GSK B - Teaching

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Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tuen Mun)

Engineering Discipline
Maritime Services Training Institute

Teaching Plan 2021

Course Title: HD in Maritime Studies

Course Code & Year EG 114712 & Year 1
Module Title: General Ship Knowledge B
Module Code: TRN4211
Class-Contact Hours: 65 hours
Module Value: 4
Lecturer: Dr. Ricky Chan

Module Intended Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this module, students are able to:
1. Handle ropes & wires safely for shipboard operations;
2. Interpret the mooring patterns of ship, their advantages and limitations;
3. Identify the parts of a ship’s anchor, states the procedures of handling anchor and single buoy mooring;
4. Apply the basic knowledge of search and rescue;
5. Identify the procedures to handling emergency situations on board ship;
6. Interpret the scope of statutory and classification surveying and their purposes.

The module consists of formal lectures and tutorials. There will be assessments in the form of test &
assignment to monitor the progress of the students

Lecture: 52 hours
Tutorial: 13 hours

Assessment Scheme:
Continuous Assessment (CA)
 Test 25%
 Assignment 25%

End of Module Assessment (EA)

 Examination 50%

Total 100%

Test Assessment
Test is a closed book assessment covering all teaching and learning materials, and will be announced in due

Notes to Students
Teaching and Learning Materials
 Lecture Notes, when deemed necessary.

 Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seaman (2002). Second Edition, Maritime and
Coastguard Agency;
 House D.J. (2003). Seamanship Techniques Combined Volume, 2nd Edition.

1. Safety and Health in Dock Work (1993). Revised edition. (ILO);
2. Lavery H.I. (1992). Shipboard Operation, 2nd Edition;
3. Search and Rescue Manual (1993). IMO;
4. International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual (1998). Volume III.

Learning Contents and Indicative Curriculum Hours

Curriculum Week Topics Learning Contents
 Construction, advantage and limitation of:-
 Natural fiber ropes with the material of Manila, Sisal, Coir
and Hemp;
 Synthetic fiber ropes such as Nylon, Polyester, and
 Wire ropes of different dimensions;
10 hours)
 Use of formulas to calculate the breaking stresses and safe
working load of the ropes and wire.
2  Types and construction of different rigging fitment such as
bottle screws, wire rope fittings.
Rope and
Wire Work,
 Types of blocks commonly used on ships, their care,
maintenance and markings of block.
3  Types of tackles, MA and VR of tackles, precautions to be
taken when using tackles. Construction, care and
maintenance of Chain Blocks.
B.  Typical mooring pattern of ship, the forces acting on the
(Lecture mooring ropes and the way to compensate by proper line
10 hours) tending.
 The elasticity of mooring ropes and its effects.
4  The effect of line tending and pre-tensioning.
 General mooring operation guidelines and
operational consideration in respect of mooring
alongside or securing to buoys.
 Procedures and precaution of securing tugs.
 Parts of a ship's anchor.
 Describes the Stocked or Common anchor, the Patent
6 Stockless anchor, a High Holding Power anchor.
C. Anchor Work  Holding power of the anchors.
(Lecture and
15 hours) Buoy Mooring  The test on anchor and cable, the statutory markings on an
anchor cable and an anchor.
 Method of marking the lengths of anchor cable, care and
maintenance of a ship's anchor, cable and windlass.

 Principle of anchors and cables and usual arrangements
for their handling; towage and securing; procedures for
8 coming to a single anchor; duties of an officer in charge
of anchor handling operations; use of an anchor when
approaching or leaving a berth.
(Lecture  Knowledge of the requirements, procedures and the
10 hours) precautions to take when anchoring and deep water
9  Procedures of handling Dragging anchor. State the
procedures of Single Buoy Mooring using ship’s anchor

 Procedures of handling dragging anchor. State the

E. procedures of Single Buoy Mooring using ship’s anchor
(Lecture 10
5 hours)
F.  Basic knowledge of search and rescue organisation, search
(Lecture and rescue procedures.
5 hours)
Search and
G.  Helicopter procedures.
5 hours)

 Procedures to handling emergency situations, collision,

H. Emergency
flooding, stranding, man over- board, steering gear
(Lecture 13 Preparedness
failure or loss of rudder.
5 hours)
Total: 65 End of Module

 The teaching schedule may change from time to time, and make-up class arrangement may be
required subject to learning progression.
 The last hour of each lecture starting from Week nos. 1 to 13 will be the tutorial over a period
of 13 weeks.

Lecturer Contacts:
Name: Dr. Ricky Chan
Room: 026 / MSTI
Tel: 3423 5123

Students should make use of the tutorial session to ask their subject lecturers on anything they do
not understand in the lecture or tutorial problems and work out the tutorial questions as the
homework exercises for continuous monitoring learning performance.

Late Submission of Course Work

The deduction of marks is on the basis of 100%. 5% will be deducted per day for submission of
reports after the due date. Course work will not be accepted later that one week after the due date,
and the mark for that course work sub-component will be zero.

Conditions for Make-up of Missed Test or Laboratory
Make up test would be arranged only if valid reason with evidence could be given by the student for
justifying his / her absence. However, if make up test cannot be arranged due to some reasons, the
final course work mark of the student should be Incomplete and arrangements for make up sessions
should be agreed by the BoE.

Appeal on Course Work Mark

If a student is not satisfied with his/her course work mark in certain assessment (for example test,
and so on), he / she may lodge an appeal to the module lecturer at the latest one week after the
feedback from the lecturer.

Communication with Lecturer

During classes and in other times scheduled in agreement between the lecturer and the student. By
e-mail: lecturers and students should use their VTC e-mail accounts for this communication channel.
The e-mail messages should be checked regularly and at least few times per day.

Student Notice Board:

Lecturers and General Office can post notes for students. The Notes should be dated and stamped
by the General Office. Students should check the Notice Board frequently.

Dr. Ricky Chan

19th Jan 2021

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