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Francis Ivan C.

(Heating, air-conditioning, ventilating)
Compressors - A compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by
reducing its volume. An air compressor is a specific type of gas compressor. Compressors are
similar to pumps: both increase the pressure on a fluid and both can transport the fluid
through a pipe, in mechanical engineering compressor is used as to convert normal air into
denser and high pressurized air in engines, construction, heating and ventilation system
or HVAC. RA 8495 or the Mechanical Engineering Law states, that companies which
maintain any mechanical devices, such as air-conditioning system, elevator, escalator, among
others should employ licensed and professional mechanical engineers to avoid mechanical
problems. This means, that every company need to employ at least one in-house license
Mechanical Engineer to facilitate the maintenance of the establishment.
Centrifugal fans - Centrifugal fans are also called “blowers”. This name comes because of
the high-pressure flow they are able to create. The blades in centrifugal fans are mounted
around a circular hub. This higher pressure, however, comes at the cost of air volume, higher
market price, and higher consumption of energy. In mechanical engineering centrifugal fans
is typically used for residential applications to move air through a duct in your home. Think
of your air conditioning system, furnace, or range hood duct. You also might see these in
commercial environments like your car wash. RA 8495 states, that companies which maintain
any mechanical devices, like elevator, escalator, air-conditioning system, among others
should employ licensed and professional mechanical engineers to avoid mechanical glitches.
This means, that every entity or company need to employ at least one in-house license ME to
facilitate the maintenance of the same.

(Prime movers)
Internal combustion engines - In an internal combustion engine, the ignition and
combustion of the fuel occur within the engine itself. The engine then partially converts the
energy from the combustion to work. After the piston compresses the fuel-air mixture, the
spark ignites it, causing combustion. Internal combustion engines are most commonly used
for mobile propulsion systems. In mobile scenarios internal combustion is advantageous,
since it can provide high power to weight ratios together with excellent fuel energy-density.
The development of the internal combustion engine helped to free men from the hardest
manual labor, made possible the airplane and other forms of transportation, and helped to
revolutionize power generation. As future engineers, identifying the relevance of such
mechanical equipment and machinery is very important as stated in RA 8495.
Steam generators - A steam generator is a form of low water-content boiler, similar to a
flash steam boiler. The usual construction is as a spiral coil of water-tube, arranged as a
single, or mono-tube, coil. Circulation is once-through and pumped under pressure, as a
forced-circulation boiler. Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Applications. Heat and
Steam Generation Boilers. Boilers are also known as steam generators; they are a closed
vessel in which, by adding heat, water is transformed into steam. Water is used to drive steam
engines or steam turbines to produce electricity. Mechanical engineers use Steam generators
in nuclear power plant components in which the steam, driving the turbine, is produced. They
are heat exchangers where the heat produced in the reactor core is transferred to the
secondary side, the steam system, of the nuclear power plant, RA 8495 specifically explains
the definition and usage of various equipment, as such it is very important to identify the
same as future engineers.
(Heat exchanger such as cooling towers)
Pumps - is a mechanical device used to move gases, liquids, or slurries. A pump moves
liquids or gases from a lower pressure to a higher pressure and is responsible for this
difference in pressure. The pump is used for irrigation, water supply, gasoline supply, air
conditioning systems, refrigeration (usually called a compressor), chemical movement,
sewage movement, flood control, marine services, etc. RA 8495 states, that companies which
maintain any mechanical devices, like elevator, escalator, air-conditioning system, among
others should employ licensed and professional mechanical engineers to avoid mechanical
glitches. This means, that every entity or company need to employ at least one in-house
license ME to facilitate the maintenance of the same.
Heaters - is a device for supplying heat, for example a radiator or a convector. These water
heaters heat water only when it is needed. Turn on the heater and the interior of the car will
soon warm up. A heater is a device for supplying heat, for example a radiator or a convector,
heater is very important in the field of mechanical engineering because the heating system in
your vehicle is designed to keep you warm, comfortable, and safe when the temperature
outside is cold. The engine cooling system in the vehicle is directly related to the function of
the heating system. An internal combustion engine produces heat when it operates due to
friction and combustion. RA 8495 states, that companies which maintain any mechanical
devices, like elevator, escalator, air-conditioning system, among others should employ
licensed and professional mechanical engineers to avoid mechanical glitches. This means,
that every entity or company need to employ at least one in-house license ME to facilitate the
maintenance of the same.

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