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COURSE CODE: Forensic 1

COURSE TITLE: Forensic Photography

FORENSIC PHOTOGRAPHY: This course covers the historical development, principles and processes of photography in relation to law
enforcement and criminal justice. This includes the evolution of camera, photographic processes and personalities behind the development of
modern photography, use of forensic light sources and techniques and related laws and jurisprudence in photography.


C ( I ) Discuss the historical development and principles of photography in connection to Law Enforcement Administration and Criminal Justice

D ( D ) Explain and utilize the elements and principles of photography in the investigation and detection of crime

E ( I ) Discuss and apply the principles, jurisprudence and related laws to forensic photography

POs PERFORMANCE COURSE OUTCOMES Course Content Teaching/Learning Outcomes

INDICATORS (PI) Activities Assessment Tasks
At the end of the course,
the students should be able
C Discuss the historical  Summarize the Chapter 1- Historical Background Lecture Written
development and historical development a. Personality Discussion Quizzes/Examination
principles of and principle of b. Important Dates Recitation
photography in Photography in Chapter 2- Principles of
connection to Law connection with law Photography
Enforcement enforcement and
Administration and criminal justice
Criminal Justice

D Explain and utilize the  Discuss and apply the Chapter 3- Elements of Photography Discussion Written
principles and processes principles and a. Light Lecture Quizzes/Examination
of photography in the processes of 1. Electro Magnetic Demonstration Recitation
investigation and photography in Spectrum and Hands On
detection of crime investigation and Photographic Rays
detection of crime 2. Sources of Light
 Implement standard 3. Properties of Light
procedure of 4. Light Angles
photography in criminal b. Camera and Accessories
investigation 1. Types of Camera
2. Parts of Camera
3. Controls
4. Lens
c. Sensitized Material
1. Types of Sensitized
2. Parts/Structures
d. Chemical Process
1. Printing

Chapter 4 - Crime Scene

1. Standard Procedure

Chapter 5 – Uses of Photography in

Law Enforcement
1. Macrophotography
2. Microphotography
3. Infra-red
4. Ultra-violet
5. Others
E Discuss and apply the  Explain the related Chapter 6- Preparation of Discussion Written
principles, jurisprudence laws and criminal Photographic Evidence Lecture Quizzes/Examination
and related laws to jurisprudence in a. Admissibility of Photographic Presentation Recitation
forensic photography connection with Evidence Group or Interactive Demonstration
photography b. Related laws/rules and Discussion

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