Guru Nanak Institute of Technology: 2020-2021 Mathematics-I M101

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An Autonomous Institute under MAKAUT
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable

(Multiple Choice Type Questions)
Answer any ten from the following, choosing the correct alternative of each question: 10×1=10
Marks CO No
(i) If f’(x)=0 in an interval then in that interval f is 1 CO1
1. a) Zero
b) discontinuous
c) continuous
d) none of these
(ii) The pair of the functions which satisfy the conditions of Cauchy’s M.V.T. 1 CO3
in [-1,1] is
a) 3 𝑥 , 𝑥 2
b) , 𝑥
c) |x|, x
d) 𝑥 + 2 , 𝑥 2
(iii) Which of the following functions does not satisfy Rolle’s theorem 1 CO2
in −2,2 interval
b) 𝑥−1
c) x
d) none of this
(iv) 2
  
The value of a for which 2 x i  2 x  y j  3az  2 x k is a
 1 CO2

solenoidal is
a) -1
b) 0
c) 1
d) 2
(v) In the Taylor’s series expansion of f(x), the expression (hn/n!).f(n)(a + 𝜃h) 1 CO2
is known as
a) Cauchy’s remainder
b) Maclaurin’s remainder
c) Taylor’s remainder
d) Lagrange’s remainder
(vi) If Rank(A)=3, then the matrix A3x3 is 1 CO2
a) singular
b) non singular
c) orthogonal
d) None

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(vii) Identify the correct statements 1 CO1

a) A bounded monotonic sequence is divergent
b) A bounded monotonic sequence is convergent
c) A bounded monotonic sequence is oscillatory
d) A bounded monotonic sequence may not have finite limit
(viii) If A= [aij]5x7 , then 1 CO4
a) Rank(A) >5
b) Rank(A) <5
c) Rank(A)  5
d) None
(ix) If f ( x, y)  x3  y 3 , then (0, 0) is a saddle point. 1 CO3
a) true
b) false.
(x) 1 1 1
The series 1 − + − + ⋯ is 1 CO2
2 3 4
a) absolutely convergent
b) conditionally convergent
c) oscillatory
d) divergent
2  2 2  1 CO2

Two eigen values of a matrix A  1 1 1  are 2 and -2. The third

1 3  1
eigen value is
a) 1
b) 0
c) 3
d) 2
(xii) If for the series ∞1 𝑢𝑛 , lim𝑛 →∞ 𝑢𝑛 = 0 then the series is 1 CO1
a) necessarily convergent
b) necessarily divergent
c) not necessarily convergent
d) none of these

(Short Answer Type Questions)
Answer any three from the following: 3×5=15
Marks CO No
2. Using Lagrange’s mean value theorem ,prove the following 5 CO3
x/(1+x2) < tan-1x < x, 0 < x < /2
3. Find the rank of the following matrix using elementary row operation: 5 CO3
 2 3  1 1
 
A=  3 0 4 2
 6 9  3 3
 
4. Examine the convergence or divergence of the series 5 CO2
1+ x/2 + x2/5 + x3/10 +…
5 Find the volume of revolution generated by the region enclosed by y = 5 CO5
x and the line y = 1 , x =4 about x-axis.

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∞ −𝑥 4 ∞ −𝑥 4 𝜋
6. Prove that 0
𝑒 𝑥 2 dx × 0
𝑒 dx =8 2
5 CO5

(Long Answer Type Questions)
Answer any three from the following: 3×15=45
Marks CO No
7. (a)
1 1 2  5 CO3
 
Verify Cayley-Hamilton theorem for the matrix 3 1 1 . Hence
 
2 3 1 
evaluate A-1.
(b) Show that the following sequence is monotonic increasing: 4 CO2
(c) Given the system of equations : 6 CO4
x1  4x 2  2x 3 1
2 x1  7 x 2  5 x 3  2 k
4x1  mx 2  10x 3  2k  1,
find for what values of k and m the system has (i) a unique solution ,(ii)
no solution, (iii) many solutions.
8. (a) Verify Rolle’s theorem for the function f ( x)  x in  1  x  1 5 CO3
1    4 CO2
sin 450  2 1  
Prove that 2  180 

(c) State Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem. Write Taylor’s formula for the 6 CO4
f ( x)  log(1  x), 1  x   about x  2 with Lagrange’s form of
remainder after 3 terms.
9. (a) ur r r r 6 CO3
If Ñf = ( y 2 - 2 xyz 3 )i + (3 + 2 xy - x 2 z 3 ) j + (6 z 3 - 3x 2 yz 2 )k , then
find f .

(b) Show that curl grad f  0 , where f  x 2 y  2 xy  z 2 . 4 CO2
(c) Find the directional derivative of f ( x, y, z )  x 2 yz  4 xz 2 at the point 5 CO2
 
(1,  2,  1) in the direction of the vector 2i  j  2k
10. (a) Show that the surface area of the solid generated by revolving the cycloid 5 CO3
64 2
X = a (θ - sinθ), Y = a (1- cosθ) about the line y=0 is a
(b) Find the radius of curvature at the point (r, 𝜃) on the Cardioid r = a(1 - 5 CO2
cos 𝜃).
(c) 2 5 CO4
x 2 dx 64 2
Prove that 
0 2 x


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x 3  y 3 
1 1

6 CO3
11. (a) If u  sin   , then prove that

 x  y 

 2u  2u 2  u
tan u  13 tan 2 u 
x2  2 xy  y    
x 2 xy y 2 12  12 12 
(b) Show that 𝑨 = 2 𝑖𝑥 2 + 𝑗𝑦 2 + 𝑘 𝑧 2 is irrotational. 3 CO3
(c) Find the maxima and minima of the following function: 6 CO2
x  y  63( x  y)  12 xy
3 3

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