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. 83. 82.

5. 84 81.
FUN 6. 8 80

.8 .7
. 87


. 93. 92 1. 90. 8 by The Editor

. 77
. 76. 75. 74. 73. 7
41. 40. 3

3. 9.

38. 37
5. 4
6. 4

. 36
. 94

7. 4

. 25
. 95

2. 7
. 51. 50. 49. 4 8. 4

. 34. 33. 32. 31. 30




69 .

6 8. 67,

A Short
. 99.

52 .2

, .

28. 27. 26. 2 5

65, 64. 63. 6

4 . 23. 22. 2
56. 55. 54.


20. 19. 1 8. 1 7
. 16
12 . 1 5. 14. 13
. 11. 10. 9.

. 7 . 6. 5. 4



2. 1 .5

of Nearly
0. 59. 58

WORD Bill Bryson
ideas to BILL BRYSON was a ‘bad science his best work on others without acknowl-

student’, dropped out of University, and edging them. He found out “how old is
wrote one of the best popular science [the universe] and how big?” by using the
books. After five years of gruelling research, work of two computers, Henrietta Swan

which mostly involved asking: ‘I’m sorry, Leavitt and Annie Jump Cannon. Back
but can you explain that again’ to dozens of then, computers spent their lives studying
scientists, out popped a near masterpiece: photographic plates of stars and making
A Short History of Nearly Everything. computations.
A think-tank The book was published in 2003 and des- The number of scientists he talks about

for humour perately needs an update. It also mentions

controversies that have now been settled
is startling. There is activist scientist Clair
Patterson (male) who figured out the age
and it has at least 28 errors. In an over 600– of the Earth, the grenade swinging J.B.S.
by page book (paperback), that’s not so bad. Haldane, one of the best evolutionary bi-
DR ĠORĠ MALLIA Now to the good points, it’s easy to read, ologists, other greats: Einstein, Marie Cu-
a great laugh and jam-packed with quirky rie (unfairly ostracised from the scientific
Maltese society tends to take itself errata about your favourite scientists. After community for her long-term affair), New-
much too seriously. This is not reading this book you might become the ton, and countless others. Bill Bryson has
unique to the Maltese nation, but life of many a dinner table. It talks about found a scientist for everyone.
still becomes problematic when evolution, astronomy, quantum physics, He also explains science simply and el-
even the slightest hint of humour and everything in between. An achieve- egantly. Everyone can understand how he
comes into politics, football, local ment that deserves every award Bryson has talks about Newton’s three laws of motion
feasts, and a large number of other received, including becoming a bestseller and universal law of gravitation, the uncer-
social functions. Humour becomes — not an easy feat for a popular science tainty principle, the peculiar world of the
an affront to staunch, deep-rooted book. atom, and how chemistry was saved by the
beliefs and reacted to vehemently. First he goes through the history of Periodic Table. If only I’d read this book
A think-tank is proposed that science picking some great stories. About when I was younger.
will discuss, educate and suggest Carolus Linnaeus, who penned “long and After these wonderful pieces, he starts
scientific ways in which humour can flattering portraits of himself, declaring picking rather random topics: dinosaurs
be installed in every aspect of society, that there had never ‘been a greater bota- (great chapter), volcanoes, water and talks
from the old stalwart of seriousness, nist or zoologist', [who had] a feverish— about each topic’s history always from the
the school, all the way to the echelons preoccupation with sex”. On “Adonis” point of view of its greatest researchers.
of administration, replacing excessive a.k.a. Edwin Hubble, “he was a strong and This is the magic of Bill Bryson and his
pompousness with smiles and gifted athlete, charming, smart and im- book, a must read for anyone—you won’t
laughter. • mensely good-looking, […] a large mass look at the world (and its scientists) in the
of ego [and] an inveterate liar” who built same way again. •


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