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Kenan Spaho M.

A: Organizational communication process


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Managers spend majority of their time communicating in several forms: meeting, face-to –face dis-
cussion, letters, emails etc. Also more and more employees realize that communication is a very im-
portant part of their work because a lot of their work activities are based on teamwork among workers
in different functional groups. This is the reason why communication has become more important in
companies. The experience shows that there are significant differences in manners of communication
and that it appears to be a very important factor which makes some organizations more successful
than others. Communication is the most important for managers because research shows that the
spent long period in work time in communication.

Keywords: business communication, organizational communication, communication process, effec-

tive communication

JEL: M12, M14

1. Introduction speakers in order to build trust between them and

employees as well as among employees which will
later result in confidence in the company.
It is not possible to have good human relations Managers sped some 80% of each working day in
without communication. On the other hand effec- communication with others1. Managers have huge
tive communication is required not only for human responsibility in communication by directing and
relations but for a good and successful business. controlling the organization and effective managers
Managers spend majority of their time commu- establish themselves at the center of information
nicating in several forms: meeting, face-to –face networks in order to facilitate the tasks completi-
discussion, letters, emails etc. Also more and more on2.
employees realize that communication is a very
important part of their work because a lot of work
1 Mintzberg, H. (1973): The Nature of Managerial Work, Harper
activities are based on teamwork among workers and Row, New York
in different functional groups. This is the reason 2 Đorđević, B., (2010): Leadership communication, Internati-
why communication has become more important onal Scientific Conference MANAGEMENT 2010, Kruševac,
in companies. Managers of new age must be good 17-18 March, 2010

Kenan Spaho M.A: Organizational communication process Kenan Spaho M.A: Organizational communication process

2. Methodology stimulate meaning in the minds of other individu- In addition to this main definition we will add to has four elements13:
als by means of verbal or nonverbal messages in the it that organizational communication is a process
context of formal organization5. In further text we of information exchange and a process of decisi- • A sender – this is the first person to speak
This paper is of a theoretical character which will clarify some parts of this definition6: on making between the sender and the receiver or initiate communication.
means that we did not do any empirical resear- • The word process indicates that communi- with the consequence of positive result in raising • A receiver – this is the person for whom the
ch just used some experience from practice and cation is dynamic and ever changing. As we efficiency of at least one of them7 and that organi- message is intended.
made some illustrations from the real business change as individuals over time and from zational communication is a central binding force • The message – this is what a sender wants
environment. It means that this paper is based one organizational event to another our that permits coordination among people and thus the receiver to know. It includes a verbal
on literature analysis of experts in organizational communication is changed in the organiza- allows organized behavior8. In addition to these message and nonverbal messages inferred
communication studies as well as on the Internet tional environment. definitions we must emphasize that behavior of from the sender and the environment.
sources offering practical experiences. • The words stimulate meanings are intended employees is best understood from a communica- • Feedback – this is the lifeline of effective
to suggest that it is through communication tions point of view9. There are several approaches communication. Without it, senders and
with others that we develop an idea entirely to function of organizational communication. Here receivers are far less likely to achieve mutual
3. Basics of organizational communication on our own. Many of our ideas are formed we will focus on two approaches. One approach is understanding about the message.
or created by meanings that others have that function of organizational communication is
There are several approaches to communication. stimulated. visible through four fields of management10:
Here we will present several definitions of commu- • By verbal message we mean the language 4. Types of organizational communication
nication. common to the culture and organization. • Control of employees behavior
• Motivation of employees Every organization must enable communication
Communication is sending and receiving of messages by means of symbols and in that • Development of interpersonal relations in several directions: downward communication,
Definition 1: upward communication, horizontal communicati-
context organizational communication is a key element of organizational climate1. • Making decision
on and diagonal communication as it is illustrated
Communication can be understood as a process of exchanging signs and symbols insti-
Second approach is that organizational commu- in Figure 214.
Definition 2:
gated and led by at least one of the conscious subjects2. Downward communication flows from top
nication has five functions11:
management to employees. This communication is
Communication is transfer of information from sender to receiver under the condition actually in companies with extremely authoritative
Definition 3: • Compliance gaining
that the receiver understands the message3.
• Leading, motivating and influencing style of management (Weihrich, Koontz, 1993)15.
Communication is a tool for exchanging of experience and values as well as transfer of • Sense – making There are five types of downward communicati-
Definition 4: on16:
meanings and knowledge4. • Problem – solving and decision making
• Conflict management, negotiating and
1 Drenth, P.J.D., Thierry H., De Wolff, C.J., (1998), Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology (2nd bargaining • Directions how to do something
Edition), East Sussex, Psychology Press Ltd. • Information about concrete tasks and their
2 Radojković, M., Đorđević, T., (2001), Osnove komunikologije, Fakultet političkih nauka, Beograd relations with other tasks in organization
But definitely the most important role of orga-
3 Weihrich, H., Koontz, H., (1998), Menedžment, Mate, Zagreb • Information about regulations, rules and
4 Miroslavljević, M., (2008), Odnosi s javnošću, BLC, Banja Luka nizational communication is the relationship buil-
ding in order to achieve its strategic objectives12. procedures
Process of organizational communication is • Information about the effect of an individu-
presented in Figure 1. As it is visible the process al, group and organization
For efficient communication it is necessary that • Information with ideological character in
the receiver understands the meaning of the me- These messages are transmitted in spoken
or written form. We will pay attention to order to build the feeling of a special task or
ssage and indicates it to the sender through some mission of the company.
expected reactions3. this problem in further text. 7 Sajfert Z., Đorđević D., Bešić C., (2006), Leksikon Menad-
Business communication can be inside the • By nonverbal message we mean messages žmenta, Agencija Matić, Beograd
other then verbal such as eye behavior, 8 Myers, M. T., Myers, G. E. (1982), Managing by Communicati- This type of communication is illustrated in
organization (internal communication) and outside Figure 3. In this figure we see organizational struc-
on, An Organizational Approach, McGraw-Hill Book Company,
of the organization (external communication)4. For touch, hand gestures, body movements, and
facial expression and so on.
New York ture with four organizational levels. The informa-
the purpose of this paper we will focus on internal 9 Rogers, E. M., Rogers, R. A., (1976), Communication in Orga- tion flows from top to bottom of structure and as
communication or as it is called in some literature nizations, Free Press, New York
sources organizational communication. For the 10 Petković M., Janićijević N., Bogičević Milikić B., (2008),
13 Beckham, K., King J., (2008), Building Coalitions: Communi-
purpose of this paper we will define organizational 5 Richmond, V. P., McCroskey J. C., McCroskey L. L., (2005), Organizacija, Ekonomski fakultet, Beograd
cation in Coalitions, University of Florida
communication as the process by which individuals Organizational Communication for Survival: Making Work, 11 Neher, W. W., (1997), Organizational Communication – Chall-
14 Miljković, D., Rijavec M., (2008), Organizacijska psihologija,
Work, Allyn and Bacon, Needham Heights MA enges of Change, Diversity and Continuity, Allyn and Bacon,
3 Ivancevich J., Matteson M., (2002), Organizational Behavior Boston IEP, Zagreb
6 Richmond, V. P., McCroskey J. C., McCroskey L. L., (2005),
and Management, McGraw-Hill Organizational Communication for Survival: Making Work, 12 Grunig, J. E., (1992), Excellence in Public Relations and 15 Weihrich, H., Koontz, H., (1998), Menedžment, Mate, Zagreb
4 Fox, R., (2006), Poslovna Komunikacija, Hrvatska sveučilišna Work, Allyn and Bacon, Needham Heights MA Communication Management, Hillside, New Jersey: Lawrence 16 Katz, D., Kahn, R. L., (1978), The social psychology of organi-
naklada, Pučko otvoreno učilište Zagreb Erlbaum Associates zations, New York, Wiley

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Kenan Spaho M.A: Organizational communication process Kenan Spaho M.A: Organizational communication process

we can see there is a part of the information that for top management to see efficiency of downward communication (smaller organizational levels we Figure 3: Downward communication
is lost. This phenomenon was detected by Fisher17 communication and organizational communicati- have, information will be changed a little)29.
who also established that the lost part will be on in general (Miljković, Rijavec, 2008)22. Upward
higher as the information travels longer. communication ensures that tasks are being Figure 2: Types of organizational communi-
The effectiveness of downward communication improved in time, accurate feedback provided, and cation
is the function of span of control18. The span of helps keeping everyone on the same track with a
control, or span of management, refers to number common vision23.
of persons who report to one superior and includes Horizontal communication flows between em-
the functions of planning, organizing and lea- ployees and departments, which are on the same
ding19. A wide span of control exists when a leader organizational level, and it enables coordination
oversees many subordinates and narrow span of and integration of activities of departments that
control exists when a leader oversees few subor- do relatively independent tasks24. This type of
dinates20. This is illustrated in Figure 4 where it is communication can take many forms, performing
visible that a Manager B oversees double number duties, solving problems and exchanging ideas25.
of employees then Manager A, which means that Horizontal communication provides unified
his span of control is wider than Manager A’s. The vision, direction, accurate feedback and ability to
wider span of control is, the communication is less implement change effectively as well as for leaders
successful21. to gain control and maintain a level of common Source: Adapted from (Rouse, Rouse, 2005)
Diagonal communication flows between people Business meetings present a very important
Figure 1: The communication process which are not on the same organizational level and Source: Done by author element of complete business life and bad meeting
are not in direct relationship in organizational hie- management can have negative effect on the com-
rarchy. This communication is rarely in use, only in pany success34. The best known types of meetings
situations when it supplements other types of co- 5. Methods of organizational communication are:
mmunication27. For example diagonal communica-
tion is when labor unions organize direct meetings Methods of organizational communication are • Objective meetings. The focus of these mee-
between employees and top management avoiding written communication, oral communication and tings is on facts and these types of meetings
first line managers and middle level managers. nonverbal communication30. are good for analysis of problem backgro-
In the end let us mention again the span of Written communication is official and formal und and for recognition of strengths and
control, this time as function of organizational communication through written information and weaknesses.
structure. In accordance with the span of control, directions31. Communication media are the official • Creative meetings. These types of meetings
the organizational structure can be high and low forms defined by the company in accordance with are good for strategic options development
as it is illustrated in Figure 528. Low structure has the Quality Management System. These forms are and in these meeting the participants are
advantage in communication because of faster different from official memos and fax forms becau- encouraged to present their opinions.
communication (information flows faster and feed- se it is for internal communication. • Inspirational meetings. These types of mee-
back is also faster) and more punctual On the other hand oral communication can be tings are focused on participant’s inspirati-
Source: (Beckham, King, 1992) formal and informal32. Formal communication on, for example development of company
works through official meetings in the company. vision.
Upward communication flows from employees 22 Miljković, D., Rijavec M., (2008), Organizacijska psihologija,
Meetings are a frequent business activity and take • Estimation meetings. These types of mee-
to top management. The main task of this commu- IEP, Zagreb plenty of time so some people think that meetings tings are focused on “for” and “against”
nication is to inform top management about the 23 are unproductive. So in order to avoid this mana- some opinions. They are very useful after
situation on the lower levels and it is the best way
munication.html (date of access, 14.02.2011) gers must have a clearly defined strategy for pro- preliminary results of creative and inspirati-
24 Miljković, D., Rijavec M., (2008), Organizacijska psihologija, ductive meetings. That strategy involves planning, onal meetings.
IEP, Zagreb structured meeting and leadership33. • Decision making meetings. These meetings
17 Fisher, D., (1993), Communications in Organizations, West 25
Publishing, St. Paul, MN nizational_communication_channels.html (date of access, 29 Rouse, M., Rouse S., (2005), Poslovne komunikacije, Masme- are focused on final making decision.
18 Rouse, M., Rouse S., (2005), Poslovne komunikacije, Masme- 16.02.2011) dia, Zagreb
dia, Zagreb 26 30 Rouse, M., Rouse S., (2005), Poslovne komunikacije, Masme-
19 nication-lead-team_.html, (date of access, 16.02.2011) dia, Zagreb
(date of access, 14.02.2011) 27 Miljković, D., Rijavec M., (2008), Organizacijska psihologija, 31 Miljković, D., Rijavec M., (2008), Organizacijska psihologija,
20 IEP, Zagreb IEP, Zagreb
html (date of access, 14.02.2011) 32 Weihrich, H., Koontz, H., (1998), Menedžment, Mate, Zagreb 34
21 Rouse, M., Rouse S., (2005), Poslovne komunikacije, Masme- 28 Rouse, M., Rouse S., (2005), Poslovne komunikacije, Masme- 33 Rouse, M., Rouse S., (2005), Poslovne komunikacije, Masme- derska-psihologija/132-kako-uspjeno-voditi-poslovni-sastanak
dia, Zagreb dia, Zagreb dia, Zagreb (date of access, 16.02.2011)

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Kenan Spaho M.A: Organizational communication process Kenan Spaho M.A: Organizational communication process

Figure 4: Span of control whether participant will need to take notes or him/herself. One or more persons will forward the best example for making difference between verbal
refer to documents. message again to a group of selected persons. and nonverbal communication is Quality Manage-
5. Minute taking. This is the most important ele- Informal communication sometimes has its bad ment System. A Top management needs to adopt
ment of the meeting so that faults and illogical sides because of rumor spreading which can be two important declarations: Policy of Quality and
things are avoided. Minutes must be made dangerous especially in critical situations. In this Goals of Quality. These two declarations present
in 48 hours, ideally 24 hours. The reason is case the labor union has the key role to calm the verbal communication. Implementations of these
simply that the people’s memory starts fading situation down and inform the employees about declarations by top management present nonverbal
and the agreed actions may be overtaken by the situation39. communication.
Figure 6: Types of “hearsay” informal com- In the end we will present some tips for effective
Figure 5: High and low organizational struc- munication communication in the workplace43:
Source: Rouse, Rouse, 2005 ture
• To be clear about the goal and purpose of
Here we will present some tips for a productive communication, in other words to know
meeting35 36): what you are trying to achieve
• Asking for confirmation in order to see if
1R eason for meeting. Before starting the meeting others understood your point
it must be clear what the reason for the mee- • Asking questions in order to show that you
ting is (agreement on some issues, resolving understood others
issues, generating ideas, etc). Also it is good to • All agreed objectives from the meeting or
analyze whether the meeting is necessary since Source: Davis, 1993 project must be written down and given
of a lot of meetings can be avoided through to all participants in order to reduce any
business letters or phone calls. Managers have a very important role in contro- confusions about the aim and people’s
2. G
 oal of meeting. The goal of the meeting must lling the “hearsay” model. For example they can responsibilities.
be clear and managers must choose right par- Source: Adapted from (Rouse, Rouse, 2005) find out who are the most important people in the • In all situations one must be assertive and
ticipants in order to reach that goal. It is not communication chain and ensure that people know should not be pushed into something one
good to make decision if ultimate decision- In distinction from formal communication all important information in order to stop rumors. does not want to do.
maker is not in room. informal communication can have official and uno- With open communication channels managers • In confronting situations people should stay
3. R
 ules of meeting. Every meeting is a group fficial character. Official character is represented can hear rumors and incorrect information and professional, giving feedbacks on attitudes
of people and each person has a role in the in conversations among employees and telephone stop it40. On the other hand labor unions have also but not attacking personalities.
meeting. On the other hand people are dif- network among employees in order to make busi- a very important role in controlling the “hearsay” • Nonverbal communication is important as
ferent which means that the coordination of ness faster37. Unofficial character of informal com- model. This is why the informal communication well as verbal that means paying attention
the meeting is very important. It means that munication is so called “hearsay” communication. can be dangerous in critical situations. In that case, on voice, body language and appearance.
the rules need to be clearly defined and that There are four types of “hearsay” communication the labor union needs to relax the situation and • Take the responsibility for the actions and
all participants must be aware of their role in as it is illustrated in Figure 538: inform the employees about the facts41. implementation you advise others to do
achieving the goals of the meeting and adjust The single–strand chain. In this chain one person The above mentioned methods of communica- • Reflecting on conversation in order to see
their behavior to those goals. The first rule is transfers a message to another that forwards the tion are considered to be verbal communication. how you perform and if your point came
agenda of the meeting and the meeting which same to the third person, and that person transfers There is also nonverbal communication which across as clearly as you intended
includes planning time for presentations, dis- it to the fourth person etc. This makes an endless is defined as “all intentional and not intenti- • Training in area where you need more
cussions and so on. Items on the agenda must communication chain. onal messages which are not written or oral confidence by using communication skills
not be longer than 10 minutes. The gossip chain. An individual transfers a communication”42. In other words nonverbal trainings and exercises.
4. E
 nvironment. The environment must be re- message to everybody that he/she meets, and communication includes elements such as face
laxed, informal and stimulating. If it is a deci- everybody can, does not mean they will, transfer expression, look, gestures, dressing, lookout,
sion-making meeting, than it is very important this message further. distance between collocutors and voice ton. The
to know how to get information across and The probability chain. In this chain an individual
communicates randomly to other persons. 39 Jolić S., (2003), Interno informiranje i komuniciranje u sindi-
The cluster chain. In this chain a person transfers katu i poduzeću, Press Data, Zagreb
naderska-psihologija/131-kako-unaprijediti-poslovne-sastanke the information only to defined persons selected by 40 Rouse, M., Rouse S., (2005), Poslovne komunikacije, Masme-
(date of access, 18.02.2011) dia, Zagreb

36 37 Miljković, D., Rijavec M., (2008), Organizacijska psihologija, 41 Jolić S., (2003), Interno informiranje i komuniciranje u sindi- 43 http://management-communication.bestmanagementarticles.
effective-meetings-10-top-tips-670543.html (date of access, IEP, Zagreb katu i poduzeću, Press Data, Zagreb com/a-33507-communication-in-the-workplace.aspx (date of
18.02.2011) 38 Davis, K., (1993), Management Communication and the 42 Hamilton, C., Parker, C., Smith, D., (1982), Communicatin for access, 20.02.2011)
Grapevine, The Articulate Executive, Harvard Business Review Results, Wadsworth, Belmont, CA

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Kenan Spaho M.A: Organizational communication process Kenan Spaho M.A: Organizational communication process

6. Conclusion communication process is a representation of a References

company - from leadership style to team working 1. Beckham, K., King J., (2008), Building Coalitions: Communication in Coalitions, University of
The most important role of organizational among employees. Every top management has a Florida
communications is relationship building. Relati- task to develop conscience about the effective co- 2. Davis, K., (1993), Management Communication and the Grapevine, The Articulate Executive,
onship building will provide strong basis in case of mmunication and its importance in company and Harvard Business Review
crisis management and help in facing the changes through that communication to impact employee’s 3. Drenth, P.J.D., Thierry H., De Wolff, C.J., (1998), Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology
in organization. This will raise moral of employees career development, his/her enjoyment in the job, (2nd Edition), East Sussex, Psychology Press Ltd.
and make contribution to strategic goals of the and what is most important to motivate employee 4. Đorđević, B., (2010): Leadership communication, International Scientific Conference MANAGE-
organization. Definitely, it is not possible to make to be devoted to sharing the values of the company. MENT 2010, Kruševac, 17-18 March, 2010
any business without good organizational com- Before starting this paper we have found out 5. Fisher, D., (1993), Communications in Organizations, West Publishing, St. Paul, MN.
munication and the employees who are the most that organizational communication as science 6. Fox, R., (2006), Poslovna Komunikacija, Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, Pučko otvoreno učilište
important stakeholders of any organization. discipline is better developed in United States of Zagreb
Effective communication is very important for America and Canada then in Europe. This was a re- 7. Grunig, J.E., (1992), Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management, Hillside,
creation of a successful company. If there is no ason more for doing this paper and contributes to New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
communication in company, the company can be development of organizational communication as 8. Hamilton, C., Parker, C., Smith, D., (1982), Communicatin for Results, Wadsworth, Belmont, CA
considered as bad and not successful company. Bad science discipline in Bosnia and Herzegovina and 9. Ivancevich J., Matteson M., (2002), Organizational Behavior and Management, McGraw-Hill
communication between managers and employees Europe. We believe that this paper will contribute 10. Jolić S., (2003), Interno informiranje i komuniciranje u sindikatu i poduzeću, Press Data, Zagreb
will result in conflicts inside the company what will firstly to theory of better understanding of compa- 11. Katz, D., Kahn, R.L., (1978), The social psychology of organizations, New York, Wiley
farther lead to moral declination and in the end it ny organization and secondly to the emphasis of 12. Miljković, D., Rijavec M., (2008), Organizacijska psihologija, IEP, Zagreb
will not be possible to reach company’s strategic the need to have efficient organizational commu- 13. Mintzberg, H. (1973): The Nature of Managerial Work, Harper and Row, New York
goals. On the other hand, regular communication nication. 14. Miroslavljević, M., (2008), Odnosi s javnošću, BLC, Banja Luka
especially with young employees will stimulate Communication is a complex process and in 15. Myers, M.T., Myers, G.E. (1982), Managing by Communication, An Organizational Approach,
employee’s creativity and experience shows that it order to survive in company we must know all McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
is better to work with creative employees. communication flows as well as how it works. 16. Neher, W.W., (1997), Organizational Communication – Challenges of Change, Diversity and Conti-
All processes in company are based on people’s nuity, Allyn and Bacon, Boston
behavior and communication among them. The 17. Petković M., Janićijević N., Bogičević Milikić B., (2008), Organizacija, Ekonomski fakultet, Beograd
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Kenan Spaho M.A: Organizational communication process Ljiljanka Kvesić: Statističke metode u upravljanju kreditnim rizikom

Kenan SPAHO M.A.*

Energoinvest, dd Sarajevo Ljiljanka Kvesić1
Hamdije Čemerlića 2, 71000 Sarajevo
Sveučilište u Mostaru, Fakultet prirodoslovno-matematičkih UDK 519.2:336.7
Bosna i Hercegovina i odgojnih znanosti, Matice Hrvatske b.b., 88000 Mostar, Pregledni članak
tel: 00387 61 338 423 Bosna i Hercegovina


Menadžeri provode većinu svoga vremena u komunikaciji na više načina: sastanci, diskusije licem u
lice, pisma, elektronske poruke itd. Također, sve više uposlenika shvaća da je komunikacija vrlo važan RIZIKOM
dio u poslu jer je većina poslovnih aktivnosti zasnovana na timskom radu uposlenika organiziranih u
različite funkcionalne grupe. To je razlog zašto je komunikacija postala važna u kompaniji. Iskustvo
je pokazalo da postoje značajne razlike u načinu komunikacije i da komunikacija postaje vrlo važan
faktor koji jednu kompaniju čini uspješnijom od druge. Sažetak
Uspješne banke svoje poslovanje temelje na principima likvidnosti, profitabilnosti i sigurnosti, stoga
Ključne riječi: poslovna komunikacija, organizacijska komunikacija, process komunikacije, efektiv- je korektna procjena sposobnosti zajmotražitelja da izvrše ugovorne obveze od krucijalne važnosti
na komunikacija za funkcioniranje banke. Kao podrška kreditnim analitičarima u procjeni zajmotražitelja posljednjih
je nekoliko desetljeća razvijeno više modela kreditnog scoringa. U ovom su radu prezentirane tri
JEL klasifikacija: M12, M14 statističke metode koje se s tom svrhom koriste u području upravljanja kreditnim rizikom: logistička
regresija, diskriminativna analiza i analiza preživljenja. Njihova implementacija u bankarskom sektoru
u znatnoj je mjeri potaknuta razvojem i primjenom informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija.
Ovim se radom nastoji ukazati na najvažnije teorijske aspekte navedenih metoda, ali također aktualizi-
rati potrebu razvoja i primjene kreditnih scoring modela u hrvatskoj bankarskoj praksi.

Ključne riječi: upravljanje kreditnim rizikom, modeli kreditnog scoringa, logistička regresija, dis-
kriminativna analiza, analiza preživljenja

1. Uvod takva se procjena temeljila isključivo na iskustvu

i subjektivnom osjećaju bankarskog analitičara.
Kreditni rizik temeljno je obilježje bankarskog Rezultati takvih prosudbi često nisu bili zadovolja-
poslovanja. Prema Jorionu [11] kreditni rizik vajući. Posljedica je toga bila da su krediti odobra-
proizlazi iz činjenice da ugovorna strana nije voljna vani klijentima koji su kasnije zapali u poteškoće s
ili nije u mogućnosti izvršiti svoje obveze. Fabozzi otplatom zajma, dok su odbijani zahtjevi onih koji
i Peterson [3] izdvajaju nekoliko situacija u kojima su bili u mogućnosti izvršavati svoje obveze.
dolazi do neispunjenja obveza kao što su npr. Modeli kreditnoga scoringa razvijeni sa svrhom
nevraćanje kamata i glavnice u definiranom roku utvrđivanja vjerojatnosti da klijent, s određenim
ili neizvršavanje bilo koje druge stavke iz ugovora. karakteristikama, neće biti u mogućnost izvršiti
Različiti razlozi mogu dovesti do neispunjenja svoje obveze. S vremenom su modeli kreditnoga
ugovorne obveze, no ono uglavnom nastupa kao scoringa postali snažna podrška bankama u uprav-
posljedica financijskih problema dužnika. ljanju kreditnim rizikom. Važnost koju takvi mo-
Budući da uspješnost poslovanja banke nepo- deli danas imaju potaknula je Thomasa, Edelmana
sredno ovisi o sposobnosti predviđanja i kvantifici- i Crooka [19] da zaključe kako je kreditni scoring
ranja rizika, za nju je vrlo važno ispravno procijeni- jedna od najuspješnijih primjena statistike i opera-
ti kreditnu sposobnost zajmotražitelja. Prije pojave cijskih istraživanja u financijama i bankarstvu.
modela kreditnog scoringa i razvoja odgovarajućih Prema Hand i Henley [6] kreditni scoring termin
tehnologija potrebnih za njihovu implementaciju,

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