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History of Indian Business

Name – Pushti Gandhi

Roll Number- 1713053

Programme: TYiMBA

Submitted to: Prof. Tana Trivedi

Date: 01-04-2020

The License Raj is the arrangement of giving guidelines and going with formality that were
required to maintain the business in the time between 1947-1999 in India. Around then in the
event that one have to begin little or a huge business one needs to take permit from government
and in any event, existing organizations of that time need to take a permit on the off chance that
they need to extend their business. It was consequence of a choice to have an arranged economy
where all the segments of the economy were constrained by the administration so as to have a
fair economy and decrease joblessness in India. The point behind having this framework in the
economy is to advance the household creation and diminish the imported products. Additionally
in the event that somebody needs to set up a private business, at that point likewise they have to
take the consent from the legislature and regardless of whether they effectively got the
authorization the amounts of products delivered, the capital utilized and furthermore their deal
costs were controlled by the administration so eventually it prompts gigantic wasteful aspects for
the producer. Furthermore, in the wake of setting up the business government additionally has an
option to prevent them from lying off the workers and shutting their business. Subsequently by
executing permit raj in India they halted items that were not being made by directed enterprises.

They set up government guidelines such that every one of those organizations were give
employments to the residents of India and in the event that individuals acquire cash, at that point
in the long run they will spend it on the merchandise and that were being produced in India so
toward the end economy of India will develop and that is the entire thought behind permit raj.


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