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Second Pre Board Examination (2020-21)

Subject: Social Science

Class - X
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
i. Question paper comprises five Sections – A, B, C, D and E. There are 32 questions in the question
paper. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Section A – Question no. 1 to 16 are Objective Type Questions of 1 mark each.
iii. Section B – Question no. 17 to 22 are short answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer
to each question should not exceed 80 Words.
iv. Section C – Question no. 23 to 26 are source based questions, carrying 4 marks each.
v. Section D – Question no. 27 to 31 are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each. Answer to
each question should not exceed 120 Words.
vi. Section E – Question no. 32 is map based, carrying 5 marks with two parts, 32.1 from History (2
marks) and 32.2 from Geography (3 marks). vii. There is no overall choice in the question paper.
However, an internal choice has been provided in few questions. Only one of the choices in Such
questions have to be attempted.
viii. In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever
SECTION A (1X16=16)
Q1 ‘Nationalism’, which emerged as a force in the late 19th century, means. `` 1
(a) strong devotion for one’s own country and its history and culture.
(b) Strong devotion for one’s own country without appreciation for other nations.
(c) Strong love for one’s own country and hatred for others.
(d) Equally strong devotion for all the countries of the world.
Q2. The most serious source of nationalist tension in Europe, after 1871, was an area called 1
(a) ottoman
(c) Balkans
(d) Macedonia
Q3.What was the main problem with the Simon commission? 1
(a)It was an all British Commission.
(b)It was formed in Britain
©It was setup in response to the Nationalist Movement
(d)All of the above
Q4. Due to the violent incident in _____, Gandhiji called of the noncooperation movement. 1
_____________ was known as ‘lion of Punjab’

Q5 choose the correctly matched pair about the Nationalism in India from the following option. 1
A ‘pickets’ refer to British traders
B Baba Ramachandra Sabarmati
C the Rowlett Act Stealing from shop
D Oudh kisan sabha Jawaharlal Nehru
Q 6. Which is the right condition for the growth of maize? 1
(a) Temperature between 21 °C to 27°C and old alluvial soil
(b) Temperature below 17°C and shallow black soil
(c) Temperature of 25°C and 200 cm of rainfall
(d) None of the above
Q7. Which of the following crops is an important raw material for automobile industry? 1
(a) Pulses
(b) Ragi
(c) Rubber
(d) None of the above
Q8. Which one of the following describes a system of agriculture where a single crop is grown on a large are
(a) Shifting agriculture
(b) Plantation agriculture
(c) Horticulture
(d) Intensive agriculture
Q9 belief that the majority community should be able to rule a country in whichever way it wants, by
disregarding the wishes and needs of the minority is: 1
(a) Power Sharing
(b) Central Government
(c) Majoritarianism
(d) Community Government
Q10 Define mejoritarianism 1
Define Ethnicity.
Q11. In India’s federal system, which level of government has the power to legislate on residuary subjects?
which level of government in India legislates on the residuary subjects?
Q12Which one of the following statements defines ‘Literacy Rate’? 1
(a) Total literate population divided by total population
(b) Total literate population divided by literate population
(c) Proportion of illiterate population in the 18 and above age group.
(d) It measures the proportion of literate proportion in the 7 years and above age group.
Q13 Read the information given below and select the correct option - 1
shyam is an agricultural labourer. There are several months in a year when he has no work and needs credit to
meet his daily expenses. He depends upon his employer, the landowner for credit who charges an interest rate of
5 per cent per month. Shyam repays the money by working physically for the landowner on his farmland.
Over the years his debt will –
A. Increase - because of increasing interest and non-payment of monthly amount
B. Remain constant - as he is working for the employer but is repaying less
C. Reduce - as amount equivalent to his salary is being counted as monthly repayment
D. Be totally repaid - as he is repaying the debt in the form of physical labour
Most of the agricultural labourers like shyam depend upon loans from informal sector. Which of the following
statements about this sector is correct –
A. There are govt. bodies to supervise informal sector
B. Money lenders ask for a reasonable rate of interest
C. Cost of informal loans to the borrower is quite high
D. Money lenders use fair means to get their money back
Q14 what is the main source of income of a bank? 1
(a) Bank charges that the depositors pay for keeping their money safe is the main source of the bank’s income.
(b) The difference between what is charged from the borrowers and paid to the depositors is the main source of
bank’s income.
(c) Banks earn huge amounts of money by investing the money of the depositors in various company shares.
(d) The Government of India gives huge amounts of money to the banks to help their smooth functioning.

Q15. Which one of the following Indian industries has been hit hard by globalization? 1
(a) Information Technology (IT)
(b) Toy making
(c) Jute
(d) Cement
Q16In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason ®. Read the
statements and chose the correct option: 1
Assertion (A): Different people have different development goals.
Reason ®: People want freedom, equality, security and respect
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true
Q17. How was the Rowlett Act opposed by the people in India? Explain with examples. 3
Q18.List any three features of the Civil Code of 1804 usually known as the Napoleonic Code. 3
Write a short note on Count Camillo de Cavour.
Q19 what were the aim of Agenda 21 to achieve global sustainable development? 3
Q20 How are constitutional changes made in a federal system? 3
Describe any three federal features of Indian democracy.
Q21.why do we need to expand formal source of credit in India? Give three reasons. 3
Q22what can be done to make development sustainable? Is the issue of sustainability important for
development? 3
Q.23.Read the source given below and answer the questions that follows: (4x4=16)
The Independence Day Pledge, 26 Jan. 1930: We believe that it is inalienable right of the Indian people, as of
any other people, to have freedom and to enjoy the fruits of their toil and have the necessities of life, so that they
may have full opportunities of growth. We believe also that if any government deprives a people of these rights
and oppresses them, the people have a further right to alter it or to abolish it. The British Government in India
has not only deprived the Indian people of their freedom but has based itself on the exploitation of the masses,
and has ruined India economically, politically, culturally and spiritually. We believe, therefore, that India must
severe the British connection and attain Purna Swaraj or Complete Independence.
(a) In what two ways was the British rule in India oppressive? 1
(b) The British Government in India has deprived the Indian people of their freedom, Explain. 1
©what is purna Swaraj? 1
(d)Explain the right of the Indian people which they should have it 1
Q24 Read the given extract and answer the following questions.
In a democracy, we are most concerned with ensuring that people will have the right to choose their rulers and
people will have control over the rulers. Whenever possible and necessary, citizens should be able to participate
in decision making that affects them all. Therefore, the most basic outcome of democracy should be that it
produces a government that is accountable to the citizens, and responsive to the needs and expectations of the
citizens. Some people think that democracy produces less effective government. It is, of course, true that non-
democratic rulers are very quick and efficient in decision making and implementation, whereas, democracy is
based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation. So, some delay is bound to take place. But, because it has
followed procedures, its decisions may be both more acceptable to the people and more effective. Moreover,
when citizens want to know if a decision was taken through the correct procedures, they can find this out. They
have the right and the means to examine the process of decision making. This is known as transparency. This
factor is often missing from a non-democratic government. There is another aspect in which democratic
government is certainly better than its alternatives: democratic government is legitimate government. It may be
slow, less efficient, not always very responsive, or clean. But a democratic government is people’s own
Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option
24.1. People’s right to choose their own rulers is called as the – 1
A. Right to Initiate
B. Right to Plebiscite
C. Right to Vote
D. Right to Referendum
24.2. Which of the following options helps in promoting transparency in the governance? 1
A. Right to education
B. Right to information
C. Right against exploitation
D. Right to speech and expression
24.3. __________________________ makes/ the government legitimate. 1
A. Credibility of politicians
B. People’s movements
C. Free and fair elections
D. Holding of powers
24.4. Decisions in a democracy are more acceptable to the people because they are - 1
A. Taken swiftly and implemented quickly
B. Taken by giving privileges to the people
C. Taken through elites’ votes
D. Taken after following due processes
Q25. Source A Ernest Renan, ‘What is a Nation?
A nation is the culmination of a long past of endeavors, sacrifice and devotion. A heroic past, great men, glory
that is the social capital upon which one bases a national idea. To have common glories in the past, to have a
common will in the present, too. Have performed great deeds together, to wish to perform still more, these are
the essential conditions of being a people.
A nation is therefore a large-scale solidarity … Its existence is a daily plebiscite … A province is its inhabitants;
if anyone has the right to be consulted, it is the inhabitant. A nation never has any real interest in annexing or
holding on to a country against its will.
The existence of nations is a good thing, a necessity even. Their existence is a guarantee of liberty, which would
be lost if the world had only one law and only one master.
25.1 Why, in philosopher Ernest Renan view, are nations important? 1
25.2 Summaries the attributes of a nation, as Renan understands them. 1
25.3 Define province. 1
25.4 What makes a nation? 1
A sacrifice and devotion.
B A heroic past,
C great men, glory
D all of these
Q26 Read the source given below and answer the following questions -
Ford Motors, an American company, is one of the world’s largest automobile manufacturers with production
spread over 26 countries of the world. Ford Motors came to India in 1995 and spent Rs. 1700 crore to set up a
large plant near Chennai. This was done in collaboration with Mahindra and Mahindra, a major Indian
manufacturer of jeeps and trucks. By the year 2004, Ford Motors was selling 27,000 cars in the Indian markets,
while 24,000 cars were exported from India to South Africa, Mexico and Brazil. The company wanted to
develop Ford India as a component supplying base for its other plants across the globe.
26.1 would u say ford motor id MNC and why? 1
26.2 What is foreign investment? 1
26.3 In what ways MNCs different from other companies? 1
26.4 26.3. By setting up their production plants in India, Ford Motors wanted to – 1
A. Collaborate with a leading Indian Automobile company
B. Satisfy the demands of American, African and Indian markets
C. Tap the benefits of low-cost production and a large market
D. Take over small automobile manufacturing units in India.
SECTION D(5x5=25)
Q27. Nationalism spreads when people begin to believe that they are all part of the same nation.” Support the
statement. 5
How did the Colonial Government repress the ‘Civil Disobedience Movement’? Explain.
Q28. Explain any five major problems faced by road transport in India. 5
Define the term ‘tourism’ why is tourism known as a trade? Explain
Q29.why does modern democracies could not exist without political parties? 5
Q30. ‘Power sharing is the essence of a democratic government.’ Examine the statement. 5
Q31.Distinguish between public sector and private sectors. 5
What are the advantages of working in the organized sectors?
32.1 Two places A and B have been marked on the given outline map of India.
Identify them and write their correct names on the lines drawn near them
(a) Place where congress session of December 1920 took place.
(b) the place where Non-cooperation Movement ended abruptly due to violence
32.2 On the same outline map of India locate and label any THREE of the following with suitable Symbols.
(i) A softwere technology park.
(ii) Hirakund Dam.
(iii) A nuclear power plant.
(iv) Indira Gandhi International Airport.

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