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Submitted By:

NARENDAR KUMAR (20182-23314)

Submitted To:
Dr. Fareeda Ibad
Conflict Management Discussion Questions

QUESTION 1: How do you deal with conflict?

ANSWER: Few years back I have been very short temper and been responding to conflict like
situations with zero tolerance. But when got admitted in university and begun living miles away
from family in a hostel, I’m totally changed. I have become very mild, cool and respond to
conflicts very technically; though I avoid a lot to not even engage in conflicts but if it is
unexpected and ultimately happens than I use certain techniques to resolve it and to get out of it.
For example, first I analyze the situation: who is wrong, me or my counterpart! If it is me who
has caused the conflict, I excuse. If I found Its not me, then I try to get that other person
understand using my interpersonal communication skills and peace full education ways to shun
the conflict.

QUESTION 2: Tell me about a time when you had an issue with a co-worker/fellow

ANSWER: during my early days of hostel life, I had some issues with my room partner. I was
very short temper he as well as too. Often, we were been fighting over somethings like when I
used to take a bath and forgot to switch the lights and came out of washroom, he would become
very angry scolding me like “Narendar you are very irresponsible.” And I also responded him
aggressively. Even once I had decided that we cannot live together anymore unless we were
intervened by our seniors. It kept on happening for a few weeks but later everything was fine.
We were engaged in a very good understanding with each other. I had been for more than a year
with him and now really miss those days and often visit him once a week on Friday as now my
family is shifted in the city and obviously, I am dwelling with them.

QUESTION 3: Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss/ an older person.

ANSWER: oh! Yes, when I recall almost three years back in 2017, I had been involved
in very critical disagreement with my 68 years old uncle. My cousin sister done with her
intermediate and secured fully funded scholarship in Hungary for four years bachelor’s
studies in medicines. My uncle was not allowing her and were excuses that she’s too
young to go abroad, she has been living in smaller village, it won’t be possible for her to
survive over there etc. But apart from all his excuses I knew the real cause of his
disagreement. He was not allowing her just because she was a girl and none of the
females ever in our family went in university even in nearby cities and she was asking for
permission to abroad. In those times I opposed my uncle with full energy and did all
possible efforts to get him agree to let her daughter his daughter to flee abroad. After all,
pressurizing him form baba and other family members, he had to allow her. That was a
biggest and hardest time ever I had disagreed with old and eldest of family.
QUESTION 4: How do you deal with differences of opinion when working on a team?
ANSWER: when engaged in a task to be done as a team, I listen opinions of different co-
workers, analyze the differences in opinions to sort out the most suitable suggestion for
our task to be done effectively. Specially I respect, promote and take care about cross
cultural values.

QUESTION 5: Tell me about a time you had to respond to an unhappy customer/client/teacher.

ANSWER: In this semester I had an argument with a teacher during class, he had mixed
two concepts and what he wanted to say was controversial with real one. So, when I
pointed out the mistake, teacher stormed me saying I have challenged his experience!
When I realized that teacher is red hot now and will not listen any of argument from me. I
quickly said sorry saying, “you are right, problem is with me.” This was what I thought
better to do in that situation with a teacher in totally unhappy mood. Later he reviewed
and accepted his mistake.

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