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Sadiq Public School

Do the right, fear no man

Subject: Chemistry Class: C1 Day: Wednesday, 14-4-2021

This lesson is about the changes in states of matter and kinetic particle theory.

A: Inquiry

A state of a matter can be changed by heating or cooling to another state. Do you know the process of
condensation? Do you know about kinetic particle theory?

B: Information

In previous lessons you have studied that we can convert solids into liquids on heating. Further heating
changes a liquid into a gas. Similarly we can reverse these changes again by cooling.

Condensation: As a gas is cooled, its particles lose energy and move more slowly. When they collide, they
do not have enough energy to bounce away. So they stay close, and form a liquid.
On further cooling, the liquid turns to a solid.
Sublimation: When a solid is heated it directly changes from solid to gas without passing through liquid
state. Similarly when the gas is cooled a solid is formed again. This is called sublimation.
The kinetic particle theory

According to kinetic particle theory:

A substance can be a solid, a liquid, or a gas, and change from one state to another.

It has different characteristics in each state. (For example, solids do not flow.)
The differences are due to the arrangement and movements of particles in each state.
Look at this diagram for water:

1- Please watch video on the changes of state of matter.

C: Synthesis / Absorbing the information

1- Write in points about change of states of matter, you have understood from the above given
information and the video.

D: Practising

Please write all the answers of the questions in your notebook.

1. What happens to a gas when it is cooled?

2. Define the following terms
i. Condensation ii. Sublimation.
3. Draw a diagram to show what happens to the particles, when a liquid cools to a solid.

Using the idea of particles, explain why:

a. you can pour liquids b. solids expand on heating

E: Feedback

 Students send me email on my official email address provided below to let me know that you are
receiving the lessons and to show your participation. There is no need to send the photos of daily
homework. You will have an assessment on every Thursday. Please send the answers of
assessment only via email.

If you have any question about the above topic, you can ask me through email and I will reply as
soon as possible.
Class Teacher’s Teacher’s Teacher’s Email Address Instructions
name abbreviation
C1A Saqib Rizvi SIR C1A students will send
their home
assignments to their
subject teacher (SIR) for
checking and getting
C1B Samina SA C1B and C1C students
C1C Aijaz will send their home
assignments to their
subject teacher (SA) for
checking and getting
C1GA Shaista SHJ C1GA students will
Jamil send their home
assignments to their
subject teacher (SHJ)
for checking and
getting feedback

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