Talking Trinity Book 3 Answer Key Lesson 1: What Languages Do You Speak? Lesson 1-1-A

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Talking Trinity Book 3 Answer Key

Lesson 1: What Languages Do You Speak?

Lesson 1-1-A
Sample Answers:

1) 1. Arabic 2) Thai 3) Greek 4) Japanese 5) Hindi 6) Urdu 7) Latin 8) Russian

2) In Korea, people speak Korean. A lot of people speak some English, too.

3) I can speak Korean, English, and French.

Lesson 1-2-A
Sample Answers:

Example Student 1 Student 2 Student 3

Language Spanish French English Chinese
How long three years two years seven years four years

Lesson 1-2-B
Sample Answers:

Language Why I Learn It

Chinese I want to live in China when I get older.

Lesson 1-2-C
Sample Answers

Japanese Easy Difficult Why

√ The alphabet is very different from my language.
Spanish √ The alphabet is very similar to my language.
Chinese √ The sentence structure is different from my language.
√ The sentence structure is similar to my language.
√ The sounds are different from my language.
√ The sounds are similar to my language.

Lesson 1-2-D
Sample Answers

A: What other languages do you want to learn in the future?

B: I want to learn Chinese. / I want to learn Czech. / I want to learn Tagalog. / I want to learn
Afrikaans. / I want to learn Mongolian. / I want to learn Swahili. / I want to learn Portuguese.

Lesson 1-2-E
Sample Answers

Why it is important to learn a foreign language

You can watch movies in other languages.

Lesson 1-3-A
Sample Answers

I am going to talk about a foreign language that I’m learning.

Lesson 1-3-C
Sample Answers:

1) The language I’m I’m learning Spanish.

learning X
2) How long I have I’ve been taking lessons for 3 years now.
been learning it I started learning it when I was 8.
3) Why I’m learning that I want to speak Spanish the next time I go to Spain.
language X
4) How difficult or easy It was not easy at first.
it is It has a different alphabet and sounds.
5) Other languages I I want to learn Russian.
want to learn I’ve always wanted to read Russian novels.
6) The importance of I think learning languages is very important.
learning a foreign It helps us communicate with people from other countries and
language understand their culture.

Lesson 1-3-D
Sample Answers:

Topic Points Questions

Point 1 What foreign language are you learning?
Point 2 How long have you been learning it?
Point 3 Why are you learning that language?
Point 4 How difficult or easy is it?
Point 5 What other languages do you want to learn?
Point 6 What is the importance of learning a foreign language?

Lesson 1-4-A
Sample Answers:
My Topic
 A Foreign Language I’m

Topic Point 1 Topic Point 2

 Spanish  3 years
 Started at 8 years old

Topic Point 3 Topic Point 4

 For next trip to Spain hope to  At first, it was not easy
speak Spanish well  Now, it’s not difficult

Topic Point 5 Topic Point 6

 I want to learn Russian  Communicate with people and
 Want to read Russian novels understand their cultures

Lesson 2: Memorable Trips

Lesson 2-1-A
Sample Answers:
1) In my country, spring starts in March and ends in May.

2) The best time of year to visit my country is in the fall. The weather is beautiful then.

3) The most interesting places to visit in Korea are Seorak National Park, Haeundae Beach, and the
Gangnam area of Seoul.

Lesson 2-2-A
Sample Answers:

Example Student 1 Student 2 Student 3

Place India Spain Japan Jeju Island, Korea
With whom father family friends school trip
Feeling excited happy fascinated excited

Lesson 2-2-B
Sample Answers:

Place Weather What I Did Every Day

India summer / hot and humid We went to historic places and museums every day.
Canada winter / cold and snowy We went skiing and ice-skating every day.
Germany fall / cool and windy We camped by the river and went fishing every day.
Hong Kong summer / hot and rainy We went shopping every day.
Morocco summer / hot and dry We went to the market and swam in the pool every day.

Lesson 2-2-C

Place The Most Interesting Event

India I visited Mother Teresa’s house in Calcutta. I was impressed by her life and faith.
Canada I went to Banff to ski. It was amazing to see the snow-covered Rock Mountains.
Germany I went to a German food market. They had homemade butter cookies, and they
tasted very good.
Hong Kong I went to a cosmetic shop in a big mall. I had my nails painted, and they looked
very beautiful.
Australia I went to the beautiful Sydney Zoo and saw some kangaroos.

Lesson 2-2-D
Sample Answers

A: Why was the trip so memorable?

B: Because I learned people are different in different places. / Because it was the first time for me to
take a double-decker bus. / Because the mountains and lakes there are much more beautiful than
any I had seen before. / Because I met so many friendly and funny people.

Lesson 2-3-A
Sample Answers

I am going to talk about my most memorable trip.

Lesson 2-3-C
Sample Answers:

1) Where I went and I went to India.

who I went with My father took me.
2) How I felt before I was excited because I had always wanted to go there.
the trip X
3) What the weather The weather was hot and humid.
was like Inside the hotel was cool.
4) What I did every We went to many historical places, like palaces and museums.
day X
5) The most There were so many amazing things to see.
interesting event The most interesting event was visiting Mother Teresa’s house in Calcutta.
6) Why it was so It was memorable because I learned about the people of a very different
memorable place.
I saw cows walking on the street freely and Indian ladies wearing sari.

Lesson 2-3-D
Sample Answers:

Topic Points Questions

Point 1 Where did you go and who did you go with?
Point 2 How did you feel before the trip?
Point 3 What was the weather like?
Point 4 What did you do every day?
Point 5 What was the most interesting event?
Point 6 Why was the trip so memorable?

Lesson 2-4-A
Sample Answers:
My Topic
 My most memorable trip

Topic Point 1 Topic Point 2

 Went to India  I was excited
 My father took me  I had always wanted to go there

Topic Point 3 Topic Point 4

 It was very hot and humid  Went to many historical places,
 Inside the hotel was cool like palaces and museums

Topic Point 5 Topic Point 6

 Mother Teresa’s house  Learned about different people
We saw her room and belongings  Saw cows in street and saris

Lesson 3: It’s History

Lesson 3-1-A
Sample Answers:

1) Picture 1: The picture shows the first moon landing.

Picture 2: The picture shows the sinking of the titanic.

2) Picture 1: The astronauts, ground crew, and captain were involved in the first moon landing.
Picture 2: The crew, passengers, and boat captain were involved in the sinking of the Titanic.

3) Some historic events I know are World War 2, the first airplane flight, the first car ride, the
Korean War.

Lesson 3-2-A
Sample Answers:

Historic Event When It Took Place What Happened

The sinking of 14th of April, 1912 The ship Titanic hit an iceberg and sank into the
the Titanic Atlantic Ocean.
The first moon 21st of July, 1969 Neil Armstrong and other astronauts rode the
landing space craft Apollo 11 and landed on the Moon.
World War 2 1939-1945 A large war was fought between the most
powerful countries at the time.

Lesson 3-2-B

Event Who Was / Were Involved

The sinking of the The passengers, the crew and the captain were there. Some of the
Titanic passengers boarded lifeboats, the crew watched for danger and the
captain sent signals to other ships.
The first moon landing Neil Armstrong and the crew were there. When they landed on the moon,
the world was watching them on TV.
World War 2 Soldiers from all over the world were there. Also, citizens were there
working to support the war.

Lesson 3-2-C
Sample Answers:

Event How People Remembered It

The sinking of the Titanic The Titanic was the largest and most luxurious ship of its time, but it
didn’t have enough lifeboats.
The first moon landing Neil Armstrong said “One small step for man; one giant leap for
World War 2 A lot of people died and the world was changed forever.

Lesson 3-2-D
Sample Answers

Event What I Learned

The sinking of the Titanic A big disaster can happen from a small mistake.
The first moon landing Human beings can achieve incredible things.
World War 2 Human beings can be dangerous and violent.

Lesson 3-2-E
Sample Answers

A: Why is it important to learn about history?

B: Because it can help us understand current events. / Because it can help us guess the future. /
Because it is interesting. / Because we can learn interesting things.

Lesson 3-3-A
Sample Answers

I am going to talk about one historic event I know.

Lesson 3-3-C
Sample Answers:

1) What the event was The event was the sinking of the Titanic.
and & when it took place The event happened on the 14th of April, 1912.
2) What happened The ship Titanic hit an iceberg and sank into the Atlantic Ocean on its
first journey.
3) The people involved There were the passengers, the crew, and the captain in the ship.
4) One thing people People remember that the Titanic was the largest and most luxurious
remember about it ship of its time, but didn’t have enough lifeboats.
5) What I learned from I learned a big disaster can happen from a small mistake.
the event X
6) Why it is important to It’s important to learn about history because we can learn from what
learn about history has happened in the past.

Lesson 3-3-D
Sample Answers:

Topic Points Questions

Point 1 What was the historical event and when did it take place?
Point 2 What happened?
Point 3 Who were the people involved?
Point 4 What is one thing people remember about it?
Point 5 What did you learn from the event?
Point 6 Why is it important to learn about history?

Lesson 3-4-A
Sample Answers:
My Topic
 One historic event I know

Topic Point 1 Topic Point 2

 Sinking of the Titanic  Titanic hit iceberg and sank
 Happened the 14th of April, 1912

Topic Point 3 Topic Point 4

 Passengers, crew, ship captain  Largest and most luxurious ship

Topic Point 5 Topic Point 6

Lesson 4: That’s
A big Rich
disaster can happen from  We can learn from what
a small mistake happened in the past
Lesson 4-1-A
Sample Answers:

1) Yes, my friend’s parents are rich.

2) They own their own business.

3) They are very smart and work hard every day, even on weekends.

4) Rich people have families, friends, and enjoy most of the same things as everyone else.

Lesson 4-2-A
Sample Answers:

Rich and Successful Person What He/She Does/Did for a Living

Tom Hartley He sells luxury cars.
Bill Gates He ran one of the biggest software companies, Microsoft.
Kim Yu-Na She’s a world famous ice skater.
Elon Musk He’s a world famous inventor and businessman.

Lesson 4-2-B

Rich and Successful Person How He/She Became Successful

Tom Hartley His father ran a business selling luxury cars. He joined his father’s
Bill Gates When he was in 8th grade, he made his first computer program, and
eventually he became a founder of Microsoft.
Kim Yu-Na She began skating when she was 7, and she has won many world
championships since she was 12.
Elon Musk He created many successful companies.

Lesson 4-2-C
Sample Answers:

A: How does he spend his money?

B: He travels around the world. / He buys big houses with swimming pools. / He helps poor
children. / He saves it in a bank.

A: If you become rich, how will you spend your money?

B: I will save it in the bank. / I will start a business. / I will buy expensive clothes. / I will travel
around the world. / I will buy an expensive apartment. / I will help poor people. / I will buy a fast car.

Lesson 4-2-D
Sample Answers

A: What does success mean to you?

B: Success to me is not about how much I have, but how happy I am. / Success to me is about how
well I do in my career. / Success to me is about how much I accomplish in my life. / Success to me is
about having lots of loving friends. / Success to me is about helping other people. / Success to me is
about always doing my best.

Lesson 4-3-A
Sample Answers

I am going to talk about a rich and successful person.

Lesson 4-3-C
Sample Answers:

1) Who the person is His name is Tom Hartley.
He’s from the UK.
2) What he/she does for He sells luxury cars.
a living X
3) What he/she did to He became rich because he’s good at selling expensive cars.
become successful He joined his father’s business.
4) How he/she spends He buys designer clothes and fancy mobile phones.
his/her money He likes doing the same things as other teenagers.
5) How I will spend my If I become rich, I will help poor people around the world.
money if I become rich X
6) What success means Success to me is not about how much I have, but how happy I am.
to me X

Lesson 4-3-D
Sample Answers:

Topic Points Questions

Point 1 Who’s a rich and successful person you know?
Point 2 What does he/she do for a living?
Point 3 What did he/she do to become successful?
Point 4 How does he/she spend his/her money?
Point 5 How will you spend your money if you become rich?
Point 6 What does success mean to you?

Lesson 4-4-A
Sample Answers:
My Topic
 A rich and successful person
that I read about

Topic Point 1 Topic Point 2

 Tom Hartley  He sells luxury cars
 From the UK

Topic Point 3 Topic Point 4

 Good at selling cars  Buys designer clothes; mobile phones
 Joined father’s business  Does same things as others

Topic Point 5 Topic Point 6

 I’ll help poor people around the  Not how much I have
world  But how happy I am

Review 1: Lessons 1-4

Review 1-1-A
Sample Answers:

Name: Shida Name: Raul

1) What is a historic event you First moon landing 2010 Beijing Olympics
know about?
2) What happened in that Neil Armstrong and other China hosted the summer
event? astronauts rode the space craft Olympic games for the first
Apollo 11 and landed on the time.
3) Why do you think that Because humans increased their China showed its economic
event was important? knowledge. power to the world.

Review 1-1-B
Sample Answer:

-I know a rich and successful person. His name is Peter Patterson. He became successful by
working hard, saving his money, and helping other people. He spends his money on helping poor
people, traveling around the world, and buying nice clothes.

Review 1-1-C
Sample Answers:

The foreign language I am learning: Portuguese

Questions Name: Casey
1) Why are you learning it? I’m learning it for my trip to Brazil.
2) How often do you take lessons? I take one lesson every week.
3) Is it easy or difficult? Why? It is difficult because it is very different from my language.

Review 1-2-B
Sample Answers:

Topic Points Questions

Point 1 I got lost when I was three years old.
Point 2 It happened when I was 3 years old.
It happened in my neighborhood.
Point 3 I went to the supermarket without permission.

On the way home, I got lost.
Point 4 My uncle, parents, and sister were there.
Point 5 I still remember how happy I was to see my parents again.
Point 6 I realized that my poor decisions can have a negative effect on other

Review 1-2-C
Sample Answers:
My Topic
 One event from my childhood

Topic Point 1 Topic Point 2

 I got lost when I was 3 years old  Happened when I was 3
 Happened in my neighborhood

Topic Point 3 Topic Point 4

 Went to supermarket without  Uncle, parents, and sister were
permission; I got lost there

Topic Point 5 Topic Point 6

 I remember how happy I was to  I realized my decisions can have
see my parents an effect on others

Lesson 5: What’s the Rule?

Lesson 5-1-A
Sample Answers:

1) Picture 1: They are swimming. Picture 2: The students are taking a test. Picture 3: The woman
is taking an airplane flight. Picture 4: The girl is taking a driving test. Picture 5: The doctor is
talking to the patient. Picture 6: The team is playing soccer.

2) Picture 1: They are at a swimming pool. Picture 2: They are at school. Picture 3: She is in an
airplane. Picture 4: She is in a car. Picture 5: They are in a hospital. Picture 6: They are on a soccer

3) Picture 1: They should take a shower before going into the pool. Picture 2: They should use a
pencil. Picture 3: She should fasten her seatbelt. Picture 4: She should check the rearview mirror.
Picture 5: He should drink water. Picture 6: They shouldn’t dive into the ball.

Lesson 5-2-A
Sample Answers:

Place What People Usually Do What People Usually Don’t Do

at the swimming pool f a
at school d g
at the park e b
at the movies c h

Lesson 5-2-C

Place What Could Happen If We Do Not Follow the Rules

at the swimming pool We might not be allowed to swim.
We might get badly injured.
at school We can make others unhappy.
We can be punished by the teacher.
at the park We can kill the grass.
The park can become unclean.
at the mall We can get in trouble.
We can make others unhappy.

Lesson 5-2-D
Sample Answers:

Why It Is Important to Follow Rules

Rules keep places safe and clean.
Rules allow people to live in harmony.
Rules help reduce people’s stress.

Lesson 5-3-A
Sample Answers

I am going to talk about the rules at the swimming pool.

Lesson 5-3-C
Sample Answers:

1) What the place is The swimming pool.

2) What people usually People usually take a shower before they go into the pool.
do or don’t do there Some people do not wear a swimming cap.
3) What we must do We must do warm up exercises before we swim.
there If we don’t, we can get cramps in our legs.
4) What we must not do We mustn’t dive into the shallow end.
there X
5) What can happen if If we don’t follow the rules, we can get badly injured.
we don’t follow the X
6) Why it is important It’s important to follow the rules because it can protect us.
to follow the rules It also allows us to live in harmony with others.

Lesson 5-3-D
Sample Answers:

Topic Points Questions

Point 1 What is the place you want to talk about?
Point 2 What do people usually do or don’t do there?
Point 3 What must we do there?
Point 4 What mustn’t we do there?
Point 5 What can happen if we don’t follow the rules?
Point 6 Why is it important to follow the rules?

Lesson 5-4-A
Sample Answers:
My Topic
 Rules at the swimming pool

Topic Point 1 Topic Point 2

 The Swimming pool  Do: take a shower and wear a swimsuit
 Don’t: some don’t wear a swim cap

Topic Point 3 Topic Point 4

 Do warm up exercises  Mustn’t dive into the shallow end

Topic Point 5 Topic Point 6

 We can get badly injured.  It can protect us.
 It allows us to live in harmony with others.

Lesson 6: In Great Shape

Lesson 6-1-A
Sample Answers:

1) To stay healthy, you should exercise every day, eat healthy foods, and get enough sleep.

2) It’s not good for your health to eat junk food, watch TV all day, and stay up late.

3) I sometimes worry about my health, so I try to eat well and exercise regularly.

Lesson 6-2-A
Sample Answers:

A: What should you do to be healthy?

B: You should get enough sleep. / You should exercise regularly. / You should laugh a lot. / You
should eat homemade food. / You should eat regular meals. / You should eat dairy products. / You
should clean your room often.

A: What shouldn’t you do to be healthy?

B: You shouldn’t eat lots of chocolate. / You shouldn’t eat a lot of potato chips. / You shouldn’t be
too thin. / You shouldn’t watch too much TV.

Lesson 6-2-B
Sample Answers:

Why It Is Important to Be Healthy Why Health Education Is Important

Being healthy helps us to be happy at school. It helps us change our eating habits.
A healthy lifestyle protects us from getting ill. It teachers us how to exercise properly.
It helps us feel good and have more energy. It keeps us from making mistakes.

Lesson 6-2-C
Sample Answers:

Where We Can Get How It Helps Us to Be Healthy

Food magazines Provide us with recipes for healthy food.
Fitness TV shows Show us useful exercises.
Health websites Give information about what other people did to be healthy.
Health smart phone Track our daily exercise and give us information to improve.

Lesson 6-2-D
Sample Answers

Will People Be Healthier Why

in the Future?
Yes a, d
No b, c
a. We will get more health education and live healthier lives.
b. We will eat more junk food and become fat.
c. We will not cook at home and go out to eat more often.
d. Scientists will discover how to grow healthier food.
Yes Technology will help us eat better and exercise more.

Lesson 6-3-A
Sample Answers

I am going to talk about being healthy.

Lesson 6-3-C
Sample Answers:

1) What we should do We should eat healthy food like fruits and vegetables.
to be healthy We should get enough sleep and exercise regularly.
2) What we shouldn’t We shouldn’t eat junk food or try to be too thin like some movie stars.
do to be healthy If we do, it could hurt our health.
3) Why it is important It is important because a healthy lifestyle protects us from getting ill.
to be healthy It helps us to be happy at school.
4) How important Health education is very important.
health education is It helped me change my eating habits.
5) Where we can get X
information on how to Fitness TV shows have shown me exercises to do.
be healthy
6) Whether we will be Yes, because there are a lot of resources around us that show us how to
healthier in the future be healthy.

Lesson 6-3-D
Sample Answers:
Topic Points Questions
Point 1 What should we do to be healthy?
Point 2 What should we not do to be healthy?
Point 3 Why is it important to be healthy?
Point 4 How important is health education?
Point 5 Where can we get information on how to be healthy?
Point 6 Will we be healthier in the future?

Lesson 6-4-A
Sample Answers:
My Topic
 Being healthy

Topic Point 1 Topic Point 2

 Eat healthy food  Eat junk food
 Get enough sleep and exercise  Try to be too thin

Topic Point 3 Topic Point 4

 Very important  Very important
 Protects us from getting ill  Helped me change my eating habits

Topic Point 5 Topic Point 6

 Fitness TV shows  Yes, there are a lot of resources
that show us how to be healthy

Lesson 7: On the Ball

Lesson 7-1-A
Sample Answers:

1) In picture a, they are playing tennis. In picture b, they are playing basketball.

2) Picture a: net, racket, serve, set, singles, umpire

Picture b: basket, net, dribble, penalty, team, referee

3) I like to play soccer, basketball, tennis, and hockey.

Lesson 7-2-A
Sample Answers:

Sport I Like to Do Why

Examples swim I like the feel of being in the water.
Me tennis I like hitting the ball as hard as I can.
My Partner basketball I like running up and down the court.

Lesson 7-2-B
Sample Answers:

Sport How I started to Play It How Good I Am at the Sport

tennis My dad took me to a tennis club Not as good as my sister. I need to
when I was 8. practice every day.
soccer I went to a soccer camp two years I am the best player in my school.
swimming I took a swimming lesson at school I’ve won many swimming
when I was in the 2nd grade. competitions in my town.
basketball My brother took me to a basketball I am not very good, but I am getting
game when I was 9. better.

Lesson 7-2-C
Sample Answers:

1) tennis paddles a. to protect my head & face

2) hockey a racket b. to hit the ball

3) skiing a helmet c. to push against the waves

4) canoeing ski poles d. to help keep balance on the snow

Lesson 7-2-D
Sample Answers

Sport I Want to Learn Why I Want to Learn It

basketball b
swimming a
hockey c
a. I want to be a lifeguard in the future.
b. My classmates play it after lunch, and I want to join the team.
c. I am good at skating, so I think it will be fun to play it.
baseball I have a strong right arm, so I want to be a pitcher.
Lesson 7-3-A
Sample Answers

I am going to talk about a sport that I like.

Lesson 7-3-C
Sample Answers:

1) What it is and why I I like to swim because I like the feel of being in the water.
like it X
2) How I started to play it I started swimming when I was 8.
My dad took me to a swimming club and I took swimming lessons.
3) How good I am at the I am really good.
sport I’ve already won many competitions.
4) What equipment I I don’t need many things to swim.
need to play it and why I need a swimming suit and a pair of swimming goggles.
5) What other sport I I want to learn how to play basketball.
want to learn in the X
6) Why I want to learn it Many of my classmates often play together, but I only watch them.
Playing is much more fun than watching.

Lesson 7-3-D
Sample Answers:

Topic Points Questions

Point 1 What sport do you like to play and why?
Point 2 How did you start playing it?
Point 3 How good are you at the sport?
Point 4 What equipment do you need to play it and why?
Point 5 What other sport do you want to learn in the future?
Point 6 Why do you want to learn that sport?

Lesson 7-4-A
Sample Answers: My Topic
 A sport that I like

Topic Point 1 Topic Point 2

 Like the feeling of being in the  Started when I was 8
water  Dad took me to a swimming club

Topic Point 3 Topic Point 4

 I am really good  I don’t need many things to swim
 I’ve already won competitions  Swim suit and a pair of goggles

Topic Point 5 Topic Point 6

 I want to learn basketball  Classmates play and I watch 16
 Playing is more fun than watching
Lesson 8: Followers of Fashion

Lesson 8-1-A
Sample Answers:

1) Picture 1: They are wearing studded bracelets. Picture 2: They are wearing baggy shorts.
Picture 3: The man is wearing a suit. The lady is wearing a designer dress. Picture 4: They are
wearing flared jeans and crop tops. Picture 5: They are wearing baseball caps. Picture 6: They are
wearing turtleneck sweaters.

2) Recently, I’ve bought two shirts, one pair of shorts, and a new baseball cap.

3) I read fashion magazines almost every day.

Lesson 8-2-A
Sample Answers:

1) A: What do you wear when you go to a restaurant?

B: I often wear a sweater, but I occasionally wear a baseball cap.

2) A: What do you wear when you go to school?

B: I often wear jeans, but I sometimes wear a turtleneck sweater.

3) A: What do you wear when you go to a concert?

B: I always wear a dress, and I never wear shorts.

4) A: What do you wear when you go to a party?

B: I usually wear dress shoes, but I occasionally wear sneakers.

Lesson 8-2-B
Sample Answers:

Example Student 1 Student 2 Student 3

Who/What fashion my friends actors in movies people I see on
influences what magazines the street
you buy

Lesson 8-2-C
Sample Answers:

Type Why
generic clothing c
tailored clothing b
designer clothing a
a. The style is unique.
b. The size and the design are exactly what I want.
c. The price is reasonable.
casual clothing The clothes are loose and comfortable to wear.

Lesson 8-2-D
Sample Answers

Year Fashion Trends

1960s go-go boots and mini skirts
1970s platform shoes and shorts
1980s designer jeans and bolero jackets
1990s cowboy boots and blue jeans
2000s ripped jeans and tracksuits
Latest fashion big glasses and skinny jeans

Lesson 8-3-A
Sample Answers

I am going to talk about fashion.

Lesson 8-3-C
Sample Answers:

1) What I wear when I go I wear a skirt and a blouse when I go to my grandmother’s house.
to… X
2) What I don’t wear I never wear jeans when I go to my grandmother’s house.
when I go to… X
3) Who influences what I I read fashion magazines to know what’s new before I go shopping.
buy X
4) What my favorite type I like generic clothing since the price is reasonable.
of clothing is and why X
5) How fashion has Fashion has changed over the years.
changed In the 1990s people wore cowboy boots and blue jeans a lot.
6) What the latest The latest fashion is skinny jeans, and my generation loves them.
fashions are X

Lesson 8-3-D
Sample Answers:

Topic Points Questions

Point 1 What do you wear when you go to a restaurant?
Point 2 What don’t you wear when you go to a restaurant?
Point 3 Who influences what you buy?
Point 4 What is your favorite type of clothing and why?
Point 5 How has fashion changed over the years?
Point 6 What are the latest fashions?

Lesson 8-4-A
Sample Answers:
My Topic
 Fashion

Topic Point 1 Topic Point 2

 Skirt and blouse at grandma’s  Never wear jeans at grandmas

Topic Point 3 Topic Point 4

 Fashion magazines  I like generic clothing

Topic Point 5 Topic Point 6

 1990s: cowboy boots & jeans  Skinny jeans

Review 2: Lessons 5- 8

Review 2-1-A
Sample Answers:

A: What should people do if they want to be healthy?

B: They should get enough sleep, eat healthy food, and exercise every day.

Review 2-1-B
Sample Answers:

Questions Name: Jinyoung Name: Noah

1) What test do you I want to take the TOEFL test. I want to take the Bar Exam
want to take in the
2) Why do you want I want to go to university in the I want to become a lawyer.
to take it? United States.
3) What must you do I need to learn English well and I need to study hard and memorize
to pass it? study the test format and test- many things about law.
taking strategies.
4) What mustn’t you I mustn’t be lazy and I mustn’t wait till the last minute to
do to pass it? procrastinate. study.

Review 2-1-C
Sample Answers:

A: I started playing it when I was 9. I use a racket and play against my friend. The ball I use is
green. What sport do I like to play?
B: Tennis.

A: I began to play when I was 10. I use a stick and play the game on ice. I like to play it because I
am a good skater. What sport do I like to play?
B: Hockey.

A: I play every Saturday with my friends. There are two baskets in this game. I dribble the ball and
try to throw it in the basket. What sport do I like to play?
B: Basketball.
A: I like this sport because I like being in water. I learned how to do it when I was 11 years old. I
have to wear a special cap and goggles when I do it. What sport do I like?
B: Swimming.

Review 2-1-D
Sample Answers:

Favorite type of clothing: designer clothing

Questions Name: Jenny
1) Who/What influences what you My friends influence what I buy.
2) What do you wear to school? I wear a uniform to school. But on the weekends, I like to
wear designer clothes.

Review 2-2-B
Sample Answers:

Topic Point 1 I like playing Nintendo Wii.

Topic Point 2 When I play sports games on a Wii, it feels like I am playing in real life.
Topic Point 3 It comes with four remote controls, and up to four people can play at the same time.
The remote control has a sensor for direction and balance.
Topic Point 4 My father used to help me choose video game systems.
Now I talk to my classmates before I buy one.
Topic Point 5 People used to only control games by pushing buttons.
Now, they control games using their bodies.
Topic Point 6 I think Nintendo Wii is the best.
Its controls are much better than other video game systems.

Review 2-2-C
Sample Answers:

My Topic
 My favorite video game system

Topic Point 1 Topic Point 2

 Nintendo Wii  Feels like I am playing in real life

Topic Point 3 Topic Point 4

 Comes with 4 remotes  Father used to
 Remote has sensor for balance  Now classmates do

Topic Point 5 Topic Point 6
 People used to use buttons  Nintendo Wii is the best
 Now they use their bodies  Its controls are the best


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