Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information: IS 366 (1991) : Electric Irons (ETD 32: Electrical Appliances)

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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 366 (1991): Electric irons [ETD 32: Electrical


“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 366 : 1991
(Reaffirmed 1998

( )
Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision)

First Reprint AUGUST 1998

UDC 648·424

B1S 1991
NEW DELHI 110002

December 1991 Price Group 5

( FourthRevision)

(Page 10, clause 18.1 ) - Replace secondsentence by tbe following:

'Before commencement of the tests the Electric Iron shall be visually examined
a nd inspected for obvious visua I defects in respect of components, parts, and
their assembly construction, stability, markings, provisions of suitable terminals
for supply connection,earthing and tbe effectiveness of screws and connections.'
[Page 2, clause lZ.Z (d), line 2] - Substitute 'end' for 'and'.
( Page 6, clause 16.%, para 2, line 3 ) - Substitute 'of 40 mm at a rate of
about five drops per minute.' in place of 'of 40 em aI a rate not exceeding five
drops per minute'.

(ETD 32)
( Fourth Revision)
(Page 1, clause 11.3) -- Insertthe following at the end:
'The sole plate temperature shan not exceed 260·C.'
(Page 1, clause 11.4) - Insert the following at tbe end:
'The sole platetemperature shall not exceed 260·C.'
( Page 2, clause II.! ) - Substitute the following for tbe existingmatter:
'It shall be possible to achieve sole plate temperature of at least 70·C at tbe
lowest and 200°C at tbe highest setting of thennostat in the case of tbermostatic
NOTE - Recommended ttmperature range of ironing fordifferent types of fabrics art eiven 8S

Fabric Temp~'tJture (lC)

Nylon 70 to 90

Rayon 100 " 120

Silk 130 " 150

Wuol 160 ft 180

CononJUneD 190 • 210

This is for the guidaD~ of ahe manufacturttn only.•

(Page 8, clause 17.2.2) - Insert the following Note at theend:

•NOTE - ThetestshaD be keptin abeyance tillfurther amendment. t

Printed at Simco PrintingPress,Deihl. India
(f'ourtla Revision)

(Page 1, clause 9.1 ) - Substitute the following for the existingclause:

'9.1 The electriciron shall meet the safety tequirements as given in 8 to 32 of
IS 302-2-3 (1992)except 9, 14,17, Zl.101 and 31.'
( Page 5, clause 16.1, para 3 ) - ~ub8titute the following for tbe existing
"Tbe iron is operated continuously, or for a corresponding number 'Of periods,
each period beingnot less than 8 boUIS. The irotl is operated until the totalsum
of 'ON' period reacbes 200 hours. Immediately after this the average sole plate
temperatureT2 is determined as for Ti,
( Page 6, clause 1'.2.1, Note) - Delete.
( Page 10, Table 3, col 3, row 1 ) - Substitute the following for the existing
'As Jivea ia' to 31of IS302-2-3 (1992) (exceptfor test Jivea ia '. 14.17. 11.101 aDd 32).'

(Page 10, T4ble 3 ) - Inserttbe foUowing note at the end of the table:
'NOTE-11ae leSt for P1FEco1UOI JiveD iD 17.2shall be bpt in abeyance IiU further

(IrrD 32)
Printed at Simco Printing Press Deihl, India
( Fourth Revision)

(Page 1, clause 10.4 ) - Substitute the following for the existing matter:
'10.4 The beating up time shall not exceed 4 minutes for electric iron of
aluminium alloy sole plate and 8 minutes of cast iron sole plate.'
(Page 2 clause 11.5) - Add the following note at the end:

'NOTE- For those ironswhose thermOSla1 seningsare indic.at~d by a section the settiag
shall be at thecentre of tbe marking of ranee.

(Page 3, clause 14.2, line 2 ) - Substitute '20°C' for '12.5°C'.

(Page 6, clause 17.1.z,para 2) - Insert the following note after this para:
•NOn. - The hardness of lhe cutting1001 shall be about200 BHN.'

(ETD32 )
( FourthRevision)

( Page 10, clause 18.1 ) - Substitute the following for the existing maner:
'The test specified in Table 3 shall constitute tbe type tests and carried out on 8
sample selected preferably at random from a regular production lot. Before
commencement of the tests, the irons shall be visually examined and inspected
for obvious visual defects in respect of components, parts and their assembly,
construction, mechanical hazards, markings, provision of suitable terminals for
supply connections, earthing and the effectiveness of screws and connections.
The external surface finishshall be even and free Iromfinishing defects.'
(Page 10, clause 18.1.1, first sentence) - Substitute tbe word 'Sample' in
place of 'Both samples'.

(ET 32)
Printed at Simco pilntmg Press,Delhi, India
(Fourth Revision)

(Page 10, clause 18.1.1) — Substitute the following for the existing:

‘18.1.1 Criteria of acceptance

Sample shall successfully pass all the type tests for proving conformity with the requirements of the
standard. If the sample fails in any of the type tests, the testing authority at its discretion may call for fresh
sample not exceeding twice the original number and subject them again to all tests or to the test(s) in which
failure(s) had occurred. No failure should be permitted in the repeat test(s).’

(ET 32)

Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

Electrical Appliances Sectional Committee. ETD 32


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards after the draft finalized by the
Electrical Appliances Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division

The standard covers the general. safety and performance requirements of Electric Iron.

This standard was originally published in 1965. The first revision was done in 1965. second revision
in 1976 and third revision was in 1985. As per the decision of the 3rd meeting of Electrotechnical
Division Council separate safety standard on electric iron has been brought out. In the fourth
revision of tbis composite standard instead of giving details of safety requirements. reference has
been made to the respective safety standard IS 302"2-3: 1992 Safety requirements for household
and similar electrical appliances: Part 2 Particular requirements: Section 3 Electric iron. The
preser.t revision also takes into account the amendments that have been issued since the last
publication of the standard.

While preparing this standard assistance has been derived from lEe Publication 311 ( 1988 ) Method
of measurement of performance of electric iron for household or similar use.

This standard does not apply for steam irons which arc covered in IS 6290 : 1986 Specification for
steam irons (first revtston ).

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, tbe
final value. observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance
with IS 2 : 1960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised )'. The number of significant
places retained in the rounded off value shauld be the same as that of the specified value in the
IS 366: 1991

Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision)

1.1 This slandard covers the general safety and 9.1 The electric iron shall meet the requrremcuts as
perfonnance requirements of electric iron used for given in I to 32 of IS 302-2-3 (1992) except 9, 14,
housebold and similar purposes. 17 and 3%.

In addition, the provision of 1 of IS 302-2-3 (J 992) 10 MEASUREMENT OF HEATING-UP TIME

shall also apply.
10.1 The iron is placed on the three pointed metallic
2 REFERENCES supports while under measurement. The three pointed
supports are constructed so that they support the sole
The following Indian Standards are necessaryadjuncts plate of the iron horizontally at least lOO nun above
to tbis stand. rd: the base surface on which the iron is placed. The
thermocouple is attached at the mid-point of the sole
IS No. Title plate (see Fig.I).
302-1(1979) Safety of housebold and similar 10.1 Starting from ambient temperature, the iron is
electrical appliances: Part 1 General heated up with the voltage corresponding to rated
requirements ( fifth revision ) input, tbe thermostat, if any set at the highest
1068:1985 Electroplated coatings of nickel temperature, Where a rated voltage range is
plus chromium and copper plus specified. this voltage should correspond to the
nickel plus cbromium on iron and voltage corresponding to mean rated input.
steel ( second revision)
10.3 The beating-uptime which is the time necessary
302-2-3 (1992) Safety of household and similar for temperature of the sole plate to exceed the
electrical appliances : Part 2 ambient temperature by 1800C or at least a final
Particular requirements, Section 3 temperature of 2000C including ambient is measured,
Electric iron and is expressed in minutes and seconds.
3 TERMINOLOGY 10.4 The beating up time sballnot exceed 8 minutes
3.1 The provision of Z of IS 302-2-3 (1992) shall
apply. 11 MEASUREMENT OF SOl..' : )JLATE
J1.1 The iron is placed on the three metallic supports
4.1 The provision of J of IS 302-2-3 (1992) shall (see 10) and tbe thermocouple is attached at the
apply. mid point of the sole plate (see Fig. 1). The iron
is switcbed 011 and heated with a voltage corres-
5 GENERAL NOTES ON TESTS ponding to rated input.
5.1 The provision of 4 of IS 302-2-3 (1992) shall 11.2 For thermostatic iron the highest and the lowest
apply. temperatures are measured during five successive
cycles of temperature variation after the iron has
6 RATING reached the steady state conditions. The Olean value
6.1 TIle provision of 5 of IS 302-2-3 (1992) shall of the live bighest and lowest temperatures is the
apoly. sole plate temperature for the setting, This test is
repeated for each setting of the thermostat.
11.3 For irons with self resetting thermai cut-out the
7.1 The provision of 6 of IS 302-2-3 (1992) shall measurement shall be carried out in the same way
apply. as for thermostatic type.
• MARKING 11.4 For other types of irons, the highest sole plate
1.1 The provision of 7 of IS 302-2-3 (1992) sball temperature shall be measured after the iron ha~ reached
apply. steady state conditions.
IS 3'6: 1991

,.~==- -~SILVER DISC

t-i------ SPRING




NOTE- A tbermocouple is solderecllr the ceatre of the .i1ver dlle. TheIilver cIlscis fixed to theend of Ibe cerami<: pipe
with beal-resistaDt adhesive.


Nom (see 10) and is heated up with the voltage specified

1 The steady .Ia.. lelDpelltUJe II coDlidered to be acbieved
in 10 until the sole plate temperature at the mid-
if the temperature It tbe mld-poiat of the IOle pllte does DOt point exceeds 2000C. Then after switching off tbe
Vlry by more tba. toe per hour. supply, the iron is placed for a suitable period, on
I sbeet of white paper spread over flannel cloth which
2 for thoee 11'0. wbale tbenDDllllt .ttlap Ire iDCIicatecl by covers a wooden board. After removal of the iron,
• teCtor tbe settl... ...... be ac die ceDtre of Ihe ra• .
darkening of the paper indicates the temperature
3 The 8dJuatmeDt of the lbenDOltlt coatrol 10 ob&liD tbe distribution over tbe sole plate. The hottest point is
required leldllliball be IIUIde iD tbe direction of increaaiDI determined as the centre of the darkest area.
NOTE - Positive pbotolype paper, which is unexposed Ind
11.5 It shall be po~ible to achieve sole plate developed, wbile tracina paper, or white bloltina paper is
temperature of at least ?fPC at the lowest and 20rPC leCOmDleocled • Ibe white paper ror tbls measuremenl.
at the highest setting of thermostat in the case of
thermostaticelectric irons. Reconunended temperature lZ.% After this iron is placed on three metallicsupports
nnge of ironing for different types of fabrics are (see 10) and a thermocouple is attached at each of
given 8S under: the following four points of the sole plate:
Fabric Temperatur« (OC) a) The hottest point determined in lZ.1,
Nylon 70 to 90
b) The mid-point of the sole plate,
Rayon 100 to 120
Silk 130 to 150 c) The point on the longitudinal centre line
20 mm from the tip of the sole plate, and
Wool 160 to 180
CottonlLinen 190 to 210 d) The point on the longitudinal centre line
20 mm from the heal and of the sole plate.
DISTRlBtmON For a thermostatic iron, the thermostat is set so tbat
tbe temperature at the mid-point is maintained at
12.1 The iron is placed on the three metallic supports applOximately lSOOC under the steady-stateconditions,

IS 366: 1991

and the measurement is performed after the iron bas 13.% From the graph the following are determined:
reached the steady-state conditions.
a) The initial overswing temperature, which is
For other types of irons, the temperature at the mid- the first peak temperature between the first
point is maintained at approximately 1500C for at and second cut-outs of the thermostat;
least 15 minutes by switching the supply on and off
before taking temperature measurements. b) The mean peak temperature which is the mean
value of the last five peak temperatures; and
The varying temperanrre is recorded for 10 minutes
and tbe average temperature for the 10 minutes is c) The heating up excess temperature, which is
determined for each of the four points. The mean the difference between tbe initial overswing
of the four average temperatures is then determined, temperature and the mean peak temperature.
and the difference between each average temperature
and the mean temperature is also calculated. The four 13.3 The initial overswing temperature shall not be
temperature differences are recorded as the indication more than 16SOC and the heating-upexcess temperature
of tbe temperature distribution over the sole plate. shall not exceed 300C.

12.3 Any of the four temperamre differences recorded 13.4 This test is applicable to thermostatic irons only.
in the above test sbaJJ not differ by more than lOOC.
TEMPERATURE 14.1 Measurement is the same as in 13 except that
highest and lowest temperatures of each cycle are
13.1 The iron is placed on the three metallic supports measured for five successive cycles after the iron has
(see 10) and a thermocouple is attached at the hottest reached the steady-state conditions. The Oleanvalue
point determined as in 12.1. The iron is tben switched for the highest temperatures and tbat for the lowest
on and thermostat is adjusted so that an average temperatures are determined.One half of the difference
temperature of about 1200C is maintained at the between the mean values is tbe cyclic fluctuation of
measuring point under the steady state conditions. the temperature of the hottest point and is expressed
The iron is allowed to cool down to room temperature. in Celsius degrees.
The iron is switched on again and, using a recording NOTE - This measuremenl may be combined with the meas-
type Instrument, the time and temperature are measured urement in 13.
at the hottest point from switching on over nine
successive cycles to produce a graph of the type 14.2 The cyclic fluctuation of the temperature of the
shown in Fig. 2. hottest point shall not exceed 12.50C.

200 ..-------



60 --- - - - - - -+------t-

9 10


IS 366: 1991

14.3 This test is applicable to thennostatic irons only. the bighest and the lowest temperature for five
t! MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE DROP successive cycles are measured, and the mean
lJNDER LOAD temperature T1 for them is determined. At the same
time. the average power WI of the input consumed
15.1 Measurement or Temperature and Average under the steady state conditions is determined by
Input "ower under Idling Operation dividing the electric energy in watthours consumed
The iron is placed on the three metallic supports in the course of at least five regulating cycles by
(see 10), and a thermocouple is attached at the mid- the total duration of these cycles.
point of the sole plate. The iron is then switched
on and the thermostat is adjusted so that an average 1!.2 Measurement orTemperature and Average
temperature of 200 :t lOOC is maintained under the
Input Power Under IANld
steady-state conditions, The iron is placed on the supports of the measuring
apparatus illustrated in Fig. 3 and switched on with
After the iron has reached the steady state conditions, the same thermostat as for 15.1.

------....... ....
.... ,
-----------_ ...... "",',
_----------.., <,~,'",'"",
,- " "
II~:' I

--------------' "'" "","""" ,,//,
....,-\ ~-----
........ -- _ ............ --....,,""'''''
1 Copper base plate 4 Pointed supports 7 Cooling water pipes
2 Edge of the base plate 5 Silver disc with a thermocouple 8 Slot in thebue plate for
3 CooUngpipes 6 Silicone oil tbermoeeuple leads
9 Thermocouple leads
NOTE - The base plate (1) is made of copper plale 10 mm 10 l' mm thIck. Around Ihe periphery of the base plate. the edge (2) about 10 mm
hiah i,soldered, so that tbe plate forms a slwllow vessel for silicon oil. Cooling pipes of copper (3) are soldered to the lower surface of tbe base
plate, and are connected to cooling water pipes (7). Three pointed supports (4) are provided on the base "'at~. The beight of tbe supports can
be adjusted from 1 mm to 2 mm. The silver disc with a thermocouple (5) is placed. at the mid-point of the soleplate, and it must Dol touch the
base plale. The base plate of the apparatus is held horizontally and is filled wiih silicone oil 3 mm to 4 mm deep.
IS J66: 1991

The now fate of cooling water is adjusted so that where

tbe temperature difference between outgoing and
incoming water does not exceed tOOC after steady We = tbe average input power under load, and
condition is reached. WI = the average input power under idling.
The heigbt of the pointed supports is determined in IS.5 The temperaturedrop under load shall not exceed
a preliminary test in such 8 way tbat the average 1l)OC,
input power absorbed by the iron is about 50 percent
of the rated input. 16 M(4:ASlJlfEMENT 0.' THERMOSTATIC
After ten successive cycles of operation of the
thermostat, it is assumed that steady condition i~ 16.1 Endurance Test
reached. The average power We- of the input and the
lucan temperature T of the sole plate under load arc The iron b placed on the three metallic supports and
detenniued. as for ibc idling case in 15.1. a thermocouple is attached at the mid point of the
sole plate. The iron is then operated at 1,15 times
15.3 For irons with self resetting thermal cut-out the the maximum rated input. In case of thermostatic
measurements at 15.1 and 15.2 shall be carried out iron, the thermostatis ~et so that an average temperature
in the same way as that of thermostatic type. For of about 2<X)OC I~ maintained under steady state
other types of irons, the above measurements arc conditions. The setting of the thermostat is fixed in
carried out similarly after the iron ha~ reached the an appropriate way so that tbe settings do not change
steady-state conditions, during the measurement. For irons without thermostat
or self rescuing thermal cutouts, the temperature of
15.4 Calculation of Temperature J)rop Under Load the sole plate shall be maintained between 205°C
and 2600C by suitable cooling means such as a jet
The measured temperature drop under load is the of air 011 a cooling plate.
difference T = T1 - TC't T. and T being respectively In the case of thermostatic electric iron the average
the mean temperature under idJingtand load determined temperature T. i~ determined as in tile case of
in IS.1 to IS.3. measurement of sole plate temperature,
The temperature drop per 100 W load is calculated The iron i~ then operated for 11 h and then it Is
by the formula: switched off for J h. The cycle, consisting of an on
period of 11 h and off period of 1 hour is repeated
T x tOO until the totaI sum of on period reaches 200 h.
T 100 = Immediately after this the average so)e" plat c-
We- - Wi temperature T2 is determined as for r l ,




IS J66: 1991

16.1.1 After the test the thermostatic iron and iron 17.1 ..% The compliance is checked for the following
with or without self resetting thermal cutout shall requirements according to the test methods given in
withstand the electric strength test as given in 16.4 IS 1068 : 1985:
of IS 302-1 (1979) and also there shall be no exposure
of live part caused by breakage or distortion of the a) Thickness of coating,
enclosure. b) Adhesion, and
16.1.2 The difference of T2 and T) is indication of c) Corrosion.
the Thermostatic stability of Thermostatic Electric NOTE - The thickness or electroplated coatinls may be
Iron. measured by BNF Jet lesl method and slrippina method
given in Appendix K and L or IS 302-1(1979). However, in
NOTI- - Specific value of Thermostatic Mabihly (difference case ordispule the lesl shall be carried Oul a. presa-ibed in
of 1 1 and T.) are under consrderation. IS 1068 : 1968.

17.2 Determination of Adhesive of

16.2 Drop Test Polytetranurothylene (PTFE) Coating or Similar
Coating on Sole Plate
This test i~ performed immediately after the
measurement in 16.1 with the thermostat fixed at the 17.:l.1 The iron is fixed on a suitable support and
same setting. a thermocouple is attached at tbe mid-point of the
sole-plate if the sole-plate is coated with PTFE or
The thermocouple is removed from the sole-plate and similar material.
the iron is subject to II thousand drops from d height
of 40 em at a rate not exceeding five drop per minute. The iron is switched on, with the voltage corresponding
When the iron drops, it should strike in 8 horizontal to the rated input, and the thermostat is adjusted so
position on a rigidly supported Oat steel plate at that an average sole-plate Temperature of approxinately
least 15 mm thick and It least 15 kg in mass (Fig.4 ISOOC is malntained under steady state conditions.
illustrates the test device). During the drop test, the (Where a rated voltage range is specified, this voltage
iron is connected to the power supply. The machine should correspond to mean rated input).
is so designed that the iron rests on the steel plate
for approximately 15 percent of the duration of the For a non-thermostatic iron, the temperature at
test and the sample is so mounted that there is no the mid-point of the sole-plate is maintained at
additional weight which would influence the impact 150 :!: tOOC by switching the supply on and off.
The temperature is maintained for at least 30 min,
Immediately after the drop test, the average
temperature 1 3, at the odd-point is determined as for 17.1.% The cross-cut test is performed with the
T1 (see 1.5.1). temperature at the Oat part of the sole plate maintained
at approximately 1500C.
16.1.1 After the test as an indication of the thermostatic
stability the difference of 11 and 11 in the case of A cutting tool with six cutting edges is used in each
thermostatic iron shall not change its calibration by direction of the lattice pattern (see Fig. S).
more tban +tOOC or -200C. Also there shall be no
exposure of live parts caused by breakage or
If each cut does not penetrate the coating unifonnly
to tbe surface of the substratum, because of the curvature
distortion of the enclosure and also shall not show
of the sole-plate a single edge cutting tool may be
damage within the meaning of tbe standard.
NOTE - The lesl may be oombined with the lest liven
In 21.101 of IS 302-2-3(1991). The spacing of the cub is 1 mm in each direction.

The cutting tool is applied in a plane normal

17 FINISH to the test surface and the cut shall be at a rate of
20 mm/s to 50 molls with unifonn pressure. The cuts
17.1 Determination or Electroplated Coating on are made at four different positions on the sole-plate.
Sole Plate and form 2S squares at each position.
17.1.1 The external finish used on ferrous components Two of the positions are positioned approximately
shall be of a beat and moisture resisting nature and 50 nun apart from each otber on the longitudina I
shall not be adversely affected by variauon in centre line, the others being positioned in the centre
temperature under normal operating conditions or between the mid point of the centre line and both
during the endurance test as given in 16.1. The nickel edges of the sole plate.
and chromium electroplated coating shall conform
to tbe following requirements: After cooling down to room temperature (27 % SOC),
- 10 micrometers (microns) of nickel plus the sole-plate is brushed lightly with a soft brush five
times backwards and five times forwards along both
- 0.2 micrometers (microns) of chromium lines of tbe lattic pattern.

IS ..\66 : 1991



-- - ---.-


All dimensions in millimetres.

FIG 5 Cnrnso TOOLS

IS J66: 1991

Appropriate adhesive tape is then applied firmly over The parts are then immersed for 10 minutes
the area of lattice. The tape is tben pulled off quickly in a 10 percent solution of a mmoniu III chloride
to remove tbe flaked portion of the coating. in water at a temperature between 15°C and
NOTE - For Ihis lesl lhe followina adhesive llpe is recom-
mended: Polyaler film llpe wilh non lhermoselling adbesive
(widlh 21: 25 mID, Thickness> 0.02 mm). The tape shall comply Witbout drying, but after shaking off any
witb Ibe requlremeats ,iven in Table I.
drops, the parts are placed for 10 minutes in
The test result is evaluated by observation of the cut a box containing air having not less than
surface at ea~h position, and classified a~~ording to 90 percent RH and lelnperature between 150C
Table 2. and 35°C
Tests are carried out on four positions on the sole-
plate and only the worst lanice pattern is used for After the parts have been dried Cor 10 minutes in
evaluation. a heating cabinet at a temperature of l00:t SoC, their
surfaces sball shown no signs of rust.
17.3 Resistance to Rusting
Traces of rus! 011 sharp edges and any yellowish film
17.3.1 Ferrous parts, the rusting of wbich might cause removable by rubbing are ignored.
the appliance to rail to comply with tbis standard,
shall be adequately protected against rusting. For small helical springs and the like, and Cor paris
Compliance is checked by the following test: exposed to abrasion, a layer of grease may provide
sufficient protection against rusting. Such parts are
All grease is removed from the parts to be only subjected to the test if there is doubt about
tested by immersion in carbon tetrachloride or the effectiveness of the grease film. The test is then
trichlorethane for 10 minutes, made without previous remova I of the grease.

Table 1 Requirement of Tape

( Clause 17.2.2)

Electrolytic com-loa after 24 b at 1 )( 10' I minimum cenlral value

23 + 20C and 93 + 2'5 relatlv~

Tempe...ture index Not leu tban l3()OC

Tenlile alrenllb N/IO mm 600 minimum per millimetre thickness

7' minimum

N/IO mm 2 miahaum f~r tblcne.

• 0.02 mm
1 miaimum for dlickDoM
> 0.02 aun
Adbelioa 10 becti., N/IO IIJIII 2 minJmum ce..... value

PJeclrlcal atlelll" ae 100m rarure tV/mm 70 adaiJIUIID

aher 24 II a' 23 t 20C 93 t 2_
....elve IIgaUdley

IS 366: 199J

Table 2 Classille.tlon or Test Results

( Clause 11.2.2)

ClaYUlc::adoll Detert..... Appe.....ee of Surface 01

Cnu-Cut Ana fro .. WIlle"
(t1a1daa us OcculTed
( EJE_ple (or Six Parallel Cull)

The ed,e. of the cuts are completely smooth; none of the squires of the

Iluice is detlched.

1 Deaachment of smlll nakes of the coatin, It the intersections of the cuts.

A cross-cur area D0' distincdy arealer than 5 percent is affected.

2 The coatina has naked aloD, tbe ed,es andlor at the intersectioDs of tbe

cuts. A cross-cut lrel disdnctly lreater than , percent. but not distinctly
areater than IS percent is .ffected.

3 The coltina has flaked Ilona the edaes of the culs partly or wholly in larae

ribbons. Indlor it has Oaked partly or wholly on different paris of the squares.
A cross-cut Bru distinClly peater than 1,5percent but not distinctly greater
rhan 35 percent ;10 aff~cted.

4 The coarina has flaked Ilona the edaes of the cuts in larle ribbons andl

or some lqu.feS have detacbed partly or wholly. A cross-cut Ire.a dislinclly
are.ler lb.n 3' percent. bur not distinclly greater Ihan f;j percent is affected,

S Any dearee of naking that cannot even be da....... ified by cla!05ification 4.

IS 366: 1991


18.0 Categories or Tests c) Temperature rise 11 of IS 302-2-3 (1 (92)

Tests are classified as type, acceptance and roulinr- d) Electrical ial.~ulation 13 of IS 302-2-3 (1992)
tests. and leakage current at
operating temperature
18.1 Type Tests
e) Moisture resistance 15 of' IS 302-2-3 (1992)
The tests specified in Table 3 shall constitute the
type tests and shall be carried out Oil two samples 1) Insulation resistance 16 of IS 302-2-3 (1992)
of irons of the same type and nting selected preferably lind electric strength
at random from a regular production lot. Before (after humidity
COI1Ul1Cl1('cment of the tests, the irons shall be earthing treatment)
and tbe effectiveness of screws Rnd connections. The
external surface finish shall be even and free from g) Earthing connection %7of IS 302-2-3 (1992)
finishing defects.
h) Heating-up time 10
18.1.1 Criteria of Acceptance
j) Measurement of sole 11
Both samples shall successfully pASS all the type tests plate temperature
for proving conformity with the requirements of the NOTE - For .he purpose of acceptance tesL". the humidity
standard. If any of the samples fails in any of the treatment shall be done for 24 hours while conductioa lhe tCSI
type tests, the testing authority, at its discretion, may for moisture resi$lafk~.
call for fresh samples not exceeding twice the original
number and subject them again to all tests or to the 18.%.1 A recommended sampling procedure for
lesl(s) in wbicb faiJure(s) bad occurred. No failure acceptance tests is given in Appendix B of IS 302-
should be permitted in tbe repeat tesl(s). t (1979).
18.3 Routine Tesb
18.% Acceptance Tests
The following shall constitute the routine tests:
The following sball constitute tbe acceptance tests:
Test Clause Reference
Test Clause Reference a) Protection against 8 of IS 302-2-3 (1992)
a) Protection against 8 of IS 302-2-3 (1992) electric shock
electric sbock b) High voltage 13.3.% of IS 302-1 (1979)
b) Input 10 of IS 302-2-3 (1992) c) Eartbi ng connection %7 of IS 302-2-3 (1992)

Table 3 Schedule or Type Test

(Clause 18.1)

SINo. Tat

i) Safely Requirement 8 to 32 of IS 302-2·3 (1992)

(Except for lest alven in cllUsea 9. 14. 17 and 32)
U) Meauremeat of headftl up lime 10

iii) MeuuremeAt of 1010 plate temperature 11

Iv) Musuremoat of temperature distribution 12

v) Meuuremeal of oYerawia, temperalure lad beatiaa 13

up excell tempeflture

vi) Measuremeat of cydic Ouce.dOD of lempel'llture of 14

bOltest point
vii) MeuuremcAt of lempenture drop u.r load drop
under load-

viii) Meuuremenl Q( themoalaUc...blUly 16

ix) Flalab 17

.1bjs leSt 5hall be bpi in abeyance dll further IIMnchDenl.

Bureau of ladlan Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connectedmatters in tbe country.


81S has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the Cree use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade .designations.
Enquiriesrelating to copyright be addressedto the Director(Publication), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standardsas the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically;a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changesare
needed; if tbe review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Usersof IndianStandards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referringto the latest issue
of 'BIS Handbook' and 'Standards MonthlyAdditions'
This IndianStandard has been developedfrom Doc: No. ETD 32 ( 3521 )

Amendments Issued Since Publication

AmendNo. Date of Issue Text Affected


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