II cells stained with DASPMI and viewed under a
on mother cells is typical of a haploid cell. Irregular patterns are fluorescence microscope.
seen on some contaminating daughters (see text). H. The same cells as in (G) shown in phase contrast.
B. Fraction II cells treated exactly as in (A). The majority of these Taken together, Fig. 3 shows that old cells (fraction V), but not
cells are virgins with just one (dark) birth scar. The cells are smaller young cells, exhibit strongly oxidizing molecules and that these
than in (A). molecules are contained in the mitochondria.

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Aged yeast mother cells undergo apoptosis 1169

Fig. 4. A. Fraction V cells after staining of nuclei with DAPI. Note

diffuse chromatin and, occasionally, multiple nuclei.
B. Fraction II cells treated exactly as above. Note compact well-
defined nuclei.

Fig. 6. A. Fraction V cells were stained for exposed

phosphatidylserine with FITC-conjugated annexin V after digestion
of cell walls with glusulase/lyticase and viewed under a
fluorescence microscope using the fluorescein filter set (Madeo
et al., 1997).
B. The same sample washed and stained with propidium iodide
and viewed using the fluorescein filter set. This control shows that
the annexin-positive cells in (A) are not lysed or damaged.
C. Fraction II cells stained for phosphatidylserine with FITC-
conjugated annexin V and viewed under a fluorescence microscope
using the fluorescein filter set. A sample with a very infrequently
observed annexin-positive cell (arrow) is shown.
D. The same sample stained with propidium iodide showing that
the marked cell is lysed (arrow).
E. The same sample as in (C) and (D) shown in phase contrast.
Also here, it is obvious that the marked cell is lysed (arrow).

`leaky' respiratory chain or triggered by the physiological

process of ageing.

Old yeast mother cells display markers of apoptosis

Figure 4 shows the nuclear morphology of fraction V cells

(Fig. 4A) and fraction II cells (Fig. 4B). The young cells
display compact single nuclei of normal appearance,
whereas the old cells showed diffuse staining indicating
chromatin fragmentation similar to that seen when
apoptosis is induced by hydrogen peroxide in yeast cells
Fig. 5. A. Fraction V cells were fixed, cell walls were digested and (see Fig. 1 in Madeo et al., 1999). Some of these old cells
strand breaks in DNA were detected according to the TUNEL showed more than one nucleus as a result of endomitosis
protocol (Madeo et al., 1997). Nuclei containing large amounts of
DNA strand breaks were stained black by the diaminobenzidine± caused by irregular cell division cycles as shown earlier
H2O2 reaction after incorporation of fluorescein isothiocyanate (Pichova et al., 1997).
(FITC)-labelled dUTP and treatment with anti-FITC antibody Fab Figures 5 and 6 illustrate our analysis of apoptotic
fragment from sheep coupled with horseradish peroxidase. Viewing
500 cells, positive staining was observed in about 20% of them. In landmarks in fraction V cells with young cells (fraction II)
some cases (arrows), mother and daughter cells from a pair were included as important controls to exclude methodological
both TUNEL positive, indicating that the last daughters of old artifacts. Positively stained cells were detected using
apoptotic mother cells are sometimes also apoptotic.
B. Fraction II cells were treated and stained as in (A). Practically no DHR, TUNEL and annexin V tests in about 20% of the
TUNEL-positive staining was observed. cells for each method. It is impossible for technical
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1170 P. Laun et al.

reasons to perform double staining by these methods; in the same experiment have a median life span that
however, the complete absence of positively staining cells closely resembles the standard life span of the strain,
in fraction II strongly indicates that it is the same thereby excluding the possibility that the elutriation
subfraction of old cells that stain positively with all three method itself has any influence on the life span of the
fluorescent dyes. cells or is grossly altering their physiology. About 35% of
Figure 5A and B shows that old cells and not young the old cells (fraction V) do not complete the first cell cycle
cells are stained by the TUNEL method that detects DNA that they enter. We assume that these are cells under-
strand breaks. Many of the TUNEL-positive cells carry going senescence. These cells are not lysed or damaged
one or more unseparated daughters that are also TUNEL by the elutriation method, as shown by light microscopy,
positive (arrow), as if those cells could not complete the fluorescence microscopy with propidium iodide and
last or the last few cell cycles, thus corroborating the electron microscopy of ultrathin sections (data not
finding that about 35% of the fraction V cells start but do shown). A similar fraction of the old cell preparation
not complete one cell cycle (Fig. 1). (about 20%) shows the presence of strongly oxidizing
Figure 6 illustrates the results of fluorescent staining molecules in the mitochondria and markers of yeast
with the annexin V method. The old cells of fraction V apoptosis. Fraction V contains many cells with more than
were frequently stained at the cell periphery after 20 bud scars (Fig. 2A). This fraction also contains a small
digestion of the cell wall (Fig. 6A), indicating plasma proportion of about 10% of younger cells, as seen by the
membrane inversion (externalized phosphatidylserine, `tail' of longer lived cells in the life span determination
which is an established marker for early apoptotic events). (Fig. 1). These are daughters that were still attached to
The same cells showed no staining with propidium iodide their mothers during the elutriation as well as an
(the usual control), indicating that these cells are not unavoidable subfraction of young cells with a larger
unspecifically damaged (Fig. 6B). On the contrary, frac- volume. Taken together, these experimental results
tion II cells were not stained by this method (Fig. 6C). strongly support the conclusion that we have indeed
Very infrequently, young cells were observed that were isolated a population of cells that is very close to
stained, but they were also stained by propidium iodide, senescence and that the population is sufficiently
indicating that they had lysed as a result of unspecific enriched in senescent cells to enable a biochemical
damage. The damaged cell is indicated by an arrow in study of the phenomenon of senescence, which is crucial
Fig. 6C±E. for understanding the ageing process. In order to confirm
that these markers of oxidative stress and apoptosis are
not simply caused by the intensity of respiration, we also
stained cells of strain JC482 growing exponentially on
Here, we present a morphological and physiological glycerol as well as on glucose as the only carbon source.
characterization of aged yeast mother cells that were Neither mother nor daughter cells stained positively with
isolated by a new method. These cells are very close to DHR under exactly the same conditions that were used
the terminal senescent state, as shown by determination for staining fraction V (not shown in detail). This is in good
of their remaining median life span. Our data presented agreement with earlier observations that non-fermentable
here, together with earlier work (Nestelbacher et al., 2000) carbon sources (glycerol) certainly do not shorten the life
showing that the physiological antioxidant, reduced span (Egilmez et al., 1990; Barker et al., 1999).
glutathione, can substantially increase the life span of In order to show that the phenotype of old mother cells
yeast cells under conditions of oxidative stress, strongly described here does not depend on the genetic back-
support the notion that ROS originating in the mitochon- ground of the strain, it was important to repeat the
dria are a causative factor in senescence. The present elutriation experiment with a second unrelated haploid
data also show that senescent yeast mother cells undergo MATa strain (BY4742). It was also seen for this strain that
apoptosis. old mother cells, but not young cells, exhibited ROS in
The method developed by us for the isolation of old their mitochondria, diffuse or fragmented nuclei and many
yeast mother cells depends on only one parameter (cell of those cells showed . 20 bud scars (data not shown in
size) and is limited by the fact that it is impossible detail).
completely to avoid contamination by some young cells Other methods for isolating old yeast mother cells have
(virgins) that adhere to their mother cells (Fig. 1). In spite been published (Egilmez et al., 1990; Woldringh et al.,
of this limitation, the life span determinations performed 1995; Smeal et al., 1996). Using the method presented
with the size-fractionated old and young cells showed that here, the residual life span of the mother cells is very short
the old cells have a remaining median life span of only (only about 10% of the total life span of the strain), and a
4 ^ 3.5 generations in a strain whose standard median substantial fraction of the old cells are post-mitotic and
life span is 23 ^ 6 generations. The young cells isolated senescent. Old mother cells and young cells are isolated

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Aged yeast mother cells undergo apoptosis 1171
from the same initial population of batch-grown cells yeast cells (Figs 5 and 6) therefore further strengthens
(see Experimental procedures) that are only minimally the oxygen theory of ageing and the generality and
influenced physiologically by the separation method. similarity of yeast and higher cell ageing finally leading to
These cells are clearly not killed by an artifact of the apoptosis. It is important that apoptosis has now been
method. found in wild-type cells as a physiological process in the
We have used these cells to search for phenotypic absence of external oxidative stress. The existence of
markers of oxidative stress and apoptosis and, in addition, apoptosis in yeast is now well established (for a review,
to characterize them with respect to cell surface and see Ink et al., 1997; Frohlich and Madeo, 2000), but it has
nuclear morphology. The results have provided strong only been described previously in special mutants (cdc48-
support for the theory that oxidative stress is implicated in S565G) or in wild-type cells incubated in the presence of
the cell ageing process. How do these findings fit into the H2O2.
general hypotheses that are presently in vogue to explain A final point concerns the origin of mother cell
ageing in both yeast and higher organisms? Could the specificity of ageing in the context of the findings
oxygen theory of ageing for which we have provided presented here. Mother cell specificity of yeast ageing
evidence here and the theory that is based on the implies that some `death factor' (Jazwinski, 1990) must be
formation of rDNA minicircles as a primary cause of inherited asymmetrically by the mother cell. In the
ageing be part of the same general picture? framework of the hypothesis presented here, this death
In principle, one possible, but unlikely, explanation factor could be damaged cellular material. One very
is that the perturbation of replication caused by the plausible candidate for damaged material would be
accumulation of rDNA circles leading to a titration out of damaged mitochondria, which produce an increasing
essential protein factors (Johnson et al., 1999) could amount of ROS. Mitochondria producing ROS are found
indirectly lead to a perturbation of gene expression and only in senescent cells, not in virgin cells (Fig. 3).
therefore to an increase in the load of cells with ROS. This Consequently, we speculate that old (pre-existing and
is improbable, because the correlation of ROS with ageing damaged) mitochondria should be inherited preferentially
is a very general one, as it has also been demonstrated in by the mother cell in any cell division, whereas newly
cells of higher eukaryotes, whereas rDNA minicircles synthesized mitochondria should be segregated to the
have been found only in ageing yeast cells, not in ageing daughter cell. The ordered inheritance of mitochondria
cells of humans, flies or nematodes. Another, more likely in yeast during cell division has been well studied
explanation is that the autogenous oxidative stress (Warren and Wickner, 1996; Yaffe, 1999; Catlett and
observed by us indirectly leads to the accumulation of Weisman, 2000), although the question whether the
rDNA minicircles. This could be the case, for instance via mother cell inherits old mitochondrial components is
an effect of ROS on recombination and repair. Intrachro- presently unanswered.
mosomal recombination, the process that leads to rDNA
minicircles, has been shown to be induced by oxidative
mutagens (Brennan et al., 1994). Experimental procedures
The two processes could even be interdependent: Yeast strains and media
oxidative stress could cause a moderate increase in rDNA
A wild-type yeast strain (JC 482; Pichova et al., 1997) was
minicircles that could lead in a vicious circle to more
used for all experiments. Some of the experiments were
oxidative stress and more minicircles in the mother cell.
repeated using a second strain, BY4742 (Brachmann et al.,
Finally, the two processes could be independent of each 1998). Liquid YPD (2% glucose, 1% yeast extract, 2%
other and both contribute to yeast ageing. peptone in H2O) was used for growing yeast cells. Life spans
The morphology of the structures stained with DHR were determined on SC agar (2% agar, 2% glucose, 0.17%
clearly indicates a mitochondrial location for the ROS. yeast nitrogen base, 0.5% ammonium sulphate). Media
This fits excellently with a large number of investigations components were from Gibco.
of oxidative ageing in higher cells and points to a parallel
between the ageing processes of yeast and higher cells. It
has been shown that, in higher cells, ROS (oxidative
stress) are key regulators of apoptosis (Hockenbery et al., Cells were separated according to their diameter using the
1993; Kane et al., 1993; Ghibelli et al., 1995; Greenlund Beckman elutriation system and rotor JE-6B with a standard
elutriation chamber. Before the separation, the cells were
et al., 1995) and that primary human cells in culture
grown in 100 ml of YPD medium at 288C on a rotary shaker
undergo oxidative stress and apoptosis when they enter
for 24 h. Then, the cells were harvested at 3000 r.p.m. and
senescence (Jansen-DuÈrr, personal communication). Our resuspended in 1 PBS buffer (8 g of NaCl, 0.2 g of KCl,
observation of about 20% TUNEL-positive and annexin V- 1.44 g of Na2HPO4, 0.24 g of KH2PO4, pH 7.4, in a total
positive cells in the preparation of old, but not young, volume of 1 l) at 48C. The elutriation chamber was loaded

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1172 P. Laun et al.
with 4.2 ml of cell suspension corresponding to about 109 micromanipulation. Cells that never budded were excluded
cells. To separate cell fractions with different diameters, the from analysis.
chamber was loaded at a flow rate of 10 ml min21 and a rotor
speed of 3200 r.p.m. Cells with a diameter , 5 mm were
elutriated (fraction I). To collect fraction II (diameter 5±7 mm), Statistical analysis of life span data
the flow rate was set to 15 ml min21 and rotor speed to
The standard deviations of the median life spans at a
2700 r.p.m. Fraction III (diameter 7±8.5 mm) was elutriated
confidence level of 95% were calculated by applying Kaplan±
at 2400 r.p.m., fraction IV (diameter 8.5±10 mm) at
Meier statistics (Kaplan and Meier, 1958). To decide whether
2000 r.p.m. and, finally, fraction V (diameter 10±15 mm) at
two given survival distributions were significantly different
1350 r.p.m. The quality of separation of particular fractions
at a 95% confidence level, Breslow, Tarone±Ware and log-
was verified microscopically.
rank statistics were used. All statistical calculations were
performed using the software package SPSS 9.0.
Calcofluor staining
Calcofluor staining of cell walls was carried out as described Acknowledgements
previously (Streiblova et al., 1984), using Calcofluor White This work has been supported by grant no. P14574-MOB
M2R (Sigma F-3397). (FWF Austria; to M.B.), an ARC IREX grant to I.W.D. and
M.B., and grant GA CR(CZ) GA204/97/0541 to A.P. We are
grateful to the Faculty of Sciences of Salzburg University for
DAPI staining making available the Axioskop fluorescence microscope.
The basic protocol for DAPI staining (Streiblova, 1988) of
nuclei was used. Cells were collected, resuspended in 70%
(v/v) ethanol for brief fixation and permeabilization, stained
with DAPI solution and observed under an epifluorescence Ames, B.N., Shigenaga, M.K., and Hagen, T.M. (1993)
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irradiation to avoid photodamage. Excitation at 488 nm was derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288C: a useful
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Mitochondria were visualized with DASPMI (2-[4-(dimethyla- disruption and other applications. Yeast 14: 115±132.
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et al., 1990). tion in yeast. Mutat Res 308: 159±167.
The samples were viewed using a Leica TCS 4D confocal Catlett, N.L., and Weisman, L.S. (2000) Divide and multiply:
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Preparation and partial characterization of old yeast cells.
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