Executive Summary

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Before covid-19 started we would go to the company and collect and analysis data from
interviews with their employees.bt at present it is not possible to go to the organization
and collect information physically.so we have been given the name of an organization in
Ozmium (which is fictional) and instructed to restructure their hr department. We will
work with Ozmium bank limited. ozmium Bank Limited is One of the premier financial
institutes of the Country targets to show the excellence by motivated and well trained
workforce with a comprehensive career for last 15 years. Ozmium has now more than
100 branches and 3 SME service center. The biggest asset of a company or an industry is
the employee. the main program of a bank is to retain The customer to provide their
overall services to gain the trust of the customers to maintain good relations with the
customers but in the current situation of covid-19 Ozmium bank is falling to implement
this program. Nowadays ozmium bank is facing various problems and their service is
worse day by day they are losing the trust of their customer all these problems lead to a
bad HR management system which was established by the executive board .HR are one
of the major activities in an organization. main objective of this report is restructuring
the recruitment and selection policy training development process of The OZMIUM
Bank Ltd. We DOZZBY HR Consultancy Ltd. (Which is factional) have been working
in the field of human resources in Bangladesh for the last 15 years. We have solved the
problems of many reputed organizations in Bangladesh restructured their HRM
consultation with them. Our goal is to provide effective and efficient services to public
and private sector organizations through reliable HR technology consulting initiatives
including HRM. An outstanding team management of HR group solved all the HR
related problems. Our dedicated work makes us possible to get suitable people for
suitable positions. We maintain an actual flow of each and every steps of Recruitment
and selection process, interview, employee on boarding, training and development. The
members of the Ozmium Executive Board are currently seriously monitoring the
problems of the human resources department and want to restructure the department. so
they wanted to consult with us about restructuring their human resources department.
This is a great challenge for us to find out such talented people for Ozmium bank. The
success of a commercial bank depends hugely in the standard of service rendered to the
customers. Quality of service depends on the ability and also the quality of the staff of the
organization. That's why we have to be careful in recruiting the right person for each job.
Although there are some limitation Dozzby HR constantly we try our best to input right
people at right time and in right place.

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