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Cairo University Momentum Transfer

Faculty of Engineering Sheet (2)

Chemical Engineering Department 2010-2011

1. If, by measuring the pressure of the gas in some vessel with the U-tube filled with
mercury ( = 13,600 kg/m3) you gotHHG = 80 mm, what is the value for the
pressure in the vessel? What is the value for HH2O if you replace the U-tube with
mercury with the U-tube filled with water?
(Ans. 10.67 kPa, 1.088 m)

2. A pressure gage at elevation 8 m on the side of a tank containing a liquid reads

57.4 kN/m2. Another gage at elevation 5 m reads 80 kN/m2. Compute the specific
weight and density of the liquid. (Ans. 767.92 kg/m3, 7533.3 N/m3)

3. Some skin divers go as deep as 50 m. What is the gage pressure at this depth in
fresh water, and what isthe ratio of the absolute pressure at this depth to normal
atmospheric pressure? Assume T = 20°C. (Ans. P= 490, P/Patm = 5.83)

4. Somewhere on the earth, the pressure at the sea level is 755 mm Hg, and the
temperature is 32C. There is a camp located on a mountain 2360 m above sea
level in that area.
Calculate the pressure value at the camp:
i) Assuming isothermal conditions (T = const). (579.38 mmHg)
ii) Assuming isentropic conditions (P/ = const, air = 1.4). (573.42 mmHg)

5. As shown, an air space above a long tube is pressurized to 50 kPa vacuum. Water
(15°C) from a reservoirfills the tube to a height h. If the pressure in the air space
is changed to 25 kPa vacuum, will h increase ordecrease and by how much?
Assume atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa. (Ans. Δh = 2.55 m)

Cairo University Momentum Transfer
Faculty of Engineering Sheet (2)
Chemical Engineering Department 2010-2011

6. The ratio of container diameter to tube diameter is 8. When air in the container is
at atmospheric pressure,the free surface in the tube is at position 1. When the
container is pressurized, the liquid in the tube moves40 cm up the tube from
position 1 to position 2. What is the container pressure that causes this
deflection?The liquid density is 1200 kg/m3. (Ans. 891
Pa gage)

7. Determine the gage pressure at the center of pipe A in pounds per square inch and
in kilopascals. (Ans. PA= 39.5 kPa gage = 5.72 psig)

8. Two water manometers are connected to a tank of air. One leg of the manometer
is open to 100 kPapressure (absolute) while the other leg is subjected to 90 kPa.
Find the difference in deflection betweenboth manometers, Δha - Δhb.
(Ans. Δha – Δhb=1.03m)

Cairo University Momentum Transfer
Faculty of Engineering Sheet (2)
Chemical Engineering Department 2010-2011

9. The loss through equipment X is to be measured by a

differential gage using oil of relative density 0.75 as the
gage fluid. The liquid flowing has a relative density of 1.5.
Find the change in pressure head between A and B for the
deflection of the oil shown in figure.
(Ans. 248.4 mmHg)

10. In the shown figure calculate the reading

of the pressure gage “PA” in atm. abs., and
z = 25 cm
the reading of the manometer “x” in mm. A

(Ans. 103.262 kPa, 46.87 mm)

s = 0.8

y = 50cm


11. The sketch shows a sectional view through a

submarine. Calculate the depth of submergence, y.
Assume the specific weight of sea water is 10kN/m3.
(Ans. 6.47 m)

Cairo University Momentum Transfer
Faculty of Engineering Sheet (2)
Chemical Engineering Department 2010-2011

12. A tank with an attached manometer contains water at 20°C. The atmospheric
pressure is 100 kPa. There isa stopcock located 1 m from the surface of the water
in the manometer. The stopcock is closed, trappingthe air in the manometer, and
water is added to the tank to the level of the stopcock. Find the increase
inelevation of the water in the manometer assuming the air in the manometer is
compressed isothermally. (Ans. Δl = 0.082 m)

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