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Plant, Cell and Environment (2010) 33, 1656–1670 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2010.02171.

Functional comparison of catalase genes in the

elimination of photorespiratory H2O2 using promoter- and
3⬘-untranslated region exchange experiments in the
Arabidopsis cat2 photorespiratory mutant pce_2171 1656..1670


Key Lab of MOE for Plant Developmental Biology, College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China

ABSTRACT biotic/abiotic stress responses (Dat et al. 2000; Apel & Hirt
2004). Photorespiratory H2O2, which is generated during
Photorespiration-associated production of H2O2 accounts
photorespiration in peroxisomes, is the primary source of
for the majority of total H2O2 in leaves of C3 plants and is
H2O2 in C3 plants (Noctor et al. 2002; Karpinski et al. 2003).
mainly eliminated by catalases. In Arabidopsis, lack of Although antioxidative enzymes such as superoxide dismu-
CAT2, but not CAT1 or CAT3, results in growth suppres- tase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidases (APX) are active
sion and a marked accumulation of H2O2 in leaves. To in leaf peroxisomes, catalase is the foremost scavenging
evaluate the contribution of individual catalase genes and
enzyme for the degradation of photorespiratory H2O2
their promoters to catalase function, we investigated the (Kendall et al. 1983;Willekens et al. 1997; Corpas, Barroso &
growth suppression and H2O2 accumulation phenotypes of del Río 2001; Vandenabeele et al. 2004). Catalase is a tet-
Arabidopsis derivatives expressing catalase genes from het-
rameric iron porphyrin that catalyses the dismutation of
erologous CAT promoters in a cat2 mutant background.
H2O2 to water and oxygen. While low levels H2O2 are elimi-
The expression of CAT2 from the CAT2 promoter restored nated by APX and other peroxidases with the aid of various
the wild-type phenotype in a cat2-1 mutant, while CAT1 reductants like ascorbate and glutathione, catalase, which
and CAT3 promoter-driven expression of CAT2 did not. degrades H2O2 without any reducing power, is mainly active
Ectopic expression of CAT3 from the CAT2 promoter also at relatively high H2O2 concentrations (Gechev et al. 2006).
restored the normal phenotype, unlike that of CAT1 which With the exception of CAT-3 from maize, which is mito-
required replacement of the CAT1 3⬘-untranslated region chondrial (Scandalios et al. 1980), all plant catalases studied
(UTR) with that of CAT2. These results demonstrated that to date have been shown to localize to the peroxisome
the photorespiratory role of CAT2 is determined mainly by (Scandalios 1990; Kamada et al. 2003). Thus, catalase plays a
the regulation of its promoter activity. The 3⬘-UTR of CAT2 principle role in breaking down H2O2 accumulated in per-
was vital for controlling CAT2 protein levels under photo- oxisomes (Gillham & Dodge 1986).
respiratory conditions. Identification of component of There is growing evidence that catalase plays multiple
heterotetramers catalase isoforms suggested that there is roles in a variety of plant tissues at different developmental
some functional redundancy between CAT2 and CAT1 and stages, and it has been implicated in the signal transduction
CAT3. pathways of various stress responses (Fukamatsu, Yabe &
Hasunuma 2003; Verslues et al. 2007). Mutant and trans-
Key-words: 3′-untranslated region; Arabidopsis; catalase; genic plants with reduced catalase expression exhibit
hydrogen peroxide; leaf; photorespiration; promoter- necrotic lesions, are sensitive to oxidative and salt stress,
exchange experiments. and express pathogenesis-related, antioxidant, heat shock
protein and repress anthocyanin biosynthesis genes upon
exposure to high light (Loprasert et al. 1996; Willekens et al.
INTRODUCTION 1997; Vandenabeele et al. 2004; Vanderauwera et al. 2005;
Queval et al. 2007). A recent study of the effect of catalase
H2O2 is one of the major reactive oxygen species (ROS), deficiency on ion homeostasis revealed a cross-talk between
and plays an important role in plant biological processes oxidative stress and ethylene (Bueso et al. 2007).
such as seed germination, root elongation (Kwak et al. Like all higher plants, the Arabidopsis genome contains
2003), auxin-regulated root gravitropism (Joo, Bae & three catalase genes (At1g20630, At4g35090 and
Lee 2001), stomatal closure (Murata et al. 2001) and At1g20620), which encode three individual subunits that
Correspondence: Y. T. Lu. Fax: +86 027 68756380; e-mail: yingtlu@ associate to form at least six catalase isoforms (Frugoli et al. 1996). Although the nucleotide and corresponding amino
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Characterization of Arabidopsis catalase genes 1657

acid sequences of the three genes are highly conserved instructions.After treatment of 1 mg of total RNA with RQ1
(Frugoli et al. 1996; McClung 1997), their spatial and tem- RNase-free DNase (Promega, Madison, WI, USA), first-
poral expression patterns are quite different. For example, strand cDNA synthesis was carried out using M-MLV
all three genes are highly expressed in inflorescences, but reverse transcriptase (Promega) according to the manufac-
only CAT2 and CAT3 are highly expressed in leaves under turer’s instructions.
the control of a circadian clock (Frugoli et al. 1996; Zhong For semi-quantitative PCR analysis, 0.5 mL of the 20 mL
et al. 1997). Further analysis of promoter::b-glucuronidase reverse transcription reaction was subjected to PCR (final
(GUS) fusions in transgenic plants showed that CAT2 and volume of 30 mL) using gene-specific primers.As an internal
CAT3 are expressed in different areas in leaf tissues (Zim- control, we analysed ubiquitin, which is constitutively
mermann et al. 2006). CAT2 expression is observed in pho- expressed. Each PCR assay was carried out independently
tosynthetically active tissues and is down-regulated during at least three times. The genes analysed and the correspond-
leaf senescence, whereas CAT3 expression is induced with ing specific primers are listed in Supporting Information
age and corresponds to accumulated H2O2 in vascular Table S1.
bundles. Interestingly, the mRNA abundance of CAT genes
increases in a stress-specific manner (Xing, Jia & Zhang
2007; Du et al. 2008). CAT1 may act as a feedback regulat- Detection of H2O2 in Arabidopsis leaves
ing of ROS signalling, because its expression and activity
Plants were grown in soil for 3 weeks and leaves were
are activated by abiotic stresses (Du et al. 2008). Recent
excised. H2O2 contents were determined by the POD-
studies have reported that cat2 mutants exhibit suppressed
coupled assay protocols described by Veljovic-Jovanovic
growth under normal growth conditions and have a defec-
et al. (2001). About 0.1 g Arabidopsis leaves were ground in
tive photorespiration phenotype (Bueso et al. 2007; Queval
liquid N2 and the powder was extracted in 2 mL 1 M HClO4
et al. 2007). Although the expression patterns of catalase
in the presence of insoluble polyvinylpyrrolidone (5%).The
genes have been explored, the contribution of their expres-
homogenate was centrifuged at 12 000 g for 10 min, and the
sion patterns to catalase function is still unclear. Moreover,
supernatant was neutralized with 5 M K2CO3 to pH 5.6 in
data on the specificity and molecular properties of the three
the presence of 100 mL 0.3 M phosphate buffer, pH 5.6. The
catalase gene products are scarce.
solution was centrifuged at 12 000 g for 1 min, and the
Here, we identified and characterized T-DNA insertion
sample was incubated for 10 min with one unit ascorbate
mutants of catalase gene family members. Only cat2
oxidase to oxidize ascorbate prior to assay. The reaction
mutants exhibited significant growth retardation and dis-
mixture was composed of 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 6.5,
tinct accumulation of H2O2 in leaves. To gain further insight
3.3 mM 3-(dimethylamino) benzoic acid, 0.07 mM
into the functions of the three catalase genes, we examined
3-methyl-2-benzothiazoline hydrazone and 0.3 units peroxi-
the spatial and temporal expression patterns of the catalase
dase. The reaction was initiated by addition of 200 mL
genes, and the effects of catalase expression from heterolo-
sample. The absorbance change at 590 nm was monitored
gous CAT promoters on the cat2 mutant phenotype.We also
at 25 °C.
explored the regulatory function of the 3′-UTR of CAT2
on post-transcriptional regulation of catalase genes. These
results indicated no obvious functional differences among Generation of transgenic plants for
the three catalase gene products, and that the photorespi-
promoter-GUS analysis, promoter- exchange
ratory role of CAT2 is determined mainly through the regu-
experiments and 3⬘-UTR-exchange experiments
lation of promoter activity and the 3′-untranslated region.
Promoter and genomic fragments of catalase genes were
amplified from genomic DNA of A. thaliana ecotype Col-0
MATERIALS AND METHODS using the appropriate primers (Supporting Information
Plant materials and growth conditions Table S1), and error-free subcloned PCR products were
confirmed by sequencing. For promoter analysis, each pro-
The mutant Arabidopsis lines cat1-1 (CS822253), cat2-1 moter fragment was cloned into the binary vector pBI101.2,
(salk_076998) and cat3-1 (salk_092911) were obtained from which carries GUS and a selectable marker gene for kana-
the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Centre (Columbus, mycin resistance. For promoter-exchange experiments, the
OH, USA). Plants were sown in vermiculite in pots promoter fragments of CAT1 and CAT2 were subcloned
under controlled environmental conditions (23 ⫾ 2 °C, into the BamHI site of the binary vector pCAMBIA1301,
200 mmol m-2 s-1, and a 16 h photoperiod) and given irri- while that of CAT3 was subcloned into the SmaI-PstI sites.
gated nutrient solution three times per week. The genomic sequences of CAT1 and CAT3 were cloned
into the HindIII site of the vector containing the CAT2
promoter to generate pCAT2::CAT3 and pCAT2::CAT1,
Total RNA extraction and semi-quantitative
respectively, and the genomic fragment of CAT2 was cloned
into the BamHI site of the vector containing CAT1 pro-
Total RNA was isolated using the TRIzol reagent (Invitro- moter and the PstI site of the vector containing CAT3
gen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer’s promoter to generate pCAT1::CAT2 and pCAT3::CAT2,
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 33, 1656–1670
1658 Y-Q. Hu et al.

respectively. For the 3′-UTR-exchange experiments, each TBS-T for 10 min each wash. The membrane was incubated
catalase genomic fragment and corresponding 3′-UTR was with anti-AtCAT2 polyclonal antibody (1:500) diluted in
amplified separately. We then used both genomic fragment 1% BSA in TBS-T for 2 h at room temperature. The mem-
and the 3′-UTR as templates to amplify the corresponding brane was washed in TBS-T three times for 10 min each,
chimeric gene, as illustrated in Fig. S1. For example, to and then incubated for 1 h with goat anti-rabbit IgG (1:5000
construct CAT1–CAT2, the CAT1 genomic fragment and dilution in TBS-T) conjugated to horseradish peroxidase.
3′-UTR of CAT2 were used as templates. Chimeric genes Following three washes for 10 min each in TBS-T, immu-
were cloned into pCAMBIA1301, which contained the noreactive proteins were detected using a DAB substrate
CAT2 promoter. The junction sites of all subcloned frag- solution.
ments were confirmed by sequencing. Plasmid constructs
were introduced into Arabidopsis by Agrobacterium tume-
Gel analysis and activity assays of
faciens (GV3101)-mediated transformation using the floral
dip method (Clough & Bent 1984). After selection of trans-
catalase isoforms
formed plants on medium containing 50 mg L-1 kanamycin Tissue from various organs was harvested and frozen at
or 50 mg L-1 hygromycin, the presence of each transgene -80 °C until use. Because CAT2 and CAT3 gene expres-
was verified by PCR using a gene-specific forward primer sion is regulated by circadian rhythm, tissues were always
and a vector-specific reverse primer (see Supporting harvested 6 h after the beginning of illumination. Tissues
Information Table S1). were ground to a powder in liquid nitrogen and then
homogenized in a solution of 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0,
Antibody production 20% glycerol and 30 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) at 4 °C.
After centrifugation at 14 000 g for 30 min at 4 °C, the
CAT2 was amplified by PCR and subcloned into the supernatant was recovered and protein concentration was
EcoRI site of pET28a for expression in Escherichia quantified according to the method of Bradford (1976)
coli BL21 (DE3). The primers used for PCR were using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as the standard.
pET28aCAT2F and pET28aCAT2R (see Supporting Protein extracts containing 20 mg of total protein were
Information Table S1). All procedures for protein expres- separated by 7.5% native polyacrylamide gel electro-
sion and purification were carried out as previously phoresis with a 3.5% stacking gel for 14 h (70 V) at 4 °C in
described (Li, Hua & Lu 2006). The peptide (CLGQKLA- electrophoresis buffer (250 mM glycine, 25 mM Tris-HCl,
TRLNVRPNF) specific for CAT1 protein was synthesized pH 8.3). Subsequently, the gels were stained for catalase
by the Fmoc (9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl) method activity according to the method of Clare et al. (1984).
(Atherton & Sheppard 1989). Catalase activity assays were performed according to
A rabbit (New Zealand white rabbit) polyclonal antise- Veljovic-Jovanovic et al. (2001).
rum against recombinant AtCAT2 was prepared by subcu-
taneous administration of four injections of 300 mg of
purified recombinant AtCAT2. For the first injection, GUS staining
protein was mixed with 0.15 mL of complete Freund’s GUS staining was carried out according to the methods
adjuvant plus 0.11 mL of incomplete adjuvant. The anti- of Jefferson (1987). Briefly, tissues or whole plants
peptide antibody was produced from a rabbit by injecting were incubated at 37 °C overnight in staining solution
with the synthetic peptide conjugated to BSA, which (100 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.5, containing
had been activated by MBS (m-maleimidobenzoly-N- 10.0 mM EDTA, pH 8.0, 0.5 mM K3[Fe(CN)6] and
hydroxysuccinimide ester). Subsequent booster injections 0.5 mM K4[Fe(CN)6], 0.1% Triton X-100 and 1.0 mM
were administered at approximately 2 week intervals, and 5-bromo–chloro-3-indolyl-b-D-glucuronide). Chlorophyll
contained protein mixed (1:1) with incomplete adjuvant. was removed by rinsing the plant material in 70% ethanol.
Blood was collected 2 weeks after the last injection. Anti-
serum was collected following separation from clotted red
blood cells by centrifugation (2500 g for 15 min) and stored RESULTS
at -80 °C. Genomic characterization of cat1-1, cat2-1,
cat3-1, and cat2-1/cat3-1 insertion mutants
Western blot analysis of Arabidopsis
Tissue extracts containing 20 mg of total protein were mixed To obtain knockout mutants of the three Arabidopsis cata-
with 2 mL of 5XSDS-PAGE sample buffer (Sambrook et al. lase genes, we selected T-DNA insertion lines from the
1989) and then heated for 3 min at 95 °C. Proteins were Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center (ABRC) (Fig. 1a).
separated by 10% SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Using PCR with specific primers to analyse plants grown
and then electroblotted onto a nitrocellulose membrane. from T3 seeds, we identified homozygous T-DNA insertion
The membrane was blocked in 5% non-fat dry milk in lines (Fig. 1b), which we designated cat1-1, cat2-1 and
TBS-T (20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.6, 137 mM NaCl, and 0.1% cat3-1. T4 seeds obtained from the identified homozygotes
Tween 20) overnight at 4 °C and then washed three times in were used for all further analyses. Because CAT2 and CAT3
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Characterization of Arabidopsis catalase genes 1659

Figure 1. Genomic organization of cat mutants. (a) Structures of genes CAT1, CAT2 and CAT3 are shown with insertion sites of T-DNA
in knockout plant lines. Exons are indicated by blocks, introns by real lines, untranslated regions by broken lines and primers for the
genetic characterization by small black arrows. (b) Genomic characterization of T-DNA insertion lines. PCR with genomic DNA as
template showed the presence of T-DNA in each catalase gene in the appropriate mutant; lack of the wild-type-specific product showed
that the T-DNA allele was homozygous. Each wild-type (w) and T-DNA (T) primer pair was specific for the gene of the indicated mutant.
(c) T-DNA insertions resulted in loss of mRNA of the three catalase genes as shown by RT-PCR. Amplification of ubiquitin from the
same cDNA preparations was used as a positive control.

are highly expressed in leaves (Frugoli et al. 1996), we gen- approximately 33% that of wild-type fresh weight (Fig. 2c).
erated crosses of cat2-1 and cat3-1 to obtain a homozygous The cat2-1/cat3-1 double mutant exhibited a slightly more
double insertion mutant, which was also confirmed by PCR severe phenotype than the cat2-1 mutant (Fig 2–c). These
(Fig. 1b). The resulting double mutant was designated cat2- observations were consistent with previous reports by
1/cat3-1. When we analysed catalase gene expression in others (Bueso et al. 2007; Queval et al. 2007). Compared to
each of the cat mutants using RT-PCR and gene-specific wild-type plants, cat1-1, cat2-1, cat3-1, and cat2-1/cat3-1
primers that targeted the 3′-UTRs of the genes, we were exhibited variable reductions in catalase activity, retaining
unable to detect corresponding transcripts in any of the 92%, 24%, 83% and 7% of total wild type catalase activity,
mutants (Fig. 1c), indicating that they were complete gene respectively (Fig. 2d).

Expression patterns of CAT1, CAT2, and CAT3

Morphological and biochemical in leaves
characterization of cat mutants
Previous work has shown that deletion of CAT2, but not
The cat2 mutant was previously characterized as a CAT1 or CAT3, results in a growth suppression phenotype
photorespiratory mutant under standard irradiance of and obvious accumulation of H2O2 in leaves. To determine
200 mmol m-2 s-1, which is approximately 50% saturating for the mechanism of this differential effect of catalase gene
photosynthesis in the Columbia ecotype of A. thaliana cul- expression on the elimination of photorespiratory H2O2,
tivated in a controlled environment growth chamber we generated transgenic plants containing various CAT
(Queval et al. 2007). Under similar conditions, cat1-1 and promoter::GUS fusion constructs, and examined the expres-
cat3-1 were indistinguishable from wild-type plants (Fig. 2). sion pattern of each construct in leaves. Previously, the
By comparison, cat2-1 exhibited an altered morphology, expression pattern of catalase genes in different tissues
including pale green colour, up-curled leaves and reduced was analysed during senescence using a similar approach
size (Fig. 2a). There was a greater accumulation of H2O2 in (Zimmermann et al. 2006). The effect of catalase gene
the leaves of cat2-1 (Fig. 2b), and plant fresh weight was expression on plant growth was also studied. To gain further
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1660 Y-Q. Hu et al.

Figure 2. Morphological and biochemical characterization of wild-type and cat mutants (a) Top view of the 3-week-old wild-type and cat
mutants. Scale bars represent 1 cm. (b) H2O2 content in leaves of 3-week-old wild-type and cat mutants. Means and SE were calculated
from three independent experiments. FW, fresh weight. (c) Rosette fresh weight of 3-week-old wild-type and cat mutants. Means and SE
were calculated from five plants of each line. (d) Measurements of catalase activity of leaves of 3-week-old wild-type and cat mutants.
Means and SE were calculated from three independent experiments.

insight into the regulation of expression of catalase genes, Expression of catalase genes under the control
we analysed longer promoter sequences, consisting of over of heterologous CAT promoters differentially
2000 basepairs upstream of the cat start codon. As the affects the phenotype the cat2-1 mutant
abnormal phenotype of the cat2 mutant predominantly
affected leaves, we focused on GUS activity in the leaves of The expression patterns of the three catalase genes in
transgenic plants. The expression of CAT1 was abundant in leaves are quite different. To examine the role of differen-
the cotyledon of early seedlings (Fig. 3a), and decreased tial catalase gene expression on catalase function, we placed
with development (Fig. 3b). CAT1 expression was nearly expression of the catalase genes under the control of het-
undetectable in young or mature rosette leaves (Fig 3c & e), erologous CAT promoters, and examined the effect on the
but was induced and began to increase upon senescence cat2-1 mutant phenotype. Expression of a genomic frag-
(Fig. 3d). The expression of CAT2 localized predominantly ment incorporating the CAT2 locus under the control of the
to the mesophyll cells of green leaves (Fig 3f–h & j). As CAT2 promoter was able to complement the cat2-1 mutant
yellow cotyledons turned green, CAT2 expression levels phenotype; all 45 cat2-1/pCAT2::CAT2 transgenic plants
gradually rose (Fig 3f & g). CAT2 expression was down- were restored to the wild-type phenotype (Fig 4a & c–e).
regulated during leaf senescence and was much less abun- We then generated the following chimeric genes by placing
dant in senescent leaves (Fig. 3i). CAT3 was highly catalase coding regions, including part of the 3′-downstream
expressed in the vasculature of senescent cotyledon and region, under the control of a heterologous CAT promoter,
rosette leaves, but less so in mesophyll cells adjacent to the resulting in pCAT1::CAT2, pCAT3::CAT2, pCAT2::CAT3
vasculature (Fig 3l, m & o). CAT3 was weakly expressed in and pCAT2::CAT1. The chimeric genes were introduced
senescent leaves (Fig. 3n). together with the hygromycin resistance marker into a
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Characterization of Arabidopsis catalase genes 1661

(a) (b) (e)

(c) (d)

(f) (g) (j)

(h) (i)

(k) (l) (o)

(m) (n)

Figure 3. Histochemical analysis of expression patterns of Arabidopsis catalase genes. Glucuronidase (GUS) activity in transgenic
Arabidopsis carrying the CAT1 (a–e), CAT2 (f–j), and CAT3 (k–o) promoter::GUS transgenes was analysed by staining with X-Gluc.
Images are shown of young cotyledon (a, f, k) from 3-day-old seedlings, old cotyledon (b, g, l) from 14-day-old seedlings, mature leaves
(c, h, m) and whole plants from 14-day-old plants (e, j, o). Senescence leaves (d, i, n) from 7-week-old plants are also shown. Scale bars
represent 0.5 mm.

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1662 Y-Q. Hu et al.

Figure 4. Effects of the expression of catalase genes under the control of different CAT promoters on the phenotype of cat2-1 plants.
(a) Top view of the 3-week-old wild-type, cat2-1 and mutant derivatives. Scale bars represent 1 cm. (b) RT-PCR analysis of catalase genes
transcripts in the wild-type, cat2-1 and mutant derivatives. Total RNA was prepared from leaves of 3-week-old plants. Amplification of
ubiquitin from the same cDNA preparations was used as a positive control. The experiment was repeated three times with similar results.
(c) H2O2 content in leaves of 3-week-old wild-type, cat2-1 and mutant derivatives. Means and SE were calculated from three independent
experiments. FW, fresh weight. (d) Rosette fresh weight of 3-week-old wild-type, cat2-1 and mutant derivatives. Means and SE were
calculated from five plants of each line. (e) Measurements of catalase activity of leaves of 3-week-old wild-type, cat2-1 and mutant
derivatives. Means and SE were calculated from three independent experiments.

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Characterization of Arabidopsis catalase genes 1663

cat2-1 mutant background. Resultant T1 seeds were col-

lected and sown on MS agar plates containing hygromycin
to identify T1 transformants, and then hygromycin-resistant
T1 plants were transferred to soil and grown to maturity.
After 3 weeks, plants of all the mutant derivatives were
indistinguishable from cat2-1 mutants, with the exception of
cat2-1/pCAT2::CAT3 transformants, which expressed CAT3
under the control of the CAT2 promoter. Among the 49 T1
cat2-1/pCAT2::CAT3 plants, 37 exhibited obvious comple-
mentation, in that leaves were green and a wild-type pattern
of venation was restored. T2 seeds from all of the mutant
derivatives, which were 100% hygromycin-resistant,
were used as the homozygous lines for all subsequent
We analysed the leaves of the transgenic lines by
RT-PCR to determine whether the catalase genes were
expressed under the control of different CAT promoters
(Fig. 4b). Transcript levels of CAT1 and CAT3 were
markedly increased in cat2-1/pCAT2::CAT1 and cat2-1/
pCAT2::CAT3, respectively. We also detected the transcrip-
tion of CAT2 in cat2-1/pCAT1::CAT2 and cat2-1/
pCAT3::CAT2, the latter of which had wild-type levels of
transcription of CAT2. Figure 4c shows the accumulation of
H2O2 in the leaves of the different lines. The accumulation
of H2O2 in cat2-1/pCAT2::CAT2 was similar to wild-type.
The H2O2 levels in cat2-1/pCAT2::CAT3 transgenic lines
were significantly reduced as compared to that of the cat2-1
mutant, while in the other mutant derivatives, there were
no obvious differences as compared to the cat2-1 mutant. Figure 5. Characterization of CAT subunits by Western blot
We also examined the fresh weight of rosette leaves in analysis using antibodies against AtCAT2 and AtCAT1.
the different lines (Fig. 4d). The fresh weight of cat2-1/ Coomassie blue staining of the Rubisco protein was used as the
pCAT2::CAT2 leaves was similar to the wild-type, while that loading control. (a) Western blot analyses of SDS-PAGE of
of cat2-1/pCAT2::CAT3 was approximately 80% of the protein extracts (20 mg per lane) from flowers of wild-type and
wild-type. There were no obvious differences in rosette leaf cat mutants. (b) Western blot analyses of SDS-PAGE of protein
extracts (10 mg per lane) from leaves of 3-week-old wild-type,
fresh weights of the other lines as compared to the cat2-1
cat2-1 and mutant derivatives.
mutant. Catalase activity in cat2-1/pCAT2::CAT2 transgenic
plants was similar to wild-type, and there were obvious
increases in catalase activities in cat2-1/pCAT3::CAT2 and highly expressed in this part of the plant (Frugoli et al. 1996;
cat2-1/pCAT2::CAT3 plants (approximately 47% and 66% McClung 1997; Zimmermann et al. 2006). We detected a
of wild type, respectively) (Fig. 4e). The levels of catalase 57 kDa and 60 kDa catalase subunit by immunoblot
activity in cat2-1/pCAT1::CAT2 and cat2-1/pCAT2::CAT1 (Fig. 5a). The 60 kDa subunit was detected in wild-type,
plants did not vary markedly from that of the cat2-1 mutant. cat1-1 and cat2-1 mutant plants, but was absent in cat3-1 and
cat2-1/cat3-1, indicating that this band represented the
Biochemical analysis of catalase protein CAT3 subunit. The 57 kDa catalase subunit was strongly
detected in wild-type, cat1-1 and cat3-1, but was not
function in transgenic lines using
detected in cat2-1 and cat2-1/cat3-1, indicating that it repre-
promoter-exchange experiments
sented the CAT2 subunit.Although the deduced amino acid
While ectopic CAT transcription could be detected in all sequences of CAT1 and CAT2 are 86% identical and 95%
transgenic derivatives, there was no obvious increase similar (Tatusova & Madden 1999), we were unable to
of catalase activity in cat2-1/pCAT1::CAT2 and cat2-1/ detect the CAT1 subunit using our anti-AtCAT2 antibody.
pCAT2::CAT1 plants. To investigate this phenomenon in We then synthesized a CAT1-specific peptide, and used this
more detail, we examined changes of the level of catalase peptide as an antigen to generate a CAT1-specific peptide
subunits in all transgenic derivatives. Full-length recombi- antibody (as described in Materials and Methods). Immu-
nant Arabidopsis CAT2 was expressed and purified using E. noblot analysis using the CAT1-specific peptide antibody
coli, and then the purified protein was used to generate a revealed a 60 kDa catalase subunit, which was absent in
polyclonal anti-AtCAT2 antiserum. We examined catalase cat3-1 and cat2-1/cat3-1, by which we inferred that this band
subunit expression in flowers of Arabidopsis by Western represents the CAT3 subunit, and a 57 kDa catalase subunit
blot analysis, since all three catalase genes are known to be that was absent only from cat1-1, indicating that it
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1664 Y-Q. Hu et al.

represents the CAT1 subunit. Using these two antibodies,

we examined the levels of catalase subunits in the leaves of
3-week-old transgenic derivatives (Fig. 5b). Compared to
the cat2-1 mutant, the amount of CAT3 in cat2-1/
pCAT2::CAT3 transgenic plants was obviously increased.
The level of CAT2 subunit in cat2-1/pCAT1::CAT2 and
cat2-1/pCAT3::CAT2 derivatives was increased, with the
latter exhibiting a marked increase as compared to the
former, in agreement with the results of RT-PCR analysis.
We were unable to detect increased CAT1 in cat2-1/
pCAT2::CAT1 transgenic plants.
We next carried out a detailed biochemical analysis of
changes in the activities of the different catalase isoforms.
To date, six catalase isoforms have been identified in Ara-
bidopsis by non-denaturing gel electrophoresis (Frugoli
et al. 1996). Based on 3-AT inhibition experiments, three of
the Arabidopsis isoforms have been shown to correspond to
CAT1, CAT2 and CAT3 (Orendi et al. 2001); however, the
exact composition of the isoforms remains unknown. When
we analysed the composition of the catalase tetramer in
wild-type Arabidopsis and cat mutants, we identified seven
different isoforms (Fig. 6a). Isoform one was absent from
the cat1-1 mutant, suggesting that it was composed of only
CAT1. Likewise, we determined that isoform two was com-
posed of only CAT3, while isoform seven was composed of
only CAT2. Isoform three, which was very similar to
isoform two, was a novel isoform. It was absent in cat1-1,
cat2-1 and cat2-1/cat3-1 mutants, indicating that it was com-
posed of CAT1 and CAT2. Similarly, isoform four and
isoform six appeared to be composed of CAT1 and CAT2,
while isoform five was composed of CAT2 and CAT3.
We examined the activity of catalase isoforms in the
leaves of 3-week-old mutant derivatives that were develop-
mentally indistinguishable from wild-type plants. Wild-type
and cat2-1 mutant plants were used as controls (Fig. 6b). We
were unable to detect CAT2 catalase activity in cat2-1/
pCAT1::CAT2 transgenics. There was no obvious change in
the activity of isoform one, which was composed of CAT1,
in cat2-1/pCAT2::CAT1 transgenic plants as compared to
the cat2-1 mutant. In contrast, the activity of isoform two,
which was composed of CAT3, was increased by approxi-
mately 80% in cat2-1/pCAT2::CAT3 transgenic plants, Figure 6. Characterization of catalase isoforms by zymograms
and CAT2 catalase activity was detected in cat2-1/ analysis. (a) Zymogram of catalase isoforms activity in flowers of
pCAT3::CAT2 plants. We then examined catalase activity in wild-type and cat mutants. Horizontal lines indicate the seven
senescent leaves, in which there is a 50–75% loss of chloro- catalase isoforms resolved; (b) Zymogram of catalase activity in
phyll, in 7 week-old plants (Fig. 6c).The activities of isoform leaves of 3-week-old wild-type, cat2-1 and mutant derivatives.
three through six were detected in cat2-1/pCAT1::CAT2, (c) Zymogram of catalase activity in senescence leaves (50–75%
loss of chlorophyll) of 7-week-old wild-type, cat2-1 and mutant
whereas there was still no detectable change in the activity
derivatives. All the experiments were repeated at least four times
of isoform one in cat2-1/pCAT2::CAT1 as compared to the showing always the same results.
cat2-1 mutant.

for the post-transcriptional block in CAT1 expression from

Role of the 3⬘-UTR in the function of CAT2
the CAT2 promoter, we generated CAT1-CAT2 and CAT2-
Although the amino acid sequences of the three catalase CAT1 gene chimeras by exchanging the 3′-untranslated
subunits are 75–84% identical and 87–94% similar (Frugoli regions of CAT1 and CAT2 with each other, and then exam-
et al. 1996), the nucleotide sequences of the 3′-UTRs are ining the expression of the chimeras under the control of
highly divergent among the three cDNAs. To investigate the CAT2 promoter in the cat2-1 mutant background.
whether differences in 3′-UTR sequences were responsible Among the 44 T1 cat2-1/pCAT2::CAT1-CAT2 transgenic
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Characterization of Arabidopsis catalase genes 1665

plants, which expressed a chimeric CAT1 coding region and there were high levels of photorespiratory H2O2 (Fig. 4c).
CAT2 3′-UTR, 39 exhibited full complementation, in that Although the expression of CAT3 was abundant in mature
the levels of H2O2 in leaves and rosette fresh weight were leaves, expression was specific to vascular tissues (Fig. 3).
similar to wild-type plants (Fig 7b & c), and catalase activity Further analysis revealed that in cat2-1/pCAT3::CAT2
in leaves was restored to 88% of wild-type levels (Fig. 7d). transgenic plants (CAT2 under control of the CAT3 pro-
By comparison, there was a much higher accumulation of moter), CAT2-specific isoform activity in CAT3-expressing
H2O2 in leaves of cat2-1/pCAT2::CAT2-CAT1 transgenic regions was readily detected (Fig. 6b). However, while total
plants as compared to cat2-1/pCAT2::CAT2 plants (Fig. 7b), catalase activity was increased by approximately 50%
and the rosette fresh weight and catalase activity in leaves (Fig. 4e), the accumulation of H2O2 in leaves was not mark-
reverted to 50% and 48% of wild type, respectively (Fig 7c edly decreased (Fig. 4c). In conclusion, the results clearly
& d). Biochemical analysis of catalase proteins showed that demonstrated that the photorespiratory role of CAT2
CAT1 catalase activity was increased in leaves of cat2-1/ is determined mainly by the regulation of its promoter
pCAT2::CAT1-CAT2 plants, whereas catalase activity con- activity
tributed by CAT2 in leaves of cat2-1/pCAT2::CAT2-CAT1 The 3′-UTR is crucial for several aspects of post-
plants was decreased significantly as compared to cat2-1/ transcriptional regulation, including mRNA transport from
pCAT2::CAT2 transgenics (Fig 8a & b). the nucleus into the cytoplasm, enhancement of mRNA
transcript stability and regulation of mRNA translation
(Zhao, Hyman & Moore 1999; Grzybowska, Wilczynska &
Siedlecki 2001; Proudfoot, Furger & Dye 2002). The
Based on molecular analyses of catalase gene expression in absence of a 3′-UTR has been shown to result in low trans-
different plants (Ni & Trelease 1991; Willekens et al. 1994; lational efficiency of cat1 mRNA in rye leaves in vitro
Suzuki et al. 1995), plant catalases have been subdivided (Schmidt, Grief & Feierabend 2006). In the current study,
into three classes (Willekens, Inzé & Van Montagu 1995). we investigated the function of the 3′-UTR of Arabidopsis
Unlike Class III catalases, which are highly expressed in CAT2 mRNA in vivo. When driven by the same CAT2
young seedlings and senescent tissues, Class I and Class II promoter, the replacement of the CAT2 3′-UTR by that of
catalases are abundant in mature plants. While Class II CAT1 led to obvious decreases in levels of CAT2 subunit as
catalases are mainly expressed in vascular tissues, Class I well as catalase activity contributed by CAT2 (Fig. 8), and
catalases are light-dependent and are most prominent in accompanied by a marked increase in the levels of H2O2 in
photosynthetic cells. Thus, it has been postulated that Class leaves (Fig. 7b). On the other hand, when driven by the
I catalases are more important in the removal of H2O2 CAT2 promoter, transcription of CAT1 in leaves increased
produced during photorespiration than members of the significantly, but there were no obvious changes detected in
other classes (Willekens et al. 1994, 1995; Zimmermann the levels of CAT1 subunit. When the 3′-UTR of CAT1 was
et al. 2006). Recent studies of an Arabidopsis cat2 mutant replaced by that of CAT2, active CAT1 was expressed
have verified this hypothesis (Bueso et al. 2007; Queval et al. under the control of the CAT2 promoter and photorespira-
2007). The results of the current study confirm and expand tory H2O2 was efficiently eliminated (Fig. 8). These results
these earlier findings. Firstly, a major photorespiratory role suggested that the 3′-UTR of CAT2 is vital for regulating
of CAT2 was demonstrated by the finding that the loss of the protein level of CAT2 under photorespiratory
neither CAT1 nor CAT3 resulted in a photorespiration phe- conditions.
notype, and the loss of CAT3 did not markedly aggravate There is growing evidence that H2O2 serves as a major
the phenotype of the cat2 mutant (Fig. 2). Secondly, an signalling molecule in various aspects of cellular function in
important regulatory role of the CAT2 promoter was plants (Apel & Hirt 2004; Foyer & Noctor 2005; Vanderau-
demonstrated by complementation experiments, in which wera et al. 2005; Gechev et al. 2006). However, our under-
expression of CAT2 and ectopic expression of CAT3 or the standing of the mechanisms that control H2O2 production
chimeric gene CAT1-CAT2 complemented the cat2 mutant and metabolism is relatively limited. As a scavenger or
phenotype when they were placed under the control of the door-keeper for H2O2, catalase plays an important role not
CAT2 promoter (Figs 4 and 7). Our results suggest that the only in protecting cells against oxidant stress, but also in
mechanism by which CAT1 and CAT3 are restricted from governing cellular redox homeostasis and by extension, the
participating in the photorespiratory process involves regu- regulation of cellular signalling (Baker & Orlandi 1995;
lation at the level of expression. Promoter-GUS analysis Xing, Jia & Zhang 2008; Foyer et al. 2009). Photorespiration
revealed that CAT1, a Class III catalase, is expressed mainly is by far the fastest H2O2-producing system in photosyn-
in senescent leaves (Fig. 3). In agreement with this, in cat2- thetic cells (Noctor et al. 2002). There is good evidence that
1/pCAT1::CAT2 transgenic plants, which expressed CAT2 reduced catalase expression under photorespiratory condi-
under the control of the CAT1 promoter, CAT2 isoform tions causes dramatic adjustments in the glutathione pool
activity in CAT1-expressing regions was detected only in (Smith et al. 1985; Queval et al. 2007, 2009), a key thiol/
senescent leaves (50–75% loss of chlorophyll) (Fig. 6c), in disulfide buffer in cellular redox homeostasis (Foyer &
which degradation of chlorophylls and Rubisco leads to a Noctor 2005). On the other hand, H2O2 production and
rapid decline in photosynthetic activity and photorespira- signalling under abiotic stresses could also activate the
tion (Friedrich & Huffaker 1980; Jiang et al. 1993), and expression and activity of catalase (Orendi et al. 2001; Xing
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 33, 1656–1670
1666 Y-Q. Hu et al.

Figure 7. Effects of CAT1-CAT2 and CAT2-CAT1 chimeric gene expression in the CAT2-expression region (a) Top view of the
3-week-old wild-type and cat2-1 and mutant derivatives. Scale bars represent 1 cm. (b) H2O2 content in leaves of 3-week-old wild-type,
cat2-1 and mutant derivatives. Means and SE were calculated from three independent experiments. FW, fresh weight. (c) Rosette fresh
weight of 3-week-old wild-type, cat2-1 and mutant derivatives. Mean values from five plants are shown. (d) Measurements of catalase
activity of leaves of 3-week-old wild-type, cat2-1 and mutant derivatives. Means and SE were calculated from three independent

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Characterization of Arabidopsis catalase genes 1667

complicated mechanism would appear to adjust the catalase

activity of CAT2 at the post-transcriptional level. The
results of the current study support this hypothesis, and
demonstrate further that the 3′-UTR is a vital element in
the regulation of CAT2 under stress conditions. Taken
together, the results suggest that a mechanism controls the
level of H2O2 in leaves by regulating the level of CAT2
protein, and that this mechanism may depend on the cis-
elements of 3′-UTR of CAT2. When plants are grown under
non-stress conditions (such as low irradiance and high
levels of CO2), CAT2 protein would be maintained at a low
level, resulting in the optimal level of H2O2 for signalling
(Apel & Hirt 2004). Conversely, when plants are transferred
to stress conditions (such as high irradiance and air), the
protein level of CAT2 would increase (Queval et al. 2007).
Thus, the role of CAT2 would be twofold; firstly, it would
protect cells from H2O2 toxicity, and secondly, it would
modulate the level of H2O2 to maintain the optimal redox
state of antioxidants, such as ascorbate or glutathione,
which activate redox signalling pathways (Vanacker, Carver
& Foyer 2000; Michelet et al. 2005; Michelet et al. 2008). Our
study of this 3′-UTR may further facilitate research into
hydrogen peroxide signalling and whole cell redox homeo-
stasis. To avoid interference from other CAT mRNAs, we
used primers based on 3′-UTR sequences to analyse for
mRNA abundance. Unfortunately, these primers were not
suitable for the analysis of the expression of chimeric genes
with exchanged 3′-UTRs. Hence, the precise mechanism of
Figure 8. Biochemical analysis of catalase proteins of post-transcriptional regulation of CAT2 by the 3′-UTR
transgenic lines in the 3′-untranslated regions-exchange remains to be elucidated.
experiments (a) Western blot analyses of SDS-PAGE of protein Unlike animals, which generally have a single catalase
extracts (10 mg per lane) from leaves of 3-week-old wild-type, gene, plants contain multiple catalase isoforms that are
cat2-1 and mutant derivatives using antibodies against AtCAT2
encoded by gene families (McClung 1997; Heinze & Ger-
and AtCAT1. Coomassie blue staining of the Rubisco protein
was used as the loading control. (b) Zymogram of catalase hardt 2002; Feierabend 2005). The roles of catalase isoforms
activity in leaves of 3-week-old wild-type, cat2-1 and mutant are still a matter of great interest because the specific func-
derivatives. tions of some of them have not been fully elucidated
(Feierabend 2005). Catalase isoform arise through oligo-
merization of subunits into tetramers, and higher plants
et al. 2007; Du et al. 2008). Abscisic acid (ABA) is a well- may simultaneously express homotetrameric and heterotet-
known regulator of plant stress tolerance and plant physi- rameric CAT isoforms (Fita & Rossmann 1985; Gouet,
ology, and ABA-induced H2O2 leads to a clear increase in Jouve & Dideberg 1995; Heinze & Gerhardt 2002). When
the levels of CAT1 transcript and isoform activity in a CAT subunit polypeptides encoded by distinct genes are
process that appears to be mediated by AtMKK1- and simultaneously expressed in the same cell, heterotetramers
AtMPK6-coupled mitogen-activated protein kinase signal- of CAT can form (Santos et al. 2006). Identification of the
ling (Du et al. 2008; Xing et al. 2008). The expression of components of these catalase isoforms will contribute to a
CAT3 was enhanced under oxidative stress at the develop- better understanding of their function. A dicotyledonous
mental stage, and was accompanied by a clear increase in plant, Arabidopsis contains three subunits that associate to
CAT3 activity (Orendi et al. 2001). Unlike CAT1 and CAT3, form at least six catalase isozymes (Frugoli et al. 1996).
the enzyme activity of CAT2 does not always correlate with Based on 3-AT inhibition experiments, three of them have
CAT2 expression (Orendi et al. 2001; Queval et al. 2007), been shown to correspond to CAT1, CAT2 and CAT3
as reported for Class I catalase in rye (Schmidt et al. 2002). (Orendi et al. 2001). Here, by comparing catalase isoforms
For example, the expression of CAT2 was enhanced under in wild-type and cat mutants, we identified seven different
oxidative stress while CAT2 activity remained unaffected isozymes (Fig. 6a). Our data showed that three of them
(Orendi et al. 2001). A recent study demonstrated that were composed of only CAT1, CAT2, or CAT3 subunits; the
increasing the rate of photorespiration causes a significant remaining four were composed of CAT2 and either CAT1
increase in catalase activity that is accompanied by an or CAT3. These results could reflect the sub-cellular local-
increase in CAT2 expression, but not by an increase in ization of catalase subunits. It is possible that CAT2 local-
the CAT2 transcript level (Queval et al. 2007). Hence, a izes to the same sub-cellular compartments as CAT1 or
© 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 33, 1656–1670
1668 Y-Q. Hu et al.

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