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v casa (eee eee (ere rSe.wi = 7) CHAPTER 6 size $0 x are ail beam that is paoeiew cs 6.1 Three full-size 50 « 100-mum boards are nailed together to form a bean that incach al is 400. detemine te largest longa spcng hater ened | Betvece each aio als é i souvtion J) i Te a bh® = i (loo d(iso\* = 28. 125x108 mam f = 28.125 x10 m* : | Y J A A = (100}(S0) = 5000 me* | r 50 - | & Jr F SO mm | I! 2— Qs Ay. = 250«10* um? = 250 «t0°© mt ‘] wt | g= YS: Ese dGsene 2 \3.233%/0" W/m Uj 5 : 7 = 2Fae , @XH00 gg ges L GS = 2 Fae Se Gt Tesgasyot £60 vl mn | = CO mm =- OF} PROBLEM 6.2 6.1 Thee full-size 50 * 100-mm boards are nailed together to form a beam that is subjected toa vertical shear of 1500 N. Knowing thatthe allowable shearing force in each nail is 400 N, determine the largest longitudinal spacing s that can Be usec between each pair of nails, 6.2 For the built-up beam of Prob. 6.1, determine the allowable shear ifthe spacing between each pair of nails is ¢= 45 mm. SOLUTION T= bho = ge loo Miso) = 28.125 w1o* mn! = 28.125 «107% m* A = (100)(S0) * $000 ma* JF SO mon Q= A> Boxe mm = 250%10° m? a7 gs = 2 Fout pcteea 2 Fat EPiwinding Gg MO = AEH s | c aoe PROBLEM 6.3 6.3.A square box beam is made of two } x 3.54in planks and two 3 x $.in planks nailed together as shown, Knowing tha the spacing between alli = 125 in and that the vertical hearin the eam is /=250', determine (a) the shearing force in each nai (2) the maximum shearing sts in the bea SOLUTION I= bbb - bbb? = RGMSY - RBSMESY © 39.578 in” fay A= (S\Q) = 3,95 ink Yrt 2S-# = Q0as iw Qs ne = (3,78) 2.125) = 7.969 in? gt ME = SEI). S06, 84 Ab yin 34.578 is as 3 — = Bhs fb. « Q, = Q +# (dUL.759(4 Vo.g7s) = 7.969 4 2297 = 10.266 in? QC4RY © OLS in tar VQ. QSoviezee) _ Tt Gree ysy ~ + 4” 43.2 ee5 = PROBLEM 6.4 6.4.4 square box beam is made of two * planks and two 3 x Sin Uy planks nailed together as shown, Knowing that the spacing between nails iss = 2 i. and tate allowable stern oe each a 751, determine) be Ingest allowable vertical shear in the beam, (b) the corresponding maximum shearing stress inthe beam. SOLUTION T= beh) - ae bhe a > ASKS) - £(3.50(3.5)* = 32.578 int ! 7 w@) A= (SG) = 3.75 int ‘ Ut 25-4 = 2125 in 1 Q,= AY, = (3.752.125) * 7.969 in? ry gu = SEt sO. 75 Min 3 Sa Vig = Ege. (32.828)09) . T2372 bh =a Z (&) Q = Q + @l7s¥F\0.875) fe Gs q = 2.964 4 2.297 = 10.266 in? sins a aes 71 = @G) + Sin : = YQ. BR = ; 7 Toa? TE Sess ecaeerdtet ed co 1 feel fe=aa: co ao 7 65 The beam shown has ben enforce by aftching oto 12 «17S PROBLEM 68) pls, sig bat of 1 dar spaced lngtaly rey 125 — Koowing that the average allowab e shearing sess inthe bots i 85 MPa, the largest paris vera seaig foce SOLUTION oat Codeudete moment af inertia Part A rat )| od Goond| Ad Cotme)| T (lotmet) oh as p plate | 2ivo | 139 | 40.574 0.025 vas S220 ° ° TWA Bot. phate | 2100 |* 134 | 4o.s7¥ 0.028 = | oy | [arias TE * dae 34g 4 = 134 wm I= TAd*+ ZL = Q* Rynte dae = Aue due = 2Fen as .™! ~ Tg . (182.30 x10" (346.1 «Ilo*) ove Hp eleageae yore, 152.30 %10% mm = 152.30x/0"¢ mY (2100 O39) = 291.9 10% mor = 291.4 210° mn? + Eiaxot) + Fite > Ta Ause = (851104 )(254.47% 10°F) © awareaie?) _ TAS 16" 2S4.47 10° me 21.63 10° N 346.1 10° N/m 24.4 210° 180.6 wlo> = 180.6 kN N = ‘65 The beam shown has been reinforced by attaching to it two 12 « 175mm PROBLEM 6.6 ples, using bolts of 18mm diameter spced longitudinally every 125 am. the avenge alonble shearing ses in nos 33 MP determi the largest permissible vertical shearing force. 6.6 Solve Prob. 6.5, assuming that the reinforcing plates are only 9 mm thick. wt x 448 SOLUTION Cader tate moment f inertia Aidt (10% meit)| FE Cote!) 5%.SSS Adts EL = 130.68 %/0% mm! = 130,68 4/0" mt s Qe Apt adense © USISVUS7.S) = 216.56 ¥/0% mm? # 216.56 HITS wot Fue = et ¢F = Eg = Blisniot)® = 254,07210 m ta Acre * (8510 ASHATNICS) = 263K ION AEs tt, AALS) aye ect N/m Tas 10" : ya _ drse.canto ster elo®) _ zr ne R16. 5 *1o* 209 «10° N = 209 KN _« Deere eee ee Tees eee eee ee cece 1 aa papaL bance 67 and 64 A column is fabricated by connecting the rolled-steel members shown by boits of 3 in. diameter spaced longitudinally every 5 in. Determine the average " sbesrng sess inthe bolts used bya shearing force of 30 kps paral! othe y ae ae SOLUTION Geometry stax $= (B+), = Be o.s0ss 5.303 in % F 0.533 in yr F-% © $.303- 0.533 = 4.770 in ea | Determine woment af inertia pees a Part AG) A C8e2s | 4.04 Sloxas.4 | 7.46 C8«13.75 | 4.0% T= ZAd*4 ZI + 183.844 127.06 = 310.9 int Q= AJ, = 044.770) = 19.271 ind aa ve 2 Boaz 2 sses kip/in 310.4 Fut © 298 © (EXLBSISXSY © 4.649 kip Aum = Te * B(3)" = 0.4418 int Tote * Set : ae = 10.52 ksi = [) cm 67 and 62 A column is fbricated by connecting the rolled-tee! members shown by tolts of 3 in. diameter spaced longitudinally ery 5 in. Determine the average shearing tress in te bolts caused by a shearing foree of 30 kips parallel tothe y axis PROBLEM 68 SOLUTION 10x 35 Cabco fate moment of inertia. Part AG) | dGwd | Ad* Ge] T Gn) Top plate| 5.25 |'s.t27s| 141.28 | 0.06 ep to Clox2s| 72.39 oO a2 ade Bra Cioxs| 738 | 4.2 5.1875 in Bot. phate 5.25 + 5.1875] 141.28 0.06 oo z 292.56 } 182.52 Svat s TI + 292.56 + USAR +r 465,08 in” I Qs Aga J. = GAs s.1875) = 27.284 wn a 2 : (201g? 230) = 1.7567 kips/in Fin = gS 7 (4.756765) = 4.392 hips Dun = BAR BCR + dais ta® ~ Fer , 4.392 : THF nee > Read ksi PROBLEM 6.9 Ships 20kips 15 hips 49 through 62 For th eam and oading shown, consider scion on Sortie) the lrgst earag seas in at eeton (0) he sewing sess a point a pte SOLUTION T By symmetay Ras Re We. MIF =O a Roe- IS-20-18 # O 05 Rar Re = 25 kgs From shear Aiagren Vi 80 kips at nen. Determine moment of inertia, Part | A Go] a Gnd]Ad? Gn')] T Cin) Top Fang! 6 a7 | 132.54) O18 Wek 3.30] 0 ° 21,30 But. Png} G 4.7 | 32s] 0.18 z= 26S.08| 21.66 Is ZAd*+ ZT + 286.74 in® Pact | ACin'?| 9 Gnd] AY Gat? Qs TAY Q\e 47 28.2 = 34.83 in? @ | tes} 22 8.63 Lt = 0,375 in z 31.83 7.40 ksi = VQu , (asX3ia3s) Tome > TE ~ oss Part | Acint) | ¥ Gnd | AY Cnt? A [] aa ofe [ar | aa iE ay ® | ous | 4.2 | 0.63 Tt 28.83 : Qs ZAZ = 28.83 iw - t= 0.375 in _ VQ , _(29n(49.98) i 0 U > FE * Gener yoarey ~ 70 hes oo 0 PROBLEM 6.10 okie Lwipe @ fea} AY A wey 4 {69 through 6,12 For the beam and losding shown, consider section non and determine (a) the largest shearing stess in that section, (b) the shearing stress at pute ra ie SOLUTION ‘. fm By symmetey Rt Re ¢ Sates APT, +O KR +R_g- 10-10 = 0 | y . Raz Ra = 10 kipe From the shear diagram V= lO kips at non. T= @bhi- a bh! = ®UKa- ACY = 14.583 in? Qt AY FAR? GMEMLISIS WGA = 4.625 in? ete lin ae te VQ. (ov4.6as) Toe * TE » COGS = sii = Qe AY = CLS. + 3.5 int te keke lin _ V@, W035), i Teste ues cace a PROBLEM 6.11 6.9 through 6.12 For the beam and loading shown, consider section m-n and determine (a) the largest shearing stress in that section, (b) the shearing stress at point a + 40m] SOLUTION A ou t Fs 7 tsomm At section Aen tn | 7 =i Vz lo Kw ae a eer Ly fabhs HCH ene + AA) a) = (loor(isor® + a]Car@orar® + wordiaXer)*] = 2eieswot 4 4f o.conviot + 2.esce «tot ] = 34.59%10" mm = 39.58 410° m! myeye Qs Ay + 2Ay Pl _*& = Goons r(w7.8) + (2¥is0r1a)(cr) = 3C4,05 x10% mm? = 364.05 %10° m* L = 100 mm = 0.100 m Tons YO = Lone rGennie? = az0r/0' Pa = 920 kPa (we) mio Qs Ay + ZAK = (oo)(4e)(ss) + @(SeK12)(64) = 302.8 10% mm? = 302.8% 107% m* b= 100 mm + 0.100 m VQ Goxto*)(302.8n1e#) _ nas te Ce rceieey 7 TeSuloT Pa = 765 KPa ae n ile oa (eal (orl Ly : PROBLEM 6.12 G3 shroa 62 Fo ea soon he sng sees a point i SOLUTION [eeeee ne a 7 + et At section nen V 5125 kN user ake See ae 2 Lat mm —al a I= AG Wars G] Maas 2.46) «10% wm” le i? Ty = Aliso ner 4 UzeXer(t0s)* = 11.910 x 10% mm * a Ibe (6)(a04)* = 4, 24H x 10S mm” T+ 43,4+2i+ IF 37.17 *10% mm" eae emcee (a 2 a a 2 Q= 2Az, + Arye + Asys 108 +S) re = YE r2V(72) + (IB0)(6M 05) + EXIOANST) 7 i_§ = 206.82% 108 mm? © 206,82 ~/0% m* tot bam = 6x/O%m VQ _ (iasio*X206.8ax1o*) . ieee Tr ° Ga enie) WH.) x 108 Pa = HY MPQ ee () Qt ZAG + Arh = (ayer(r272) 4 (ROKEMIOS) = 175.61 1d me = 19SEC en? tt Emm = 6xIS* m . va, (2g x10? (75.110) Ee ‘ e UC TE Gime Vee) 96.9810" Pa = 96.9 MPa me 13 Two sec plates of 15+ 220-mum rectangular are welded to PROBLEM 6.13 (280 "67 beam a thown, Decmune helps allowable rr shear i e stress inthe beam ino o exceed 100 MPa 200m aioe ee ‘wa50 x 67 7 Codevtate moment of inertia 7 Part A Gon? | dt Croom] Aad* (otmm!)| E (lot we) san F Top plate} 3300 |"13¢ | Gi.o26 0.062 Waso «67| ° O 104 BA. plete| 300 | 136 | et. 086 0,062 tas 282 136 mn = 2 \az.072 | 104.124 Ts ZAM + ZT = (226.2 ¥10% mm! = 226.2 210° m* Part A (vant) | 5 Gand | AY o ® Wp plete | 3300 we | 448.8 © 8 Top Hange| 3203 | 120.65] 396.4 HOF wee yoo# S6.4O SE.6 z 841.8 Qt ZA = BUR aloo mm = 841.8 KIO At Ee tet 8.4 mm + 8.9 K1* Mm YQ Tun” TE ee Dt Gane © (226.2415 H8.9 410" (100 #108) _ . oa B98 v1 = 26x10 N = 226 KN -_ Tia Tow steel plate of 15» 220-mm rectangular cos section ae welded Me PROBLEM 6.14 615 Tweens down Determine the largest allowable vertical shears (he ‘peam is not exceed 100 MPa. shearing sess ine POR A somm 614 Seve Prob 6.13 assring tat te two ste] plates are (a) replaced by See mare Ges of 10» 220-man rectangaar ess setion, (0) removed. SOLUTION was x 67 | Caletate moment of inertia for part (> one 2 ae Pant — [A Cmat?| d Gm] Ad? (one!) E (lot am") Top plate | 2200 fiaa.s | 34.20% ° ° Ht ge 28% 4 HZ 193-5 mm w 25067] \ Bet. plate | 2200 [133.5] 32.20% z= 78.42 104.04 a ’ I+ ZAd*+ FL = 192. 46%10% mm! = 182.46%10° m Part A Ginnd)|_ J Goon) [AY Clot me) Q Top phate | 2200 133.5 293.7 @Tep Henge] 2203 | 120.65 | 286-4 Ores web too4 | S640 56.8 z 736.7 Qe TAY + 18.7818 me! 736.7 «10% mé cupute = a.aio* - ve ee ee ; Ton? FE Lt tone _ (182.96109) gavio’® Xtooxto) IGN oe Nes recess (sg.tenie ete = 220x10"N = 220 kN (ey T= V8 e10e mt = jot 10% mi" Consider Q for top Stange and hab® web g86.4x102 + $6.62 10% = 44S x10" mot Qe At As? ‘ = 44s lore we = Lhtom 2 (dod «10° )C4.4xto"* Meow 0°) = ‘i v rae aaErio® 209x1F N = 2OTKN PROBLEM 618 615 Knowing tht the allowable searing ses forthe tinber wedi 825 KP cheek whether th dein obuained for he beam indicated i ascopatic cet oo, redesign he ros seston ofthe beam, Consider the bem (Pb 878 Lsky amin fmm (a) SOLUTION < 4] | From solution to PROBLEM S.75 uate tam Whee? 24 kv he 173.2 mm A= bh= 40)(178.2) © €428 mmt + 6928 107% m* Fora wectanqudar cross section hog = 3 Vine Tae ® FARE = Sx0K0" Pas S2OkKPa, <= $25 kPa Design is acceptable. -= 1088 em (b)soLuTiON iB ai From solution to PROBLEM 5.76 Sm WV. = 25 kN he 361 mm A= bh = (1200861) = 43.32/07 mm* = 48.32% 10% m* For a rectanqudar cross section ae * aw +3 ASxl 10 Pas i Tne SE, = 865 xIC P= BES kPa > B25 KR Design is not acceptable. a = 2 lvi, 2 225x107 A= Colt 2 BIS Klo* = YS.Y4S «107 yam” 2 jee A: 4S. 1S njo° = 374 mm W379 mm =e Resign = 48.45 «10* m* ‘6.16 Knowing that the allowable shearing stress forthe timber used is 130 psi, PROBLEM 6.16 ‘check whether the design obtained for the beam indicated is acceptable and, if not, check wheter Oe tn f the bea. Consider the Beam (2 Prob 5.77 (0) : Bob 78 rl (a) SOLUTION St 5R Vung = $GICZY 36 Kips = From sodution to PROBLEM 5.77 ake a= 6.6?in Az ais Ud.ds in® Monson For a rectangudar section Tow * 3S = 2 36 5 ksi : Can =F aE TORS leat = 121.8 psi <= 130 psi Design is acceptable. 0b i: () soLuTion atte 0 Bl» From sofotion to PROBLEM 5.78 re i, Whe = 1000 tb b= 2.95 in A = (b)(ab)= 2b = 17.40 in? ta gles For a rectangular cross section Jo aie 27 Coane * z oe > 86.2 ps 130 p: Design is acceptable. 6.17 Determine the average shearing stress in the web ofthe beam indicated and PROBLEM 6.17 check whether the design cbtined earlier fr that beam is accepable, knowing that the allowable shearing stress forthe steel used is 100 MPa. Consider the bears of sown (a) Pro. 5:81, (6) Prob. 5:82. (a. souTton From the sedution te PROBLEM 5.8) Why = 180 kN 06m The sedected section ‘s W ilo x Go For that section tye 7.7 mm at 407 mm Buc = tw © 3.13 e)0% mm 8.13/08 nt Cee = leet : Bone + S741 Pa * 57.4 MPa < 100 MPa Design is acceptable. Soin, eA + 48.1008 Pa = 48.1 MPa < 100 MPa at Design is acceptable, G8 Determine the everage shearing stress inthe web ofthe beam indicated and PROBLEM 6.18 ee ehether the design obtained earlier for that beam i acceptable, Knowing that the allowable shearing stress forthe steel used is 14.5 ksi, Consider the beam ot (2) Prob. 5.83, (6) Prob. 5.84 28 ips (@) SOLUTION aThysti 1 From the sodution te PROBLEM 5.83 eaaen ic \Wlewe = 48 Kips wh 5 eral The sefected section is W27™ 84 For that section tw = 0,460 in a= 26.71 in aI Aww # td + (0.460 G67!) F 12. 8Ain® = Whe, MB gad kas < US bee Toe = Ben 7 3A Design is acceptable. 1skpdlt (5) SOLUTION os taptt From the sofution te PROBLEM 5.84 Wl > 220.5 +15) = 18 kps 3 4 #2 The sefected section fs WIR¥ SO a For that section ty = 0.855 in. 17.84 in. Aver = tyd = (0.85S8)(17.99) = 6.39 int = Mie 2 B= 8a ksi < 14-5 bee Toe Re 6.34 Design is acceptable. 0 (ca 419 Asizply timber beam AB of rectangular cross section carries & PROBLEM 6.19 See iod Par midpoat (a) Stow bal rao teTarof be ‘maxisuum values ofthe shearing end normal stresses in the beam is equal to h/2L, ‘where hand L are, rerpectively, the depth and the length ofthe beam. (b) Detenmine the depth h and width b ofthe beam, knowing that = 2 m, P= 40 KN, «= 960 Reactims Ry * Re r PLZ v () Vw F Ret E (2 As bh for rectangular section * ay ts EMee + GE Sor ntcbangudar section Pa mM, = AB Pua GI St Tbh for rectangudar section Muse = 3PL a aE = “aR ‘ Th. @e-P ~ ( Selving for’ Wz 2b . AMaKscoWeY) ~ g20 416 m = B20 mm -_ Selving equetion (3) for b : 3P 4oxtot) i aio? ah DiGions aon = TT = 977 mn -_ PROBLEM 6.20 v “oN x awh lat ee ™ ew et a (a (b) Solving for Sewing 073) Be be 620 A timber beam AB of length Land rectangular cross section caries @ uniformly Giatibuted load w and is supported as shown. (a) Show thatthe ratio 7_ dq of the ‘haxamum values of the shearing and normal stresses in the beam is equal to 2h/L, iharw h and L are, respectively, Une dopth and the length of the beam. (b) Determine ‘the depth hand width b ofthe beam, knowing that = 5, w= SkNim, t= 1.08 MPa, and 0,= 12 MPa. SOLUTION Rr Ret From shear diagram | Vine ar) For vecdunguiar section Arkh @) megte 23 ® From bending moment diagram iMi,= SE For a rectangudar evoss section s+ tbh* 6) 6. ge ‘ out © Dividing €.@) by en) B- ah « kta _ (M10ax108) | y1o7> ne Ses Sry 225 ¥107* wm = 22S mm ye awk, Grsriot XS? Bh% @M225K15 2 K-08 *10%) = CLD MI tm = Gl Tem ener) Dee preter &) PROBLEM. aa 621 and 6.22 Forte beam and oading shown, consider section n-n and determine tress at (2) point a, (6) point b SOLUTION Ra = Ra = 200 kn At section n-n V=200kM toid and codeudate moment of inertia. Pact A Cont) 5 (om)] RG Cote? | d Com? [Mat (l%m*)|E Cot me) © | vaso | tas | | so | ae. 201 @ | vase | as ABI RS So_| aaies 2.344 Z | 2as00 iar. | [se.25 [73.438 ye MBAS nid Y= MESES 5 0m T= ZAdt+EL = 79.698-10% mm" = 79.688 x10° m™ Qe AY * (18M s0M00) = 37S «10% mm! = 375 «15° m* ET Samm © 750108 = VO, (oo x10* (375x107) sae Ft Gate Nsnot * 1255410" Pa Q> AY* (78\(100)G8) = LF 1S mm > TS%IS* m 7+ Nee (200%102 Vs625+10"*) STE” Ga.te8 do SC7sx10%) ~ FI2RSS MPR mt SERS tO" mam = SERS xIO wd 18. 82 «10° Pa =18.82 MPa =e J fo PROBLEM 6.22 Locate centroid ane calculate moment of inertia. ‘621 and 6.22 Fer the beam and oading shown, consider seston n-n and determine the shearing stuess at (2) punta, (6) ponnt SOLUTION e Ry = Re = 25 hips rasm. At a sia | Bae At section men Ve 25 kips : all wl ig Past | AG] 3 (ind | AY Gn?) alin) | Aa®Gin*)| TE Gnt) © | 4.875| 6.375] | 2.207 | 2455 | 0.28 ® |io.875| 3.625] 39,42 | 1,006 | 11-01 | 47-68 15.75 72.44 3556 | 4786 ~~. ZAL 72.94 ye Bhs eae t 468) in T= ZAdts EL = 35.564 4286 + 93.42 int Q.: Ay )C.s)(4.631- 0.25) = 4.366 in? te f+ OW in VQ _ (254.366) ‘| Ke Te enaicorey = 7S = Q: Ay? (3X24. 681 - 1S) = 7048S in? t = 0.75 in = (25)(7.045) Ve , Bs 2 : hte Gino © 28h a ma 4. ZAY , 7284 ys EBs ee 2 beatin Le TAdts FE = 35.564 47.86 = 85.42 in" shearing stress occurs on section through centroid oF Largest entice cross section. Qe Ay = (F468) (SEL) > 8.042 i be G+ 0.95 in at jk (25X8.042) = 3 ab asi Us Tp * Gaanico.5) ~ | = oa fete Coors) eer), [emma fegeteanam Fe] to 1 ira a oo 625 Two W200 x 46. rolled stcel sections are to be welded at A and B in either of PROBLEM 6.25 the two ways shown to form a composite beam. Knowing that for each weld the © (ay (6) force is $00 KN per meter of weld, determine the ‘maximum allowable shear in the composite beam foreach ofthe two arrangements SOLUTION For volled steef section W 200 «46.1 R= 5860 mm* d= 203mm bp = 203 mm ® eae Ty = 48.5 + 10° eon TF 15.3410 mm! T= alle + AG] = al as.setot + (5800 22)'] = 21,7 ¥)0% met BNL. 710% mt Q* Ag = (2042?) = 594.8 %10% mm = $44.8 2106 we? Gz 500 kW/m for one webdt. For 2 welds Quy 1000 k/m - YQ 2 21.7 «10° (1000 *JO8) _ wpo® quer 12 Yau = get ee = 356x107 N = SSE kN = T= alty+ AGT] + alisaxtot + se6o G2) ] = 151,341 mm” = 151.34 «10S m* Q= A= (Sre0V24)= $44.8 «10% mm? = 544.8 210% m® = Lge . (isisdxio*)Cooorio) , ae Va = es Sige 7 RSHnION = 254 kW me 6.26 through 6.28 A beam having the cross section shown is subjected to a vertical PROBLEM 6.26 shear V. Determine () the hor zontal line along vhich te shearog sess saximuim, () the eonstant kin the folowing expresnn forthe maximum shearing woes v Fae = A where Ais the crosssectona are of the beat, SOLUTION A= 1c? For semicircle Ag Fc 4 Q- Ay: Bets = 2c? Tux ocevrs at center where 2 - Ya. Vet 1 4vy Lg a Uwe Te = Henk” Bnet 7 $f kegrussa ow Sl o oa mo £6.26 through 6.28 A beam having the cross section shown is subjected to a vertical Lester Shear V. Determine (a) the horizontal line along Which the shearing stress is maximum, (b) the constant in the following expression for the maximum shearing stress v Tapax = EF ‘where is the cross-sectional area ofthe beam SOLUTION For a thin walled cincefar section A= amvat. Js Avt = anit, I-40 = met. Qu For a semertovlar ave y= A Awe 2m 2 aye Ags trate Q= Aye mt, 2 = 2nd. te 2t. VQ _ Vianttey) No. 2 es Tone = TE” Cmnebyate) TE “K React ae 2 a (oot 626 orugh 628 bean aig te cos econ shown abject oa eric rRoetai tc V. Determine (a) the horizontal line along which the shearing stress is nn, (the constant kin the following expression forthe maximum shearing re v a Fawn = AG ‘ er iste rote tonal re of he ea, F| — souvnion A= tbh I= a bhi For a ext at Docation y ae 1 2 Fa ys Ay)= sCR)y= BE YQ) gh- Sy. ays Ay= BY (h-y) ty): & - VQ. Vey) _ Vy bh-y) 2 RVG ys ty)= Ye: gue ey 2 BYythey 2 BV (ny y") To Find Jocation oP maximum of T, set 3F = oF IBY (h- 2) 2 0 yur th 27 IBY hyg= yt) = ay (yi. ah] = 24-3 % k= $susoo = PROBLEM 6.29 (elle 6.29 ‘The built-up wooden beam shown is subjected to a vertical shear of 5 KN. ‘Kaowing thet the longstudinal spacing of the ails js s = 45 mm and that each nail is 90 mm long, determine the shearing force in cach nail SOLUTION = rbhi+ Ad = COX + GoYSEI00)" # 25.52 110° mm” I, + bh? RGOVRSOY = 6510110 mm” De AL, + Lz = 1672/80) mm" 167.18 «16% wt Qt Q= AY, + (OrV(S0rI100) = 250 ¥10° ren = 250 «IO m* = VQ , Sato" asexio) _ ae = YO. eee 7 2araeie! N/m Fag = gs 2 (7.477 010" asm = 336 N PROBLEM 6.30 VQSe _ I up wonden beam shown is abject toa vertical thar of 8 AN hate alsa opced onion oy Go saab ust nae 2s oa 1B, dtrmin he shearing ce ne als @) a2 O)aUB (Gens Te LON 10 mint.) SOLUTION Ty = 1.504 «10% wm © 1504 WIO me? Se = 60mm = 0,060m Sq = 2S mm = 0.025 m 2) = Q,= A, eek SO ¥1O* mm? Io m Fa = GaSe = VQise, (8x/0*)(7S0% 10 Ko. 060) T 1504 *1O™* = 239N ~ (ob) Qy= Arf = (BoodsoWi7s Y= 2625» IC mat? Qg= 2Q,+Q, = 4I2S% 107 mm* = 4125 «loom (3x10*)(4125« 10" (0.025) _ 1s0q 10> aca ae (rl (cm) PROBLEM 6.31 R als 631 The built-up beam shown is made up by gluing together five planks. Knowing ‘Gat the allowable average shearing stress in the glued joints is 60 psi, determine the largest permissible vertical shear inthe beam, SOLUTION T= AGKa¥+ Maa = 93.33 int y HAVE © 85.53 in" Ie dl¢I,* 458.6 in” Q= Ay, © HRMS) > 30 in® For cach gio jot 2+ 2 in ye ELE, GsB eH - gee . PROBLEM 632 wh tol beamed be 6.32 The built-up beam shown is made up by gluing ogether two 3 * 10-in. plywood strips and two 2 4-in. planks. Knowing thatthe allowable average shearing stress inthe glue joins is 50 ps, determine the lrg permissible verte bea ine SOLUTION T= qtssiio - GCP = 386.33 int 7) Q> AY = (XAG) = 82 int 4 tr +2 Yin xv: ve ate Uo ye ist + Ggaessynise) . giio th =e 33 Two 20 « 100-mm and two 20 * 180mm boards are glued together reais are glued together as shown to PRO! form a 120 x box bears. Knovnang thal the beas is subjected toa venical . oon pw ep oF 3.51 determine ne average seanng sess inthe glued onto}. | CD 0 a, sours q T= pq (l20V(200)" - ge(BoX(1co\* = 52.643 x10 mm" la 190 mm = 52.693 1% m? F(a) QZ (BOV(20)(90) = 144% 10% wane a 0mm 42m = 4 tot me? Te > 4 ty * (RN(20)* YO mm = 0,040 m 7, = VQa . GSx10* W410) fp A Ith ~ G26913x1 FO, o40) le = 289 x10 Pa = 287 kPa =e (oY Qg = (ROVE) = ZIG 1ON mm = LIE KISS me n tet (2)(A0) = 40mm = 0.040 m = BSx10)(216% 1D (SLETS*10*) (0.070) = 35qx10% Pa | ] = 359 kPa. = O n : 6.34 Knowing that a W360 » 122 rolled-steel beam is subj Y PROBLEM 6.34 8 is subjected to a 250-KN vertical BL shear, determine the shearing stress (a) al point 4, (b) tthe centroid C ofthe section Lj osmm SOLUTION rt n . For W360%122, d= 363 mm, by = 257mm, ty 2h Jomm, Buz 130mm 7 “ T= B65 ¥10" mm = 36510" m* u @) (os ALI) = 227BS one ae B Set Be Sp ages reese ; Gaz Acjur 288.8¢p met = 388.8 x10 wit Ys rn tes te 2 21.70 mm * Z1T*1O? mm ! = YO. , (350x10°Y(388,8x10%) eect - To" TEL Teese io Van IO) * I.27010t Pa = 1227 MPR | 7 (e) Aye byte 2, (2570(21.709= $577 mm* 5 debe e HE- 2? = 170.65 mm Fa F—— Ays tu (Sty) = 13,0 00189.8) = 2077 met | =— Jat H(S- te) = TR cae. Q. = ZAY = (S577¥170.65)4 (QOTNCAA) + 1117.7 410" ma | ae. = HTD «LOE mt 0 tes Cyt 13,0 mm t 132/08 m «10? * 5 t= YO «(ONT TE = SRA ION Pa = SEA MPa ca @ fr PROBLEM 6.35, 6.35 ané 636 An extrded aluminum beam has the coss section shown. Krowing at evra hearin eben 1508, eter he shang res (2) po 4 ()point SOLUTION 12 ay ore H (iso (a0) - (126 Wee* at = 3.098 410% mm = 3.098% /0% m* @) QF Ay + Aye = Wag (ena?) + @YUAK4ON(20) 5 YT N72«1O* mm? = 47,172 10° mn Eqt AW: Wm = 0,024 m b) - NQa _ USOx10*)(47.172% 10°) Te Ta. * Go7axio-*\(0.024 ) = AS.2x108 Pa = 95.2 MPa -_ Q AY, bee AMED = Ram = 0.012 m + VQ _ YSox10*)(27.97 40) _ x10" Pa = Te TH? Botsioneozy 7 "RF e' Pa = NA MPa we 266037) © 27.97% 10% mm? = 27.97 «10° me PROBLEM 6.36 =a Diznelons in man ims 6.38 and 6.36 An extruded aluminum beam has the ross section shown. Knowing the yt hearin bes 010, determine te earings) po 2, (b) point SOLUTION T= &(s0)(s0y - 5 (se¥e8)® = 1.4460 «104 wen” = 1946 xjo7t wo @ Qs Aj, + 2Ay = (56) (6)(37) + QA VMHEYAO) = 31.682 10% mm® = 31.682 10% m* tes QR) #24 mm» 0.024 v1 V&. (ison103 (3.63210 =" TE.” (6 xiotYo.024) 101.6 x 106 Pa 101. MPa —_ bY Qe A = WS) KS7D= 12.432 +10 me? = 12.4322)" ms? tye QC = Ram + O.012m y+ YORE Miso BEE) wag uiot Py = TEA HP PROBLEM 637 03a pod Sel Te e (be) 6.37 The vertical shear is 1200 Ib ina beam having the cross section shown. Knowing Gat d=4 in, determine the shearing stress (a) at point a, (4) at point b SOLUTION = & HeSY + YO.SYE7S) 28.167 int I,= SOS = 106.67 int I= 41,421, 326 in’ (a) Qat ZAG. + Aspe = @YMY0.SN.IS) 1 (SMANAY = SS in® tae FS in VQ, , 1200)(55. tte. Geenesy * 18 PH + ((0.s)(3.75) = 7.5 in? tye OS in as YO = Laveylas) - Th, Gites)” 52 P% on ] L 638 The vertical ine ross setion Peete Beech cee dor wh t= (0) responding arg ss i sx pints o and ¢ oan dpsed J SOLUTION Te g | on SEEEEEEERE Ay 0.5 a i, ¥,* 3.75 in tye OS in i = o A,7 : n = (SMU = 20 in®, J 2a =Sin | Ae 2 a ia Zin Bae S 7 a Qe = Arye 1875 A in? r ' L] J~ As ~ VR YM asd | Va ut ee 3.15 3 ' in . q es aaa Que Aaj + 2A = (OVA) + @M1.875 4) 1 7 = 40+ 8.75e ' tee S in ‘| A ~ VQ , V(4or+3.75d) 2 gv, ieee te va (@ %= Fe APES + BE oa YA = Hs 3.79% : n cal + O.7Sd = 3.754 A= £5 2667 in. - i ae oT, = & @ce7os¥ + (2.667(0,5X3.75)* = 18.78 in® | . T, = 4 ay = 106.67 int J T= 40+ 21, = 288.45 in® Ea fe Va, (3.95 \1200\K 2.667) _ i T+ TP RIS Ts 738-45 Bcaauce Per oor PROBLEM 6.39 6.39 Knowing that a given vertical shear V causes a maximus shearing stress of 75 Sie nthe hat-shaped exirusion shovm, determine the corresponding shearing stress (a) point a. (6) pont b somn r | aaa SOLUTION + aad eam Nevtwal axis Dies 30 mn above battom Mme | Hee cae a Yoo ns He a+ ¥O = 7 pam 8mm 20mm ea Quite %. oh : “Abe Te Get “at A : = (eNaoilis)+ Gauze) = 4260 mm | ate tee 6mm : i y= WUE RBY = ISEB mo tet 4mm Q, = yyy (2a) = 1568 mm tet 4mm a as Bk GEG ws we MPs = Te - % = && TF ee .§ ws 44 MPa ie PROBLEM 6.40 omm 12mm 40mm Tn 50 MPa Mm. te. Oo fae Rs Ate ae © Be Qe. ‘6.40 Knowing that a given vertical shear V causes a maximum shearing stress of 50 MPa in a thin-walled member having the cross section shown, determine the ‘corresponding shearing stress (a) at point a, (4) at point 6, (¢) at point e SOLUTION Qa= U2 V(800(25 410415) = 1B «10% mm! Qu: Wotol(asss) = 12% 10% mm* Qet Que 2Qy 4 UadCloNases) = 45.6410 mt Qu Q+ W215) = 49,86 «10% mm tas te = th= 12 mm Ly = 10 mm “a tae = 0.3647 Ts 18.23 MP we 8 = 0.298 Ty 14ST MP me irs ome me ean cl Bee eeceeeeeeeeeeeee fern. 4 prontensat 4) med 642 ext team svt wr wae of Fin Keng tte veal sarin team ip dete ese SEs ae Sore ee, Lae. 4 SOLUTION fo ore (2.50%02.50 - E2125 2.95 = 1.2382 int Q@, = (0.12525 KBE) = 0.09766 in? G* TE” (vex ors) Q= A+ (1.0625 (ores dQ, 1878) = 0.25837 in® Cader Yo.12s) Q = 2Q4 (o.12sYC.19 95) 7 0.52924 Qe = Qy+ Courses TEZs) = 0.60837 It 2582129) 1s aut i t= 0.125 in at olf sections hme ys 8 hago Q.:0 TF yo Oo - VQ . (AYODITE) 2 ac ks oa WO.285397) 5 3.30 ke a -v — @Y¥o.$2999) tye YO» GEER = 684! | tes VO = Motown 2 7.06 bai = eee ioad) (Gaal: a ca ee ood oo PROBLEM 6«2 4d aad 642 The ioe tan sw a4 for wall cies of =n Kepsng tthe see sar he bn bp tere searing so es co aunt soLuTion I= kasoascr - Caras 22s = 1.2382 int Add symmetric points c’, bi, ana’. 5 rs > Qe 0 Qa s Cos ra.rsKigt) = 0.0790 int tat O12 in Qe Qe2lo. 1as¥(.1975) = 0.09765 in® tet 0.25 in. Qe = QL4 AX 1.0625)10.125 901.1875.) = 0. 41308 in® T+ 0.25 in. Qa t Br AMo.s XL asKZF) > 0.60839 in® Eas 0.25 in ee t= YO - GMOsse © 2.67 ksi an te (asa Kos) I = Ve , @)(0.09765) T* Th” Caseness) ~ (2)(0.07910) = 0.63 key = Tas Tee Waseneasy > 1.02 ksi =~ = W& =o - c id ferro Coed ee {48 Three 20 » 450-mm steel plates are bolted to four L152 x 152 » 19.0 anges to ror 6. Tene 20 to hha sn deter se ‘OtEat ongitadmally every 125 mm. Knowing that te allowable average shearing See bolls is 90 Mie, determine the largest permissible vertical shear inthe team. (Given, 1896 « 10 mas.) SOLUTION Flange: Ip = so Wiant + usovennessy* = 497, 3»10* mn Web: I, + gf Godts0)* = 181.9 #10% mm” Angle = T= eriot mt, Az Su20 mm* yF AGF mm d= ZAS- YHA NBOb me I, I+ Ad* a Fee e+ (EAROVIBON)® = 187.4 110% mat 2p 4 Iya 41, = 1896 x 10% mm" = 1896 x10" m* Qz = (45020235) © RUS 10% mm” i ; Qa = (SH201(I80.1) = 976% 10" mm x Q= Qe 2Q_.= HOET*IC mn! = 4067» (0% m Aun = Fda = B@2)* + 380.1 mnt = 880:1 ¥107S m® Fou = 2am Ay 42040 «106 )( 280,110) = 6B.ARx 10> N qu = Be eee + 547,36 «10% N/m L. wlor* (547.36 *10") 3° ye Vue = = = (erento ser serie” fon = assrid N 2 asskN = a Ca ma M 6.46 6.44 A beam consists of tree planks connected by steel bots with a Long hist eeige o Twn i ese ate ba tee pa 6 Lt erage shearing ves in each bolts 60 MPa, determine the ‘Dalat perio tall dmcer aan be we, baal SOLUTION SES Pact |AGuntll J Gon )| AY? Uofmm!)| F (lotnn"? 10 som @ J7s00 | $6 19.98 [4.06 @ | 1500 | So 3.95 14.06 | ® |1s000|-$0 37.50 2812 Sam 1mm 30mm z 7.00 To 56.25 h. n, Z Ay fevias oe dn > [Be (6103 378 «10°F (0,225) _ T= ZAG + ZT = 130,2H10% mem = 131.25 x15" Q= AY, #U2S00150) > 395 #1 men? = 375% 10% m® Fun * Tu An = gs > YES 64.286 x10" m (60108 )(131, 25% 107°) = 64.286 ma” {ae = 4.05 mm - 10in 6.45 and 6.46 Three planks are connested as shown by boltsof § “in. diameter spaced every 6 in. along the longitudinal ais ofthe beam. Fora vertical shear of 2.5 kips, six din. bin, determine the average shearing stress in the bolts. rt sownon PROBLEM 6.45 locate nevtrad axis. EA> (USWA) +e) = BO in TAY? (2XSYAV@) + UXIeXS ) = S20 in Yo zu = 6.8 in a QUIS) = 30 in? = 2] ments xcs] + eENioy + @MloXI.SY = 566.7 in! . - V@s _ (asvsere) Fe gs = YBS - BS OT! pe Detain EE) Oot int hae? Ey = 7gkss (6:45 and 6.46 Three planks are connected as shown by bolts of in. diameter spaced PROBLEM 6.46 cevery 6 in. along the longitudinal exis of the beam. For a vertical shear of 2.5 kips, to ae determine the average shearing stress inthe bolts. 0%. t i SOLUTION Locate nevtrad anis SA = RYAN) HOH) = BO int ZAy> ALIENS) + OKYVE) = $20 in? >. ZAY . $22. 7 ¥: oy: Ho 7 6S im rat Le 2[ wlarcor? + @riednst] ale Tas 4 BCIOXH)® + UoXa(esy = 566.7 in? T 6. hee Q = (AMS) = 80 inf Frqgst “gs = asveorve) ee S) = 0.794) kips e Ee 74" . en? FAR = GQ ronoy ih Tae Ay 7 Sm Sz ksi "i a 7 J (aceon 1 PROBLEM 6.47 apbat 100 man" 100 mm % ‘647 Three plates, each 12-mm thick, are welded together to form the section shown, Fora vertical shear of 100 KN, determine the shear flow through the welded surfaces and sketch the shear flow in the cross section SOLUTION Locate nevtval oxis ZA = (12200) + (2X 94K i2) = 4656 mm” TAS + (2 Xa00\(100) + AKA VSO) a = 862.8 #107 mm* y-: was > 78.77 mm = teli2)(200)? + (12 (200 (24.28 * + 2 RNA? + @NNGAS.77)"] = 10,984 «JO wm? = 10.984 x/5° me I Q = (FHA AS.77) = 29.07 410% mn? = 21.07210° pet = YQ , (1004108 29.0710") 266410 N/m = 266 LN/m oa 10.434 *10-* PROBLEM 6.48 te Te= VQ. ‘Sx JO )(S00x107) it G48 A plate of 2mm thickness is bent as shown and then used ata beam, For 8 SMa hear ofS EN, determine the shearing ses at he Give points indicated and ‘Ketch be shear flow in the eoss seston SOLUTION Taz] koran + ase? + HAM + @oxarasy ] 133.76 ¥/0* mm* = 188.75 «107 tm? = S76 +1 Qe Gar YOR) = S76 om* Qi: 0 Qe= Q- Uaharas)= - CoO met = 600K mn p= = AMAIA) # = 117C JO? mm? = = 1176 21S mm” Qe = Que BAEZ) = +600 met = - 500% 10° wet «ior? < VO . Leesa Nsrenie) « 10.77» 10% Pa + 10.76 MPa « © Usa Is Ho V2 r10* _ VQ _ (swiot 00 10°) TE © (aa 7 OTROS) © . You , (Seto yeuresio“®) ee lye Oe ee Gaiety 7 Morte Pa = 20 MPa. = 9.35%10 Pa = 9.35 MPa = (138,181 ARIO) U.abelo Pa = dt. MPa = ea (] secre: Cesc eee te foe) eC a PROBLEM 649 isin, V4 band tat tel in 12. 649A plate of $ -in. thickness is corrugated as shown and then used as a beam. For ‘vertical shear of 1.2 kips, determine (a) the maximum shearing stres in the section, () the shearing stress at point B. Also sketch the shear low inthe eross section SOLUTION Leo = fu.atsUc = 20 in Mav > (0.25)(2.0) = a S in locate nevtrat axis and compute moment of inertia. Part] AGin)] 5 Gnd AY Cin? died] Adin YT Giat)_| Fs FAS. 28 0.4 in AB jos |o o 0.4 | 0.080 | neglect | , Bolos Jos] 04 10.4 | 0.030 0.1067 ee a DE o.s 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.0% |*0.;067 = 0.1067 in® Flos jo | 0 | o4 | 0.0% |neghet 7 as | 40 0.8 “e B20 0.2183. = ZAd*+ ZT 0-820 | 0. F 0.5388 in* (ay Quy Qne + Qee Quy = (20.25 MO4Y= 0.2 in? Qac = (0.8)(0.25 (0.2) * 0.025 in® Qu = 0.225 in Qu _ 1.2 (0.248) a Fe aed - Te sae © 707 a ~ Ve . (4210.2) Be * TE Tostaarto.2s) ~ [+80 ksi fo! =m mi oo aa £6.50 A plate of thickness is bent as shown and then used as a beam. For a vertical PROBLEM 6.50 shear of 600 Ib, determine (a) the thickness for which the maximum shearing sess {is 300 psi (6) the corresponding shearing stress at point E. Also sketch the shear flow in the cross section on os sono Lest ber * feet geo G.Rin 4 Aout? "Ames Nevtead axis dies ot 2.4 in aleve AB (a (b) Ge Cofcvdate I Tyg = (StMag = 17.288 wisataar = 2984 Te = (ELMAN © 34.562 Iep = Ton = 97-7842 Ipe = Ing 7 17-28% Te 3L = 8.09F Que + Que = (BEVMRH4) + (2.6 EV2Y= 10,326 ~ MQ. (or Kio.3at) . He t: $$: Geran’ 0.28168 i At point C T= (99,097 (0.23168) = 20.64 int . Qe = Qt %e = 0 + (Xo.zNeay(24)e 1.668 in? VGe, Goo.668) 209 pyr F e eee (Bo.64)(0.28168) ] PROBLEM 651 61 an 650 xtc eam a er al ck ¢ Dig V te ‘vertical shear and by A the cross-sectional are ofthe beam, expres the maximum shearing sess 48 faq = HV/A) and determine the constant k for each of the wo 7 orientations : d SOLUTION U 0 oe nt =Ga a Asat A,rtat 3 zA,= at Toa I,+ I, +A,a* ee ere oa # 2 Ts Abts ath’ = Soft = paths ot (442) i Ts 4Ah = gatgat- $o°t + Rete dat = Jatt Is 2h04%, 9 Sait 12g tQys Hee Q@.= Ah? Jott Teale 4t,= fat i Q.- AEs Halt Q,2 at (Fsk)= fart Qz Q+2Q,7 Vidt Qy (kat G) = Gat A VQ_V&dt ay Qs 2 +20,> Fart - R= Tan eres G Fa : vee 72 MO. Veit " TGQ Gear) -it¥. Bveny = 30 at 20 bat OA u zk ke | al s = Pi< ae qn ul (a PROBLEM 6.82 (6551 and 6.52 An extruded beam has a uniform wall thickness ¢ Denoting by V the Sentical shear and by A the eross-sectional area of the beam, express the maxima Shearing st633 85 Taq = AVA) and determine the constani k for each of the two ‘onentations shown, o © soLuTion ® ® “LS h-ikia © 1,(atv@y a at T= SAM (gat Bay ve] oe foie (ays = boty 2 st@yrk ce Is at+4],= $a°t - Q,: atlh\- FR at Q, = (atYg)* get Qz2Q,7 4aat a,= GeatYg) = fate .¥ NG att) Q= @+2Q + Fat Tou Ye Tee) Gort\@ey _va . vet). _ ay Ton Toby” (GaeEVAe) * = Pace Ba <= 4N . . Nv. ghd ak | - BEO HE rkE R ke pe aes y= 38-2 - Wd see aed ee el fe a] fect a oa PROBLEM 6.53 ja ta “jet tom a T img! fo. PROBLEM 6.54 Pe. 65 Te dsgnofubeamanrconerng novi ecnglr} =n paes by welding them to two horizontal $ * 2, plates as show. For vertical shear V, [ Peco c 14° M688 {655 Consider the cantilever boam AB discussed in Se. 6.8 and the portion ACKTof eee the beam that is located tothe left of the transverse section CC’ and above the Fmt pine where i pit taney 28.9 MP. = Taw > Ree 7 TSI To unde i C [eel al 657 and 6.58 A composite beam is made by attaching the timber and stel portions PROBLEM 6.s¢ shown with bots of 12-mam diameter spaced longitudinally every 200 mum. The modus of elasucity i 10 GPa forthe wood and 200 GPa for the steel. Determine the average shearing stress in the bolts caused by a vertical shearing force of 4 IN. (Hint. Use the fee method indicated in Prob. 6.56.) 0mm SOLUTION Siam Let wood be the reference material Ny = 10 nee Es 22S. ae Te bho - bh = (280 )Q64 FP ~ 1 (HOVE = 575.7410 mam™ = S7S.7x10°* mt Q = (140090424495) = 1.0962 «10% mm? = 1,096 «(07> m? p> YE = Mah t0967 10) 7 crs n1o Nim SIS.7 oe e120 -he-I40 ~afe- 120-2) Fue = gs = (2eISx10*)(200%10) = 1.823x108 N Aa = Bday = Bay © 18.0 mm® 2 18.) 610% mt Dovble shear Typ = Fatt. . 1523 x10* 7 See 73 «10% *Auie” GYnsreeey) * 673 *0" Pa = 6.73 MPa ~ 69669 ld ssn ta ete so ‘Koowing thatthe verual shear in the beam is 4 Kips and that the ‘melo la 099 10pl for be sel and 10.610" p fre aim, ‘termine (c) the average sess a the bonded surface, (6) the maximum stress inthe beam Hit Use the method indicated in rob. 6.56 } PROBLEM 6.59 SOLUTION ro ne reid + 2.7359 in steed n= 1 in abominum Port lA Cut] § Cind[nAS Cin) id Gin) [rAcl* (iat )] nF Cnt) Alum} 3.0 2.0 | 6.0 (0.8665 | 2.2525 10 Steed] 4.1088] 0.5 | 2.0519 | a 6885 / Ler+Ed 0.3426 Z | 71038 8.0514 3.8094 [13420 ‘ Fs EOAy, 8.050. ya¢ on 7. ‘Zn * 7.1088 ~ MIS® Te InAdts End = S.2Ht int Ka) At tHe bonded surface Q= (Ls WAKe. 9665) = 2,519 in? 7 2 fA Massy : 27 > Gaiavesy 7 StS ks « (b) At te neutral axis Qs UusXisces (AE) = 20129 int > AGU i324 ksi ~ Tem * #2 ” CANIS) PROBLEM 6.60 6.59 and 6.60 A steel bor and an aluminum bar are bonded compost modulus of elasticity is 29 « 10° pi for the steel and 10.6 « 10" psi, 28 shown to form together e beam. Knowing tit the vertical shear inthe beam is ips and tha he for the aluminum, determine (a) the average sess atthe bonded surface, (6) the maximum stress ih the @ At the bond Toma * 7 as VO, Wiraers) 0.898 ksi Gresyes5 * beam. (Hin. Use the method indicated in Prob, 6.56} soLUTION at . . 24x10 psi ‘ = 1 in ademinunn n revere red > 2.7358 in steef Part | 0h Got} 5 inh nAZ GaP) | ot Cin) |aAd* Cint)| nT Gint) Stee] 8.2074 2.0 | 1¢.442 | 0.2312] o.a0 | 27358 Mul is | 05 | 075 | 2es2| gaizs |o.nse se ZF fare] [rcs 28535 [28608 uae 3 BnAZ ise : ty v> BAY. IS = 1.7682 in ae T+ ZnAd* 4 Zn = 5.7143 in? at led surface = QF (1S%1.2682) = 1.9028 in? Tt * Gays) = fe a @) At the neutral axis Q> (2.7359)(1.59(1.2319 YAS) = 3.1193 in? PR O38) ase dei ~ met tte wee ed 661 through 664 Deen te loan ofthe shoar enter ofa thin-walld beam i PROBLEM 6.61 of uniform thickness having the cross section shown. (> sounon | 2 2 aa = dte® rle* 2ate®. 2 2 it ai Typ= Tepe $ta® Teor Tee = 2ata®s Azatt® x 2ta° 1 Lat gtG@als Etat J-ZI= $ta* Part AB sae yrF Qeyty® i e wade . avy ue Brat * Batt =§rdA > feta > Yates av = Part BD ) 4 . Q: Qs txa = dtaés tax - . a : T= yo = Brat son) a Bh (a+ 2x) = StdA = ee x L (as 2x Yee Fs he i. xy a (20% Ha")= EV Doms DIM, J Vez (2a 2F,) + alk) a = ¥Va+gVa = FVa e-fa = L PROBLEM 6.62 Jo, (661 through 664 Determine the locaton ofthe shear center of hin-nalled beam uniform thickness having the cross section show. SOLUTION Tho = Tee = (at bit(B)'+ Klarb)i?~ gt Carla Toe = Ath Is FL = filearcbsh) ht Pact AD Q=txb- gthe *ecom8 = VQ. Vhx beat Tay * oF * Vh: Vv Fue Seda (“Meta = VRE ay = VaR ws 2 htt ara 4r Part BD Qs txeb = dthe mz > VQ = Vhx _— eizeaeiee 4 2 = (THA = Sh HE tate > YEO A)b het Obey: Mae DZM, DIM, Seat) Ve = Fen-F,he Vhzlb a) _ Vh't (3-2!) = BV Gia!) 4h t (6ascheh) br Gar6bs h - 3b at) * Gerben - epi ae Fico 6 through 64 Determine te locaton ofthe shar center of thin-walled beam thickness having the cross section shown. SOLUTION Vet la: at (+ hath = Fte? Tet In = at(2¥ + nat? tat Ay RE@a) Stat TEL Ftet Part AS Astx jy 782 Q= jatx ‘cm? VQ. y-datx — evx Dh tT ESE ae fe (eak » COM tae» ie (eo = ev Part DE Arte 573 Qztate Df ce > V@, V-tatx | 2Vx xk t: Btaet ~ wot . + ZV: : . fee Stak = AME toe > BE (eee = BV DEM, = DEM, Ve = F@al+ Rlal- Zar svar ve sk = es Ba J aa 6 rh 64 Deri eae ar coer Ota a SOLUTION ( | : Tat Tee kta s (taney = Zta* } e Tow = Tey = (Qat)ats h(zedt? % 2att ' [ In, kt@a¥= §la? [+ Zl- Bte ' n Pert AB A+ t(2a-y), J? Baty it 7 TT atay = 4t@ayiaaty) p yy a 2 J sseceeeeLidciLes st ety") « ee - ve #2 Yuary) 1 vr Ro ft ane [Ve (ate yt ' hi 4 ‘ 4 a yy B = Mt bo : | oe ae : SE (dety- HP = Eonar GP on | | 3 U = 2 Vita’ Ee Ev ( [| Part DB i : : “PQ: @alBs tha r peed = ta( +x) | J xl ow : | ‘ ST Yee Ye (S2.x) 7 U Fue StaA = (M0 (S25) tate © he Mp sya 2 | eye a: s [ = he (See BYP + Ge (ae. gt] j = sual. gv DEMy -DZ rw | i] Ve = Felta)-2hGs)= $Va-Vas £Vq In e:fa -« r ( J () La PROBLEM 6.65 Fy 38104 we? Rs S 7 anz (Willies 8000) 744 = x (i2n10"+ 800 x\ ee Fe AS uasto® xa Seok)” - LizntoXa0) + Gro 70° 2 Be 3 [ttarto dx S003 i = LanteXte) + Gro 70" B.1CAS # 1O* = 0.41860 QF, (70) + Frliec)= (2Ko.048726 VX70)4 (0.41860 V (loo) 48.7 = 48.7 mm = Qn = Qo + VONSoN AS) = B8x10% + 12.810 © YS.S 410% mm Continued aa Telit eet eee o Peale teal mo PROBLEM 6.65 (continued ) » ¥o~ (3. 1am \Cenlo?) = 26.Gx1O* Pa > 26.6 MPa Port BD, aad D Qe B3K107F we be 6x lo m cs Hee Src 73.1410" Pa. = 78.1 MPa. Part DE, Point D 2 33xio" ms — t= lOxJo m z 1) 33 x10" ) ieee ts ye: ables 5 NRAxlOt Pa = 43.9 MPa, Point H Qe 45.5 «107% m> toro”? = VO , (SOn10* Us.sx10"*

)(12 1074 ) oe [ tc i (ese. w Peaeareae 6.65 and 6.66 An extraded bears has the cross section shown. Determine (a) the A Tecation ofthe shear center O,(b) the distribution ofthe shearing stresses caused by 1 SO-KN vertical shearing fore applied at O. SOLUTION AML quantities in mmm, mint, ete. Tag = G)(HOY* + Ho ¥0)? = 0,248 x10 mm? Tao (ToWoX So) + HCIOXKIY* = 1.75583 +104 mm" Toe * UE XI00)* 0,500 +/0S mm? Ls ZI> 45076 10% mm* Es fact AB! As GCy-10) Fr tyre) F, - ( at eX ys) f 1 Ay oes Xen Qg* 3 (0-100) = 7,.2%)0% mm* . : f t: Fe Sah (so 2a, -2(e- wooly —F b. ae Stooldy + (x -toy) [= 2 [P-doortser--F + aoorcn] PETE 5 osu Pact DB Q= QW +(lox)(s0) = 7.2xlo%« S0ox —ra Us ¥ I o> 22x10? +(S00}C7o ) F 42 2*10% ram? ——— Ee Seam- Sv laagPeseon ae Bet (icra) +s00x] 4 “Lfiodye «si8|- Pleantct Yro)s ero) 22] = L724 IO". og gea7 4.5016 * 1o* DIM, = DM, — Ve =F 1000)+(F, Moo) = (20.0244 0V'Ge)+ ©. 38359Y ino) ras V ee HL Emm a At pod Ho Qys Qu GXsX25)= HArxior4 ZSxlo = 4A7~1O* mon? continved eae co fa ayaa Fe, nt m= 1 PROBLEM 6.66 (continved Vie Sout N T= US076 w1o mm = 4.5076 x15 wm* Point a Qzo To Part AB, Pout B = Qg 72x10 m9 EF 6x1 wm te YP - (soueiO oa = 13.3110 Pa = 18.8) MPa Pat BD, Pmt B — Q=722m107o m* tr loxliots mw 10 z= t e ee YB + (Fone ae = anriot Pa = 7.99 MPa, Part BD, Pint DQ = 822w1o ms be 1Or/O mm VQ. (Sonio*)(2.20t) erm ry XE 7 CasowMOT orios) ~ MEMO PA = Ha MP Part DE , Pomt D Qs 422nfo% mm = b= Ex/0"* Pe, VQ ., (Som VHA2rw) wlo'Pa = Ts it Ch 50RrIo* )Gn1OF 78.0%10' Pa. 78.0 MPa Point H Q> 4.7 IO t= 6xim 210% Te we = somo lex = WGC R = 1g MPa PROBLEM 6.67 F &67 and 668 An extruded beam has the cross section shown, Determine (a) the Jocation of the shear center O, (4) the distribution of the shearing stresses caused by 1825-kop vertical shearing force applied at O. SOLUTION T= afk-@ud) + AMA] + AGKSY = 59.229 int Part AB Ar$x, J24, QrAyr 2x x = YS. Gsyaxd eal t ¥B- Gemngay * 2 7027* Pot A X20 tro Point Bo xe 8 te SU ksi 2 Fie Stans (ior ddx = Lett > Ge70g7\¥aY = 3.9311 kips Drm. DIM, ase = (F,\(8) e= Gave). 126 in Part BD Q= ava + Y4-y YD y > eed(e- ys e-gyt ‘Wy = ¥Q. 25(¢ -ty") dha ioe #29) C4) = 1.622 - 0.2128 y? Point B yt Yin Ts 10.2% ksi Point C. y= 0 t= 13.62 ksi 4 ‘ 4 i PROBLEM 6.68 rR 6.67 and 668 An extruded beam has the cross section shown, Determine (a) the Tecation of the shear center O, (b) the distnbution ofthe shearing stresses caused by .25-Lip vertical shearing force applied at O. SOLUTION T= 2, d@Uy Wave] « daKer = us. sal int Part AS Az kx, 924 Qe Aye x ° ma" EE SVD bead TT "Geauney 7 22058 Point A X= O wo - Point Bo x= 3 E> 6.62 ksi ~= FS tad= Sasossx)bdx > 2288 2')* a8 2ABIR kes wMy = My = 25e = F(a) er 0.794 in _ Port BD Qs B34 Ay) de FB sd(e-y') = 7-4y" t ¥ + BOO-AP) «7 7193- o.7s7y* (SSR) Point Boys 4 Ce 3.3) ksi = Pint Cyto T? 772 ksi = £ fl Ta PROBLEM 6.69 {6.69 through 6.74 Determine the location ofthe shear center O of thin-walled beam ‘of uniform thickness having the cros section shown. SOLUTION Loe = fit# 8? = Sin, Ang = Lowt = 6529) = 1.25%0" oe EAggh* = (Xt25Xay = 3.75 in” Tra = TaCX2F + (HAWN = 8.1667 in® L = @)(3.75)+ QMS. 1667) = 28,833 in® Part AB? Ax 4S-yint ZF 2 Fry) in af Q= AX = $s-yXkS+y)® H@S-y) WTs ye. V (as-y*? = Neas-y*) { Tv ne Cie i Tree F ea . CS ay 7.007 = Taoar [25y~ sy): = Yes] easks)- 86% - a6): 46)] = 0.01000 190.667 Dey = DM, -Ves-2A (4) -0.72773V @= 0.727 in, - ered Creer (cum) = (cr mm i oc oo 1 PROBLEM 6.70 ‘669 through 6.74 Determine the location ofthe shear center O ofa thin-walled bearn ‘of uniform thickness having the cross section shown. SOLUTION Tra = SCAMSY © Oster in? Leo = Bin Ago (3) )= 0.75 in® Teo = SAwh* £(6.2¢)(1.5)' = 0.5625 in® T= Q00. 28129 )+ @X0.s625) = 1.6875 in® Part AB: At4y Jrty QeAye dyt v@. yvyt . T* Te? Gyeeyer) = Tae Be Sad = SME loasdy) =(0.25)V. WS . (o.2sXis\ 8.875 £if *“@3IsV3y = 0.08833 V DmM,- DM Ver 2 F (asingor) Ve = (2)(0.08888) V(8 8" 60°) @ = (2)(0, 09393 (3 sin 60") © 0.933 in, mm PROBLEM 6.71 6.69 through 6.74 Determine th location of the shear center O ofa thin-walled beam ‘of uniform thickness having the cross section shown, SOLUTION Top = SMBS = 85.75 #10" mm" Law = 70mm Ayg?(70XE)* U20 mon Tre? B Anh’ = G)920) 625)" = 171.52/0% mm * Te @x85.75 10°) + Yi S 18) = S145 xf0% mm® - BGFy - 2 Gary: 3v DIM, = OTH, Ve = ZIF cos 60° (70 singe’ )] & w.2V = 20.2 mm - (2 torongh 6.74 Deine te loaton ofthe shea cer of in val J PROBLEM 6.72 6 throug led beam ‘o uniform thickness having the cross section shown, « SOLUTION 2 2 il = (20)C AY = 14 #10" mm aa Uy 2 Po F 40" = 50 mm Meo # (SOME) = 200 mm™ U nm | ened 2 Tan ® EAgght +b GoeXH0)* © 106.67 2104 mnt - LL. wom Lt RTao+ RT ne = $97.39.1108 mn® 5 : Part AB At dx 320 Qz Ay: Kox | 4 iF 6, A = V2. View n = Beit ve ps “ge > ys ' se te J $0 Re Geda > (BY dy = OY ae nf ~ lov xy, (160 )(t0)* az @XSrAstHIOF = 0.12054 V aDM, = 4DH, = Ves @E (we) = 1.4 V = 1.64 mm «= v ee eee mo 71 6.69 through 6.74 Determine the location ofthe shear center O ofa thin-walled beam PROBLEM 6.73, of uniform thickness having the cross section shown, SOLUTION For whole cross sectim A= 2vat T= Aad = anabt I=at= att Use polar coordinate @ For partial crass section. As st = at 5+ are dength B= a tet whee a= tO Pigs sinte Jt FB sin ate Q: Ayr aot ase - alt Zantac > at 2sin'G = alt (1- cose) zv- ¥O- Ya ()~cos6) it 7 = Mes Sarda (MAY coodtads = YEE (6 - sino), > 2nvgt . Zav But Moz Ve, hence ee Rea =~ 6.69 through 6.74 Determine the location ofthe shear center 0 of «thin-walled beam PROBLEM 6.74 of uniform thickness having the cross section shown, SOLUTION “€ For a thin-walled hollow circufar cress section Ar 2nat a 4 Te OA + areit Tegg- matt For the half-pipe section Is Fatt ry uf Use polar coordinate © for partie eness section as ai A= st > aot S= are dength Fe ast where ae Yr Rests a Q= AZ? abta Sadesd | alt (2sindl cos) s &t sinak = at sin @ Sinot cosol jo eedtaane ' Moz Gatads Va! sme tade = ver -eso | = avait. Ve Bot Me Ve, hence e€2 da= 1.273 4 ~« 6.75 and 6.76 A thin-walled beam of uniform thickness has the cross section shown, PROBLEM 6.75 Determine the dimension a for which the shear center O of the cross section is located tte pum indeed SOLUTION Port AB Arte Jr Sin Q:Aj+ Stx * yea” vQ He V; eal tr YO. Viste. Se Fe) tda = PSM es SVE = SUS ve | 4 = Cee. as ca Part DE Az tx Jr4in QrAye 4Ex ~ VQ. Vt. | 4vx Cease ve: it a It Z FS td = [AV ty = WE dy > 2¥bet i OEM, = 9M, OF (iayters MEY~(g) BYES 40y(22.5) : ERE 14.0628 iv as 3.78 in, PROBLEM 6.76 {6.75 and 6.76 A thin-walled beam of uniform thickness has the cross section shown ‘Determine the dimension a for which the shear center ofthe cross section is located ee sourion Part at lef C= Sta as sham. A. ste-y gree) rt A Ay + inant techy |f e ve ¥. Yee ney Fe Gta. Gi pte : ot Gehy Nay = ¥E(ey-¥y = ¥ £fe-¢ a1 hss] » Wl ge usets a Part BQ: At tx}, = dt(censt)s txts) >a 2 YO fst Y z: YB & le uS*+ 3x) Xs Ff: 6 taA = Caeletust 3x )tde ot 2 fetes x ence ]| = Yel ad - @xisisarvat =» AY 2ctsis] sDImM, = OIM, = SF, - @AIF, YF a(zctus) - a(get- users nes)] -Eck+ eh so ce Oe aS in = 45-145 = 8.00 in. —_ 6.77 A thinovalled beam of uniform thickness has the cross section shown. PROBLEM 6.77 Determine the location of the shear center O ofthe eros section, knowing that ? Pom. a SOLUTION ‘ Sam na + let he ABeh, > DE, hye Fe Li om Te kt (hes he ahs) oa Pact ABE Az(th-y)b yr alakyy) i i: Qu Ay = dt(Sh-y they) 7 = 4t(ahy) h eee. eee | aa 8 ce Hee EGR yy) +, F,=S¢da= Jake dy "ey “YE Gry FY? 2 a a = ME(gh th - acy) - ER -_ he Vv Wiehe she Likewise, fer bev ikewise, for Part DE So yay and for Pact FG F Vv 3 WsehE bh® + 2bh AMm:AM ver bherdRs Met y ie hy? (eal s Xuoi : eee - CO We hye hy TER Meo} reap ©) {678 A thin-walled beam of uniform thickness has the cros seston shown, PROBLEM 6.78 ‘Determine the dimension h for which the shear center of the cross section is Tocaled ata distance e = 25 mm from the center ofthe flange AB. SOLUTION 4 Let b= AB= hy b= DE, ky? Fe Ie bt(hiohi ah!) Part AS Ae Gh-ylt yr adthey) 8 QsAye Ft(kh-yahsy) = tb (th*-y") 4 = ath -y) Fe StaA «hog Gbhe yay pth, - Banya] ke 4. > ean) any] = TAPE RI 4 7 th - ht, Wes he 2 ht “When sv 42M, = DEM. O= eF, -(b-e)F, -(2b-e) Fy eh? _~(b-edh? - (ab-edhe het h* + hye his Eze he Gere pe = @steor, (2540) = 408 10" met an Likewise, for Pact DE and For Part FC n 4 zo ht THR mm ~ 479 For the angle shape and loading of Sample Prob. 65, check - PROBLEM 6.79 loge orzo ofthe spleen gb een ieee a SOLUTION it Referning te Sample Prob. 6.5 7 Morg hovizontad fey 7% + SP(@-2Mar82) . SP (9% var sz) [ Sqa- (uta = Bille gazeaz de SE (ote tak eZ) 4 + SB lar-zdea’) = 0 ~ Along verticat teg = SP Lang Mas Sy) 2 SP (ats day - Sy!) « LI S¢4 7f tbdy = Ble + Hay - Sy Jay = Sterns fsx n + BE (aos 2a- fa): BR. ta = = U [ al 6.0 For the angle shape an aig of Sample Prob 65, ()dternine shone ‘points where the shearing stress is maximum and { tbe corespontogvcucset ie ess, (rei hal the pos ebine are lst on te nextel as aa Conresponding tothe given Kading Referring te Sample Prob. 6.5 (a) tong vertical feq — %= 2FCa=yassy) . (a*s Hay - Sy) 4 tas aaa gf + Bia (a-ioy) = 0 yrha - Tae BP [a+ Walga)-oigo)'] = ZAgat)» BE = Mong horizontad feg 14 = 2P(G=2Macss) . 3? (q*. az +32") | _ ta? BE lat UelGa) stage] = = At the commen = yr, 220 ~ fe) I= gta’ I= ata® tan @ +E two «¢ y= W.036" 0-97 WS- 14.036 = 30.964" 5 Ay . ata) _ J° ak aerate, + ZAR. at(a’). ae 3 24) sta Nevtral avis intersects verticed feq at YY + Z tan 30.964" (44 df tandete¢ Jas O.4o0 0 eda - Weutral avis intersects horizontal eg af 27 24 7 tanlasts 9) + (4+ 4 tan 59.0367) = 06667 @ sda ~ em. eae ise "6.81 A cantilever beam AB, consisting of half of a thin-walled pipe of 30-mm feonaeed ‘mean radius and 6mm wall thickness, is subjected to @ 1200-N vertical foad, Kowing thatthe line of action ofthe load passes through the centroid C ‘ofthe cross section of the bear, determine (a) the equivalent foree-couple system atthe shear center of the cross section, (6) the maximum sizess in the beam. (Hint: The location ofthe shear center of the cross section was determined in Prob. 6.74) SOLUTION From the sodubion +» prosien 6.7¢ wen e: ta re Eott Te “1 Q= at snd ve # vx Que? Ot at O= 90° —t Doe be shearing fore yy 2 ¥ Same Vz iRoo N mm t= 6x T= BGe¥ (6) = 254.4710 mat = 254.472 mt Qene 1 (BOG) = 5.410% mm? #54 W/O mt a . Tae eS A + 4.24 v108 Pas 4.24 MPa e+ ta, ¥rda e-#=2aq Torque Te (@-)V = & (80010 Vizoo)= 22.92 Hem 0.6808] = g[t- CERO 1- 0. aga = 30,14 xJo% Pa 2 30.19 MPa aug 22.4 (0.82209 )C44. 248 10" XSm10"* > By super position Tog? 5,094 80,19 = 35.3 MPa. -_= t Tree “Tanti cnt fn ? et es Dt decid ts eae pega fence She es at cri eatin et pup of and y’ Sixes are the principal centoidal axes of the erose® section and the a ote orl cl es od he so SOLUTION Vz atk B= 15.8" Ve = Ves B Vy = Vsin ww In the horitontad fey vse coondinadey at sheen. = Z(ia-y i Yr ERY 4 =e Reay im x ef in - = Keo p- Ysing = YeaReXsing Due to Vy oe MART (eased Wiz-y Mikes @ -@sky) sing] aa xs 2 Tyt tizerV) n = 2.0603 (12-y)(0, 41768. ~ 0.13614 y) kav i" Deh Wi Ye AY. (sina rtdncvey) ardyleosA + sing cL 7 Ld eeteaa myVC R167 + OMIT yi rl Tod eT © (1a-y)(1.000 = ozsmy) si Us iQ ksi at commen = te-4kev at yr Bin —= co 9 ge = (0.25 \I2- ye Cie 0625 yd = OSy- 4 20 yer 8 =I ca PROBLEM 6.86 "6.83 The cantilever beam shown consists ofan angle shape of in. thickness. ex the give loading, dese the locaton and mage ofthe les searing stress along line AB in the horizontal leg ofthe angle shape. The x’ ‘and y' wees are the principal centroidal axes of the cross section and the corrésponding moments of inertia are 1,» = 115,7 int and Jy, = 12.61 int "6.84 For the cantilever beam and loading of Prob. 6 83, determine the location sand magnitude ofthe largest shearing stress along line AD” in the vertial leg of the ange shape, SOLUTION Vs a7 kips Ae 8° y [\ Nat Ves Byer Vising In vertical deg ure coontinate y X as Shown, As §(6-x) int te din. J Jr ds RegGsex- ls Lege x 6 as Rl = Keo ~~ F sink Jos f+ sing = MAR. (Ves Aaron xVQe dx) cos = 4 8108 Due te Vy. %G ye” Sire Gy = 2.0603 (€-%)( 0.835814 0.48111 x) Due fe Vy = MAP, CV snp EME-n If 4 cos 8 + Qt te) sing 2 Tet (ise VOR) = 0.06884 (C-x (4.3984 + 0.13614 x) Totadi T+ © (6-%)(2.000 + 1.000%) x Gnd Cran? NG ksi ot KR» Rin te ca = (B= *MIY + (24 MEH) = H- 2k = 0 Xn Zin PROBLEM 6.87 +4 87 The cantilever beam shown consists ofaZ shape of ~ ~in. thickness. For ‘the given loading, determine the distribution of the shearing stresses along line 4°3 nthe upper horizon ig ofthe Zabape, The 2 ad "xcs ae the ‘centToidal axes ofthe cross section and the corresponding moments of are I. = 166.3 in and Jy, = 13,61 int SOLUTION Viz 3 kips A 22.8% Vet VsinB Vy = Veoe In upper horizontal deg use v jas Collide we Cbine % SO) A= 4( 64%) in Bs (64x) in yr Gin Rit Rea Bt F mB yr Joh - % sink Doe te Ve 2 AR Ty q 7 ue (VsinB AIC 640 £C64x 5A +6 5B as.c1) @) = 0.090853 ( G4xX= 0.47559 + 0.NGITH x) . 7 ¥! WV YR) (64x [6 2258 +H C6+%) 208 Doe te VW % ese A Wess tinier ieone Acer ene) = 0,01C6665 (G+ x) 6.69132 - 0.19194 x] The 14% + (Gex\[- ond + o.oscsee x] x@) | -c|-s | -49 | -8 ate 0.003 | 0.180 0.428 | lei) | 0 Fetes |-ome | -o.104 ey, Fee ereeeeeeee eee = “647 Treciloerbeam town comitofe Zap in aes Fr tees ean ra sgn of reggae age ely eee fea ee ta Sn cea Gea ieee one “tt frie cs beam lingo Pr 67, dtmine te detain og ca ag De lh SOLUTION Vz Skies 9 Br 225° Vit Vain@ Wyre Vea @ las For part AB’ A= (d)G)* 1.8 in® Re-Bing FE in i For part BY mote A= 6-y) “Hate Reo ¥ 4(6+y) Leg Dee ove os st ae sink) [G-51(-3 cor +6 sinads tG-y)tGry)sin # US.) = (WV sinB)f ~ 0.7188 + 1.7288 ~ 0.097885 y*] _ 9 syoH— o,01614 y 8.40%S Deb W Ze Melua s Aart) ts: WU.sCC cos B+ 3 sinB) + ¥C-y $G+y) cos A C6e. 3G) = Mew 2 Lio. oa is js = 0.11548 y* ] = 0.9468 - 0.00770 y* THe Ta To 1.2807 = 0.02884 y* y bind ° eR [#4 £6 e teed | 287 1.191 | 0.405 | 0,428 Eee core: {6.99 Three boards, each 50 mm thick, are nailed together to form a beam that PROBLEM 6.89 subjected to 1200. vertical shes. hat the allowable shearing fe in SOLUTION Cater tate moment of inertia Part | A Gut Yd Gom)| Ad! (Jotme)| T Got met) Top | 1500 | 7s | 42.9 ise Middle} S000 | 0 ° 417 Bolton} 7500 | 71S YRAY 1.56 Zz | 84.38 TRF Te DAdts EE + 91.67 4/08 mm" = 8h67¥1o* wo" QE Aung © (7500 X75) = SERS HIS med + 562.5 x1o* m* g° va = (iR00V(562.5%10) 7,868 Jo" N/m q1.67 «O° : ~ Font - 600s pace Soe Fat = 9S $F scapes 7 BESET mm 31S my .90 The American Standard rolle-steel beam shown bes been reinforced by Raat ‘tncng oto 6200 plates, Using ol of 1-me mete pce every 120 mm Keowing ha the ova avrge searing stein erm x220 mm __thedolts is 90 MPs, determine the largest peamisible shearing force. SOLUTION $3105 Cabculate moment oF inerha A Gon | A Comd| Aa (lo mer Top plate P 3200 6eso plte} 3200 | E Clot met) a Eee S310 «52, = 160.5 mm Bet. Le ZAd*s ET © 260.310" mm" = 260.3010 mt 2B S1B.C HIG mom = 513.6"107* mt Qe Arne dea = (B200)I60.5 Aun + Edun = Bliseo*)* = 264.47 «10% mt Fate = Tn Anse = (20108 (254.47 10%) = 22.90"108 N gs = 2 Fur gs SEbt . Giartorie) = 381.7 %108 N/m z 51R.6 XlO* gt va Ve ig. (260.3 x10 Y(381.70") «193 sy )08N = 193.5 kN ial {691 For the beam and loading shown, consider section nn and determine the shearing stress at (a) point a, (b) point det SOLUTION fesse spe a iC ee 7 At section non V= 12 kips bent Locate centrord and cabevtate moment of inertia. Part | A Gat] 9 Cind] Ay itd] A Cond] Ad*Go")| “ZGnt) Oy Q|* 4 1 2 Ie 5.33 @\ 2 tl g 1 3 2.67 zl [24 \ 24 3 ie ‘ - ¥[® ys ZAle Bain Ts EAMs+EE = 2448 = 32int w A-t Que Ayer COMES) = 86 int Sin al tzlin fa ~ VQ, Yass). : TW? oF fae) 5 1.313 ksi ) Qs As Mars) = 6 in? Bin tellin 4 va, (aye) . 7 Re Te * aoa * 2.85 ksi eee Gore eee) a PROBLEM 6.92 7 3 ke ¥ al Qu= 4-S18S in® Lom At section nen oading shown, consider section nn and determine (a) the {ergot shearing stress in that section, (b) the shearing stress at point a. i L. =i. ET 1 The dangext shearing stress occurs of the entire cross Section. Moment of inertia. Ts bhi - bbb! = EES AGNES? = 27,3852 in on a section through the centvord Vas Ay Get) 3.42 2487 (Laas) = 3.42 in 5.607 t= (2)(0.3) 5 06 in, 2.78 st VOB) = 0.6 in, (83-42) * aeayos 7 OOS Ve 8 kips (6.93 The built-up timber beam shown is subjected to a KN vertical shea, PROBLEM 6.93 ‘Knowing thatthe longitudinal spacing ofthe nails is s = 60 mm and that each mail is ‘90 mm long, determine the shearing force in each nail comm SOLUTION 15am Whe Lr ehh + Ag ERS = GoXt00}* + (Soyo Yas" 7 [TN = 32.292 «10% wom somm ) 50mm Lj I= kbh*= +A (SeV(isoy 50mm = 14.0625 * 10% mm" Le 22,+2L= 92.71 «10° mm = A271 HI mm" Q= Q= Ay, = (Soi00 (78) = 81S 11D yar? = 315 x10 m™ a ye. E10 ans) = 4.27410" N/m S? 60mm: 6OxIG* m 2Fue® 9S Fria = 2987 4 (24.2791 601s") = 728 N - 6.94 The built-up beam shown was made by gluing together several wooden planks eee ‘Knowing thatthe beam is subjeced toa 1200-1b vertical shear, determine the ‘average shearing stress inthe glued joint (a) at 4, (6) at B 15 08 28 15 Velleetrcele clio SOLUTION os " + ; 7 Le al _eo.svasr’ + #(7V(0.87 + nearer] =" = 60,143 in* @) Age (.SK08)= L2in J+ 20 in Qa Anja 24 in? ae a ter OB in * - VQ, _ (I200)@.4) ‘ cok 1 Te - Gre fay ~ 57-9 pat br ce = (bY) ALS (HYO.BY= 3.2i He ROW Que Myer Bade) + 6M in? ty = @0.8) = 1.6 in oO cI = VO , (20064) : Te Fe teomsayne) = 718 eal - PROBLEM 6.95 phon p ‘all ui 2388, 4 695 A beam consists of thee planks connected as shown by 3 ~ in-diameter bolts spaced every 12 in. along the longitudinal axis ofthe beam, Knowing that the bean i subjected to. 2500-1b vertical shear, determine the maximum shearing stress in the bots, SOLUTION Locate nevtrad axis and compute moment of inertra. © =) a g Part | Git] FGnd] AY itl a ind] Ad*Gn'l| E Gn] OO] a | 3 | 3¢ | oce7l 5.333] 3c 12 \ ir 1.338) 21-333 4 12 3 36 0.667} 5.333 36 Zz 36 Ey gaz | 76 Ye zAS. EE + 2.983 in L=BAd*+ZI = 108 in’ Qe A= QMCMS-2.383)> 8 in? gr YE > EO « tes.2 ain Fun = gst (185.2012) = 2.222» 10% Ab. Aue Bout > ECE + 0.1104 in® Tun = Fu . 2222x10* gaa, : Aut Dog * 20-1 ¥ 10" psi = RO)ksi wt {696 An extruded beam with the cross section show and a 3-mm wall thickness is PROBLEM 6.96 subjected toa 10-KN vertical shear. Determine (a) the shearing stress at point 4, (6b) {betomeimun sharing ses inthe beam. Also sketch the shear flow in the eoss sect. Fcnctasca! SOLUTION Fon part @ erg h= Jom ” ba ret £ = (1.133338)(3) = 3.4 mm T= gp @eyh* = «10% mm" Pact] A Com) | Stow Ara | Com) | Act ote!) T oP) @ & 180 |30 | S400 |u1.92| 25.58 0.188 w 204 1S 3060 | 5.08 1.94 inde #4 |o o [isos | 27.46 | 0,068 468 2460 54,98 15.50 y= EAL. 8462 - 13.08 mm Y ZA Hee. ieee T= ZAdt+ ZL * 70.4B4/0% mm’ = 70.48 «16m ‘ eae wae ) i QE [MBNA ) = 219 AIT rae 2et4G » 107% me ue VQ. = UoHtoP XZ Memo 50.1 10° Pa “Te © Go.aarlo-T Hex 10" Kee ae een i Qs Qyt AMAIA) EB = 2.624 10 mom? i = 2.629%/0"° m? 7 VQ _ (loxlo® (2.627«10" . i v2 NO Monto MAGNE = 62.6 wl0" Pa \_ TE ~ (o.dsrloNeuios) Pesce a tome D B R 697 and 6.98 A thin-walled beam of uniform thickness has the cross section shown, Determine the location of the shear center O of the cross section, SOLUTION, Ly, = (HO EMCO = yuri b Lee f80%+60" = 100mm — Agg= 100 t Ta = dA hh sg lloot (co = iz0¥i £ Le Qhat ZT > Saami’ t ; : Part AB: As tx y* 6omm Qs Aye GOLK mm t+ VQ. Vicotx) . Gove Te Te T = i # Gov x = GONE Ke Fz Gran = §" SON t de > 8S xa 2 Govt 2/" _ (Corso) VE _ seve #[ LOH = oasusev DzM,= DIM, Ve = (0.061186 V )Q20) = (0.051186 (120) = 6.14 mm PROBLEM 6.98 6.97 and 6.98 A thin-walled beam of uniform thickness has the cross section shown. Determine the location of the shear center 0 of the cross section. SOLUTION beg | THEA FS ime Awe St Tne BA hn Agate eGSEYS)* 4(S2)0)* = 83.75 f int Teo = RUEMSY = 10,417 2 in® Lz 2% + Te = 177,917 Ein, In part BD Q? Qe + Qe Qs (Stays (25- yeasty) = 2ob+ 30st - Zby* he ng = ky)E = Seah: iS Y Catt « Hay DE tay us : anenen = ME fa. asy ty), ve as]. Vt = ME.2]@arsyasy- Ger] = VE fieam) = 0.62061 V Dim DEM —-V (-e) == 8 (o-e20erV> e= B[r-o.croe!] = 1.265 in, = Note that the Dines oF action of Fax and Foe pass though point K, Ths, these Forces have zero moment abovt poiwt Ke ey Fos PROBLEM 6.99 F 6.99 A thin-walled beam of uniform thickness has the cross section shown, the dimension for which the shear center O ofthe crass section is Joes at he point indicated. SOLUTION x Part ABZ A, JF Comm wets = COT met cove Sx = yo Tt dA= eve (reve tdy = wove (yd EY oye VE. ayy, x). yee" ve 2txjo* XE Part DE Az bx + Simm QtAye 4S tx x Ye Hse © os asvi ygve (8, vt Seah 8 te» UE Cdy « MSgVE ADEM, = «DEM, O* @X4S)F, - @wYF, Test Be Gise)(27"10° LE 2 © gh MLAMEIAC - KCoo mn br YOmm Note that the pain oP F, forces farm a couple. Likewise, the pain of Fy forces. The Pines of action of the forces in BDOGK pass through point O. PROBLEM 6.100 6.100 A thin-walled beam has the cross section shown. Determine the Location of the shear entrO of he is econ. Bland fe SOLUTION 2 dn] re bth + athe om. y Right Flange h Fy Az (ah.-y)te 5 4 yeh y)t. emcee Qs Ay ~HUth -NGhty Vt, = ACHhe Yt ae ie i Soy )t, . mit hele > Stan eG sy Mey = Fede y-¥)|T, = ASE tht -3ey athe he gay = Vth? _ Vv the DMy=4DM, Ve e 4 Ry WI” ER the cokb =~ Votahtb Bb ERPS ERS eb (o,7s6¥ (8) = hhh. 7 237m = Enos the” asKer+ Ose) jek PROBLEM 6.C1 @.C1 A timber beam is to be designed to support a distributed load and up to two concentrated loads as shown. One of the dimensions ofits uniform a rectangular cross section has been specified and the other is to be determined 7 0 that the maximum normal stress and the maximum shearing stress in the team will not exceed given allowable values oy and T,y- Measuring x from ‘end A and using ST units, write a computer program to calculate for successive {ross sections, from x = Oto x = Land using given increments Ax, the shear, —{:k= the bending moment, and the smallest value of the unknown dimension that i satisfies in that section (I) the allowable normal stress requirement, (2) the ale owable shearing stress requirement, Use this program to design the beams of tniform cross section of the following problems, assuming oy = 12MPa fand raj = 825 kPa, and using the increments indicated: (a) Prob. 5.75 (Ax =0.1 m), (6) Prob. 5.76 (Ax = 0.2m), SOLUTION See solution of P5,C2 for the determination of Rp, Fy, VG, ard M@) We recall that V(x) = Ra STPA4 Rg STPB- PSTPI~ h STP2 — AY (A= 93) STP3 + OF (X-Ly) 5 TPH M(x) = Ra (A-a) STPA 4 Rg (4-a-L)STPE - B (x-%,) STAI ~B (2- Hr) STP fos (AAG) STPS 4h W(A-Auy STP Where STPA, STEB Pantone taeened eee ena STP} are step CG) ID gATISFY THE Attowners sual STRESS RES Te tb vikenown dimension is h: Te ti Shin = IM Cy - From Seth, wehae hy=h=VbS 5 ]£ unknown dimension is tt Sinn =|MI/ey Fron Sa pth we have tabs 65/h (2) TO SATISFY THE ALLOW A GLE SHEARING STRESS ReouRENENT' We we &. (610); Page 378: $224 - 2M 2th f_unknown dimension ish: he =h= 3M. Se ares aa area 2b%y EE unkwown dimension is b! 4,=¢ 2M ia 2hGt (continurp) PROBLEM 6.C1 CONTINUED PROGRAM ouTPUTS Prob. 5.75 Prob. 5.76 RA = 2.40 KN RB = 3.00 kW RA = 25.00 KN RB = 25.00 kw x vw stanza See eee © oo mo Te ae rn a 0.00 2.40 0.000 +00 109,09 0.00 25.00 0.000 0.00 378.79 << | 0:10 2:40 o1249 S477 109,09 9:20 23:00 4!e00 ata HEHE > 2.20 2.40 0.480 77.46 103109 9.40 21:00 9.200 395.79 318.18 {] 9.30 2.40 0.720 +87 109.09 0.60 19.00 13.200 234.52 287.68 0.40 2.40 0.960 +54 109.09 0-80 17,00 16.800 264.58 257.58 0.50 2-40 1,200 122.47 109.09 2.00 15.00 20.000 288.68 227.27 0.60 2-40 1.440 134.16 109.09 2.20 13,00 22.800 308.22 196.97 9:70 3:40 i680 taa.a1 103.99 1140 i3!00 35:200 32404 see 0.80 9.60 1.920 154.92 27.27 21.60 3.00 27.200 336.65 136.36 9180 0.60 39a 157.32 37.37 x80 7!00 36.400 aoa i08'0¢ 2.00 0.60 2.040 69 27,27 2.00 5.00 30.000 353.55 75.76 1500160 2.100 iga.o2 27.27 2:20 3.00 30.000 358.20 asa ill 1:20 0160 3ae0 tease 34/39 2:40 1! 38g00 e016 18748 |L 1300160 3aa0 iee'ss 37°39 3i60 -1!00 31300 3eose elas 100/60 3.380 iee.ez 27.39 2'80 2300 301800 Sse.38 4S as ' 1500160 2.340 intos 37.37 300 5:00 30/003 333.33 45/46 if 2:89 7300 2.400 373.21 136126 @Q] 320 1350 agcece Saatss 425-28 | 170 23!00 3it00 EGE 3636 340 “9:00 39/200 336.65 15¢9¢ 1-80 -3,00 1.800 150.00 136.36 3-60 -21.00 25.200 324.04 166.67 ia 130 3!00 i's00 36.93. 136.36 3180 “13/00 23/e00 308.22 19657 I 2-00 -3.00 1.200 122.47 136.36 4.00 -15.00 20.000 288.68 227.27 u 2-10 -3.00 0.900 106.07 136.36 4.20 17.00 16.800 264.58 257.58 2:20 3/00 6600 “ae.60 136.36 4:40 “19700 13/300 dsas2 2e7 08 2-30 -3,00 0,300 61.24 136.36 4.60 -21.00 9.200 195.79 316.18 nl 2.49 0.00 0000 “0.05 9.00, 4180-2300 41800 e142 348.46 S!00 “0:00 0.000 "0.00 “0.06 The smallest allowable value of A is the largest of the values Shown in the last two columns. | For Prob. 5.75, h=hg = 173.2 mm. “af For Prob, 5.76, h=ha = 379 mm <@ J LU) ieee seed 6.02 A cantilever timber beam AB of length L and of the uniform ree- 7 tangular section shown supports a concetzated load P tits fee end and a uni- “fe formly distributed load w along its entire length. Write a computer program to “ determine the length L and the 6 of the beam for which both the maxi- J, imo ml sess the nm sheng sa int Be xh fe 8% tagatatowatle ves. Assuming 04 = 18K and t= 120 one ie unto determine the dneanons 0d when (@) P= 00 and = 0, a (P= Oandw = 12519in, (P= 5001 and w = 125 in SOLUTION Both the moximvm Shear and the maximum bending proineit occur at A, We have VzP+ oh M = Pla gdot® TO SATISFY ie ery emer STRESS RE@U) RENE WT" a= See Tear >on A=6= [3 fn 14 TM DATISFYe THE ALLOWABLE ce SHEARING STRESS REQUIREMENT: “ Cuse © Ky (6.10), reve 378: \ 3 we bef 4" 2 aD = 16 BF 16 Gir PRoaR Ay or L=0, Ve P and by >0, while My=0 and baad pe with L=0 and ae L ortil ing increments AL= 0,001 We, WE There ase Pp and be become equal. We then print 1 and b. PROGRAM OUTPUTS For P = 1000 lb, w= 0.0 1b/in. For P= 0 Ib, w © 12.5 1b/in. Increment = 0.0010 in Increment = 0.0010 in. b= 37.8 in., b= 1.250 in. B= 70.3 in., b= 2.272 in. For P= 500 Ib, w= 12.5 tb/in Increment = 0.0010 in. L = 59.8 in., b= 1.396 in. ale ~~ @) esate Ht (ora) ee Fe 6.03. A beam having the cross section shown is subjected to a vertical shear ¥. Write a computer program that, for loads and dimensions expressed ineither SI or U.S. customary units, can be used to calculate the shearing stress along the line between any two adjacent rectangular areas forming the cross tee Md ‘ection. Use this program lo solve (a) Prob. 6.10, () Prob. 6.11, (c) Prob. 6.21, ee | (@) Prob, 6.23. u) | v hy fi sourion i a 1 Enter Vand the number 7 of : rectangles. 2, For bz | tom, enterthe dimensions b; and h; 3, Determine the area Az = bshys of each rectangle, Al, Determine the elevation of the centreid of each rectangle & a - 05h; Gnd the ejevation % of the centrocd of the entire section ge (& RiGd/C ZA) S Determine the centrotda/ moment of inertia of the entire Section? 7 i 7 ian - la BAe + A,G.-4y] 6, For each surface Separating two rectangles Cand etl, determine Qy of the area belwthat surface t ee a 2 AD 7. Select fort, the smaller 6f b, and b,,,. The shearing stress on the surface between the recran, gS Land itt is Vidr |i EI aeez (continue) PROBLEM 6,C3 CONTINUED PROGRAM OUTPUTS (aaa gies a To, Sin, Problen 6.10 ve10.00 kips | isi YEA SE BE « 2.000 se, O>| [h sin Tee thane ioe Cuwtieelettate 1 and 2: + etfs! Between elements 2 and 3 l<_G)—> 1sin, Tou seit kel aa) Between elements 3 and 4: oy ae Tau = 2.400 kei (by ( pote c jaa probles 6.11 ] v= 10.00 kn YAR Of Section = 75.00 mm I= 39.580810"-6 ma Between elenente 2 and 2: U Tau = 418.39 kPa Between elements 2 and 3: SEUSS ae re «@ nl Bilvcellsignents 3 and 4: | Tau = 765.03 kPa < (b) 5 | Between elements 4 and 5 Tau = 418.39 kPa je TSe-| r | @:a 5mm Problem 6.22 fe Tt ‘V=20 nt fe @- 50mm —-YBAR oF Section = 75.00 mn I I= 79.687*10"-6 m"4 fe Between elements 1 and 2: 2 ® SO mm SUES abe ® Betweet elements 2 and 3 a Tau 18.82 MPa B) J Cempotation of Q at point P where stress is desired Q=EA; (H.-F). where adm extends to the ateas located between one end of section and point P. Shearing stress at Pi = VO ere ie NOTE! Cha, Occurs on nevtral axis, 6,6, for Go= Y + PROGRAM OUTPUTS Length of element = Li = in. 2C4;+ Gi4,) Part (a): Part (b): I = 0.5333 in*a I = 22.27 in“4 Taumax = 2.02 kgi TauE = 194.0 psi

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