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2440113843 - Natasya Natanael

The role of social media in globalization era

Does social media have a big impact on us in carrying out daily life in the globalization era?

Body 1 : advantages
With social media, people can connect with anyone from anywhere.

Body 2 : disadvantages
There are some people who desire to commit malicious acts and social media can be a platform for
doing so, such as acts of cyberbullying.

Body 3 : opinion about social media

I strongly believe that social media can provide a positive and negative side, depending on how
people utilize social media, but people should spread more positive sides in social media.

Conclusion :
Social media can be a platform to do so many good things, but also to some people social media is a
platform to spread negativity, but also there are so many positive things that social media and people
can do together.

The Role of Social Media in Globalization Era
Does social media have a big impact on us in carrying out daily life in the globalization era? If
social media has a big influence for us, then what kind of influence? Is it a positive one such as I can
connect to anyone from anywhere that I want or a negative one such cyberbullying? In this essay, I
will show that the impact that social media has on either a positive or a negative side, it all depends
on the people who use social media. However, people should see that there are so many positive
things that people can spread in social media.
Social media can bring joy to people. Together with social media, people can feel connected
to each other even though they are miles apart. For example, imagine if the world does not have
social media, then to connect with each other you still need to use postal mail, imagine how long it
will take for the message you want to convey to that person. It is really hard to imagine a world
without social media to help us feel connected with each other; the idea is really manifestly
Social media can also give us traumatic experiences. There are some people who desire to
commit malicious acts and social media can be a platform for doing so, such as acts of cyberbullying.
With social media, people can easily create a fake account and do anything without being traced, so
it has become quite easy for anyone to bully on the internet. Threats, intimidation messages, and
rumors can be sent to the masses to create discomfort and chaos in the society. It is really
devastating to know that social media which can be used to spread positive things, is used to provide
negative things that can trigger actions that should not be taken.
Some people say that they have their own rights to choose what kind of influence they want
to give in social media - and it is true. I strongly believe that social media can provide a positive and
negative side, depending on how people utilize social media. But, I also strongly believe that people
should spread more positive sides in social media to bring joy and to give knowledge to each other.
Imagine, if social media is only used to provide negativity, when will the world be a safer and better
place? Social media, which is supposed to give us positive things that can help us, actually destroys
us. So, I really hope that people will come to their nerves that social media is an amazing platform to
share positivity, even though they have the rights not to do so.
Social media can be a platform for both positives and negatives, depending on what people
are sharing. They can share happiness and joy or they can share traumatic and scary experiences.
However, it is very detrimental if social media is not used properly, because there are so many
positive things that social media and people can do together.

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