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Attempt all questions and assume any missing data


1. a) An open cylindrical cup filled to a certain height (h) with a liquid having density () rotates
around its axis by n (rotations per second). Derive the rate of change of pressure inside the
liquid in the radial direction (r). (4 marks)

b) Thin film of crude oil with thickness (h) of 0.125 inch flows down a 30° inclined surface. The
specific gravity of the oil is 0.85 and its viscosity is 2.1510-3 lbf·s/ft2. The velocity profile is
given by the following expression:
g 
u hy  1 y 2  sin 
  2 
where  is the inclination degree, and y is the distance from the surface.
i) Find the value of the maximum velocity.
ii) Plot the velocity profile as a function of (y).
Does it look like laminar or turbulent flow? Why? Prove it by numbers.
iii) Calculate the shear stress at the wall
(11 marks)

2. a) Write the name of a device that could be used to measure the gage pressure inside vessels.
Draw a NEAT simplified sketch of this device with its details. (4 marks)

b) A vertical cylindrical tank vented to the atmosphere is filled to a height of 20 ft with crude oil
having a specific gravity of 0.92. The tank radius is 40 ft and its bottom is flat. Draw a sketch
of the tank, and calculate:
i) The maximum pressure in Pa, atm and psi and locate its position on the sketch.
ii) The force acting on the bottom of the tank.
iii) The horizontal force acting on one half of the cylindrical tank.
(8 marks)

3. a) i) Write the complete modified Bernoulli Equation between points 1 and 5 without neglecting
any term, and define the meaning of every term. Assume real fluid is flowing.
ii) Calculate the velocity at points 3 & 5, assuming ideal fluid motion.
iii) Draw the shown figure, and then draw the calculated total energy line and hydraulic line
for it, assuming ideal fluid motion.
The pressure at point 5 is atmospheric. (11 marks)

11 m

d1 = 1.5 in
2 3 d2 = 0.5 in 5

4 1m
b) Which flow measuring system and which flow meter would you use for the following cases?
Explain shortly your choice.
i) Measure the velocity profile in a conduit without changing the flow downwards the
measuring point (after it).
ii) Measure the velocity profile in a river.
iii) Measure the volumetric flow rate of a toxic fluid in a pipe without measuring its
iv) Measure the approximate flow rate of waste-water at its discharge point once weekly.
v) Continuous measurement of the velocity of water flowing in a pipe by the cheapest
Answer using the following table format:
Measuring system Flow meter Why?
(7 marks)

4. a) A rotameter has a tube 0.3 m long which has an internal diameter of 25 mm at the top and 20
mm at the bottom. The diameter of the float is 20 mm, its specific gravity is 4.80, and its
volume is 6.6 cm3. If the coefficient of discharge is 0.72, at what height will the float be,
when metering water at 100 cm3/s?
(11 marks)

b) What are the uses of weirs in chemical engineering field?

(4 marks)

5. a) A Pitot tube has the following values of gage difference readings (R) for the radial distances
from the center (r) of 1 m diameter pipe:
r (m) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.49
R (cm) 10.00 9.77 9.40 8.65 7.55 6.00
Water is flowing through the pipe, and the manometer fluid has a specific gravity of 2.93.
Calculate the volumetric discharge.
(8 marks)

b) If a Pitot tube is inserted in a circular cross-section pipe in which a fluid is in streamline flow,
CALCULATE at which point in the cross-section it should be situated so as to give a direct
reading representative of the mean velocity of flow of the fluid.
(7 marks)

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