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Learning activity 4

Evidence: My view on Colombia / Evidencia: Como veo a Colombia

Write a composition describing what the lifestyle of a typical colombian is like

(customs, health, among others); also, you have to take into account the use of
indefinitive pronouns and quantifiers. / Elabore una composición describiendo
cómo es el estilo de vida de un colombiano promedio (costumbres, salud,
entre otras); asimismo deberá tener en cuenta la utilización de los pronombres
indefinidos y los cuantificadores.

To solve this evidence, it is recommended to search online or any other source

in order to answer correctly. / Para solucionar esta evidencia, se recomienda
realizar una búsqueda en internet o cualquier otro medio para así contestar

Examples / Ejemplos:

 When you visit someone, you should bring a small present; for example, a

 Even though you can buy fresh vegetables almost everywhere, most
people eat too much carbs and sugar.
 People in Colombia eat some fast food, it is cheaper than vegetables.
Although they are also looking for some homemade food.

 Almost all Colombians sleep quite late on Sundays, they love to share too
much with their families at home.

 When you are in Colombia and you are very hungry, you should try your
typical food, which is too good.

 When it is your birthday in Colombia, you should eat something cake and
celebrate with your family and friends.

 Many Colombians love sports, some like soccer in Colombia and almost
nobody likes golf.

 Many Colombians have a little free time and watch a little television.

 Colombians are people who enjoy working hard and seek economic
stability. No one can say that Colombians do not do their job well.

 When you travel to Colombia there is no problem to visit, there are many
festivals and festivals in all cities. If you need something, Colombian culture
is a good place to find it.

 When traveling in Colombia, you must take advantage of the tourist area of
Cartagena, which is very pleasant and welcoming. You can find anything.
There's nothing you can't find, it's a magical place.

 Some Colombians go with their family to enjoy parks and museums, there
are quite interesting places in Colombia.

 Nowhere can you find the famous paisa tray, it is unique in Colombia and
quite delicious.
 The Colombian cumbia is very famous and has a leading role in most family
parties, where the maximum purpose is to have fun and enjoy. The typical
Colombian costume is also admirable.

 If we talk about Colombian customs in the culinary field, the typical

gastronomy of the country is based on the agricultural products of its lands,
especially the tamales, rice, fruits and other foodstuffs.

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