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Getting to Know You

Please help me learn more about you as a student and learner. THANKS. 🙂
1. What is your full name? (the way it appears on my roster)
-Sakina Pervez
2. How would you like to be addressed?
3. What is your preferred pronoun? (optional)
4. What is your favorite song? Include the title and artist.
-“Cherry Hill” by Russ
5. Fill in the blank:
● I learn best when teachers communicate and give time to their students
● I learn best when other students explain their work and ask questions
● I am most likely to participate in classes when I am interested in the topic
● It’s difficult for me to learn in a course when the task at hand is not explained
● It’s easier for me to learn in a course when communication between professor
and student is present
● I would say my learning style is both visual and takes time
● What I wished my former teachers knew about me: I’m kind of slow at
processing things

6. What do you hope to get out of this class? And, how can I best support you in reaching
these goals?
-To further expand my design style and be able to think more outside of the box.
7. What is your major or academic interest? You may name more than one.
-Design, Photography
8. In this class, I call on students to encourage participation. Are you comfortable with me
calling on you? (everyone is allowed to “pass” when called on)
-No, I’ll take a pass
9. Are you working this semester? If so, where and how many hours?
-I am not currently working
10. How many units are you taking this semester?
11. Do you have access to Adobe Creative Cloud? Do you have access to a stable internet
connection that allows you to utilize your video in Zoom?
12. Please mention anything important I should know to be of assistance to you. For
example, academic probation, learning accommodations, etc. The more I know about
you, the better I can support you.
13. I sometimes write articles, do research, or present workshops about teaching and
learning. Do I have your permission to use your work? (Your name will not be
displayed.) -Yes
14. Did you carefully read the course syllabus? Post your questions here, if any.
-Yes, I read through the syllabus.

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