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The Topics : How tamarind vegetable soup are made

Brainstorming : Making List

 Corn
 Long Beans
 Chayote
 Melinjo
 Melinjo Leaves
 Peanuts
 Young Jackfruit
 Red Onion
 Red Chilies
 Cayenne Pepper
 Shrimp Paste
 Brown Sugar
 Salt
 Tamarind Java
 Bay Leaves
 Galangal
 Water

A. Topic sentence
B. Supporting sentence
C. Concluding sentence
Tamarind Vegetable Soup

Tamarind Vegetable Soup is the most favored vegetable in my family. Because the tamarind
taste is refreshing, the combination of sour taste that stands out, there is sweet, salty and even
spicy, and the variety of vegetables in it is very diverse. So it feels like it's never boring and
Tamarind Vegetable Soup is normally cooked by my mother twice in a month. Tamarind
Vegetable Soup goes great with rice, side dishes of fried tempeh, fried tofu, salted fish and
chili paste, and it is heaven for my family. Now the steps to make Tamarind Vegetable Soup :
First, clean all ingredients, then cut the vegetables (corn, long beans, chayote, and young
jackfruit) according to taste. Second, puree the spices by grinding (5 cloves of red onion, 5
red chilies, and 2 pieces of cayenne pepper). Third, cook the water until it boils, enter the
spices that have been mashed earlier and then first add the corn, chayote, melinjo, peanuts
and young jackfruit. After the vegetables are half cooked, add the shrimp paste, sliced brown
sugar, tamarind, 3 pieces of bay leaves, crushed galangal and salt to taste. The last step, enter
the long beans and melinjo leaves, then wait until cooked for about ten minutes. Finally,
Tamarind Vegetable Soup ready to be served and eat it while it's warm. Actually, every
region has its own recipe for Tamarind Vegetable Soup, even in my family. Although the
Tamarind Vegetable Soup are diverse, but they all taste good. Tamarind Vegetable Soup
itself is also very good for pregnant women. Of course, this is because Tamarind Vegetable
Soup is also made from vegetables that are rich in fiber and nutrients, in addition to having
sufficient water content. And as we know, pregnant women are strongly encouraged to
maintain their intake. Therefore, Tamarind Vegetable Soup is one of the dishes that is easily
found in various regions in Indonesia. So its no wonder Tamarind Vegetable Soup is the
favorite dish of many people, because besides being easy to make, this soup is good for
health because it contains vitamins from various types of vegetables available.

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