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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 73 (2017) 1289–1299

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An overview of effect of process parameters on hydrothermal carbonization MARK

of biomass

Sabzoi Nizamuddina, , Humair Ahmed Balochb, G.J. Griffina, N.M. Mubarakc,⁎⁎, Abdul
Waheed Bhuttob, Rashid Abrod, Shaukat Ali Mazarib, Brahim Si Alie
School of Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, 3001 Australia
Department of Chemical Engineering, Dawood University of Engineering and Technology, MA Jinnah Road, 74800, Karachi, Pakistan
Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering and Science, Curtin University, 98009 Sarawak, Malaysia
Engineering Services Center, Karachi Laboratories Complex, Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Karachi, Pakistan
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Keywords: The preceding decades witnessed hydrothermal processes being actively utilized all over the world, specifically
Process parameters in the developed zones. Their optimum usage is primarily sought for in terms of conversion of biomass into
Hydrothermal carbonization valuable solid, liquid and gaseous fuels. Indeed, Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) is an effective and
Catalyst environment friendly technique; it possesses extensive potential towards producing high-energy density solid
High-energy solid fuel
fuels. However, the production and quality of solid fuels from HTC depends upon several parameters;
temperature, feed type, residence time, pressure and catalyst being the eminent ones.
This study investigates the influence of operating parameters on solid fuel production during HTC. The
biomass quality has also been analyzed in HTC by extending existing literature work through experiments that
have been performed. Data including chemical composition, heating value, proximate analysis and ultimate
analysis for different types of biomass was consequently collected and analyzed. It was found that reaction
temperature, residence time and type of feed material are the primary factors that influence the HTC process. At
higher temperatures, lower solid product is obtained; the carbon content increases, whilst the hydrogen and
oxygen content decrease. Further, it has been found that higher lignin content in biomass leads to an increased
solid fuel production.

1. Introduction greenhouse gases (GHG) pre-eminently carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen

oxide (NOx) and particulate matter by utilization of fossil fuels
Before the emergence of a fossil fuel based economy in the 19th continue to remain factors of concern [1]. As stated by the
century; biomass was the primary source serving as an integral International Maritime Organization (IMO), there exists a need to
contributor towards energy production. However, the realm of reduced reduce more than 80% of the engine-out NOx. The latter is supported
energy output from biomass readily replaced the latter with fossil fuels by Fig. 1 that shows the emission of CO2 from fossil fuels and highlights
along with increased acceptance. Further, fossil fuels also committed to a drastic increase of CO2 in the atmosphere. To further jeopardize the
serve as a cost effective and a feasible alternate for the world at large. situation unbalanced market prices, and limited fuel availability [2–6]
The passage of time to date witnessed a rise in demand of energy add to the drawbacks that deviate from the support of utilization of
due to an escalated growth in population and industrialization world- fossil fuels. It is therefore foreseen that a shift backwards towards a
wide. The persistence of rapidly emerging new economies in the biomass-based economy is more than just envisioned. The world at
forthcoming decades is speculated to add apprehension to the existing large is being observed to be ushering towards alternates as an
gap between demand and supply. It is henceforth a consequence that obligatory option. In terms of the subsets of latter biomass promises
concerns have apparently reached a pivotal point whereby it is itself as being one of the few existing viable means of renewable energy
anticipated that the fossil fuel energy will not be able to fulfil the resources that is capable of transformation into solid, liquid and
demand. Further, environmental problems imposed by the liberation of gaseous fuels [7]. At present biomass is a rich source of energy

Corresponding author.
Corresponding author at: Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Curtin University, 98009 Sarawak, Malaysia.
E-mail addresses: (S. Nizamuddin),, (N.M. Mubarak).
Received 21 December 2015; Received in revised form 13 December 2016; Accepted 26 December 2016
Available online 24 February 2017
1364-0321/ © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Nizamuddin et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 73 (2017) 1289–1299

different types of biomass. HHV is calculated by using the following

HHVI = 196/1000 (FC) + 14119/1000 (1)

HHVII = 312/1000 (FC) + 1534 /10000 (VM) (2)

Values for fixed carbon (FC) and volatile matter (VM) are taken
from the Table 2.
Biomass has proven itself as not only being an efficient source of
Fig. 1. Emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) [141]. energy but also as a key component towards enhancing the workability
of biofuels in comparison to non-renewable petroleum products.
Simultaneously, biomass reduces deterioration of the environment by
equating the CO2 amount released to the amount that is absorbed via
photosynthesis. Annual growth of biomass (dry basis) is 118x109 tons
on the continent basis [19]. International energy agency (IEA) states
that the entire oil consumption over the world in 2007 amounted to be
3.53x109 tons that is equivalent to 148.26x1018 J of energy, which
however is 10% lesser than the worldwide per annum growth of
biomass in relation to the energy content [20]. On the other hand,
one of the investigations by United Nations Conference on environ-
ment and development (UNCED) shows that biomass is speculated to
supply energy globally to approximately 50% of the existing principal
energy requirement by 2050 [21]. Production of biofuels and chemicals
from biomass can play a vital balanced befitting addition to the world
in terms of provision of cheap transportation, electricity, and chemicals
such as bio-fertilizers, bio-plastics, and bio-polyesters [22]. It is there-
fore speculated that an adequate optimum utilization of such meth-
Fig. 2. Biomass resources present for utilization [9]. odologies of relevance promises a dimension that extends beyond the
sets of research, social and economic activities in terms of minimizing
available from agriculture, forests and energy crops [8]. Fig. 2 shows the interdependence on fossil fuels.
biomass resources that are theoretically existent; it reveals that most of Biomass offers itself as an attractive feed for biofuels for three
the biomass comes from agricultural land [9]. reasons at large. First and foremost, it is a renewable source. Hence, in
Biomass is a biological matter that incorporates all living matter on comparison to fossil fuels, it offers the options for developments in near
the earth. Biomass mainly consists of cellulose (C6H10O5)x, hemicellu- future and serves as an everlasting solution. Secondly, it releases CO2
loses (C5H8O4)m, lignin [C9H10O3(COH3)0.9-1.7]n, small extractives in fewer amounts coupled with lesser sulfur content. Hence, it is clearly
[10,11], fats, proteins [12], sugars, arrowroots, water, ash, besides an environmentally friendly source of energy and fuel. Third, it
additional mixtures. The largest fraction of biomass is cellulose, which possesses economic potential under the scenario whereby prices of
is 35–50% of biomass by weight. Hemicelluloses contains 20-35% of petroleum fuels rise in near future [23]. Furthermore, similar to fossil
biomass by weight, lignin shares about 15-20% of biomass weight fuels, biomass promises a position as a feedstock for the production of
whilst the remaining 15-20% includes proteins, fats, extractives and valuable chemicals in industries. Jacob and Igor [24] consider that the
ash content as shown in Fig. 3 [13]. The general classification of energy consumption in the chemical sector is around 10% of the global
biomass with sub-groups is shown in Table 1. Biomass is characterized consumption of energy.
by its physical properties, proximate analysis and ultimate analysis There exist a range of fuels that can be produced from biomass
[14]. These properties tend to change in every substance [15] with the sources. These extend from gaseous fuels including hydrogen and
growth environment [16], time and age [17,18]. Table 2 gives the methane to liquid fuels such as biodiesel, fischer tropsch diesel,
ultimate analysis, proximate analysis and heating value (HHV) of vegetable oil, bio-alcohols (ethanol and methanol), biosynthetic oil
[25] and solid fuel such as biochar and hydrochar. Biofuels can be
classified as either primary or secondary fuels. Primary fuels are
natural and unprocessed fuels. Primary fuels are made to undergo
combustion directly for both heating and cooking purposes. Examples
of primary fuels include firewood, wood chips, and pallets. Secondary
fuels are derived from primary fuels via a wide variety of processes.
These fuels have various applications in transport and industrial
process [26]. Additionally, due to environmental benefits depicted by
biofuels, the share of biofuels is committed to increase in the
transportation sector with time. Biofuels beehive more advantages
than fossil fuels in multiple aspects namely the availability of sources
and lower emission of CO2. Hence, biofuels are environment-friendly
fuels; they promise energy security, foreign exchange savings, rural
development, sustainability and biodegradability [27,28]. However, the
main underlying difference between biofuels and petroleum fuels lies in
the amount of oxygen content present in either which is also
accountable for making their properties widely differ. Biofuels contain
10-45% oxygen, whereas petroleum products have none. However, in
order to support biofuels numerous studies have been recently
Fig. 3. Typical composition of biomass. conducted to justify their social and environmental effects and benefits

S. Nizamuddin et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 73 (2017) 1289–1299

Table 1
Classification of biomass [111].

Biomass group Biomass sub groups, varieties and species

Wood and woody biomass Coniferous or deciduous; angiospermous or gymnouspermous; soft or hard; stems, branches, foliage, bark, chips, lumps,
pallets, sawdust, briquits, sawmill and various wood species
Herbaceous and agricultural biomass Annual and perennial and field based or process based. Such as grasses and flowers, straws and other residues
Aquatic biomass Marine or fresh water algae; macroalgae or microalgae, seaweed, kelp, lake weed etc
Animal and human biomass waste Bones, meat-bone meal, chicken liter and manures etc
Contaminated biomass and industrial biomass waste Municipal solid waste, demolition wood, refuse-derived fuel, sewage sludge, hospital waste, paper-pulp sludge,
(semi-biomass) chipboard, fiber, plywood, wood pallets and boxes, railway sleepers etc
Biomass mixtures Blends from above varieties

[29–39]. In pyrolysis process, the water content present in biomass has negative
In this study, an overview on the effect of operating parameters on effect on the process because it requires higher heat of vaporization
yield as well as on the quality of the hydrochar produced from [22]. HTC therefore increases the options of biomass usage as a
hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) process is highlighted. Further, feedstock together with the overall process economy. It is also
there is a critical discussion on the effect of conversion of biomass into capacitive of the overall energy used for it caters the moisture content
solid fuels with their compositions being consequently evaluated. problem as it uses drying. At hydrothermal water conditions, nitrogen
Furthermore, composition and characterization of different biomass atoms present in biomass are converted to N2O; while phosphorous,
are discussed. Conclusions are drawn in the light of literature; with chlorine and sulfur are oxidized to their respective inorganic acids
recommendations being henceforth provided. which are simultaneously neutralized with the addition of a suitable
base [68].
Biomass normally contains 40–60% oxygen. This is the reason why
2. Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) process
the exclusion of oxygen from biomass serves as the most important
objective to increase energy density. Oxygen may be removed from feed
The HTC process is an environment friendly technology. It ther-
biomass either by dehydration (oxygen is eliminated from the biomass
mally converts a variety of biomass feedstocks into high carbon content
feed in the form of water) or by decarboxylation (oxygen is removed in
containing, smokeless solid fuels [40,41]. HTC of biomass is studied
the form of carbon dioxide). Biomass experiences hydration reactions
along with water by application of higher temperatures (180–250 °C)
at higher temperatures and pressures, even in excess of water [19]. It
at elevated pressure (2-10MPa) for several hours [38]. It was Bergius
undergoes depolymerization reactions via hydrolysis at elevated tem-
and Specht [42] who introduced HTC process for the first time. They
peratures because of high ionization of water at those temperatures
converted cellulosic material into high carbon material. The mixture of
[69]. At the same time, both acidic and basic nature [66] of water
cellulose and water was heated in a closed vessel at 250–310 °C. As a
justify the capability of hydrolysis to change biomass into biofuels
result, the solid with lower O/C ratio was produced suggesting HTC as
directly. This is elaborated further by adding the credibility of HTC
a successful conversion process. This was followed by further modifica-
delivering quantities greater than those in comparison to the pyrolysis
tions and improvements in HTC processes that were carried out by Berl
process that does not involve water [70]. A complete overview of the
and Schmidt. They studied various saccharides at 150–35 0 °C [42].
aforementioned is detailed and discussed later. The basic nature of
Through relevant studies conducted since the last decade, HTC has
water weakens certain bonds in the organic material. As a result, new
emerged as a promising technology due to its inherent benefits [43–47]
molecular fragments are generated which amend the reaction environ-
such as conversion of biomass into numerous products. Studies have
ment. At the same time, water acts as an acid catalyst, speeding up
also shown a consideration of biomass as a solid fuel that is comparable
different reactions. A review of previous studies on a different type of
to brown coal [32,43–49], a source of bio-oil [22,50–53], soil amend-
biomass using HTC process at different parameters is given in Table 3.
ment to improve fertility of soil and crop yields [48,54–56], as an
activated carbon material that can be used as an adsorbent for water
purification systems or CO2 sorption [54], and as a low-cost adsorbent 3. Process parameters
or permeable reactive barrier for Uranium (VI), Copper and cadmium
contaminated waters [57,58], carbon material with nanostructure HTC process requires knowledge of the effect of process para-
[54,59,60], carbon catalyst which can be used in the production of meters; reaction temperature, feedstock, reaction time, catalyst and
fine chemicals [38], and lastly a carbon material that can enhance fuel pressure. The effects of each process parameter are further discussed in
cells efficiency [54]. Fig. 4 shows the schematic diagram of HTC with the following section.
some of the possible applications of hydrochar [61]. The HTC process
may be classified as either Direct HTC or Catalytic HTC process. In 3.1. Effect of temperature
Direct HTC process, only water and feed are heated in a reactor at
different temperature ranges in the absence of a catalyst, whereas in Temperature is suggested as the key parameter for HTC process.
catalytic HTC process, a catalyst is used. HTC yields solid, liquid, and The elementary role of temperature is to offer heat of disintegration for
gaseous products [32]. The product distribution is primarily dependent fragmentation of the biomass bond. Variations in the yields of the
on the feedstock and process temperature. However, there does exist processes describe and measure the competency of temperature to
an influence of the reaction time and the biomass to water ratio crumble the biomass. Effectiveness of biomass conversion increases
[52,53,62,63]. with an increase in temperature. This is generally because of additional
Presence of water accelerates the carbonization process of biomass energy being delivered by the temperature to break the biomass bonds
and simultaneously affects the product distribution [32,64,65]. The [71]. The main products of HTC process are gas, liquid and solid
reason for the latter is self-evident; water in biomass serves as both a products. Usually, moderate temperatures favour oil yield, whereas
reacting medium and a reactant [66,67]. Thermodynamically, water is higher temperatures generate gas and the char products dominantly.
a completely oxidized composite that is not capacitive of a high heating This can be achieved both by secondary decomposition and bourdard
value. Hence, water serves as a perfect reaction agent with the capacity gas reaction in which gas formation is more favourable [72,73] or even
to conduct such types of reactions in contrast to the pyrolysis reactions. by the recombination of free radical reactions where a greater amount

S. Nizamuddin et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 73 (2017) 1289–1299

Table 2
Characterization of various types of biomass.

Biomass type Proximate analysis Ultimate analysis Heating value References


Rice husk 16.95 61.81 21.24 38.5 5.2 34.61 17.44 14.77 [112]
Sal seed husk 28.06 62.54 9.4 48.12 6.55 35.93 19.62 18.35 [112]
Olive husk 18.4 77.5 4.1 49.9 6.2 42.0 19.23 18.93 [113]
Peanut hull 21.09 73.02 5.89 45.77 5.46 39.56 18.25 17.78 [114]
Hazelnut shell 28.3 69.3 1.4 52.9 5.6 42.7 19.67 19.46 [113,114]
Brazil nut shell 22.2 76.1 1.7 49.15 5.7 42.8 18.47 18.60 [115]
Akhrot shell 18.78 79.98 1.2 49.81 5.64 42.94 17.80 18.13 [112,116]
Coconut shell 22.1 77.19 0.71 50.22 5.7 43.37 18.45 18.74 [112,116]
Pistachio shell 16.84 82.03 1.13 48.79 5.91 43.41 17.42 17.84 [114]
Groundnut shell 21.6 72.7 5.7 48.59 5.64 39.49 18.35 17.89 [112,114]
Chapparal wood 18.68 75.19 6.13 46.9 5.08 40.17 17.78 17.36 [112]
Spruce wood 29.3 70.2 1.5 51.9 6.1 40.9 19.86 19.91 [117]
Ailanthus wood 24.8 73.5 1.7 49.5 6.2 41 18.98 19.01 [117]
Beech wood 24.6 74 0.4 49.5 6.2 41.2 18.94 19.03 [117]
Bamboo wood 11.24 86.8 1.95 48.76 6.32 42.77 16.32 16.82 [112]
Red wood 19.92 79.72 0.36 50.64 5.98 42.88 18.02 18.44 [91]
Douglas fir wood 12.6 87.3 0.1 50.64 6.18 43 16.59 17.32 [112]
Casurina wood 19.58 78.58 1.83 48.5 6.24 43.12 17.96 18.16 [116]
Neem wood 12.19 85.86 1.93 48.26 6.27 43.46 16.51 16.97 [112]
Subabul wood 18.52 81.02 1.2 48.15 5.87 44.75 17.75 18.21 [116]
Wood Bark 31.8 66.6 1.6 53.1 6.1 40.6 20.35 20.14 [117]
Douglas fir bark 32.79 65.46 1.75 53.1 6.1 40.6 20.55 20.27 [118]
Wood chips 23.5 76.4 0.1 48.1 5.99 45.74 18.73 19.05 [114]
Mulberry stick 22.8 75.1 2.1 44.23 6.61 46.25 18.59 18.63 [119]
Peach pit 19.8 79.1 1.1 49.14 6.34 43.52 18.00 18.31 [119]
Pine needles 26.12 72.38 1.5 48.21 6.57 43.72 19.24 19.25 [117]
Sena leaves 25.5 57.2 17.3 36.2 4.72 37.49 19.12 16.73 [114]
Coconut fibre 26.6 70.6 2.8 46.43 5.49 43.78 19.33 19.13 [117]
Coconut coir 29.7 66.58 3.72 50.29 5.05 39.63 19.94 19.48 [117]
Corncob 11.5 87.4 1.1 49 5.4 44.5 16.37 17.00 [113]
Tea waste 13 85.5 1.5 48 5.5 44 16.67 17.17 [113]
Walnut shell 37.9 59.3 2.8 53.4 6.6 45.4 21.55 20.92 [113]
Sunflower shell 19.8 76.2 4 47.4 5.8 41.3 18.00 17.87 [113]
Rice straw 15.55 61.1 15.25 38.52 6.13 39.28 17.17 14.22 [120]
Wheat straw 14.96 63.96 12.45 42.11 6.53 40.51 17.05 14.48 [120]
Corn straw 14.83 62.74 13.12 42.69 6.16 42.69 17.03 14.25 [120]
Soya bean 15.62 68.95 6.08 43.16 6.9 44.76 17.18 15.45 [120]
Corn cob 15.8 70.24 7.5 44.53 6.89 45.97 17.22 15.70 [120]
Cotton stalk 18.57 67.63 6.41 46.1 6.85 43.35 17.76 16.17 [120]
Cotton shuck 20.74 62.16 6.88 44.54 6.6 46.66 18.18 16.01 [120]
Peanut stalk 15.66 66.67 9.12 40.28 7.18 42.47 17.19 15.11 [120]
Peanut shuck 16.85 61.64 12.15 45.9 6.74 42.79 17.42 14.71 [120]
Sesame stalk 17.3 68.93 6.11 41.34 6.57 45.16 17.51 15.97 [120]
Broad bean stalk 18.9 68.44 5.03 42.16 6.13 45.28 17.82 16.40 [120]
Rape stalk 17.26 72.99 3.6 42.42 7.06 46.1 17.50 16.58 [120]
Willow tree 15.55 69.2 6.17 46.79 7.1 40.6 17.17 15.47 [120]
Rubber plant 18.3 62.92 9.9 48.69 7.29 39.03 17.71 15.36 [120]
Poplar 15.42 74.04 2.63 47.46 6.74 44.5 17.14 16.17 [120]
Pine tree 14.45 76.5 0.89 49.41 7.67 42.19 16.95 16.24 [120]
Phoenix tree 18.29 68.68 5.28 48.14 7.88 39.84 17.70 16.24 [120]
Birch tree 13.68 74.91 2.36 48.32 8.36 40.6 16.80 15.76 [120]
Met sequoia 16.11 74.3 2.2 47.98 6.82 43.98 17.28 16.42 [120]
Coal 43.6 2.4 8.3 81.5 4 3.3 22.66 13.97 [121]
Red oak wood 21.5 78.6 0.5 50 6 42.4 18.33 18.77 [121]
Barley straw 4.8 78.5 9.8 41.4 6.2 51.7 15.06 13.54 [122]
Flax straw 8.8 80.3 3 43.1 6.2 49.9 15.84 15.06 [122]
Timothy grass 16 77.9 1.1 42.4 6 50.4 17.26 16.94 [122]
Pinewood 10.3 82.4 1.5 49 6.4 44.4 16.14 15.85 [122]
Pinuspinaster 14.1 85.8 0.2 48.4 6 45.3 16.88 17.56 [123]
Cedrusatlantica 16.7 82.9 0.4 50.3 5.6 43.6 17.39 17.93 [123]
Castaneasativa 20.3 79.6 0.1 47.1 4.9 47.7 18.10 18.54 [123]
Fogussylvatica 13.9 85.7 0.5 46.2 5.8 47.2 16.84 17.48 [123]
Quercusrobur 18 81.7 0.3 47.2 5.5 46.8 17.65 18.15 [123]
Prunusaviurn 15 84.9 0.4 48.6 5.8 45.3 17.06 17.70 [123]
Salix babilonica 16.8 80.8 2.4 47.2 5.6 44.4 17.41 17.64 [123]
Bowdichianitida 18.2 81.8 0.1 52.3 6.1 41.3 17.69 18.23 [123]
Hymenia courbaril 17.6 81.7 0.7 48.3 5.7 45.1 17.57 18.02 [123]
Wood pallets (pine) 14.5 80.4 0.2 45.5 6.6 47.7 16.96 16.86 [124]
Paper plant residue 19.5 60.5 13.5 33.8 4 39.1 17.94 15.36 [124]
Green house residue 5.5 61 31 47.1 7.4 10.9 15.20 11.07 [124]
Sunflower pellets 19.5 65.2 4.1 44.1 5.17 34.6 17.94 16.09 [124]
Olive cake pellets 15.7 64.2 8.2 42.1 4.99 31 17.20 14.75 [124]
(continued on next page)

S. Nizamuddin et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 73 (2017) 1289–1299

Table 2 (continued)

Biomass type Proximate analysis Ultimate analysis Heating value References


Sewage sludge 7 44.6 41.5 52 6.3 32.1 15.49 9.03 [124]

Oil palm shell 15.75 77.91 6.34 51.1 6 42.9 17.21 16.87 [125]
Japanese apricot tree 12.2 87.72 0.08 49.6 5.9 44.5 16.51 17.26 [125]
Alfalfa Stalk 15.62 68.02 5.84 40.60 5.15 36.02 17.22 17.04 [126]
Urban wood waste 12.5 52.56 4.08 33.22 3.84 27.04 17.30 14.8 [126]
Switch Grass 12.19 65.19 7.63 39.68 4.95 31.77 16.93 16.24 [126]
Sawdust 9.34 55.03 0.69 32.06 3.86 27.04 17.27 17.63 [126]
Sugarcane bagasse 15.0 - 11.3 44.8 5.4 39.6 16.57 16.91 [113, 127]
Almond Shells 20.71 76 3.29 49.3 5.97 40.63 18.18 18.12 [113, 128, 129]
Almond Hulls 20.07 73.8 6.13 47.53 5.97 39.16 18.05 17.58 [128]
Olive Pitts 21.2 75.6 3.2 48.81 5.79 43.48 17.31 17.66 [114]
Willow wood 16.07 82.22 1.71 49.90 5.90 41.80 16.78 14.37 [130]
Hybrid poplar 12.49 84.81 2.70 50.18 6.06 40.43 17.54 18.04 [130]

Fig. 4. Schematic of HTC process for possible applications [61].

of char will be formed [22]. Effect of temperature on distribution of the Fig. 5. Yields of paper industry waste as a function of temperature [142].

yield of liquefaction product from paper industry waste is well defined

in Fig. 5, which shows that lower temperature favours maximum solid alongwith another increase at temperatures > 280 °C. Carbonization at
production. As the temperature rises the solid production decreases lower temperatures produces a higher amount of solid. At a higher
gradually, whilst the liquid and gaseous products increase. Generally, temperatures carbonization is greater resulting in the formation of
solid product is dominant in the temperature ranges of 150–200 °C; at more liquid and gaseous products along with lower solid products.
moderate temperature ranges of 250–350 °C the liquid yield will be Extensive research work has been carried out to study the effect of
higher, whereas above 350 °C, gas formation yield leads to solid and temperature on product distribution during HTC process [76–79]. The
liquid products. biomass selected as a feed included enteromorphaprolifa, cattle
Fig. 6 provides information about the variation in solid yields manure, Spirulinaplatensis and Cunninghamialanceolata. It was ob-
produced from different types of biomass as a function of temperature served that the solid product decreases as temperature increased. Chen
in HTC process. Results of studies conducted by Liu et al. [74] and Sun et al. [80] reported similar results for sugar cane bagasse. Liu et al. [81]
et al. [75] demonstrated that the rates of solid products were very high investigated the comparative effect of temperature from 150–375 °C on
at temperatures below 200 °C. An increase in temperature to inter- two types of biomass; coconut fiber and eucalyptus leaves. They found
mediate range > 200–250 °C caused the solid product to decrease that the solid yield decreases rapidly with an increase in temperature to

Table 3
Review of hydrochar synthesis using HTC process.

Biomass feed type Temperature (oC) Reaction time Reactor type Solid yield % Reference

Mix wood 215–295 5–60 min Parr stirrered pressure reactor 50.1–69.1 [53]
Microalgae 190–210 30–120 min Parr stirrered stainless steel reactor 25.3–45.7 [50]
Olive mill wastewater 180, 220 840 min Lab-scale autoclave ~30 [131]
Empty fruit bunch 150–350 20 min Parr stirrered pressure batch reactor 49–76 [49]
Eucalyptus sawdust 250 120 min Autoclave reactor 40 [132]
Barley straw 37
Poplar wood 180–230 480 min Stainless steel autoclave 51.9–89.9 [133]
Olive residues 49.0–75.4
Wheat straw 53.7–80.1
Palm shell 180–260 30–120 min Amar autoclave batch reactor 38.7–63.0 [134]
Switchgrass 300–400 60–180 min Cylindrical metal container 35.2–82.0 [135]

S. Nizamuddin et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 73 (2017) 1289–1299

[87] and Karagoz et al. [88]. The HHV of HTC-char is strongly

dependent on the initial composition of feed material. Berge et al.
[62] reported that the HHV of biochar produced from the waste paper
is 23.9 MJ/kg. HHV of the wood mixture was calculated by Hoakman
et al. [53] and it was found to fall between the range of 22.5–29.5 MJ/
kg. The HHV of sargassumhorneri is similar to HHV value of wood
waste and paper waste due to similar lignocellulosic composition of
paper waste, wood waste and sargassumhorneri [89]. Table 4 gives the
summary of lignocellulosic composition of different types of biomass.
The mechanism of HTC process includes decarboxylation, dehydration,
condensation polymerization, hydrolysis, and aromatization.
Understanding the nature of these mechanisms depends primarily
upon the type of biomass feed [32]. In general, the effect of feed
composition plays as a crucial parameter in the formation of hydro-
char. The precursor materials influence the pore size distribution in the
final product. The composition of lignin and cellulose content in the
precursor materials play a significant role in the porosity of hydrochar
produced during HTC process.

Fig. 6. Effect of temperature on solid yield during HTC of various biomass feed types
3.3. Effect of reaction time

HTC is recognized as a slow reaction. For HTC, the reported

350 °C for both feed materials. However, from and beyond 350–
reaction time varies from several minutes to a few days. Reaction time
375 °C, solid yield reduces gradually. Lu et al. [82] further clarified
however only influences the hydrolysis reactions up to a certain range
that the carbon distribution is also affected by temperature.
of time beyond which it does not have any specific impact on the
Temperature influences the characteristics of solid fuel produced by
process. Generally, it is observed that a greater quantity of solid
HTC process. Jamari et al. [42] investigated the effect of temperature
product is obtained at higher reaction times. Reaction duration defines
on empty fruit bunch (EFB) during HTC. It was observed that the
the product composition as well as overall biomass conversion. Under
carbon value increased with increase in temperature in contrast to
supercritical conditions, the hydrolysis rate and degradation of biomass
hydrogen and oxygen content. At higher temperatures, the oxygen and
rate are relatively fast [90]. Hence, a comparatively smaller duration of
hydrogen contents decreased validating the removal of these sub-
time is required to decompose biomass effectively. Various studies and
stances with temperature.
research have been conducted to examine the effect of reaction time for
Additionally it is observed that higher temperatures during HTC
solid, liquid or gaseous product. Boocock et al. [91] conducted a study
process increase the magnitude of aromatization of carbon structure.
in which the results proved that longer reaction times are required for
Furthermore, the observation that materials undergo increased aro-
increased bio-oil production with the exception of those that possess a
matization at high temperature is heavily attributed to the arrangement
very high biomass to water ratio. Yan et al. [92] observed a slight
of the hydrochar and aromatic structures with fewer reactive sites, less
increment in bio-oil production with longer run times. Longer reaction
abrupt decomposition and a well-organized hydrochar structure that
times support bio-oil yield and conversions of biomass to products at a
was supportably obtained under optimum conditions. Hence, the effect
lower temperature (150 °C). At higher temperatures (250–280 °C)
of temperature is a vital role in the formation of hydrochar.
however, the overall conversion and gaseous product rate increases
[93]. Effect of variation in run times on conversions showed that an
3.2. Effect of feedstock increase in time increases the conversion [94]. Zhang et al. [70]
observed that longer residence time supports gaseous and solid product
The structure and composition of biomass types vary from each formation in contrast to liquid product formation. Further, residence
other due to the difference of growing environment and growth time. time affects the product composition also. According to Karagöz, et al.
Major components of biomass are cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin. [93] the products not only differ at shorter and longer run times; they
Every component behaves differently along with temperature varia- also differ at lower and higher temperatures (180 °C or 250 °C).
tions. Generally, higher content of cellulose and hemicelluloses en- According to the results of experiments that have been previously
hance the oil yield. Hindsight, it is also true that higher the content of conducted using a short run time; the solid fuels produced have higher
lignin in biomass the greater the char produced. This is because lignin heating values. This can be either due to the removal of oxygen present
is hard to degrade due to its complex branching and thus remains as a in biomass or by hydrolysis of hemicellulose. Some studies carried out
residue [68]. Under hydrothermal conditions, cellulose hydrolyzes at a lower run time (up to half of an hour) resulted in the production of
significantly above 200 °C [68], hemicelluloses at around 180 °C and HTC solid with a heating value equal or greater than lignin [95,96]. The
lignin degrades at around 200 °C [32]. Zhong et al. [83] investigated reaction times influence the formation of hydrochar during HTC
the effect of lignin content present in four types of wood biomass process. During HTC process the higher the reaction time the greater
including Cunninghamialanceolata, Fraxinusmandshurica, Pinusma- the formation of defined structure porosity, pore volume and high BET
ssoniana, Lamb and PopulustomentosaCarr on the oil yield. The surface area and vice versa.
experimental observation proved that higher lignin content results in
decreased bio-oil and increased biochar production. The oil yield was 3.4. Effect of pressure
reduced by repolymerization and cyclization of lignin fragments of
liquid oil [84]. Yang et al. [85] discussed the weight loss behavior of Pressure is another factor which significantly influences the degra-
cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin of lignocellulosic biomass. They dation of biomass in hydrolysis process. Biomass decomposition and
observed that 94.5% loss of cellulose, 80% of hemicellulose and 54.3% hydrolysis rate can be controlled by keeping pressure above the critical
loss of lignin at 400° C, 268° C, and 900 °C, respectively. This clearly pressure of medium. This may significantly boost satisfactory reaction
shows that the degradation of biomass with higher lignin content routes that thermodynamically favour conversion of biomass to valu-
produces more char [86]. Similar results were reported by Gani et al. able products. Pressure has a positive effect on the density of solvent or

S. Nizamuddin et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 73 (2017) 1289–1299

Table 4
Summary of composition of different types of biomass.

Fuel Cellulose Hemicellulose Lignin Extractive/ash References

Almond shell 50.7 28.9 20.4 2.5 [113]

Beech wood 45.3 31.2 21.9 1.6 [113]
White poplar 49.0 25.6 23.1 0.2 [1]
European birch 48.5 25.1 19.4 0.3 [1]
White willow 49.6 26.7 22.7 0.3 [1]
Corncob 50.5 31 15 3.5 [113]
Monterey pine 41.7 20.5 25.9 0.3 [1]
Douglas fir 42.0 23.5 27.8 0.4 [1]
Hazelnut shell 26.8 30.4 42.9 3.3 [113]
Olive husk 24 23.6 48.4 9.4 [113]
Spruce wood 49.8 20.7 27 2.5 [113]
Sunflower shell 48.4 34.6 17 2.7 [113]
Tea waste 30.2 19.9 40 9.9 [113]
Walnut shell 25.6 22.7 52.3 2.8 [113]
Wheat straw 28.8 39.4 18.6 3.3 [113]
Empty Fruit Bunch 26 43 24 7 [136]
Fiber 19 37 33 11 [136]
Shell 22 26 46 6 [136]
Hazelnut seed coat 29.6 15.7 53 1.4 [117]
Wood bark 24.8 29.8 43.8 1.6 [117]
Corn Stover 51.2 30.7 14.4 3.7 [117]
Tobacco stalk 42.4 28.2 27 2.4 [117]
Tobacco leaf 36.3 34.4 12.1 17.2 [117]
Ailanthus wood 46.7 26.6 26.2 0.5 [117]
Softwood (av.) 45.8 24.4 28 1.7 [117]
Hardwood (av.) 45.2 31.3 21.7 2.7 [117]
Waste material 50.6 29.2 24.7 4.5 [117]
Acacia Mangium 43.12 72.14 29.91 6.76 [137]
Bagasse 49.20 74.98 19.54 1.28 [137]
Bagasse pith 45.18 72.16 22.13 1.24 [137]
Coconut husk 30.55 56.45 38.82 2.65 [137]
Coconut shell 26.49 79.29 35.54 1.86 [137]
Corn stalk 42.43 68.18 21.73 3.27 [137]
Kenaf 42.60 81.27 10.31 1.24 [137]
Oil palm EFB 35.71 65.57 21.97 5.67 [137]
Oil palm husk 34.28 61.31 31.91 6.99 [137]
Oil palm petioles 37.01 71.65 20.94 2.06 [137]
Oil palm shell 27.7 21.6 44 10.31 [138]
Pineapple leaf 32.16 63.2 18.68 6.55 [137]
Rice husk 44.14 82.42 42.58 2.48 [137]
Rice straw 36.26 74.45 34.73 5.28 [137]
Rubber tree 45.84 73.84 21.42 2.86 [137]
Bamboo 47 25 21 7 [139]
Newspaper 40-55 25-40 18-30 - [1]
Chinquapin 46 20 30 4 [139]
Japan cedar 35 24 33 8 [139]
Banana stem 37.92 71.15 12.25 3.66 [137]
Coastal Bermuda grass 25 35.7 6.4 - [140]
Switch grass 45 31.4 12 - [140]

medium as it increases their density. The higher rate of extraction and HTC process. Hence, the effect of increased pressure is the enhance-
disintegration of biomass is achieved by using high-density solvents ment in the role in the formation of hydrochar in HTC process.
[22]. This is because the high-density medium infiltrates sufficiently in
the fragments of biomass. Pressure has minute or even negligible
influence on both liquid oil and gas yield [97–100] at supercritical 3.5. Effect of catalyst
conditions. It is for this reason that the effect of pressure on the
properties of water or on solvent is negligible in supercritical region. The use of small amounts of hydrolytic agents or catalysts con-
The pressure in the reactor can be raised; either by raising the siderably enhances the hydrolysis level. Catalysts differ according to the
temperature directly or by adding fluids like nitrogen. The reaction hydrolysis process employed. In general, acid catalysts are the most
inside the reactor is affected by pressure according to Le Chatelier’s effective for hydrolysis [101], whereas the basic catalysts hinder the
principle. The direction to which the equilibrium shifts at higher formation of char and support the formation of liquid oil. The use of
pressure; shifts from solid to liquid phase or vice versa are decided catalyst also causes reduction in NOx. This is because the catalytic
according to this principle. At the same time, it is a fact that the shift is chemical reactions quickly convert NOx into nitrogen and water.
towards the direction constituting a lesser number of moles. For Karagoz et al. [102] studied the effect of RbOH and CsOH (basic
example in both decarboxylation and dehydration reactions are de- catalysts) on pine wood and observed that liquid product increased as
pressed at higher pressure [32]. The effect of pressure in HTC greatly the solid was reduced. A similar effect was observed by using K2CO3
influences the formation of hydrochar. High pressures lead to high (base) on sawdust [103].
temperatures; the breaking of biomass composition occurs hastily and Standards for the selection of good catalyst demand that they
final product obtained with high quality of hydrochar is obtained in should be thermally stable, effective, cost effective and have high
selectivity towards the required yield [104]. A number of catalysts

S. Nizamuddin et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 73 (2017) 1289–1299

Fig. 7. Different catalyst with their ability to perform reactions and their respective advantages and disadvantages [144]. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

are considered by international scientists for higher conversion of high energy density obtained from organic matters such as dung,
biomass to biofuels [89,103,105]. Examples include sodium hydroxide firewood, and agricultural wastes. It is considered to be an outstanding
(NaOH), potassium hydroxide (KOH), sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), contender solid fuel because of its low fiber structure and high heating
potassium carbonate (K2CO3), propanol (C3H8O), ethanol (C2H6O), value which makes it equally comparable to coal. Further, the
citric acid. Fig. 7 gives a variety of catalyst (blue boxes) with their elemental composition of HTC hydrochar is approximately equal to
ability to perform different reactions (yellow boxes) and main advan- that of lignite or sub-bituminous coal. It is extremely feasible for
tages and drawbacks (green boxes). The traits of a catalyst bear dire degradation during land applications and has numerous promising
significance to the formation of hydrochar. Catalysts have influenced benefits related to land fertility [64]. There are two eminent processes
effects that serve as a seed in the production of hydrochar during HTC that produce char from different biomass sources; pyrolysis and HTC.
process although small amounts are deployed for the enhanced rate of The difference between pyrolysis and HTC is that the pyrolysis deploys
formation of hydrochar. Therefore, catalyst particle diffusion into the dry biomass and it is not environment friendly due to the volatile
biomass to helps to breakdown the lignin and cellulose compound to matters released whereas the HTC process on the contrary is environ-
form hydrochar during HTC process. ment-friendly. In HTC, water is used as a solvent. Further, HTC has a
sum of further practical benefits also. In HTC, complex drying and
expensive separation process are theoretically saved because in HTC
4. Critical discussion the need for special drying of feed is eliminated. It is also easy to
separate solid product through filtration from the mixture. Char has
Biomass is an attractive feed for biofuels production. A range of great mechanical strength, sufficient pore size distribution, and higher
fuels can be produced from biomass sources. These include gaseous pore surface area making it useful to serve as a fuel or chemicals. It can
fuels including hydrogen, methane as well as liquid fuels such as be used as an absorbent for separation and purification, catalyst
biodiesel, fischer tropsch diesel, vegetable oil and bio-alcohols (ethanol support, solvent recovery and automobile exhaust emission control
and methanol), biosynthetic oil and biochar. Biofuels hold more [106]. Biomass with higher moisture content produces a greater
advantages than fossil fuels in various aspects: availability of resources, amount of char [25]. Char has many applications: it may be used as
reduced emission of GHGs that makes it an environmental-friendly a fuel in boilers in the form of briquettes, mixed with other biomass like
fuel, energy security, foreign exchange saving, rural development, sugar cane baggasse, for the production of activated carbon, carbon
sustainability, and biodegradability. Till today, the process of solid nanotubes and further, can be processed as well to form hydrogen-rich
biofuel production using HTC has not reached optimum conditions for gas [107]. Furthermore, HTC produced carbonaceous materials has
high yield of biochar. Previous studies suggest that various operating applications in the field of catalysis, adsorption, and electrochemistry
parameters influence the production of hydrochar using HTC process. [108–110]. Hydrochar has a lower specific area which may be
The amount of char produced during HTC process in separation improved either by thermal pretreatment or by removing extractable
process technology has become a major concern for development. In to make it comparable to conventional charcoal [95,96]. A coal similar
the treatment process of adsorption, char is used as a new absorbent to to solid fuel with higher energy and higher carbon content can be
replace activated carbon (AC). This is because the cost of production of produced from biomass with low heating value and high moisture
AC is higher in comparison to the hydrochar produced during HTC content through HTC process. The effect of process parameters has
process. Hydrochar is a solid product with high carbon content and

S. Nizamuddin et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 73 (2017) 1289–1299

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