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Step Action

Plan to
Ammad Awan Glasgow
Providing some clear direction to the
energy you have for promoting your
business is vital to set yourself up for
the coming year ahead.
Know what your goals are for
this year. Know with absolute
certainty what you want to
achieve, how much and by
Get rid of
the clutter.
This could be either physical
clutter of papers, etc in your
office or it could be the mental
clutter of all the 'things' you
keep telling yourself you need
to get to. Unless your business
has come to a halt over the
period of time you have been
away, a few more days will not
cause it any harm.
Match your
Goals to
Look at your brain dump of
the things in your business -
the marketing strategies, the
phone calls, the sales, the
accounts - and match them
up to your goals for the
coming year.
Create your
action plan.
All the tasks with a tick next to
them, put them into an order
that clearly shows what goal
they support, when you will do
the task, how long you think it
will take you, what has to
happen before you start one of
these tasks and what resources
do you require to complete
your plan.
For the list of tasks and resources in
front of you, take note of the
resources. Have you created too
much demand on your time,
someone else's time or on another
resource? If so, review the time you
have allocated to complete a task to
balance out the resources so you are
not operating at 110%.
For those tasks that you have put a
cross next to, consider if you can
delegate them to someone else.
Could you get another business to
help? Could you outsource it? Do
you really need to do the task
anyway? Wherever possible, free up
your energy to focus on those
business development tasks that will
help you achieve your goals.
Do it. Now you have uncluttered your bran,
know what you are aiming for, and have a
clear action plan, you can unleash the
creative energy inside of you and get on
with the job of achieving the business
success you are striving for.

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