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While Nero was still a young child, his

father died. The Emperor Caligula had

Nero's mother exiled from Rome and
sent Nero to be raised by his aunt.
Caligula also stole Nero's inheritance.
A few years later, however, Caligula
was killed and Claudius became

Nero started out as a decent

emperor. He supported the arts,
built many public works, and
In 54 AD, Emperor Claudius lowered taxes. However, as his
died. Many historians believe reign continued, Nero became
that Nero's mother poisoned more and more of a tyrant. He
Claudius so her son could be had anyone he didn't like
emperor. Nero was crowned executed including political
Emperor of Rome at the age of rivals and some of his wives. He
17. started to act crazy and saw
himself more as an artist than an

13 October 54 – 9
June 68 AD
I think these facts are the most
significant because these could
have all played a part in Nero
turning into the tyrant that he
was. I am also surprised that he
was named emperor at the age of

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