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NPM : 5200211200
Hello my name is Siti Anggaraswati, I live in Cilacap precisely in
Sidareja, Cilacap is best known for its ngapak language, where there is
a language ngapak, everyone must know it's cilacap people.
The name Cilacap is not derived from the combination of the
words "Ci" and "Lacap". It has something to do with the plow's eye.
According to Sumber Babad, in the past Raden Bei Tjakrawedana (son
of Tumenggung Tjakrawedana I, Regent of Kasepuhan Banyumas) was
sent to open a forest to be used as a settlement to the southern area.
Raden Bei's entourage then stopped at the end of the curve of the bay
beach which looks like a plow eye, or in Javanese called wluku, called
cacab or tlacap. Actually the change of speech (metathesis) of the word
Tlacap changed to Cilacap which means angle or taper point (Scherpe
hoek of punt). The change in pronunciation came about because there
was a difference in the perception of dutch people.
Cilacap is a very beautiful and very enchanting city, there we can
see a variety of interesting tours ranging from pangandaran beach, turtle
bay, Kemit forest and so on. There is also Wijayakusuma football
stadium located in dicilacap. Cilacap also has a lot of good food and
favorite for the people of Cilacap ranging from mendoan, soto, es dawet
etc. there are also many historical buildings, tombs of heroes,
monuments, centers by by, and so on. Usually foreign tourists come to
Cilacap to vacation on the beach pangandaran ,and besides that along the
way many hotels are available ranging from 200 rb to millions.

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