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Francis Ivan C.


The Mechanical Engineer I interviewed is my cousin

Engr. Rommyl Rey C. Busangilan

1.) Licensure Exam Preparations (Review)

- I prepared my review for my licensure exams by setting an intensive schedule
during that 6 month time period for the review. Since all the materials that will be
taught entirely are basically cramped into 6 months which have been taught to you
for the entirety of the 5 year course of being a Mechanical Engineering student.
Since my review starts at noon and ends 5 at the afternoon. We basically study, after
supper and proceed to intensively review for 8 hours, in which we will take a break
every 3 hours in order to relax for a bit. Everyday my classmates and I are always
praying the rosary every 8 pm which became our habit for the entire review period.
Our free time is in the weekends in order for us to relax. In the review, most of the
lessons are the condensed version of the formulas that you have learned throughout
your Mechanical Engineering course in college. Try not just to memorize the
formulas that are taught to you in the review but also derived and study the concept
of the formula and its context also. It is very useful in the exam that you are familiar
with the formula through its application and not through memorization alone. So try
as hard as you can to derive the formulas during the review, so that in case you
forgot the formula during the exam, you can try to derive the formula on your own.
Mnemonics can also help you familiarize formulas.
2.) Actual Licensure Examination (Board Exam)
- During the Licensure Examination, I try not to rush in answering the questions since
you cannot change the answer if you decided to change your answer. Some of the
questions in the exams are tricky so be careful in choosing an answer. Basically
before choosing your final answer, you must try all the possibilities and choose which
is the most accurate of all the answers. Do not be rush in answering the questions
and take your time. If you are stuck to a specific question, just move on to the next
question that you can answer and get back it after you have answered to the other
questions that you deemed to be easy to answer. Be careful in shading the boxes in
your sheet paper especially in writing your name. Since it is machine fed, and slight
mistake in writing your name automatically fails you in the exam. So be careful and
do not rush in answering and writing in your test questionnaire.
3.) On the day before, during and after the Licensure Exam (Feel, Emotion)
- I felt nervous before the exam. Most of the reviewers including me. Felt the anxiety
of the taking the exam. Basically most of the reviewers are anxious in taking the
board exam.
4.) When he/she passed the licensure exam, what comes on his/her mind?
- When someone passed the licensure exam, obviously they felt joy, happiness, and
a sense of accomplishment since the entire hard work that they have dedicated for
the last 6 months paid off.
- For someone who had failed in the exam, it is a really hard feeling to have with.
Since many factors are at play when someone failed in the exam. So learn to
empathize and support your friends and colleagues who did not made it and
encourage them, to try again for the review and exams.
5.) Advice to incoming Mechanical Engineers.
- My advice is to study smart and enjoy. Since this will be the last time that you will
be enjoying with your colleagues. So cherished it while you still have time.

6.) After passing the licensure exams, what comes next?

- What comes next depends unto you. For me after the exams I took a 2 month
break and just enjoy myself. You can do what you want. Most of my colleagues
applied for a job after that. Just don’t set high expectations of getting the job sooner.
It also depends on your ability to be relentless of finding a job that you want and suits
you well. Basically, since we fresh graduates start with jobs that have low salary, try
to enrich yourself with jobs that you see in the future would be useful in your career.
Choosing a job that is a complex decision that you can only answer, since it depends
upon you.
7.) How they apply for work?
- Welcome to the real world!! If you want to apply for work, try making an account in
Jobstreet and other online platforms that advertises jobs since most of the job hiring
today are now found online. Try making a linkedin account also since there are also
recruitment in these online platform.

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